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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 2006

Quality Gaging Tips by Schuetz, George
Apprendre à programmer en ActionScript: Avec 60 exercices corrigés by Tasso, Anne
3ds max 8 by Couwenbergh, Jean-Pierre
UML 2 pour les développeurs: Cours avec exercices corrigés by Blanc, Xavier, Mounier, Isabelle
SQL pour Oracle 10g by Bizoï, Razvan
Indigenous People and the Pilbara Mining Boom: A baseline for regional participation by Taylor, John, Scambary, B.
Advanced Metallization Conference 2005 (AMC 2005): Volume 21 by
Oracle 10g: Administration by Bizoï, Razvan
C# et .NET: Version 2 by LeBlanc, Gérard
PHP/MySQL avec Flash 8 by Defrance, Jean-Marie
Programmer AutoCad: Avec DIESEL, AutoLISP, DLC et VBA by Couwenbergh, Jean-Pierre
Développez en Ajax: Avec quinze exemples de composants réutilisables et une étude de cas détaillée by Plasse, Michel
Guide pratique de la démolition des bâtiments by Muzeau, Jean-Pierre, Philip, Jean-Claude, Bouyahbar, Fouad
Discrete Event Systems 2004 by
Lives of the Engineers - Boulton and Watt - The Steam Engine and Transport by Smiles, Samuel, Jr.
Lives of the Engineers - Vermuyden - Myddelton - Perry - James Brindley by Smiles, Samuel, Jr.
Critical Issues in the History of Spaceflight (NASA Publication SP-2006-4702) by Dick, Steven J., Launius, Roger D., Nasa History Division
Membrane Contactors: Fundamentals, Applications and Potentialities: Volume 11 by Drioli, Enrico, Criscuoli, A., Curcio, E.
Neutron Scattering from Magnetic Materials by
Critical Issues in the History of Spaceflight (NASA Publication SP-2006-4702) by Dick, Steven J., Launius, Roger D., Nasa History Division
Technology and Science in the Industrializing Nations 1500-1914: Control of Nature by Brose, Eric Dorn
Wear: Materials, Mechanisms and Practice by
The Science and Applications of Acoustics by Raichel, Daniel R.
Geostatistics Banff 2004 by
Post-Suburban Europe by Parsons, N., Ballas, Dimitris, Phelps, Nicholas A.
Water, Power and Citizenship: Social Struggle in the Basin of Mexico by Castro, José Esteban
Cyberwar, Netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs by
Transportation Technology and Imperialism in the Ottoman Empire, 1800-1923 by Mentzel, Peter
Lipid Metabolism and Health by Stamford, Bryant, Moffatt, Robert J.
Design and Construction of Concrete Floors by Garber, George
Dictionary of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods by Snait, Tamir, Eskin, N. a. Michael
Safety with Machinery by Pearce, Dick, Ridley, John
The Inventor - His World and His Inventions by Hatfield, H. Stafford
Evolutionary Computation: Toward a New Philosophy of Machine Intelligence by Fogel, David B.
Embedded Multitasking [With CDROM] by Curtis, Keith E.
Environmental Management Systems Handbook for Refineries: Polution Prevention Through ISO 14001 [With CDROM] by Cheremisinoff, Nicholas
M48 Waterborne Pathogens, Second Edition by Awwa
Pipeline Design & Construction - 3rd Edition by Asme Press, ASME Press, Mohitpour, Mo
Congestion Charging in London: The Policy and the Politics by Richards, Martin G.
Consensus on Operating Practices for the Sampling and Monitoring of Feedwater and Boiler Water Chemistry in Modern Industrial Boilers by Asme
High-Performance Hybrid-Fibre Concrete by Markovic, I.
Turbine Aerodynamics: Axial-Flow and Radial-Inflow Turbine Design and Analysis by Aungier, Ronald H.
Asme Steam Tables Compact Edition by Asme
Workbook for Improving Maintenance and Reliability Through Cultural Change by Thomas, Stephen
Molecular Wires and Nanoscale Conductors: Faraday Discussions No 131 by
Historic Naval Aircraft: From the Pages of Naval History Magazine by Polmar, Norman
No Place to Hide by O'Harrow, Robert
L'ascolto professionale by Martinelli, Gilberto
Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices: A Review by Gray, Robert M.
Environmental Hydrology and Hydraulics: Eco-technological Practices for Sustainable Development by Ghosh, S. N., Desai, V. R.
Designing with Plastics by Erhard, Gunther
67th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical Forum: Proceedings of the 67th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical Forum, Nashville, Tennessee, USA 2005, V by
Analytical Troubleshooting of Process Machinery and Pressure Vessels: Including Real-World Case Studies by Sofronas, Anthony
An Initiation in Typography by Denastas, Anne, Gallet, Camille
Thermal and Power Management of Integrated Circuits by Vassighi, Arman, Sachdev, Manoj
Controlled Synthesis of Nanoparticles in Microheterogeneous Systems by Turco Liveri, Vincenzo
Biophotonics: Optical Science and Engineering for the 21st Century by
Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor by This, Hervé
Practice of Intramedullary Locked Nails: New Developments in Techniques and Applications by
Leonardo´s Lost Robots by Rosheim, Mark
PCR Methods in Foods by
Introduction to Sustainability: Road to a Better Future by Munier, Nolberto
Space Debris: Models and Risk Analysis by Klinkrad, Heiner
Speech Acoustics and Phonetics: Selected Writings by Fant, Gunnar
Is War Necessary for Economic Growth?: Military Procurement and Technology Development by Ruttan, Vernon W.
Aquaculture Biosecurity: Prevention, Control, and Eradication of Aquatic Animal Disease by O'Bryen, Patricia J., Scarfe, A. David, Lee, Cheng-Sheng
Silicon Carbide Power Devices by Baliga, B. Jayant
Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory by Åström, Karl J.
Advances in Sensing with Security Applications by
Scientific and Technical Issues in the Management of Spent Fuel of Decommissioned Nuclear Submarines by
Handbook of Chemical Technology and Pollution Control, 3rd Edition by Hocking, Martin B. B.
Scientific and Technical Issues in the Management of Spent Fuel of Decommissioned Nuclear Submarines by
Participation in Fisheries Governance by
Iutam Symposium on Elastohydrodynamics and Micro-Elastohydrodynamics: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Cardiff, Uk, 1-3 September 2004 by
The Farming Game: Agricultural Management and Marketing by Malcolm, Bill, Makeham, Jack, Wright, Vic
Networking Wireless Sensors by Krishnamachari, Bhaskar
Betriebsfestigkeit: Verfahren und Daten zur Bauteilberechnung by Haibach, Erwin
Yeasts in Food and Beverages by
Estuaries by
Logical Foundations for Rule-Based Systems by Ligeza, Antoni
The Eastern Enlargement of the Eurozone by
Modelling and Reasoning with Vague Concepts by Lawry, Jonathan
Sustainable Solar Housing: Two Volume Set by
Complex Computing-Networks: Brain-Like and Wave-Oriented Electrodynamic Algorithms by
Die Kunst Zu Überzeugen: Faire Und Unfaire Dialektik by Thiele, Albert
Classical Nucleation Theory in Multicomponent Systems by Vehkamäki, Hanna
Wide-Gap Chalcopyrites by
Renewable Energies for Central Asia Countries: Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts by
Frontiers in Planar LightWave Circuit Technology: Design, Simulation, and Fabrication by
Fuel Cell Technology: Reaching Towards Commercialization by
Testing of Concrete in Structures: Fourth Edition by Bungey, John H., Grantham, Michael G.
Frontiers in Planar LightWave Circuit Technology: Design, Simulation, and Fabrication by
Layered Double Hydroxides by
Renewable Energies for Central Asia Countries: Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts by
Ecotoxicology, Ecological Risk Assessment and Multiple Stressors by
Ecotoxicology, Ecological Risk Assessment and Multiple Stressors by
Constraint-Based Verification by Pixley, Carl, Aziz, Adnan, Yuan, Jun
Electromagnetic Waves by Someda, Carlo G.
Parts Fabrication: Principles and Process by
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach by Risitano, Antonino, Giudice, Fabio, La Rosa, Guido
Optical Wdm Networks by Mukherjee, Biswanath
Wind Energy: Fundamentals, Resource Analysis and Economics by Sathyajith, Mathew
Advances in the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide: International Approaches to Reduce Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions by
Advances in the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide: International Approaches to Reduce Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions by
The Handbook of Microbiological Media for the Examination of Food by Atlas, Ronald M.
Handbook of Physics by
Advanced Onsite Wastewater Systems Technologies by Jantrania, Anish R., Gross, Mark A.
Risk Analysis in Engineering: Techniques, Tools, and Trends by Modarres, Mohammad
Forcenet Implementation Strategy by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Naval Studies Board
Geschichte Der in Deutschland Bei Der Färberei Angewandten Farbstoffe Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Mittelalterlichen Waidbaues by Lauterbach, Fritz
Der Kampf Des Waides Mit Dem Indigo by Lauterbach, Fritz
Whoa you donkey . . . WHOA! by Leveque, Laura
Knowledge Politics: Governing the Consequences of Science and Technology by Stehr, Nico
Acquisition and Competition Strategy for the DD: The U.S. Navy's 21st Century Destroyer by Schank, John F.
The Telco Churn Management Handbook by Mattison, Rob
Mechanics of Solids and Materials by Asaro, Robert, Lubarda, Vlado
Electron Crystallography: Novel Approaches for Structure Determination of Nanosized Materials by
Beyond Limits?: Dealing with Chemical Risks at Work in Europe by Grodzki, Karola, Walters, David
Electron Crystallography: Novel Approaches for Structure Determination of Nanosized Materials by
Riverbank Filtration Hydrology by
Forest Inventory: Methodology and Applications by
Riverbank Filtration Hydrology by
Make Magazine: The First Year: 4 Volume Collector's Set by Frauenfelder, Mark
Frontiers in Crystal Engineering by
Die Lead-Markt-Strategie: Das Geheimnis Weltweit Erfolgreicher Innovationen by Beise, Marian
Introduction to Radar Target Recognition by Tait, P.
Innovative Wohnformen: Übertragbarkeit amerikanischer Wohnformen auf den deutschen Markt by Knelange, Stefanie, Emde, Katja
Analog Circuit Design: RF Circuits: Wide Band, Front-Ends, Dac's, Design Methodology and Verification for RF and Mixed-Signal Systems, Low Po by
Sixth IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition: Proceedings of the Sixth IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Bangalore, India, 200 by
Strömungsmesstechnik by Brunn, André, Nitsche, Wolfgang
Television Technology Demystified: A Non-technical Guide by Todorovic, Aleksandar Louis
H-Infinity Control for Nonlinear Descriptor Systems by Chang, Fan-Ren, Wang, He-Sheng, Yung, Chee-Fai
Total Quality in the Construction Supply Chain: Safety, Leadership, Total Quality, Lean, and Bim by Oakland, John S., Oakland, John, Marosszeky, Marton
Control Systems for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning by Haines, Roger W., Hittle, Douglas C.
Japanese Telecommunications: Market and Policy in Transition by
Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants: Toward the Improvement of Global Environment and Food by
Spread Spectrum: Hedy Lamarr and the mobile phone by Walters, Rob
Applied Mineral Inventory Estimation by Sinclair, Alastair J., Blackwell, Garston H., Alastair J., Sinclair
Towards the Wireless Info Society, V1 by
Towards the Wireless Info Society, V2 by
Excerpts from the Sky: An Airline Pilot's Story by Fatungase, Ty
Principles of Electrical Measurement by Tumanski, Slawomir
The Art of War by Machiavelli, Niccolò
A Way of Work and a Way of Life: Coal Mining in Thurber, Texas, 1888-1926 Volume 9 by Rhinehart, Marilyn D.
Hazardous Materials Reference Book: Cross-Index by Davis, Daniel J., Davis, Julie A.
Advances in Electronic Testing: Challenges and Methodologies by
Soft Computing for Complex Multiple Criteria Decision Making by Kaliszewski, Ignacy
Nanotechnology for Environmental Remediation by Cheng, Frank, Joo, Sung Hee
Space Groups (194) P63/MMC - (190) P-62c by
Caxton's Trace: Studies in the History of English Printing by
The New Political Sociology of Science: Institutions, Networks, and Power by
Caxton's Trace: Studies in the History of English Printing by
Distributed Networked Operations: The Foundations of Network Centric Warfare by Cares, Jeffrey R.
Been There, Done That: Through Treacherous Skies by Butcher, Dfc CD (Ret'd) Ron
Biochemical Mechanisms of Detoxification in Higher Plants: Basis of Phytoremediation by Sadunishvili, Tinatin, Kvesitadze, George, Khatisashvili, Gia
Climbing and Walking Robots: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile by
Universal Joints and Driveshafts: Analysis, Design, Applications by Seherr-Thoss, Hans-Christoph, Schmelz, Friedrich
The Management of Transshipment Terminals: Decision Support for Terminal Operations in Finished Vehicle Supply Chains by Mattfeld, Dirk C.
Rapid Prototyping: Theory and Practice by
Photonics: Optical Electronics in Modern Communications by Yariv, Amnon, Yeh, Pochi
Issues in Testing Business English by O'Sullivan, Barry
Defects in High-K Gate Dielectric Stacks: Nano-Electronic Semiconductor Devices by
Defects in High-K Gate Dielectric Stacks: Nano-Electronic Semiconductor Devices by
From Rural Village to Global Village: Telecommunications for Development in the Information Age by Hudson, Heather E.
Critical Infrastructures at Risk: Securing the European Electric Power System by Masera, M., Weijnen, M., Gheorghe, A. V.
From Rural Village to Global Village: Telecommunications for Development in the Information Age by Hudson, Heather E.
Designing and Executing Strategy in Aviation Management by Flouris, Triant G., Oswald, Sharon L.
Resilience Engineering: Concepts and Precepts by Woods, David D.
RF / Microwave Interaction with Biological Tissues by Rosen, Arye, Kotsuka, Youji, Vander Vorst, André
Allergy Matters: New Approaches to Allergy Prevention and Management by
Allergy Matters: New Approaches to Allergy Prevention and Management by
System-On-Chip: Next Generation Electronics by
Detroit Deicing Decision Support Tool: Description, Operation, and Simulation Results by Lee, Jonathan T., U. S. Department of Transportation
Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Processing in Wireless Communications by Wysocki, Tadeusz A., Tran, Le Chung, Mertins, Alfred
The Switching Function: Analysis of Power Electronic Circuits by Marouchos, C. C.
Advances in Unmanned Marine Vehicles by
Voip Hacks: Tips & Tools for Internet Telephony by Wallingford, Theodore
Advances in Direction-Of-Arrival Estima by
Essentials of RF and Microwave Grounding by Holzman, Eric
Cognitively Informed Systems: Utilizing Practical Approaches to Enrich Information Presentation and Transfer by
Integration of Ict in Smart Organizations by
Classic Works in RF Engineering by Walker, John L. B., Myer, Daniel P.
Synthetic Fuels by Probstein, Ronald F., Hicks, R. Edwin
Die Visualisierung des Bauablaufs mit 4D-CAD: Funktionsweise - Einsatzmöglichkeiten - Konfliktanalyse by Lindenberg, Stefan
Bishops At Large by Anson, Peter F.
Broadband Planar Antennas by Chia, Michael Yan Wah, Chen, Zhi Ning
Aquaculture Marketing Handbook by Engle, Carole R., Quagrainie, Kwamena K.
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Manual by Gallant, Brian J.
Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for Umts by
Advanced Dairy Chemistry Volume 2: Lipids by
Human Error: Causes and Control by Peters, George A., Peters, Barbara J.
Thunder over the Horizon: From V-2 Rockets to Ballistic Missiles by Chun, Clayton
Fttx Concepts and Applications by Keiser, Gerd
Channel-Adaptive Technologies and Cross-Layer Designs for Wireless Systems with Multiple Antennas: Theory and Applications by Kwok, Yu-Kwong Ricky, Lau, Vincent K. N.
Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor Networks by
Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science by Asthana, Rajiv, Kumar, Ashok, Dahotre, Narendra B.
Power Electronics and Motor Drives: Advances and Trends [With CDROM] by Bose, Bimal K.
Solitons in Optical Fibers: Fundamentals and Applications by Mollenauer, Linn F., Gordon, James P.
Safety Improvements Through Lessons Learned from Operational Experience in Nuclear Research Facilities by
Hall-Effect Sensors: Theory and Application by Ramsden, Edward
See More