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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 2016

Técnicas de mecanizado: Montaje y mantenimiento by D'Addario, Miguel
Quantitative Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy by Santana, Juan A. Colón
Le schéma électrique by Largeaud, Hubert
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy by Tesla, Nikola
A Concept of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Amphibious Operations by Naval Postgraduate School
A Methodology for Evaluating the Capability of the Bradley 25mm Cannon to Engage and Defeat Pioneer Class UAV by Naval Postgraduate School
Freshwater Fish Culture Vol 1 by Sarkar, S. K.
Sadguru Model of Rural Development Elevates Food Security by Govindasamy, Agoramoorthy
Postharvest Technology of Fish and Fish Products by Balachandran, K. K.
Lettre Sur La Télégraphie Électrique by Gros-J-B-L
Défense Sanitaire de la Métropole Dans Ses Rapports Avec Les Colonies by Granjux-A-P-L
Des Fraudes Dans l'Armée Et Dans Le Commerce Du Bétail by Raynal-J-F-D
L'Électricité Et Ses Applications by Foveau de Courmelles-F-V
The Future of Electric Vehicles in India - A Consumer Preference Survey by Prakash, Nirupama
Manual of Soil Plant and Water Analysis by Tahir Ali
Handbook of Milk Microbiology by Manish L. Srivastava
Experimental and Analytical Bakery by Dipiti Sharma
Transferring Nanotechnology Concept Towards Business Perspectives by Nam &. Center
Sustainable Energy for All: Transforming Commitments to Action Lessons Learned and Actions for the Future by Nam &. Center
Plants Secondary Metabolites and Pigments by U. D. Chavan
Electrical Transformers and Rotating Machines by Herman, Stephen
M17 Fire Hydrants: Installation, Field Testing, and Maintenance, Fifth Edition by Awwa
Communicating Water's Value Part II: Stormwater, Wastewater & Watersheds by Melanie K. Goetz
M51 Air Valves: Air Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination, Second Edition by Awwa
Illinois Iron & Bolt Co. Catalog: 1889 Catalog by Iron, I. L.
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics by Pytel, Andrew, Kiusalaas, Jaan
Introductory Food Toxicology by Lokesh Kumar Mishra
Infinity Beckoned: Adventuring Through the Inner Solar System, 1969-1989 by Gallentine, Jay
Handbook of Marine Chemistry by Satyanarayana, D.
Electronics for Electricians by Herman, Stephen
Multiscale Modeling for Process Safety Applications by Mannan, Sam, Cagin, Tahir, Chakrabarty, Arnab
Advanced Oxidation Handbook, First Edition by James Collins, James R. Bolton
Managing Major Projects: Hollywood Software Development by Hawkey, Barry
The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts by Susskind, Daniel, Susskind, Richard
M36 Water Audits and Loss Control Programs, Fourth Edition by Awwa
Water System Operations (Wso) Water Treatment, Grade II by
Architectural Drafting and Design by Jefferis, Alan, Madsen, David
M4 Water Fluoridation Principles & Practices, Sixth Edition by Awwa
Essential Interviewing: A Programmed Approach to Effective Communication by Uhlemann, Max, Hearn, Margaret, Evans, David
Ornamental Fish Culture and Aquarium Management by Dholakia, Anshuman D.
The Chemistry and Pharmacy of Botanical Medicines by Dickson, Charles
Water System Operations (Wso) Water Treatment, Grades III & IV by
Water System Operations (Wso) Water Distribution, Grades I & II by
Quantitative Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy by Santana, Juan A. Colón
Water System Operations (Wso) Water Treatment, Grade I by
Nims Machining Level 1 Study Guide by Klein, Andrew
ISO 31000: Enterprise Risk Management by Hutchins, Gregory
Water System Operations (Wso) Water Distribution, Grades III & IV by
Construction Jobsite Management by Johnston, Hal, Mincks, William
Mechanics of Fluids, Si Edition by Wiggert, David C., Ramadan, Bassem H., Potter, Merle C.
CATIA V5-6R2015 for Designers by Purdue Univ, Sham Tickoo
Semiconductor Memories: Design, Modeling, Abstraction, and Verification by Ray, Sandip, Bhadra, Jayanta
Bifurcation Behavior in Switched Mode Power Supplies by El Aroudi, Abdelali
CMOS Integrated Circuits for Self-Powered and Energy-Scavenging Systems by Chakrabartty, Shantanu
Railway Construction by Mills, William Hemmingway
Theory of screws: a study in the dynamics of a rigid body (1876) by Robert Stawe by Ball, Robert Stawell
Applications of Digital Video and Synthetic Environments to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Naval Postgraduate School
Army Equipment Program in Support of President's Budget 2016 by United States Army
System-Level Design and Modeling: ESL Using C/C++, Systemc and Tlm-2.0 by Navabi, Zainalabedin
ICT Innovations 2015: Emerging Technologies for Better Living by
II Latin American Conference on Bioimpedance: 2nd Clabio, Montevideo, September 30 - October 02, 2015 by
Art and Science of Formulating Cosmetic Products by Barnes, Caren M., Puccetti, Germain
The Downtown Brooklyn Streetcar Loop Plan ca. 1989 by Diamond, Bob
Manufacturing and Novel Applications of Multilayer Polymer Films by Langhe, Deepak, Ponting, Michael
Materials Processing: A Unified Approach to Processing of Metals, Ceramics and Polymers by Francis, Lorraine F.
Mobile Konami Codes: Analysis of Android Malware Services Utilizing Sensor and Resource-Based State Changes by Naval Postgraduate School
Increasing the Kill Effectiveness of High Energy Laser (HEL) Combat System by Naval Postgraduate School
An Adaptive Approach for Precise Underwater Vehicle Control in Combined Robot-Diver Operations by Naval Postgraduate School
Evaluating the combined UUV efforts in a large-scale mine warfare environment by Naval Postgraduate School
Peanuts: Genetics, Processing, and Utilization by
Rapid Detection of Food Adulterants and Contaminants: Theory and Practice by Jha, Shyam Narayan
Antimicrobial Food Packaging by
Designing Tall Buildings: Structure as Architecture by Sarkisian, Mark
Post-Silicon Verification and Debugging for C-Based Designs by
Ssa-Based Compiler Design by
The Romance of Modern Mechanism by Williams, Archibald
Backyard Sugarin': A Complete How-To Guide by Mann, Rink
Health Information Systems: Managing Clinical Risk by Stavert-Dobson, Adrian
Hacking by Tech, Solis
Der Abgasmanipulationsskandal bei Volkswagen. Zusammenfassung der Fakten, technischen Hintergründe, Folgen und Auswirkungen by Baunach, Carlo
Begünstigt die Konsumgesellschaft das Entstehen von Kaufsucht? Eine konsumkritische Anschauung by Maas, Theresa
The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky Technology, Culture, and Deviance at Nasa, Enlarged Edition by Vaughan, Diane
The First 50 Years of the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan: 1955-2005 by Chaffin, Don
Submodularity in Dynamics and Control of Networked Systems by Alomair, Basel, Bushnell, Linda, Clark, Andrew
Getriebetechnik: Grundlagen, Entwicklung Und Anwendung Ungleichmäßig Übersetzender Getriebe by Corves, Burkhard, Hüsing, Mathias, Kerle, Hanfried
Acoustics of Multi-Use Performing Arts Centers by Holden, Mark
Recent Advances in Computational Intelligence in Defense and Security by
Fluiddynamischer Planarantrieb Für Drei Freiheitsgrade: Erweiterung Eines Xy-Antriebs Um Einen Unbeschränkten Drehfreiheitsgrad by Schumacher, Tim
Markov Chain Aggregation for Agent-Based Models by Banisch, Sven
Carbon Dioxide Utilisation: Faraday Discussion 183 by
Fuzzy Logic Type 1 and Type 2 Based on Labview(tm) FPGA by Ponce-Cruz, Pedro, Molina, Arturo, MacCleery, Brian
GIS Algorithms by Xiao, Ningchuan
GIS Algorithms by Xiao, Ningchuan
Technik: Skriptsammlung zum Unterricht by Rueff, A.
Fabrication and Self-Assembly of Nanobiomaterials: Applications of Nanobiomaterials by Grumezescu, Alexandru
AutoCAD Electrical 2016 for Electrical Control Designers by Purdue Univ, Sham Tickoo
Double-Diffusive Convection in Rotational Shear by Naval Postgraduate School
Air asset to mission assignment for dynamic high-threat environments in real-time by Naval Postgraduate School
Medical Remote Sensors in Tactical Networks by Naval Postgraduate School
Air Force Research Laboratory 2014 Strategic Plan by Air Force Research Laboratory
Software-Defined Avionics and Mission Systems in Future Vertical Lift Aircraft by Naval Postgraduate School
Intermittent Failures in Integrated Circuits: Detection, Characterization and Fault Tolerance by Polian, Ilia, Sanyal, Alodeep, Kundu, Sandip
Multidisciplinary Systems Engineering: Architecting the Design Process by Demijohn, Russell, Crowder, James A., Carbone, John N.
Rare-Earths and Actinides in High Energy Spectroscopy by Bonnelle, Christiane, Spector, Nissan
Computer Science and Engineering Technology (Cset2015), Medical Science and Biological Engineering (Msbe2015) - Proceedings of the 2015 International by
Military Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Lucas, George
Mechanothermodynamics by Sosnovskiy, Leonid, Sherbakov, Sergei
Modeling and Analysis of Linear Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws by Bartecki, Krzysztof
Design of Reconfigurable Logic Controllers by
Polyolefin Compounds and Materials: Fundamentals and Industrial Applications by
Experiences from Surface Water Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in the Catalan River Basin District (Part I) by
Self-Repair Networks: A Mechanism Design by Ishida, Yoshiteru
Causal Inference in Econometrics by
Real-Time Speech and Music Classification by Large Audio Feature Space Extraction by Eyben, Florian
Touschek Lifetime Studies and Optimization of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility: Present and Upgrade Lattice by Carmignani, Nicola
Human Activity Recognition and Prediction by
Elements of Plasma Technology by Wong, Chiow San, Mongkolnavin, Rattachat
Advances and New Trends in Environmental and Energy Informatics: Selected and Extended Contributions from the 28th International Conference on Informa by
Heterogeneous Photocatalysis: From Fundamentals to Green Applications by
Hard X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (Haxpes) by
Photonic Materials for Sensing, Biosensing and Display Devices by
Designing Tall Buildings: Structure as Architecture by Sarkisian, Mark
Circuit Engineering by Tech, Solis
Coordinate Metrology: Accuracy of Systems and Measurements by Sladek, Jerzy A.
Military Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Lucas, George R., Jr.
Multi-Core and Many-Core Computers: Dataflow Parallelism in Teradevice Computing by
Ancient Art of Dowsing by Ose, Duane
Data Safety Guidance by Data Safety Initiative Working Group
Nanoscience: Volume 3 by
Nanopositioning Technologies: Fundamentals and Applications by
Computer Aided Virtual Manufacturing Using Creo Parametric: Easy to Learn Step by Step Guide by Kanife, Paul Obiora
Environmental Impacts on Underground Power Distribution by Gouda, Osama El-Sayed
Strategic Management and Leadership for Systems Development in Virtual Spaces by
Virtual Reality Enhanced Robotic Systems for Disability Rehabilitation by
International Forest Policies in Indonesia: International Influences, Power Changes and Domestic Responses in REDD+, One Map and Forest Certification by Wibowo, Agung
Careers in HVACR by Institute for Career Research
The Hackable City: A Researsch Manifesto and Design Toolkit by Van de Klundert, Froukje, Ampatzidou, Cristina, Bouw, Matthijs
Fundamentals of Hvacr by Stanfield, Carter, Skaves, David
Biegeversuche an Kupfer-Mikropillars bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Eine mikrotechnologische Untersuchung by Zekri, Atef
Fundamentals and Applications of Nanophotonics by
Advances in Chemical Mechanical Planarization (Cmp) by
Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit von integrierten Analog-Digital-Wandlern nach dem Verfahren der sukzessiven Approximation by Hänzsche, Stefan
Fluid-Structure Interactions: Volume 2: Slender Structures and Axial Flow by Paidoussis, Michael P.
Study and Design of Belt Conveyor System in Coal Mines by Kundu Sanjoy, Mukherjee Mainak
Der Torf by Nöggerath, Jacob
Lunar and Interplanetary Trajectories by Biesbroek, Robin
CIA Lock Picking: Field Operative Training Manual by Central Intelligence Agency
Army Field Manual FM 22-100 (The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual) by The United States Army
Handbook of Food Processing Equipment by Kostaropoulos, Athanasios E., Saravacos, George
Smart Electromechanical Systems by
A Second-Order ΣΔ Adc Using Sputtered Igzo Tfts by Correia, Ana Paula Pinto, Cândido Barquinha, Pedro Miguel, Goes, João Carlos Da Palma
Emotion, Affect and Personality in Speech: The Bias of Language and Paralanguage by Johar, Swati
Experiences from Ground, Coastal and Transitional Water Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in the Catalan River Basin by
Complexity-Aware High Efficiency Video Coding by Assunção, Pedro, Agostini, Luciano, Corrêa, Guilherme
Design of Video Quality Metrics with Multi-Way Data Analysis: A Data Driven Approach by Keimel, Christian
Citizen's Right to the Digital City: Urban Interfaces, Activism, and Placemaking by
3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering: Icnbme-2015, September 23-26, 2015, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova by
US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76 by Department of Defense
Special Forces Sniper Training and Employment by Special Operations Command
U.S. Army Guide to Boobytraps by Army
Boobytraps FM 5-31 by Pentagon U. S. Military
Buildings for Advanced Technology by
CIA Lock Picking: Field Operative Training Manual by Central Intelligence Agency
The Engineering Communication Manual by House, Richard, Layton, Richard, Livingston, Jessica
Boobytraps FM 5-31 by Pentagon U. S. Military
Army Field Manual FM 22-100 (The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual) by The United States Army
CIA Lock Picking: Field Operative Training Manual by Central Intelligence Agency
Field Manual FM 3-21.8 (FM 7-8) The Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad March 2007 by United States Government Us Army
US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76 by Department of Defense
U.S. Army Guide to Boobytraps by Army
Power Electronics: State-Space Averaging and Cuk Converters: Vol. 4 by Cuk, Slobodan
United States Air Force Global Science and Technology Vision by United States Air Force Chief Scientist
Data Safety Guidance by Hampton, Paul, The Data Safety Initiative Working Group
Pattern Recognition: Applications and Methods: 4th International Conference, Icpram 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, January 10-12, 2015, Revised Selected Pape by
Technological Innovation and Economic Transformation by Gautschi, David, Gautschi, Heidi
Inside the Designer: Understanding imagining in spatial design. by McAuliffe, Marisha
Unified Behavior Framework for Discrete Event Simulation Systems by Air Force Institute of Technology
Statistical Observations of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing in a Combat Simulation by Air Force Institute of Technology
Recent Advances in Compressed Sensing: Discrete Uncertainty Principles and Fast Hyperspectral Imaging by Air Force Institute of Technology
U.S. Fleet Cyber Command Strategic Plan 2015-2020 by U. S. Fleet Cyber Command
Modeling Attitude Variance for Acoustic Signature Simplification in Small UASS using a Designed Experiment in a Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation by Air Force Institute of Technology
Evidence for the Inhibition of Dengue Virus Binding in the Presence of Silver Nanoparticles by Air Force Institute of Technology
Build Your Own Hot-Air Balloon: Volume II - Materials, Equipment & Suppliers by Rechs, Robert J., Balloons, Eagle
Navigation Constellation Design Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm by Air Force Institute of Technology
Hydrologic Analysis and Design by McCuen, Richard
Solidworks 2016 Tutorial (Including Unique Access Code) by Planchard, David
Polymers and Nanomaterials for Gene Therapy by
Telecommunications Policy in the Caribbean: A Case Study of Telecommunications in Jamaica and Cuba by Naval Postgraduate School
Fingerprinting Software Defined Networks and Controllers by Air Force Institute of Technology
Effective Military Innovation: Technological and Organizational Dimensions by Penny Hill Press Inc, Naval Postgraduate School
Communication Theory and Millennial Popular Culture: Essays and Applications by
Electrohydraulic Fracturing of Rocks by La Borderie, Christian, Reess, Thierry
Hope And A Hole In The Ground: The Verrazano Narrows - Cross Harbor Rail Tunnel by Diamond, Bob
Green Fashion: Volume 1 by
Software Networks: Virtualization, Sdn, 5g and Security by Pujolle, Guy
The Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series: Module 01 Introduction To by United States Navy
Brownian Ratchets by Cubero, David, Renzoni, Ferruccio
The Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series Module 02 Introduction To A by United States Navy
Carbon: The Next Silicon?: Book 1 - Fundamentals by Perez-Gonzalez, Victor H., Pramanick, Bidhan, Madou, Marc J.
Carbon: The Next Silicon?: Book 2--Applications by Perez-Gonzalez, Victor H., Pramanick, Bidhan, Madou, Marc J.
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