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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 2013

Emerging Military Technologies: A Guide to the Issues by Wong, Wilson
Technomobility in China: Young Migrant Women and Mobile Phones by Wallis, Cara
Food Consumption Pattern and Dietary Diversity of the FSNSP Covered Households by Rahman, Fahim
Workbook for Accompany Industrial Maintenance by Clade, Jeffrey, Brumbach, Michael
Physical Principles of Remote Sensing. by Gareth. Rees by Rees, W. G.
Biometrics: From Fiction to Practice by
Physical Principles of Remote Sensing. by Gareth. Rees by Rees, Gareth, Rees, W. G.
Volks-Kochbuch by Heyl, Hedwig
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem: Excavations by K.M. Kenyon in Jerusalem 1961-1967 by Franken, H. J.
Handbook of Systems and Complexity in Health by
Neural Engineering by
Begriffswelt Der Feldtheorie: Elektromagnetische Felder, Maxwell-Gleichungen, Gradient, Rotation, Divergenz by Schwab, Adolf J.
Reverse Supply Chains: Issues and Analysis by
Remote Sensing Advances for Earth System Science: The ESA Changing Earth Science Network: Projects 2009-2011 by Fernández-Prieto, Diego, Sabia, Roberto
Food Safety Management: Implementing a Food Safety Program in a Food Retail Business by King, Hal
Conocimientos Sobre La Aeronave (Vol1) by Joglar Alcubilla, Javier
Hardware Description Languages and Their Applications: Specification, Modelling, Verification and Synthesis of Microelectronic Systems by
Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing II: Ifip Tc5 Wg5.3/5.7 Third International Working Conference on the Design of Information Infras by
Nonlinear Structural Mechanics: Theory, Dynamical Phenomena and Modeling by Lacarbonara, Walter
Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1a: Proteins: Basic Aspects, 4th Edition by
The Offshoring Challenge: Strategic Design and Innovation for Tomorrow's Organization by
Continuum Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials by Cowin, Stephen C.
Nonlinear Optical Properties of Materials by Ganeev, Rashid A.
Stochastic Cooling of Particle Beams by Möhl, Dieter
Sicherheit Von Leichtwasserreaktoren: Risiken Der Nukleartechnologie by Kessler, Günter, Veser, Anke, Schlüter, Franz-Hermann
Montage in Der Industriellen Produktion: Ein Handbuch Für Die PRAXIS by
Statistical Methods for Spoken Dialogue Management by Thomson, Blaise
Abwassertechnologie: Entstehung, Ableitung, Behandlung, Analytik Der Abwässer by Filla, W., Pöppinghaus, K.
Make: Lego and Arduino Projects: Projects for Extending Mindstorms Nxt with Open-Source Electronics by Wolf, Adam, Baichtal, John, Beckler, Matthew
Desalination Engineering: Planning and Design by Voutchkov, Nikolay
The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World by Rifkin, Jeremy
Beheizung und Kühlung eines Nichtwohngebäudes mit der Gasmotorwärmepumpe: Wirtschaftlichkeitsprüfung nach der VDI 2067 unter Berücksichtigung von ökol by Hellmann, Sebastian
Figuren-Tafeln zum Handbuch des Landwirtschaftlichen Bauwesens by Engel, Friedrich
Advanced Microcontroller Trainer Using 8051, Avr and PIC by Muneer Noman, Abdeen Zain Ul, Akhtar Rameez
ABC of Smocking and Gauging by Anon
PROFIBUS in Practice: Installing PROFIBUS devices and cables by Ji, Xiu
Management Geistigen Eigentums: Die Unternehmerische Gestaltung Des Technologieverwertungsrechts by
Technologieszenarios in der Antriebsentwicklung: Systematik und Konkretisierung by Friedel, Augustin
Analog IC Reliability in Nanometer CMOS by Gielen, Georges, Maricau, Elie
Elektrische Energietechnik by Nelles, Dieter, Tuttas, Christian
Das Kraft- Und Weggrößenverfahren in Beispielen by Friedrich, Meyc
Laser Machining: Theory and Practice by Chryssolouris, George
Organic Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction to the Organic Chemistry of Adhesives, Fibres, Paints, Plastics, and Rubbers by Saunders, K. J.
Governing Security: The Hidden Origins of American Security Agencies by Cuéllar, Mariano-Florentino
Governing Security: The Hidden Origins of American Security Agencies by Cuéllar, Mariano-Florentino
Handbook of Technical Diagnostics: Fundamentals and Application to Structures and Systems by
Life Cycle Assessment (Lca) of Light-Weight Eco-Composites by Guo, Miao
Mapping Archaeological Landscapes from Space by Harrower, Michael J., Comer, Douglas C.
Behavioral Issues in Operations Management: New Trends in Design, Management, and Methodologies by
Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering by
Analog Circuits by
Identifikation und Beschreibung von Zyklusmodellen von Fabrikelementen by Friedel, Augustin
Unleashing Engineering Creativity by Berk, Joseph
Advances in Natural Medicines, Nutraceuticals and Neurocognition by
A Practical Approach to Corporate Networks Engineering by Nogueira, Antonio, Salvador, Paulo
Multimodal Interaction in Image and Video Applications by Vitrià, Jordi, Sappa, Angel D.
Epitaxy of Semiconductors: Introduction to Physical Principles by Pohl, Udo W.
Iutam Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Advanced Technologies and Engineering Design: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for A by
Chemical Sensors: Simulation and Modeling Volume 4: Optical Sensors by Korotcenkov, Ghenadii
Surface Science Techniques by
Fahrerassistenz: Fußgängererkennung - Ein Überblick by Haase, Silvio
Modern Theory of Magnetism in Metals and Alloys by Kakehashi, Yoshiro
European Security Policy and Strategic Culture by
Kallitype: The Processes And The History by Stevens, Dick
Development of Treatment and Control Technology for Refractory Petrochemical Wastes by
Kallitype: The Processes and the History by Stevens, Dick
Topological Insulators: Dirac Equation in Condensed Matters by Shen, Shun-Qing
Prospects in Bioscience: Addressing the Issues by
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (Icsip 2012): Volume 2 by
Testing of Communicating Systems: Proceedings of the Ifip Tc6 11th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems (Iwtcs'98) August 31-Sep by
Towards an Optical Internet: New Visions in Optical Network Design and Modelling. Ifip Tc6 Fifth Working Conference on Optical Network Design and M by
Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification: Forte X / Pstv XVII '97 by Togashi, Atsushi, Mizuno, Tadanori, Shiratori, Norio
Variationsrechnung Und Ihre Anwendung in Physik Und Technik by Funk, Paul
Performance of Information and Communication Systems: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.3 Seventh International Conference on Performance of Information and Communicatio by
Testing of Communicating Systems: Ifip Tc6 9th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems Darmstadt, Germany 9-11 September 1996 by
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (Icsip 2012): Volume 1 by
Tissue Functioning and Remodeling in the Circulatory and Ventilatory Systems by Thiriet, Marc
The Modernization Potential of Gas Turbines in the Coal-Fired Power Industry: Thermal and Economic Effectiveness by Bartnik, Ryszard
Finite Elemente: Theorie, Schnelle Löser Und Anwendungen in Der Elastizitätstheorie by Braess, Dietrich
Wastewater Treatment with Algae by
Excited Nuclear States - Nuclei with Z = 74-103 by Soroko, Zoya N., Sukhoruchkin, Sergey I.
Tunable Multiband Ferroelectric Devices for Reconfigurable Rf-Frontends by Zheng, Yuliang
Place-Based Conservation: Perspectives from the Social Sciences by
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: 4th International Joint Conference, Biostec 2011, Rome, Italy, January 26-29, 2011, Revised Selected by
System Modeling and Optimization XX: Ifip Tc7 20th Conference on System Modeling and Optimization July 23-27, 2001, Trier, Germany by
Steels: From Materials Science to Structural Engineering by Sha, Wei
Industrial Motor Control: Workbook and Lab Manual by Herman, Stephen
Computer Access for People with Disabilities: A Human Factors Approach by Simpson, Richard C.
Advances in Fuzzy Implication Functions by
Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform: Advanced Architectures and Solutions by
Networks and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance by Mueller, Milton L.
Das späte Dawson`s Creek by Bicher, Reinhard
Op Amps for Everyone by Carter, Bruce
Katechismus der Feldmesskunst mit Kette, Winkespiegel und Messtisch by Hermann, Friedrich
Die landwirtschaftliche Tierproduktion by Von Weckberlin, A.
On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures by Babbage, Charles
School and Home Cooking by Greer, Carlotta Cherryholmes
Simple Italian Cookery by Isola, Antonia [Pseud ].
English Housewifery Exemplified in above Four Hundred and Fifty Receipts Giving Directions for most Parts of Cookery by Moxon, Elizabeth
The Art of Making Whiskey So As to Obtain a Better, Purer, Cheaper and Greater Quantity of Spirit, From a Given Quantity of Grain by Boucherie, Anthony
The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student by Beech, Franklin
The Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed. by Daniel, Florence
Favorite Dishes: a Columbian Autograph Souvenir Cookery Book by Shuman, Carrie V.
Primary Handwork by Dobbs, Ella Victoria
Opportunities in Engineering by Horton, Charles M. (Charles Marcus)
A Course In Wood Turning by Milton, Archie S.
Icord'13: Global Product Development by
A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public by Wade, Frank Bertram
Megacity Mobility Culture: How Cities Move on in a Diverse World by
Introduction to Risk and Uncertainty in Hydrosystem Engineering by Ziaei, Mina, Teang Shui, Lee, Goodarzi, Ehsan
Asia's Naval Expansion: An Arms Race in the Making? by Till, Geoffrey
Robust Emotion Recognition Using Spectral and Prosodic Features by Koolagudi, Shashidhar G., Rao, K. Sreenivasa
Applied Acoustics: Concepts, Absorbers, and Silencers for Acoustical Comfort and Noise Control: Alternative Solutions - Innovative Tools - Practical E by Fuchs, Helmut V.
Semantic 3D Object Maps for Everyday Robot Manipulation by Rusu, Radu Bogdan
Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites: Fabrication and Recycling by Nishida, Yoshinori
Iaeng Transactions on Electrical Engineering Volume 1 - Special Issue of the International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 by
Aerodinamica per appassionati volume secondo by Colace, Alessandro
The Book of GIMP: A Complete Guide to Nearly Everything by Delvare, Karine, Lecarme, Olivier
American Cookery The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and Vegetables by Simmons, Amelia
Finite State Machine Logic Synthesis for Complex Programmable Logic Devices by Czerwinski, Robert, Kania, Dariusz
Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer by Mairet, Ethel M.
Theory of Silk Weaving A Treatise on the Construction and Application of Weaves, and the Decomposition and Calculation of Broad and Narrow, Plain, Nov by Wolfensberger, Arnold
Woman as Decoration by Burbank, Emily
Wonderful Balloon Ascents by Marion, F. (Fulgence)
Things To Make by Williams, Archibald
The Scientific American Boy Or, The Camp at Willow Clump Island by Bond, A. Russell (Alexander Russell)
The Story of the Cotton Plant by Wilkinson, Frederick
The New Dr. Price Cookbook by Royal Baking Powder Company, New York
Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals by
Achieving Zero: My life and love of Consulting Engineering by Evans P. E., David F.
Uber Ein Sachsisches Eisenbahn-System ALS Grundlage Eines Allgemeinen Deutschen Eisenbahn-Systems by List, Friedrich
The Savvy Social Media Guide by Schwartz, Stuart H.
Continuous System Modeling by Cellier, François E., Greifeneder, Jurgen
Organic Additives and Ceramic Processing: With Applications in Powder Metallurgy, Ink, and Paint by Shanefield, Daniel J.
Melt Rheology and Its Applications in the Plastics Industry by Wang, Jian, Dealy, John M.
Developments in Soil Salinity Assessment and Reclamation: Innovative Thinking and Use of Marginal Soil and Water Resources in Irrigated Agriculture by
Ten Chapters in Turbulence by
Matlab(r) by Example: Programming Basics by Gdeisat, Munther, Lilley, Francis
The Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed. by Daniel, Florence
Die Bienenzucht in Strohwohnungen mit unbeweglichem Wabenbau by Busch, Ferdinand Benjamin
Die Federviehzucht vom wirtschaftlichen Standpunkte by Baldamus, August Carl Eduard
Die schmalspurige Eisenbahn von Ocholt nach Westerstede by Buresch, Ernst
Das Holz und seine Destillationsprodukte by Thenius, Georg
Seuchenlehre by Zwick, Wilhelm
Deutschlands Geflügelhaltung und sein Handel mit Geflügelprodukten by Marian, Emil
Mobile Marketing for Your Local Business: Key Strategies to Attracting & Retaining Customers Using Mobile Devices by Brown, Mario, Anderson, Brian
The Smell of Kerosene: A Test Pilot's Odyssey by Mallick, Donald L., Merlin, Peter W.
Über die Verbesserung unserer deutschen Landrindviehrassen durch Reinzucht by Ziegenbein, Hugo Karl
Die Schmalsprige Eisenbahn Von Ocholt Nach Westerstede by Buresch, Ernst
Opening Ceremonies of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, May 24, 1883 by Kingsley, William C.
The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student by Beech, Franklin
The New Dr. Price Cookbook by Royal Baking Powder Company, New York
School and Home Cooking by Greer, Carlotta Cherryholmes
Woman as Decoration by Burbank, Emily
Things To Make by Williams, Archibald
Theory of Silk Weaving A Treatise on the Construction and Application of Weaves, and the Decomposition and Calculation of Broad and Narrow, Plain, Nov by Wolfensberger, Arnold
The Scientific American Boy Or, The Camp at Willow Clump Island by Bond, A. Russell (Alexander Russell)
On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures by Babbage, Charles
Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer by Mairet, Ethel M.
Primary Handwork by Dobbs, Ella Victoria
Wonderful Balloon Ascents by Marion, F. (Fulgence)
The Story of the Cotton Plant by Wilkinson, Frederick
Dynamic analysis of a Formula SAE car by Innocenti Tommaso
One Dimensional Analysis Program for Scramjet and Ramjet Flowpaths by Maruthaiyan Pradhapraj, Johnson Pradeep, Ganapathy Rohan M.
Energiewende, aber wie? Die Rechtslage für Energiespeicher nach dem EnWG, EEG und StromStG by Laux, Matthias
A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public by Wade, Frank Bertram
Favorite Dishes: a Columbian Autograph Souvenir Cookery Book by Shuman, Carrie V.
A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes by Francatelli, Charles Elmé
English Housewifery Exemplified in above Four Hundred and Fifty Receipts Giving Directions for most Parts of Cookery by Moxon, Elizabeth
How to Prepare and Serve a Meal and Interior Decoration by Lansdown, Lillian B.
Optical Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Generation: Technologies and Applications by
A Better Way to Build: A History of the Pankow Companies by Adamson, Michael R.
Intelligent Visual Inspection: Using Artificial Neural Networks by Rosandich, R.
Principles of Integrated Maritime Surveillance Systems by Panayirci, Erdal, Topuz, Ercan, Ince, A. Nejat
Food Microbiology and Hygiene by Hayes, Richard
Brennstoffzellenanlagen by Winkler, Wolfgang
The Physical Basis for Heterogeneous Catalysis by
Integrierte Mikrowellenschaltungen: Elektrische Grundlagen, Dimensionierung, Technische Ausführung, Technologien by Hoffmann, R. K.
Optimal Supervisory Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems by Chen, Yufeng, Li, Zhiwu
20 Jahre Ifeu-Institut: Engagement Für Die Umwelt Zwischen Wissenschaft Und Politik by
Control Grid Motion Estimation for Efficient Application of Optical Flow by Frakes, David, Zwart, Christine M.
Achieving Water Security: Lessons from Research in Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene in Ethiopia by
Rethinking the Principles of War: The Future of Warfare by
American Cookery The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and Vegetables by Simmons, Amelia
A Course In Wood Turning by Milton, Archie S.
Energy Efficiency: Lessons Learned from Success Stories by Sharabaroff, Alexander, Semikolenova, Yadviga, Stuggins, Gary
Technology Roadmapping for Strategy and Innovation: Charting the Route to Success by
Simple Italian Cookery by Isola, Antonia [Pseud ].
Small Wars: Low-Intensity Threats and the American Response Since Vietnam by Gambone, Michael
The Truth About The Wunderwaffe by Witkowski, Igor
Basin Evolution and Petroleum Prospectivity of the Continental Margins of India: Volume 59 by Bastia, Rabi, Radhakrishna, M.
Modern Locomotive Design (1892) by Meyer, J. G.
Elektro-Metallurgie by Borchers, W.
Consumer Data Privacy in a Networked World: A Framework For Protecting Privacy and Promoting Innovation in the Global Digital Economy by Washington, The White House
Sublimation by Goldberger, W. M.
Design with the Desert: Conservation and Sustainable Development by
Pot-Honey: A Legacy of Stingless Bees by
On-The-Go: Innovative Way of Living by Sankar, Bala
Progress in Materials Handling and Logistics by White, John A., Pence, Ira W.
Intelligent Networks: Proceedings of the Ifip Workshop on Intelligent Networks 1994 by Harju, Jarmo, Karttunen, Tapani, Martikainen, Olli
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