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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 2017

The Sandhyavandanam Of Rig Yajus And Sama Vedins: With A Literal Translation An Explanatory Paraphrase And Commentary In English by Kamesvara, B. V. Aiyar
The Register Of Baptisms, Marriages And Burials At St. Margaret's Toppesfield Parish, Essex Co., England 1559-1650 And Some Account Of The Parish by Morant, Philip
Probiotics in Mental Health by
The Starrett Book For Machinists' Apprentices by P. Fairfield, Howard
Ultrasonic Welding of Lithium-Ion Batteries by Kang, Bongsu, Hu, S. Jack, Cai, Wayne W.
Sound-Power Flow: A Practitioner's Handbook for Sound Intensity by Hickling, Robert
Optical Nanomanipulation by Andrews, David L., Bradshaw, David S.
Quality Function Deployment: The evolved 4-phase model by Jensen, Frede
Les Moteurs Hydrauliques. Tome 2 by Huard, Charles-Lucien
Nouveau Manuel Complet de la Fabrication Des Vins de Fruits Du Cidre Du Poiré: Des Boissons Rafraîchissantes by Accum, Friedrich
iOS Application Pentesting Handbook 2 by Huntley, Samuel
Mémoire Sur Les Chemins À Ornières by Coste, Léon
Essai Philosophique Sur La Technologie by Lalanne, Léon
Essai Sur l'Amélioration Des Terres by Pattullo
Mémoire Sur Le Commerce de la Boucherie de Paris by Impr de Lebegue
Meilleur Système Pour Exécution Travaux Publics Et Notamment Grandes Lignes Chemins de Fer by Bartholony, François
Guide Pratique Du Constructeur: Mot Technique Employés Dans La Construction Et Architecture Civile by Pernot-L-T
Traité Pratique Des Constructions Métalliques by Cosyn-L
Mémoire Sur Les Barrages À Hausses Mobiles by Lagrené, Chanoine, Jacques Henri
Compagnie Des Messageries Maritimes La Question Du Tonnage de Capacité Des Navires by Marmont Du Hautchamp-B
Abrégé Du Grand Dictionnaire de Technologie Ou Nouveau Dictionnaire Des Arts Et Métiers: L'Économie Industrielle Et Commerciale by Pelouze, Francoeur, Louis-Benjamin, Robiquet, Henri-Edmond
Abrégé Du Grand Dictionnaire de Technologie Ou Nouveau Dictionnaire Des Arts Et Métiers: L'Économie Industrielle Et Commerciale by Pelouze, Francoeur, Louis-Benjamin, Robiquet, Henri-Edmond
Nouveau Manuel Complet Du Plombier, Zingueur, Couvreur Et de l'Appareilleur À Gaz by Romain-A
Théorie Toute Nouvelle Des Nombres Pairs Et Impairs, Dont La Connaissance Est Indispensable À Tous by Guy-P-G
Enquête Sur Les Fers by Commerce Et Manufactures
Rapport Du Jury Central Sur Les Produits de l'Agriculture Et de l'Industrie Exposés En 1849. Tome 2 by Industrie Francaise
Les Métiers Et Leur Histoire: Les Boulangers, Les Bouchers, Pâtissiers Et Confiseurs, Les Épiciers by Parmentier, André
Notice Sur Un Chemin de Fer de Paris À Versailles, Projeté En 1825 by de Villiers Du Terrage, Édouard
Rapport Du Jury Central. Tome 2 by Exposition Des Produits
La Culture Selon La Science: Échos Du Champ d'Expériences de Vincennes by Bloudeau
Pont d'Ivry En Bois Sur Piles En Pierre, Traversant La Seine Près Du Confluent de la Marne:: Détails Pratiques Sur CE Pont by Emmery de Sept-Fontaines, Henry-Charles
Canal Des Houillères de la Sarre Et Prolongement Du Chemin de Fer Des Ardennes Vers l'Allemagne: Contenant Une Réponse Au Mémoire Publié En Août 1859 by -.
Documents Concernant Les Voies de Communication Établies Dans Le Département de la: Manche Et Le Chemin de Fer Stratégique Projeté Entre Brest & Cherb by Liais
Horlogeographie Pratique Ou La Manière de Faire Les Horloges À Poids by Beuriot, Le P.
Mémoire À l'Appui de la Demande En Concession d'Une Mine de Fer Dans La Meurthe,: Faite Par MM. Barbe Père Jean-Baptiste Et Fils Paul-François, Propri by Barbe-Schmitz
Rapport Fait À La Société Royale Et Centrale d'Agriculture Pour Le Percement Des Puisards,: Puits Perdus Ou Boit-Tout Artificiels Faits À l'Aide de la by Héricart-Ferrand de Thury, Louis-Étienne-François
Travaux d'Achèvement de la Digue de Cherbourg de 1830 À 1853. Précédés d'Une Introduction: Historique Sur Les Travaux Exécutés Depuis l'Origine Jusqu' by Bonnin, Joseph
Pont de l'École Militaire Construit Sur La Seine À Paris, En Face Du Champs de Mars, d'Après Les: Projets Et Sous La Direction de M. Lamandé, by Lamandé, Mandé-Corneille
Ligne de Paris Au Havre Ligne de Macaulay À Dieppe Ligne de Beuzeville À Fécamp: Série Des Prix by Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest
Pont En Pierre À Construire Sur La Seine, À Rouen . Deuxième Devis Des Ouvrages Précédé d'Un: Mémoire Sur Les Projets Proposés, Sur Les Moyens de Cons by Lamandé, Mandé-Corneille
Comptes Et Écritures de Commerce Comprenant Les Trois Systèmes Fondamentaux Succinctement: Et Clairement Démontrés En Une Seule Leçon Théorico-Pratiqu by Bochet
Arc Control in Circuit Breakers: Low Contact Velocity by Pechrach Phd, Kesorn
Fish Pharmacology and Toxicology: Research Reviews by Pandey, Govind
Aquarium Feed: Grasshopper Minilivestock by Ganguly, Arijit
S&T Diplomacy and Sustainable Development in the Developing Countries by
Breeding and Hybridization of Food Fishes by Biswas, K. P.
Fish and Aquatic Resources by Vasanthkumar, B. Et Al
Inland Fish Diversity by Mogalekar, H. S. Et El
Interactive Collaborative Learning: Proceedings of the 19th ICL Conference - Volume 2 by
Methoden und Resultate der Prüfung von Eisen und Stahl und anderer Metalle by Tetmajer, Ludwig
Radiation Effects in Silicon Carbide by Lebedev, A. A.
Contemporary Dielectric Materials by
Current Trends on Lanthanide Glasses and Materials by
Generalist Case Management: A Method of Human Service Delivery by McClam, Tricia, Woodside, Marianne
Hydraulic Systems Volume 2: Electro-Hydraulic Components and Systems by Khalil, Medhat
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Sobhan, Khaled, Das, Braja
Ingeniería eléctrica: Teoría de circuitos by D'Addario, Miguel
M1 Principles of Water Rates, Fees and Charges, Seventh Edition by Awwa
Apollo Pilot: The Memoir of Astronaut Donn Eisele by Eisele, Donn
Optical Nanomanipulation by Bradshaw, David S., Andrews, David L.
Sound-Power Flow: A Practitioner's Handbook for Sound Intensity by Hickling, Robert
Strategic and Tactical Considerations on the Fireground STUDY GUIDE - Fourth Edition by Smith, Ret Deputy Chief James P.
Drug Discovery from Herbs: Approaches and Applications by Bhojraj, Suresh Et Al
Totally Amazing Facts about Military Sea and Air Vehicles by Meister, Cari
Technical Communication by Anderson, Paul
Water Diplomacy in Action: Contingent Approaches to Managing Complex Water Problems by
Water Diplomacy in Action: Contingent Approaches to Managing Complex Water Problems by
Evolutionary Multi-Agent Systems: From Inspirations to Applications by Byrski, Aleksander, Kisiel-Dorohinicki, Marek
Reduced Modelling of Planar Fuel Cells: Spatial Smoothing and Asymptotic Reduction by He, Zhongjie, Li, Hua, Birgersson, Karl Erik
Operando Research in Heterogeneous Catalysis by
Nanoscience in Food and Agriculture 3 by
Embedded Device Security: Pwn the device 2 by Huntley, Samuel
Applied Physics of External Radiation Exposure: Dosimetry and Radiation Protection by Antoni, Rodolphe, Bourgois, Laurent
Polymer Crystallization II: From Chain Microstructure to Processing by
Superconductivity: An Introduction by Kahn, Rémi, Mangin, Philippe
Model-Driven Development and Operation of Multi-Cloud Applications: The Modaclouds Approach by
Bildgebungskonzepte für Magnetic Particle Imaging by Ahlborg, Mandy
Engineering Design Log: Red Cover, 368 pages by Hafliger 1917 -. Switzerland
Flugphysik Der Tragschrauber: Verstehen Und Berechnen by Duda, Holger, Seewald, Jörg
Design Computing and Cognition '16 by
Deformation Compatibility Control for Engineering Structures: Methods and Applications by Zhou, Zhihui, Zhu, Hanhua, Chen, Mengchong
Fondamenti di Ricerca Operativa by Schoen, Fabio
Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society: Applepies 2015 by
Egg Innovations and Strategies for Improvements by
Nutraceutical and Functional Food Components: Effects of Innovative Processing Techniques by
Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen Künsten: Praktische Ästhetik - ein Handbuch für Techniker, Künstler und Kunstfreunde by Semper, Gottfried
Optical Character Recognition Systems for Different Languages with Soft Computing by Chaudhuri, Arindam, Mandaviya, Krupa, Badelia, Pratixa
New Perspectives on Food Blanching by
Studies in Musical Acoustics and Psychoacoustics by
Star Identification: Methods, Techniques and Algorithms by Zhang, Guangjun
Risk-Based Maintenance for Electricity Network Organizations by Mehairjan, Ravish Preshant Yashraj
Methods and Finance: A Unifying View on Finance, Mathematics and Philosophy by
Compressive Sensing Based Algorithms for Electronic Defence by Verster, Ryno Strauss, Mishra, Amit Kumar
SolidWorks Electrical 2017 Black Book by Weber, Matt, Verma, Gaurav
SolidWorks Electrical 2017 Black Book (Colored) by Verma, Gaurav, Weber, Matt
Multi-mode Active Vibration Control Using H∞ Optimization MIMO Positive Position Feedback Based Genetic Algorithm by Wu, Zhonghui
Entwicklung und Implementierung einer Ladestrategie zur Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen elektrischer PKW in Frankreich und Deutschland by Vom Scheidt, Frederik
The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Schwab, Klaus
Digitaltechnik: Skript zur Unterrichtseinheit Technik by Rueff, Andreas
Navy Seal Sniper: An Intimate Look at the Sniper of the 21st Century by Doherty, Glen, Webb, Brandon
Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites XI, Volume 37, Issue 2 by
Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electronic Ceramics II, Volume 37, Issue 3 by
Advances in Ceramic Armor, Bioceramics, and Porous Materials, Volume 37, Issue 4 by
Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Nanostructured and Multifunctional Materials III, Volume 37, Issue 5 by
Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications VI, Volume 37, Issue 6 by
Developments in Strategic Ceramic Materials II: A Collection of Papers Presented at the 40th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composi by
Earth Rovers: for Exploration and Environmental Monitoring by Stakem, Patrick
The Coconut: Phylogeny, Origins, and Spread by Nayar, N. Madhavan
Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering: Volume 3 by
Plant Protein & Disruptive Diagnostics: The Transformational Food Journey for Today's Future by Roseboom, Bram, Hoogenkamp, Henk
Olive Mill Waste: Recent Advances for Sustainable Management by Galanakis, Charis M.
Validating Preventive Food Safety and Quality Controls: An Organizational Approach to System Design and Implementation by Ryan, John M.
Nanoscience and Its Applications by Marystela, Ferreira Lg, de Oliveira Jr, Osvaldo, de Lima Leite, Fábio
Predicting Failures & Measuring Remaining Equipment Life for Highly Reliable Aerospace Equipment by Losik Ph. D., Len
Design for Bending, Torsion and Buckling by Zorowski, Carl F.
Zur numerischen Analyse einer Laborfinne: Mittelschnittverfahren und Manövrierleistung by Dienst, Michael
Reihenuntersuchung zu NACA-Profilkonturen der vierstelligen Serie: Analyse der Strömungswirklichkeit von Surfboard-Finnen by Dienst, Michael
Predicting Failures and Measuring Remaining Equipment Life on Highly Reliable Aerospace Equipment: The Prognostic Analysis' Completed on Boeing GPS an by Losik Ph. D., Len
From Er to E.T.: How Electromagnetic Technologies Are Changing Our Lives by Bansal, Rajeev
Fire Alarm Design Guide by Group, Jolie
MATLAB for Engineers by Moore, Holly
The Craft and Science of Coffee by
Autodesk Revit 2017 Architecture Certification Exam Study Guide (Including Unique Access Code) by Moss, Elise
Cognitive Organisation: Prozessuale Und Funktionale Gestaltung Von Unternehmen by Haun, Matthias
Disrupting Mobility: Impacts of Sharing Economy and Innovative Transportation on Cities by
Resonant X-Ray Scattering in Correlated Systems by
III-Nitride Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Volume 96 by
Engineering Mathematics with Examples and Applications by Yang, Xin-She
Geoinformatics: from basic to specialized knowledge by Penzkofer, Markus
Annual Energy Outlook 2017 with projections to 2050 by U. S. Energy Information Administration
Time Series Analysis Methods and Applications for Flight Data by Zhang, Jianye, Zhang, Peng
Desiccant Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems by
Polymer Crystallization I: From Chain Microstructure to Processing by
The Future of Scientific Practice: 'Bio-Techno-Logos' by
Index Modulation for 5g Wireless Communications by Cheng, Xiang, Yang, Liuqing, Wen, Miaowen
Mikrofluidischer Prozessor auf Basis stimuli-sensitiver Hydrogele by Klatt, Stephan
CATIA V5 Design Fundamentals - 2nd Edition: A Step by Step Guide by Koh, Jaecheol
Spaceports Around the World, a Global Growth Industry by Seedhouse, Erik
Energieeffizienz in Deutschland - Eine Metastudie: Analyse Und Empfehlungen by
Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols: Genetic, Genomic and System Analyses of Communities by
The British Commonwealth and Victory in the Second World War by Johnston-White, Iain E.
Nanotechnology for Bioenergy and Biofuel Production by
Sustainable Development Research at Universities in the United Kingdom: Approaches, Methods and Projects by
Inorganic and Organometallic Transition Metal Complexes with Biological Molecules and Living Cells by
Showstopper!: STOP Being a Secret, DROP Your Message on Millions and REEL in the Dough with Your Video by
Next Stop Mars: The Why, How, and When of Human Missions by Genta, Giancarlo
Driving and Engine Cycles by Giakoumis, Evangelos G.
Microarray Bioprinting Technology: Fundamentals and Practices by
Computing Platforms for Software-Defined Radio by
Manhood and the Making of the Military: Conscription, Military Service and Masculinity in Finland, 1917-39 by Ahlbäck, Anders
The Next War in the Air: Britain's Fear of the Bomber, 1908-1941 by Holman, Brett
Spaceship Earth in the Environmental Age, 1960-1990 by Höhler, Sabine
Plant Secondary Metabolites, Volume Three: Their Roles in Stress Eco-Physiology by
Physicochemical Properties of Ionic Liquid Mixtures by
German Soldiers in Colonial India by Tzoref-Ashkenazi, Chen
Orbital/Fractional Orbit Bombardment System: The Soviet Globalnaya Raketa by Harkins, Hugh
Synthetic Aesthetics: Investigating Synthetic Biology's Designs on Nature by Calvert, Jane, Ginsberg, Alexandra Daisy, Schyfter, Pablo
Innovative Research in Thermal Imaging for Biology and Medicine by
Fundamentos matematicos para la Gestion de Activos: Introduccion a las bases de toma de decisiones by De Cuenca, Jose Maria, Garcia, Maria Alonso
Evolutionary Computation Techniques: A Comparative Perspective by Osuna, Valentín, Cuevas, Erik, Oliva, Diego
Shading Systems: Design, Performance, and Integrated Photovoltaics by Mandalaki, Maria, Tsoutsos, Theocharis
Einführung in Die Technische Chemie by Agar, David W., Jörissen, Jakob, Behr, Arno
10. Tagung Diesel- Und Benzindirekteinspritzung 2016: Inklusive Gaseinblasung by
Developments in System Safety Engineering: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Safety-critical Systems Symposium, Bristol, UK, 7th-9th February 2017 by Parsons, Mike
Flood Money: The Guide to Moving Your Property from the Flood Line by Hubbard, Brad
Thinking about War and Peace by Degarmo, Denise, Duff Wrobbel, E.
Thermodynamics: Theory & Practice: The science of energy and power. by Benton, D. James
Amazon Echo in 1 hour: The Complete Guide for Beginners - Change Your Life, Create Your Smart Home and Do Anything with Alexa! by Goodwin, Joel
Reflecting Telescope Optics II: Manufacture, Testing, Alignment, Modern Techniques by Wilson, Raymond N.
Interactive Collaborative Learning: Proceedings of the 19th ICL Conference - Volume 1 by
The PyRosetta Interactive Platform for Protein Structure Prediction and Design: A Set of Educational Modules by Gray, Jeffrey J.
Energy Management for the Metals Industry by Belt, Cynthia K.
Radio Resource Management for Mobile Traffic Offloading in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks by Wu, Yuan, Qian, Li Ping, Huang, Jianwei
Security-Aware Design for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Platform-Based Approach by Lin, Chung-Wei, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto
Data-Driven Fault Detection for Industrial Processes: Canonical Correlation Analysis and Projection Based Methods by Chen, Zhiwen
Beyond the Internet of Things: Everything Interconnected by
Space Engineering: Modeling and Optimization with Case Studies by
Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols: Petroleum, Hydrocarbon and Lipid Analysis by
The Dark Side of Silicon: Energy Efficient Computing in the Dark Silicon Era by
Safe at Home with Assistive Technology by
Technologies and Applications for Smart Charging of Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles by
Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols: Pollution Mitigation and Waste Treatment Applications by
EU Security Missions and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Nasr El-Din, Amr
Advanced Finite Element Simulation with Msc Marc: Application of User Subroutines by Javanbakht, Zia, Öchsner, Andreas
Federal Alternative Jet Fuels Research and Development Strategy by Office of Science and Technology Policy, National Science and Technology Council
Sustaining a Competitive Edge in Innovation through a World-Class Federal Science and Technology Workforce by National Science and Technology Council, Fast-Track Action Committee on the Feder
25 at 25: A selection of articles from twenty-five years of the SCSC Newsletter Safety Systems by
Evolutionsstrategien und Evolutionäre Algorithmen in der technischen Entwicklung: Vorteile, Nachteile und praktische Beispiele by Ibing, Emanuel
Digitale Werkzeuge Zur Integrierten Infrastrukturbauwerksplanung: Am Beispiel Des Schienen- Und Straßenbaus by Obergrießer, Mathias
Stabilität Von Ultraleichten Schaumbetonen: Betrachtung Instationärer Porenstrukturen by Gilka-Bötzow, Albrecht
Technische Potenzialanalyse Der Elektromobilität: Stand Der Technik, Forschungsausblick Und Projektion Auf Das Jahr 2025 by Füßel, Andreas
Bioactive Glasses: Potential Biomaterials for Future Therapy by Kaur, Gurbinder
Hardware IP Security and Trust by
Applied Statistics in Occupational Safety and Health by Janicak, Christopher A.
Wireless Power Transfer and Data Communication for Neural Implants: Case Study: Epilepsy Monitoring by Yilmaz, Gürkan, Dehollain, Catherine
Luminescence in Electrochemistry: Applications in Analytical Chemistry, Physics and Biology by
Internet of Things and Big Data Technologies for Next Generation Healthcare by
Low-Power CMOS Digital Pixel Imagers for High-Speed Uncooled Pbse IR Applications by Margarit, Josep Maria
Harvesting Rainwater from Buildings by Haq Peng, Syed Azizul
The Human Side of Engineering by Heywood, John
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