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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 2003

Services Web avec J2EE: Conception et implémentation by Maessano, Libero, Bernard, Christian, Le Galles, Xavier
Techniques for Adaptive Control by Vandoren, Vance
Advanced Metallization Conference 2002 (AMC 2002): Volume 18 by
Oracle 9i: SQL et PL/SQL by Bizoï, Razvan
Proceedings of the 15th Ifac World Congress, Vol. G: Hybrid Systems by Ifac
Proceedings of the 15th Ifac World Congress, Vol. J: Fault Detection and Supervision by Ifac
Erlang programmation by Rémond, Mickaël
Méthodes et pratiques de la performance by Lorino, Philippe
La résilience économique: ...une chance de recommencement... by Richemond, Alain
UNIX utilisateur: Maîtriser UNIX en mode commande. Découvrir les spécifités de Linux et KDE by Goubet, G., Berlat, A., Bouchaudy, J. -F
PowerPoint 2003 by Morié, Patrick, Montjauze, Catherine
Mettre en place et exploiter un centre d'appels by Devoitine, Patrick
Intermetallic Compounds - Physics and Chemistry by Desch, C. H.
Dennis Tito: First Space Tourist by Randolph, Joanne
Communication Satellites by Byers, Ann
Eigenheime Auf Kleinen Grundstücken by Weeber, Rotraut, Wölfle, Gunther, Weeber, Hannes
Red Gold of Africa: Copper in Precolonial History and Culture by Herbert, Eugenia W.
Adrift in the Technological Matrix by Flinn, Anthony, Erben, David L. Ed
The Thermionic Vacuum Tube-Physics and Electronics by Van Der Bijl, H. J.
Städtebau: Ein Grundkurs by Meyer, Johannes
Water and Your Health: Clean Water Is Vital to Your Health by Hunter, Beatrice Trum
Mineral Resources Management and the Environment by Aswathanarayana, U.
Cctv by
Japan and the Internet Revolution by Coates, K., Holroyd, C.
Content and Complexity: information Design in Technical Communication by
Water Resources Management by Stephenson, David
Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials by Soboyejo, W. O., Soboyejo, Soboyejo, Soboyejo, Wole
Fundamentals of Rail Vehicle Dynamics by Wickens, Alan
Groundwater Engineering - Recent Advances: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Okayama, Japan, May 2003 by
The Premixing Method: Principle, Design and Construction by
Soft Ground Engineering in Coastal Areas: Proceedings of the Nakase Memorial Symposium, Yokosuka, Japan, 28-29 November 2002 by
Time Series Modelling in Earth Sciences by Sahu, B. K.
Molecular Biology and Cultural Heritage by
Stronger Than a Hundred Men: A History of the Vertical Water Wheel by Reynolds, Terry S.
Down the Shore by Crowley, Michael, Trueworthy, Nance
International Strabismological Association ISA 2002 by
Hydrology and Water Resources: Volume 5- Additional Volume International Conference on Water Resources Management in Arid Regions, 23-27 March 2002, by
Advances in Water Supply Management: Proceedings of the CCWI '03 Conference, London, 15-17 September 2003 by
Integrating and Articulating Environments by
DARE's Dictionary of Environmental Sciences and Engineering by
Land Reclamation - Extending Boundaries: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, Runcorn, UK, 13-16 May 2003 by
Lubrication in Inland and Coastal Water Activities by Blansch, K. Le, Broekhuizen, P. Van, Theodori, D.
Achieving Results: How to Create Value by Woodhead, Roy, McCuish, James
Cctv by
Logistik-Management: Strategien -- Konzepte -- Praxisbeispiele by Baumgarten, Professor Dr -Ing Helmut, Wiendahl, Professor Dr -Ing Dr -Ing E. H. Hans-Peter, Zentes, Professor Dr Joachim
Deterministic Methods in Systems Hydrology: IHE Delft Lecture Note Series by Dooge, James C. I., O'Kane, Philip
Wave 2002: Wave Propagation - Moving Load - Vibration Reduction: Proceedings of the Wave 2002 Workshop, Yokohama, Japan, 2002 by
Development and Application of Discontinuous Modelling for Rock Engineering: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Icadd-6, Trondheim, Norwa by
Managing Chemical Safety by Nelson, Dennis G.
Basque Cyberculture: From Digital Euskadi to Cybereuskalherria by Arzoz, Iñaki, Alonso, Andoni
Network Tutorial: A Complete Introduction to Networks Includes Glossary of Networking Terms by Steinke, Steve
Misguided Weapons: Technological Failure and Surprise on the Battlefield by Lorber, Azriel
Caravans: The Illustrated History from 1960 by Jenkinson, Andrew
Asymmetrical Warfare: Today's Challenge to U.S. Military Power by Barnett, Roger W.
Telerobotics, Automation, and Human Supervisory Control by Sheridan, Thomas B.
Armed Conflict: The Lessons of Modern Warfare by Steed, Brian
Passive Vibration Isolation by Rivin, Eugene I.
Sun Bin: The Art of Warfare: A Translation of the Classic Chinese Work of Philosophy and Strategy by
Axial-Flow Compressors: A Strategy for Aerodynamic Design and Analysis by Aungier, Ronald H.
Fundamentals of Rotating Machinery Diagnostics by ASME Press, Bently, Donald E.
Belgian Screw Pile Technology: Proceedings of the Symposium, May 7 2003, Brussels, Belgium by
Deterministic Methods in Systems Hydrology: IHE Delft Lecture Note Series by Dooge, James C. I., O'Kane, Philip
Being There - Concepts, Effects and Measurements of User Presence in Synthetic Environments by
Dictionary of Automotive Technology by Bennett, Sean
Water and Your Health: Clean Water Is Vital to Your Health by Hunter, Beatrice Trum
Pipe Welding Procedures by Rampaul, Hoobasarl
Indigenous Ways to the Present: Native Whaling in the Western Arctic by
Moderne Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten an Bord und ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit by Dietrich, Matthias
Postmortems from Game Developer: Insights from the Developers of Unreal Tournament, Black & White, Age of Empire, and Other Top-Selling Games by Grossman, Austin
Steward of Headwaters: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, 1975-2000 by Corps of Engineers, St Paul District, Catton, Theodore, Godfrey, Matthew A.
Steward of Headwaters: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, 1975-2000 by Corps of Engineers, St Paul District, Catton, Theodore, Godfrey, Matthew A.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook (NASA/SP-2007-6105 Rev1) by Nasa Headquarters
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook (NASA/SP-2007-6105 Rev1) by Nasa Headquarters
Advances in Joining of Ceramics by
Processing of High Temperature Superconductors by
Wireless Data Demystified by
Embedded Systems Dictionary by Ganssle, Jack G.
Engineering Mathematics Through Applications by Singh, Kuldeep
Entwicklung eines EDV-gestützten Vorgehens zum Erfassen und Bewerten von Schnittstellen bei der Abwicklung schlüsselfertiger Hochbauprojekte by Höfeler, Christian
Machine Tool Technology Basics [With CDROM] by Krar, Steve
Death Destruction and Disaster in the American Coal Mining Industry (1999) by Browning, Albert Dean
The Tool Steel Guide by Szumera, Jim, Szumera, James A.
Ground Bearing Concrete Slabs by Knapton, John
Planar Antennas for Wireless Communications by Wong, Kin-Lu
Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-Driven Knowledge Management by
Maintenance Management and Regulatory Compliance Strategies by Wireman, Terry
Random Processes: Filtering, Estimation, and Detection by Ludeman, Lonnie C.
Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices: Introduction to Physics and Simulation by Piprek, Joachim
Statistical Dynamics and Reliability Theory for Mechanical Structures by Svetlitsky, Valery A.
Theories of Turbulence by
Modern Problems of Structural Stability by
Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy: A Practical Guide by Payling, Richard
Autonomous Robotic Systems: Soft Computing and Hard Computing Methodologies and Applications by
Interfacial Phenomena and the Marangoni Effect by
Ruling the Waves: Cycles of Discovery, Chaos, and Wealth from the Compass to the Internet by Spar, Debora L.
Interaction Control of Robot Manipulators: Six Degrees-Of-Freedom Tasks by Natale, Ciro
Management of Procurement by Bower, Denise A.
Studie zum Thema Arbeitsschutz-Management in kleinen und mittleren Bauunternehmen by Voigtmann, Julia Katharina
Inventing the Schlieffen Plan: German War Planning 1871-1914 by Zuber, Terence
Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part II: Nonlinear Modulation Theory by Van Trees, Harry L.
History of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad by Klein, Maury
Engineering Formulas for Metalcutting by Isakov, Edmund
Erstellung einer grafischen Benutzeroberfläche zur effizienten Auswertung und Dokumentation von Versuchsergebnissen by Almanstötter, Andreas
Mechatronic Reliability: Electric Failures, Mechanical-Electrical Coupling, Domain Switching, Mass-Flow Instabilities by Yang, Wei
Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design by Dandamudi, Sivarama P.
Qualität pflanzlicher Eiweißquellen am Beispiel ausgewählter Hülsenfrüchte unter Berücksichtigung der Gesundheitseffekte by Besler, Anja Kristin
Übersicht über die Software für Kostenmanagement und Auswahl eines Programms für spezifische Anwenderanforderungen by Ercan, Hamza
Gigabit Ethernet for Metro Area Networks by Bedell, Paul
Numerische Simulation der Versperrungseffekte bei geschlossenen Windkanalmessstrecken by Akbari-Pour, Mahmud
Public Private Partnerships and the Poor - Bolivia Case Study: A Perspective on Water Supply and Sewerage, Case Study Bolivia, South America by Walton, Barry
Public Private Partnerships and the Poor - Jakarta Case Study: Drinking Water Concessions, Case Study Jakarta, Indonesia by Surjadi, Charles
Implementing Labour Standards in Construction: A Sourcebook by Ladbury, Sarah
Intermediate Heat Transfer by Wong, Kau-Fui Vincent
Effective Treatment of Logistics Resource Issues in the Air Force Planning, Programming, and Bugeting System (Ppbs) Process by Camm, Frank
Projekt- Und Investitionscontrolling Mit SAP R/3(r): Erfolgreiche Realisierung Mit Den Modulen Ps(r) Und Im(r) by Röger, Stefan, Dragoudakis, Niko, Morelli, Frank
The Anschutz Gyro-Compass and Gyroscope Engineering by
Food Quality and Consumer Value: Delivering Food That Satisfies by Schröder, Monika J. a.
Broadband: Should We Regulate High-Speed Internet Access? by
Wirtschaftliche und energetische Auswirkungen einer zentralen Energieversorgung (auf Basis Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungstechnik) auf das Energiekonzept eines by Kleiner, Thomas
Multimedia Information Retrieval and Management: Technological Fundamentals and Applications by
Going Global? U.S. Government Policy and the Defense Aerospace Industry by Lorell, Mark A.
Liberated Cinema: The Yugoslav Experience, 1945-2001 by Goulding, Daniel J.
Experimental Robotics VIII by
General Spatial Involute Gearing by Phillips, Jack
Optical Solitons: Theoretical and Experimental Challenges by
Point Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators: Determination of Atomic and Electronic Structure from Paramagnetic Hyperfine Interactions by Overhof, Harald, Spaeth, Johann-Martin
Soft Computing and Fractal Theory for Intelligent Manufacturing by Castillo, Oscar, Melin, Patricia
Wi-Fi Security by
Fem for Springs by
Telecom Audit by Mastel, M. S.
Partially Observable Linear Systems Under Dependent Noises by Bashirov, Agamirza E.
Methods in Theoretical Quantum Optics by Barnett, Stephen M., Radmore, Paul M.
MATLAB for Engineers Explained by Bergman, Niclas, Gustafsson, Fredrik
Beach Nourishment: Theory and Practice by Dean, Robert G.
Compact Blue-Green Lasers by Risk, W. P., Gosnell, Timothy R., Nurmikko, Arto V.
Compact Blue-Green Lasers by Risk, W. P.
Studentenwohnheim mit passiver und aktiver Solarenergienutzung by Habenicht, Klaus
Ein modernes Regionalverkehrsflugzeug für 80 bis 120 Passagiere: Markt, Anforderungen und technisches Konzept by Schieck, Florian
Erweiterung der rechnergestützten Regelung zur pneumatischen Drosselung des Hochdruckverdichters des Triebwerks Larzac 04 by Schieck, Florian
Entwurf eines auf das Schleppen von Segelflugzeugen optimierten Leichtflugzeugs by Schieck, Florian
The Information Society and the Welfare State: The Finnish Model by Castells, Manuel, Himanen, Pekka
Thermal Decomposition and Combustion of Explosives and Propellants by Manelis, G. B.
Praktische Oberflächentechnik: Vorbehandeln - Beschichten - Beschichtungsfehler - Umweltschutz by Müller, Klaus-Peter
Intellektuelles Eigentum Im Zeitalter Von Digitalisierung Und Internet: Eine Ökonomische Analyse Von Missbrauchskalkülen Und Schutzstrategien by Hachenberger, Jan
Redirecting Science: Niels Bohr, Philanthropy, and the Rise of Nuclear Physics by Aaserud, Finn
Design of Water Resources Systems by Purcell, Patrick
Semiconductor Materials: An Introduction to Basic Principles by Yacobi, B. G.
2002 Assessment of the Office of Naval Research's Air and Surface Weapons Technology Program by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Naval Studies Board
Before the Jets by Reeves, Joseph
Human Factors Integration Challenges in the Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) Environment by Federal Aviation Administration, U. S. De, Cardosi Ph. D., Kim
Formulation for Observed and Computed Values of Deep Space Network Data Types for Navigation by Moyer, Theodore D.
Exogenous Factors in Colonic Carcinogenesis by
Sustainable Increase of Marine Harvesting: Fundamental Mechanisms and New Concepts: Proceedings of the 1st Maricult Conference Held in Trondheim, Norw by
Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis: Third Edition by Newbury, Dale E., Goldstein, Joseph, Joy, David C.
Industrial Applications of the Mössbauer Effect: Proceedings of Isiame 2000 Held in Virginia Beach, Usa, 13-18 August 2000 by
Handbook of Transportation Science by
Design Criteria for Low Distortion in Feedback OPAMP Circuits by Hernes, Bjørnar, Sæther, Trond
CMOS Fractional-N Synthesizers: Design for High Spectral Purity and Monolithic Integration by de Muer, Bram, Steyaert, Michiel
Nanostructured Catalysts by
Cooperative Control: Models, Applications and Algorithms by
Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials by
Green Industrial Applications of Ionic Liquids by
Advanced Macromolecular and Supramolecular Materials and Processes by
Analytical Advances for Hydrocarbon Research by
Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications by
History of Industrial Gases by Almqvist, Ebbe
Biomaterials in the Design and Reliability of Medical Devices by
Advances in Nuclear Physics: Volume 27 by
Ceramic Matrix Composites: Second Edition by Chawla, Krishan K.
Electron Correlations and Materials Properties 2 by
Lecture Notes on Principles of Plasma Processing by Chang, Jane P., Chen, Francis F.
Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning: Machine Learning Summer School 2002, Canberra, Australia, February 11-22, 2002, Revised Lectures by
Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials by
Current Developments in Solid State NMR Spectroscopy by
Coastal Monitoring Through Partnerships: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (Emap) Pensacola Be by
Engineering Electronic Negotiations: A Guide to Electronic Negotiation Technologies for the Design and Implementation of Next-Generation Electronic Ma by Ströbel, Michael
The Cdk-Activating Kinase (Cak) by
Coded Modulation Systems by Anderson, John B., Svensson, Arne
Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms: With Laboratory Experiments for the Tms320c6701 and Tms320c6711 by Tretter, Steven A.
Robust Technology with Analysis of Interference in Signal Processing by Aliev, Telman
Handbook for the Assessment of Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Using Environmental Radionuclides by
Nanoscale Materials by Kamat, Prashant V., Liz-Marzán, Luis M.
Nonlinear Microwave and RF Circuits by Maas, Stephen A.
The Structural Theory of Probability: New Ideas from Computer Science on the Ancient Problem of Probability Interpretation by Rocchi, Paolo
Oxide-Based Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic-Matrix Composites: Principles and Materials by Saruhan, Bilge
In Situ Spectroscopy of Monomer and Polymer Synthesis by
Foldable Flex and Thinned Silicon Multichip Packaging Technology by
Orthogonal Systems and Convolution Operators by Ellis, R. I., Ellis, Robert L., Richter, Ludwig
Quality Assessment of Textiles: Damage Detection by Microscopy by Mahall, K., Mahall, Karl, Phillips, Jack
Space Politics and Policy: An Evolutionary Perspective by
Tensor Analysis and Continuum Mechanics by Talpaert, Y. R.
Green Industrial Applications of Ionic Liquids by
Silicon-Germanium Heterojunction Bipola by Cressler, John D.
Magnetic Interactions and Spin Transport by
Signal Theory Methods in Multispectral Remote Sensing by Landgrebe, David A.
The Armed Forces of Pakistan by Cheema, Pervaiz Iqbal
The Science Wars: Debating Scientific Knowledge and Technology by
Sputnik and the Soviet Space Challenge by Siddiqi, Asif a.
The Soviet Space Race with Apollo by Siddiqi, Asif A.
Channels, Propagation and Antennas for Mobile Communications by Vaughan, Rodney, Bach Andersen, Jørgen
See More