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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 2012

Dessin technique et lecture de plan by Gousset, Jean-Pierre
Le tableau de bord prospectif by Norton, David P., Kaplan, Robert S.
Tesla's Essays On Roentgen Rays by Tesla, Nikola
Top-Gun Project Managers: 8 Strategies for Reaching the Top of the PM Profession by Morreale, Richard
The Knowledge Tornado: Bridging the Corporate Knowledge Gap Second Edition by Goncalves, Marcus, Gonalves, Marcus, Gonocalves, Marcus
Contract Engineering in the Continental U.S: Lessons Learned by a Technological Nomad by Rollins, Ken
Bulletin... by
Olmaschinen: Ihre Theoretischen Grundlagen Und Deren Anwendung Auf Den Betrieb Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Von Schiffsbetrieb by Gerhards, Max Wilhelm
Die Metallurgischen Rostprozesse Theoretisch Betrachtet... by Plattner, Carl Friedrich
Leading Project-Driven Change by Bernheim, Richard C.
Power, Heating and Ventilation ...: Combined Power and Heating Plants... by Hubbard, Charles Lincoln
Empowering Women Through Better Healthcare and Nutrition in Developing Countries/Nam S&T Centre by Sharma, Sheel &. Atero Angella Atwaru
Food Processing and Preservation by Khetarpaul, Neelam
Minor Fruit Crops of India: Tropical and Subtropical by Mazumdar, Bibhas Chandra
Counterinsurgency and Quest for Peace by Athale (Retd), Anil
Transformation of the Indian Armed Forces 2025: Enhancing India's Defence by Lal (Retd), A. K.
Pakistan Army: Modernisation, Arms Procurement and Capacity Building by Alam, Shah
Maoist Insurgency and India's Internal Security by Singh, Amrit Pal, Agarwal, A. K., Rammohan, E. N.
Employment of Special Forces: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future by
Peace and Stability in Asia-Pacific Region: Assessment of the Security Architecture by
Food Packaging by Khetarpaul, Neelam &. Punia Darshan
The Business of Environmental Health & Safety Management by Lieberman, James Lance
Reorganising the Air Force for Future Operations by Ta Ncai Tami LP Palkalaik Ka Lakam
Build It: Invent New Structures and Contraptions by Enz, Tammy
Battle Exhortation: The Rhetoric of Combat Leadership by Yellin, Keith
Women and the Military in Europe: Comparing Public Cultures by Eulriet, I.
Material Participation: Technology, the Environment and Everyday Publics by Marres, N.
Gender-Technology Relations: Exploring Stability and Change by Corneliussen, H.
Global and Local Televangelism by
Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050 by
Aussie War Heroes by Ferguson, Ian
Arming the Royal Navy, 1793-1815: The Office of Ordnance and the State by Cole, Gareth
Pipeline Transportation of Carbon Dioxide Containing Impurities by Mohitpour, Mo, Seevam, Patricia, Botros, Kamal K.
Comunicaciones Industriales by Espinosa, Alexander
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy by Tesla, Nikola
Instrumentación Industrial by Espinosa, Alexander
Instrumentación Industrial by Espinosa, Alexander
Integrity Testing for Low-Pressure Membranes by Charles Liu
Modeling Water Quality in Distribution Systems, Second Edition by Robert M. Clark
Design-Build for Water and Wastewater Projects by
Awwa Water Operator Field Guide, Second Edition by William C. Lauer
Filter Troubleshooting and Design Handbook by Richard P. Beverly
Laser Control of Atoms and Molecules by Letokhov, Vladilen Stepanovich
M6 Water Meters - Selection, Installation, Testing and Maintenance, Fifth Edition by Awwa
Famous Scientific Illusions by Tesla, Nikola
Managing Water Main Breaks Field Guide by Kenneth C. Morgan, P. E.
Fish-Shape Paumanok: Nature and Man on Long Island, Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, Volume 58 by Murphy, Robert Cushman
Water Treatment Process Monitoring & Evaluation by Richard P. Beverly, Pe
Green Building: Principles and Practices in Residential Construction by Kruger, Abe, Seville, Carl
Fish Nutrition and Feed Technology: A Teaching Manual by Athithan, S. &. Felix N. &. Venkatasamy
Select Thermodynamic Models for Process Simulation: A Practical Guide using a Three Steps Methodology by Ledanois, Jean-Marie, Mougin, Pascal, De Hemptinne, Jean-Charles
Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems: Design and Operation by Mohitpour, Mo, Yoon, M. S., Russell, J. H.
Practical Application of Dependability Engineering: An Effective Approach to Managing Dependability in Technological and Evolving Systems by Kiang, David, Van Hardeveld, Thomas
Advances in Aquatic Ecology Vol. 6 by Sakhare, Vishwas B. &. Escalante P. R. D.
Nutri Horticulture by Peter, K. V.
Pineapple: Production and Processing by Singh, Desh Beer
ASE Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Technician Certification Series: Brakes (T4) by Delmar Cengage Learning
Leading Issues in ICT Evaluation Research for Researchers, Teachers and Students by
Inland Fisheries by Sakhare, Vishwas B.
Intellectual Property Rights Management in Developing Countries/Nam S&T Centre by Nyatlo, Sheila Mavis &. Caballero Cather
Postharvest Management and Processing Technology by Chavan, U. D. &. Pawar V. D.
Science and Technology for Rural Development/Nam S&T Centre by Wickremasinghe, Seetha I. &. Abilay Ma
Science and Technology Policy for Sustainable Development/Nam S&T Centre by Sheng, Tan Kha &. Soljan Dragan
Sustainable Agriculture Food Security and Climate Change by Chand, Subhash &. Singh Lal &. Singh
Water Pollution and Its Recent Challenges by Ali, Hashmat
Biodiversity of Aquatic Resources by Rawat, Mamta &. Dookia Sumit
Prise de son: Stéréophonie et multicanal by Hugonnet, Christian, Walder, Pierre
The Future of Water: A Startling Look Ahead by Yates, Scott, Maxwell, Steve
Writing Health Communication: An Evidence-based Guide by
Collected Tesla Writings; Scientific Papers and Articles by Tesla and Others about Tesla's Work Primarily in the Field of Electrical Engineering by Tesla, Nikola
Stormwater Design Toolkit: Sustainable Stormwater Update to the Community Redevelopment Area Stormwater Master Plan by Rose Henke, Sarah, Smith, Nakeischea, Landry, Bonnie
Roads to Power by Guldi, Jo
Building Outdoor Gear, Revised 2nd Edition: Easy-To-Make Projects for Camping, Fishing, Hunting, and Canoeing (Canoe Paddle, Pack Frame, Reflector Ove by Gilpatrick, Gil
Control of a Plasma Spray Process for the Deposition of Ysz Coatings by Spearin, Aaron
Wireless Technologies by Wong, K. Daniel
Polymer Rheology by Shaw, Montgomery T.
Tackling Long-Term Global Energy Problems: The Contribution of Social Science by
Computer-Aided Nonlinear Control System Design: Using Describing Function Models by Nassirharand, Amir
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (Frp) Composites for Infrastructure Applications: Focusing on Innovation, Technology Implementation and Sustainability by
Advanced Catia V5 by Leatherbury, Megumi
Standard Handbook of Industrial Automation by Considine, Glenn D., Considine, Douglas M.
Fracture Mechanics: The Experimental Method of Caustics and the Det.-Criterion of Fracture by Papadopoulos, George A.
Entwicklung Paralleler Betriebssysteme: Design Und Implementierung Von Multithreading-Konzepten in C++ by Weinländer, Markus
CAD Based Programming for Sensory Robots: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on CAD Based Programming for Sensory Robots Held in Il Ci by
Autodesk AutoCAD 2012 - Digitale Fabrikplanung: Grundlagen in Theorie und Praxis by Schlieder, Christian
Photosensitizers in Medicine, Environment, and Security by
Application of Super Absorbent Polymers (Sap) in Concrete Construction: State-Of-The-Art Report Prepared by Technical Committee 225-SAP by
Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 10th Urban Environment Symposium by
Applied Photometry, Radiometry, and Measurements of Optical Losses by Bukshtab, Michael
Biomimetic Membranes for Sensor and Separation Applications by
Control of Solar Energy Systems by Rubio, Francisco R., Camacho, Eduardo F., Berenguel, Manuel
Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications: Cost Action 2100 by
Automatic Calibration and Reconstruction for Active Vision Systems by Zhang, Beiwei, Li, Y. F.
Virtual Reality and Animation for Matlab(r) and Simulink(r) Users: Visualization of Dynamic Models and Control Simulations by Khaled, Nassim
Bewertung von Convenience Food unter Einbeziehung der sensorischen Wahrnehmung - dargestellt in einer Unterrichtseinheit eines Wahlpflichtkurses WPK R by Kluth, Julia Patricia
Organic Production & Food Qual by Blair, Robert
The Foundations of the Science of War by Fuller, J. F. C.
Towards a New Culture by Duhm, Dieter
The Foundations of the Science of War by Fuller, J. F. C., Combat Studies Institute Press
Applications of Laser Anemometry to Fluid Mechanics: 4th International Symposium Lisbon, Portugal, 11-14 July 1988 by
Viewegs Geschichte Der Technik by Cardwell, Donald
Telematics and Transport Behaviour by Nijkamp, Peter
Strömung Durch Rohre Und Ventile: Tabellen Und Berechnungsverfahren Zur Dimensionierung Von Rohrleitungssystemen by Zoebl, Heinz, Kruschik, Julius
Hydrologie: Eine Einführung Für Ingenierure by Dracos, Themistocles A.
Mineralogie Basischer Feuerfest-Produkte by Münchberg, Wolfgang, Trojer, Felix, Obst, Karl-Heinz
Technische Kompositionslehre: Anleitung Zu Technisch-Wirtschaftlichem Und Verantwortungsbewußtem Schaffen by Kesselring, Fritz
Tragwerksdynamik by Pfaffinger, Dieter D.
Physik Und Umwelt by Boeker, Egbert
Das Reduktionsverfahren Der Baustatik: Verfahren Der Übergangsmatrizen by Kersten, Roland
Adsorption on Ordered Surfaces of Ionic Solids and Thin Films: Proceedings of the 106th We-Heraeus Seminar, Bad Honnef, Germany, February 15-18, 1993 by
Elektrische Maschinenverstärker by Loocke, G.
Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation: Volume 7b by Thompson, Donald O., Chimenti, Dale E.
Vorlesungen Über Analytische Mechanik: Berlin 1847/48 Nach Einer Mitschrift Von Wilhelm Scheibner by Jacobi, Carl G. J.
Structure and Collisions of Ions and Atoms by
Schadstoffreduzierung Und Kraftstoffverbrauch Von Pkw-Verbrennungsmotoren by Schäfer, Fred, Basshuysen, Richard Van
Phonons: Theory and Experiments I: Lattice Dynamics and Models of Interatomic Forces by Brüesch, Peter
Die Erdgasversorgung der EU im 21. Jahrhundert: Wie abhängig wird die EU zukünftig von Russland sein? Stellt die geplante Nabucco-Pipeline eine sinnvo by Handke, Martin
Der Praktikumsbericht LEK2 in der Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit: Praktikumsberichte by Lenges, Michael
Introduction to Modern Robotics by Yokota, Sho, Chugo, Daisuke
Design for Additive Manufacturing by Page, Tom
Saudi Arabia by Zuhur, Sherifa
Red Coat, Green Machine: Continuity in Change in the British Army 1700 to 2000 by Kirke, Charles
Green Communications and Networks: Proceedings of the International Conference on Green Communications and Networks (Gcn 2011) by
Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment: Proceedings of the 4th Gothenburg Symposium 1990 October 1-3, 1990 Madrid, Spain by
Nuclear Simulation: Second European Nuclear Simulation Symposium Schliersee, October 1990 -- Proceedings by
Autonomous Search by
Gan-Based Laser Diodes: Towards Longer Wavelengths and Short Pulses by Scheibenzuber, Wolfgang G.
Assessing the Functional Structure of Molecular Transporters by EPR Spectroscopy by J. N. Junk, Matthias
Softwareentwicklung Nach Maß: Schätzen - Messen - Bewerten by Dumke, Reiner
Fracture Mechanics by Zehnder, Alan T.
Heterogene Gleichgewichte: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Predel, B.
Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection: Technology at the Cutting Edge by
Emerging Technological Risk: Underpinning the Risk of Technology Innovation by Anderson, Stuart, Felici, Massimo
Gsn - The Goal Structuring Notation: A Structured Approach to Presenting Arguments by Spriggs, John
Food Antioxidants by Hudson, B. J.
Inflight Science: A Guide to the World from Your Airplane Window by Clegg, Brian
Materials with Complex Behaviour II: Properties, Non-Classical Materials and New Technologies by
Technological Innovations in Sensing and Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Threats and Ecological Terrorism by
Ultrasonic Coal-Wash for De-Ashing and De-Sulfurization: Experimental Investigation and Mechanistic Modeling by Ambedkar, B.
Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain: Advanced Models, Tools and Applications for Storage Systems by
Physik Des Ultraschalls: Grundlagen by Sutilov, V. a.
Technikfolgenforschung Und Technikfolgenabschätzung: Tagung Des Bundesministers Für Forschung Und Technologie 22. Bis 24. Oktober 1990 by
Dynamical Problems of Rigid-Elastic Systems and Structures: Iutam Symposium, Moscow, USSR May 23-27,1990 by
Technological Innovations in Sensing and Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Threats and Ecological Terrorism by
Machining of Complex Sculptured Surfaces by
ARC Plasma Technology in Materials Science by Gerdeman, Dennis A., Hecht, Norman L.
Bauen Mit Vorgefertigten Stahlbetonteilen by Vaessen, Franz
Technisches Optimieren by Zach, F.
Fermentation: II. Rotenburger Symposium 1980, Bad Karlshafen, September 1980 by
Orale Photochemotherapie: Grundlagen -- Klinik -- PRAXIS -- Forschung by Gschnait, F.
Grundlagen Der Elektronik by Rost, Albrecht
Concerted European Action on Magnets (Ceam) by
Adaptive Wavelet-Analysis: Theorie Und Software by Wickerhauser, Mladen Victor
Allgemeine Wechselstromlehre: Zweiter Band: Vierpole - Leitungen - Wellen by Schwenkhagen, Hans F.
Technische Elektronik: Erster Band Grundlagen Und Vakuumtechnik by Knoll, Max, Eichmeier, Joseph
Druck Von Textilien: Mechanische Und Chemische Technologie by Bernard, W.
Digitale Kommunikationsnetze: Prinzipien, Einrichtungen, Systeme by Gerke, Peter R.
Von CIM Zur Unternehmensintegration: Anwendungs- Und Integrationsmodelle Für Rechnergestützte Informationssysteme in Der Fertigungsindustrie by Lang, Gert
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves in Fractional Dimensional Space by Naqvi, Qaisar Abbas, Zubair, Muhammad, Mughal, Muhammad Junaid
Analysis and Design of Biological Materials and Structures by
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Engineering: Some Approximate Approaches by Herisanu, Nicolae, Marinca, Vasile
Physicomimetics: Physics-Based Swarm Intelligence by
Mechanik Auf Dem Bildschirm -- Mit Dem C64 by Kopacek, P., Girsule, N., Desoyer, K.
Products of Random Matrices: In Statistical Physics by Vulpiani, Angelo, Crisanti, Andrea, Paladin, Giovanni
Physics and Technology of Hyperthermia by
Computational Viscoelasticity by Marques, Severino P. C., Creus, Guillermo J.
Elektrische Maschinen: Eine Einführung in Die Grundlagen by Sequenz, Heinrich, Bödefeld, Theodor
Modern Theories of Many-Particle Systems in Condensed Matter Physics by
Damage and Fracture of Composite Materials and Structures by
Patient-Specific Modeling in Tomorrow's Medicine by
The Biotechnology Debate: Democracy in the Face of Intractable Disagreement by Bovenkerk, Bernice
Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection: Technology at the Cutting Edge by
Wind Energy Conversion Systems: Technology and Trends by
Thermal Power Plant Performance Analysis by
Optimization of Photovoltaic Power Systems: Modelization, Simulation and Control by Rekioua, Djamila, Matagne, Ernest
Design for Environment as a Tool for the Development of a Sustainable Supply Chain by Ciarapica, Filippo Emanuele, Giacchetta, Giancarlo, Bevilacqua, Maurizio
Industrial Engineering: Innovative Networks: 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management CIO 2011, Cartagena, Spa by
Strategic Issues in Air Transport: Legal, Economic and Technical Aspects by Abeyratne, Ruwantissa
Handbook Timing Belts: Principles, Calculations, Applications by Osborne, Ian, Perneder, Raimund
Sustainable Transport: New Trends and Business Practices by
Theory of Charge Transport in Carbon Electronic Materials by Song, Chenchen, Shuai, Zhigang, Wang, Linjun
Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems: Classical Trajectory Correlations and Wave Interference by Waltner, Daniel
Zählverfahren Und Lastannahme in Der Betriebsfestigkeit by Jenne, Sven, Pötter, Kurt, Köhler, Michael
A Book of Vintage Designs and Instructions for Making Furniture and Other Household Items - Containing Two Kitchen Tables, a Hanging Tool Chest, How t by Various Authors
Organic Food and Agriculture: New Trends and Developments in the Social Sciences by
Human Musculoskeletal Biomechanics by
Insecticides: Advances in Integrated Pest Management by
Technology-Based Assessments for 21st Century Skills: Theoretical and Practical Implications from Modern Research by
Technology-Based Assessments for 21st Century Skills: Theoretical and Practical Implications from Modern Research (Hc) by
Autonomous Navigation by Rashid, Faraan
Design Thinking Research: Studying Co-Creation in Practice by
Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery by
Anderson Localization: Proceedings of the Fourth Taniguchi International Symposium, Sanda-Shi, Japan, November 3-8, 1981 by
Intelligent Control and Innovative Computing by
Thermodynamic Modeling and Materials Data Engineering by
Parametric Analog Signal Amplification Applied to Nanoscale CMOS Technologies by Oliveira, João P., Goes, João
Serviceinnovation: Potenziale Industrieller Dienstleistungen Erkennen Und Erfolgreich Implementieren by Feldmann, Sebastian, Geissbauer, Reinhard, Griesmeier, Alexander
Customer-Driven Supply Chains: From Glass Pipelines to Open Innovation Networks by Piller, Frank, Lyons, Andrew C., Coronado Mondragon, Adrian E.
Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives I: Production, Usage and Environmental Occurrence by
Analysis for Science, Engineering and Beyond: The Tribute Workshop in Honour of Gunnar Sparr Held in Lund, May 8-9, 2008 by
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