• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 2026

Zeroing Dynamics, Gradient Dynamics, and Newton Iterations by Zhang, Yunong, Xiao, Zhengli, Xiao, Lin
Fluctuation Mechanism and Control on System Instantaneous Availability by Yang, Yi, Yu, Yong-Li, Wang, Li-Chao
The Scientific, Clinical and Commercial Development of the Stem Cell: From Radiobiology to Regenerative Medicine by Kraft, Alison
Mechanism Design and International Risk Regulation Institutions: Theories and Models for Financial Markets by Nwogugu, Michael C.
Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concretes: Properties and Applications by Denarie, Emmanuel
Composite Steel-Concrete Buildings by Zandonini, Riccardo, Hewitt, John, Ranzi, Gianluca
Microhydro Power Systems: An Earthscan Expert Guide by Tavenner, Lee
Making Food Personalized by 3D Printing Technology by
The Pypsa Handbook: Integrated Power System Analysis and Renewable Energy Modeling by Fanara, Carlo, Bokde, Neeraj Dhanraj
Textile-Based Piezoelectric Nanogenerators: Advances and Perspectives by
Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites by
Well Integrity for Abandoned Well Re-Entries by Skinner, Les
Digital Twins of Advanced Materials Processing by Mukherjee, Tuhin, Debroy, Tarasankar
Catalytic Reactions in Hydrogen Energy Production: Physicochemical Fundamentals by Li, Zesheng, Li, Bolin
Optical Microresonators and Microparticles: Principles and Applications by Chang, Richard K., Wen-Feng, Hsieh, Poon, Andrew W.
Advanced Grid Technologies, Volume 2: Communication Networks, Internet-Of-Things, Security Layers, Economics, and Policies by Alzarooni, Abdalla Ismail, Muyeen, S. M., Khalid, Haris M.
Health Geography: Innovative Geospatial Epidemiology by
The Geoinformatics Frontier: Ai, Big Data, and Crowdsourced Technologies by
Medical Imaging Application in Health Assessment and Disease Management by
Tactile Internet for a Human-Centred Metaverse by
Elastic Robot Joints: Advanced Modeling and Control by Ruderman, Michael
Geometry and Topology of Soft Materials by Santangelo, Christian
Integrated Management Systems: A Professional Handbook by Smith, David, Politowski, Rob
Viking Warfare by Williams, Gareth
Viking Warfare by Williams, Gareth
Applied Laser Spectroscopy by Lucht, Robert P.
Photoacoustic Tomography by Xu, Minghua, Wang, Lihong V.
Optical Instrumentation by Liang, Rongguang
Introduction to Scanning Probe Microscopy by Biagioni, Paolo, Labardi, Massimiliano
Organic and Hybrid Electronics: Science, Technology, Devices and Applications by Brown, Thomas
A Concise Introduction to Nanomagnetism by Fruchart, Olivier
Microwave Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Application by Banerjee, Suranjana, Bandyopadhyay, Jyoti P.
Quantum Transport in Dirac Materials by Benjamin, Colin
Handbook of Optical Ceramics by
Unit Operations in Food Engineering, Second Edition by Barbosa-Canovas, Gustavo V., Ibarz, Albert
Combined Heat and Power: The Key to a Wealthier and Low Carbon Society by Andrews, David
Building Performance for Health and Sustainability by Woods, James E.
Seaweed Bioactives: Health Benefits and Potential Applications by
Greywater Fundamentals: Management, Treatment, and the Circular Economy by Abu-Ghunmi, Lina, Abu-Ghunmi, Diana
Membrane Processing of Liquid Foods and Bioproducts by
Membrane Transport: Fundamentals and Applications by Foudazi, Reza
Environmental Technology for Sustainability: Integrating Engineered Systems Into the Built Environment by Ho, Goen E., Li, Linda, Anda, Martin
Water Resources Engineering: Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and Multi-Objective Analysis by King, James Phillip, Sabzi, Hamed Zamani
Engineering Applications of Lasers by Singh, Ramesh K., Srivastava, Atul
Acoustic Technologies for Port and Border Protection by Sutin, Alexander, Salloum, Hady
Methods of Analysis for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, Third Edition by
Nature-Inspired Computing: Bio-Inspired Algorithms by Siddique, Nazmul H., Adeli, Hojjat
Nature-Inspired Computing: Swarm-Intelligence Based Algorithms by Siddique, Nazmul H., Adeli, Hojjat
Engineering in Jointed and Faulted Rock by Barton, Nick, Bandis, Stavros
Nanotechnology in Construction Materials: Developments in Cement-Based Systems by Cerro-Prada, Elena
Additive Manufacturing of Superalloys by
Recommendations for Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation by
Principles of Spinning: Speed Frame in Spinning by Khare, Ashok R.
Principles of Spinning: Ring Frame and Doubling in Spinning by Khare, Ashok R.
Rock Thermomechanics: Design of Geotechnical Structures in High-Temperatures by Singh, T. N., Verma, Amit Kumar, Gamage, Ranjith Pathegama
Methods in Probiotics Research by
Survival Craft and Rescue Boats by Khalique, Abdul
Practical Guide to LC Analysis of Nutraceuticals by Saha, Supradip
Small Wind Turbines: Technology and Application by
Introduction to the Design and Behavior of Bolted Joints: Gasketed Bolted Joints by Payne, James R.
Geotechnical Risk and Reliability, an Introduction by Chowdhury, Robin
Microcracking in Rock as Acoustic Emission by Labuz, Joseph, Ishida, Tsuyoshi
Planning and Installing Solar Thermal Systems: A Guide for Installers, Architects and Engineers, 3rd Edition by Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Sonnenenergie (Dgs)
Design of Electrical Transmission Lines: Line and System Modeling by Yenumula, Prasad
Seaweed Bioactives: Extraction and Characterization Techniques by
Computational Nanotechnology: Methods for Microscale and Nanoscale Engineering by Sobhan, C. B., Sathian, Sarith P., Peterson, G. P.
Understanding Sustainable Energy by Williams, Keith A.
Advanced Desalination and Water Treatment Technologies by Karimi, Leila, Raval, Hiren D., Ghassemi, Abbas
Design of Earthquake Resistant Foundations by Pender, Michael John
Elastic Robot Joints: Advanced Modeling and Control by Ruderman, Michael
Food and Nutritional Toxicology, Second Edition by Omaye, Stanley T., Hayes, A. Wallace, Clemens, Roger
Biometrics: Theory, Algorithms, Techniques, and Case Study Implementation by Joshi, Madhuri Arunkumar, Raval, Mehul S., Chaskar, Uttam
Launch: How to Succeed as a Scientist Entrepreneur by Flavin, Michael T., Crawford, Gregory P.
Automatic Monitoring, Fault Diagnostics, and Maintenance: Using Meta-Heuristic Optimization by Manna, Carlo, Liccardo, Annalisa, Arpaia, Pasquale
Restoration of Serial Numbers and Other Unique Identifiers by Geil, Kathy M.
Introduction to Terahertz Imaging by Taylor, Zachary
Introduction to Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage by Raja, Krishnan S.
Rolling Bearing Analysis: Essential and Advanced Concepts, Sixth Edition - Two-Volume Set by Harris, Tedric A., Kotzalas, Michael N.
Dictionary of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods by Eskin, Michael
Digital Control Systems: Theory, Hardware, and Software with Matlab, Third Edition by Houpis, Constantine H., Lamont, Gary B.
Steel Design and Construction by Elhouar, Souhail
A Citizen's Guide to War: American Military Actions in the 21st Century by Gorka, Sebastian
Gaskets and Gasketed Joints, Second Edition by
Seapower in the Asia-Pacific in the Twenty-First Century by Grove, Eric
3D Model-Based Definition and Model-Based Enterprise: Optimizing Business for 3D and 3D Datasets by Fischer, Bryan, Whittenburg, Roy D.
Electrical Discharges in Alternative Dielectric Liquids: A Complete Guide by Rozga, Pawel, Rao Ungarala, Mohan
Intelligenter Und Ganzheitlicher Straßenentwurf: Ein Ganzheitlicher Entwurf Von Verkehrsanlagen by Kühn, Wolfgang
Basiswissen Lebensmittelrecht: Für Studierende Und Fachkräfte Der Lebensmittel- Und Ernährungswissenschaften by Purnhagen, Kai, Brzezinski-Hofmann, Katja, Ronchetti, Federica
Energieeffiziente Fabriken Planen Und Betreiben by Löffler, Thomas, Müller, Egon, Engelmann, Jörg
Fischaufstiegsanlagen: Funktionssicherung, Gestaltung, Auslegungskriterien by Adam, Beate, Schwevers, Ulrich
Einführung in Das Klimaschutzrecht: Klimaschutz Durch Wohlgeordnetes Recht? by Härtel, Ines
Entwicklung Nachhaltiger Produkte by
Die Pappenfabrikation. Praktisches Handbuch by Hoyer, Fritz
Die Mineralgerbung: Die Herstellung Von Mineralgegerbtem Leder Für Alle Lederarten Von Der Rohhaut Bis Zum Fertigen Produkt by Friedenthal, Hans
Elektrisches Und Autogenes Schweißen Und Schneiden Von Metallen by Achenbach, F. W., Lavroff, S. I.
Sustainable Urban Water Reuse: Planning Tools, Processes, and Applications by Reinstädtler, Sandra
Warfare Decontamination by Ramkumar, Seshadri S.
Geotechnical Engineering for Environmental Engineers by Kuo, Jeff, Tiwari, Binod
Concrete Durability: Deterioration Mechanisms and Prevention by Ideker, Jason, Thomas, Michael
Hobbs' Food Poisoning and Food Hygiene, 8th Edition by
Electromagnetic Analysis of Electric Machines by Mohammadi, Sajjad, Kirtley, James L., Lee, Christopher H. T.
Circular Steel Production: Pathways to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by Soliman, Abdel-Hamid, Kiessling, Sandra, Darabkhani, Hamidreza Gohari
A Companion to Greek Warfare by
Indigo and Resist Dyeing: Performance, Metaphor and Materiality in Contemporary Cloth by Brassington, Linda
Bioprozesstechnik by Pörtner, Ralf, Hass, Volker C.
Design and Analysis of Accelerated Life Tests by Pan, Rong
Mechanical Engineering: Practical Problems: Problems and Solutions in Statics by Bakhtiyarov, Sayavur
Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space by Higginbotham, Adam
Optik, Licht Und Laser by Meschede, Dieter
Weak Light Detection in Functional Imaging: Volume 1: Theoretical Fundaments of Digital Sipm Technologies and Pet by D'Ascenzo, Nicola, Xie, Qingguo
The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific: East and Southeast Asia by
Nonlocal Continuum Damage and Plasticity: Theory and Computations by Abu Al-Rub, Rashid K.
Transportation and Strategic Asset Management: A Sustainable Approach to Maintain Critical Infrastructure by
Robust Design for Quality Engineering and Six SIGMA (Second Edition) by Antony, Jiju, Park, Sung Hyun
Quality Control & Lab Analyses for Wineries by
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits and Transmission Lines by Abe, Masayuki, Toki, Hiroshi
Micro- And Nanofabrication with Carbon by Martinez, Sergio O., Madou, Marc, Perez Gonzalez, Victor
The Politics of Robots: Care, Conflict and Imaginaries by Vallès Peris, Núria
Introduction to the Chemistry of Inorganic Cements by Young, Francis, Snellings, Ruben, Scrivener, Karen
3D Printing of Biomaterials by
Nutrigenomics for Clinical Medicine and Personalized Healthcare by
Artificial Intelligence of Things for Wind Energy Systems by
Sustainable Food Schemes and Labels by
Sensing Machines: How Sensors Shape Our Everyday Life by Salter, Chris
The Car That Knew Too Much: Can a Machine Be Moral? by Bonnefon, Jean-Francois
How to Grow a Robot: Developing Human-Friendly, Social AI by Lee, Mark H.
Introduction to Physical Polymer Science by Pearson, Raymond A., Sperling, Leslie H.
Asset Management Excellence: Optimizing Equipment Life-Cycle Decisions by
Food Process Engineering: Basics and Mechanical Operations by Malcata, F. Xavier
Food Process Engineering: Thermal and Chemical Operations by Malcata, F. Xavier
Assessing Innovation: Metrics, Rubrics, and Standards by Tourangeau, Melinda, Badiru, Adedeji B.
Signals and Systems for Engineers by Chapman, Stephen J.
The Everything Blueprint: Processing Power, Politics, and the Microchip Design That Conquered the World by Ashton, James
Regelungstechnik I: Klassische Verfahren Zur Analyse Und Synthese Linearer Kontinuierlicher Regelsysteme, Fuzzy-Regelsysteme by Unbehauen, Heinz, Bohn, Christian
Regelungstechnik III: Identifikation, Adaption, Optimierung by Unbehauen, Heinz, Bohn, Christian
Modellbasierte Entwicklung Mechatronischer Systeme: Mit Funktionsmodellen Für Rapid Control Prototyping Bei Servoantrieben by Baur, Jürgen
Artificially Intelligent Sensing: Advances and Applications by
Handbuch Logistik by
Playing God: Science, Religion and the Future of Humanity by Spencer, Nick, Waite, Hannah
Aboveground Storage Tanks: A Guide to Design and Operation Using API 650 and 653, Second Edition by Myers, Philip E.
The Innovation Doctrine: What Comes After Lean by Newell, Pete, Blank, Steve
Water & Wastewater Engineer: Water Purification and Wastewater Treatment, Volume 2 by Wang, Lawrence K., Wang, Mu-Hao Sung
Total Worker Exposure: The Next Frontier in Occupational Exposure Science and Improving Worker Health by
Optimal Transport Networks in Nature by Kizilova, Natalya
Co Removal Catalysts and Co Tolerant Materials in Fuel Cell Systems by
Nanostructured Polymer Composite Materials: Concepts, Strategies and Opportunities by Hakem, Ilhem F., Bockstaller, Michael R.
Sensors and the Internet of Things: Acquisition and Use of Big Data by Koch, Alexander W.
Gewässerregelung Gewässerpflege: Naturnaher Ausbau Und Unterhaltung Von Fließgewässern by
The Analogue Idyll: Disconnection, Detox and Departure from the Digital World by
Design of Ocean Structures: From Oil and Gas to Blue Economy by Basu, Roger I., Sharman, Krish Thiagarajan
Mechanical Joining by Material Flow by Beygi, Reza, A. S. Marques, Eduardo, Kasaei, Mohammad Mehdi
Optical Network Engineering: Modeling, Analysis, and Techniques by Boudriga, Noureddine
Chemical Process Technology by Makkee, Michiel, Van Diepen, Annelies E., Moulijn, Jacob A.
Hollow Core Photonic Crystals Fibers: Fundamental and Applications by Roberts, Peter J., Benabid, Fetah
Handbuch Kraftfahrzeugelektronik: Grundlagen - Komponenten - Systeme - Anwendungen by
Strategic Infrastructure Asset Management: A Lifecycle and Value-Based Thinking and Decision Making Capability by Male, Steven, Moodley, Krisen
Luftreinhaltung: Entstehung, Ausbreitung Und Wirkung Von Luftverunreinigungen - Meßtechnik, Emissionsminderung Und Vorschriften by Baumbach, Guenter
Lpso-Structured MG Alloys: Unique Structure and Kink Deformation by
Kleben: Grundlagen, Technologien, Anwendungen by
Beyond Navier-Stokes: Advanced Computational Approaches for Rarefied Flows by Myong, Rho-Shin, Agarwal, Ramesh, Xu, Kun
Automotive Electrics and Automotive Electronics: Systems and Components, Networking and Hybrid Drive by
Springer Handbook of Reliability by
Baulogistik 2: Instrumente Der Planung Und Umsetzung Von Bauabläufen by Weiß, Richard, Bisani, Karl Friedrich, Bosl, Christian
Logistikrecht by Wieske, Thomas
Beton + Design: Produkte - Technologien - Hersteller by Abel, Antje Maria
Postharvest Chilling Injury of Fresh Produce by
The British Aerospace Hawk: A Photographic Tribute by Leek, Michael
Visualization in Computational Physics and Materials Science by Adler, Joan
Structural System Identification and Health Monitoring: A Primer by Chatzi, Eleni N., Dertimanis, Vasilis, Tatsis, Konstantinos
Pem Fuel Cells in Transport Applications: Major Challenges and Latest Improvements by Heidary, Hadi, Moein-Jahromi, Mahbod
Electric Circuit and Network Analysis by Chenniappan, Sharmeela, Palanisamy, Sivaraman, Ramesh, P.
Greening by Design: Sustainability Using Architecture, Engineering, Lighting Design, Landscape Architecture, and Greenhouse Gas Reduction by Soares, Claire M.
Lean Innovative Connected Vessels: The Lincoln Project by
Principles of Nutritional Immunology in Health and Disease by Harbige, Laurence S.
Hybrid Perovskites: Synthesis, Properties and Applications by
Introduction to Refractories by Bradt, Richard, Homeny, Joseph
Mathematical Signal Processing: A Visual Approach Using MATLAB by del Mar Fenoy Munoz, Maria, Sepulveda, Juan B. Seoane, Munoz Fernandez, Gustavo A.
Fundamentals of Earthquake Resistant Design by Salem, Yasser S.
An Introduction to Polymer Compounding by Subramanian, Muralisrinivasan Natamai
Critical Theory and Contemporary Technology: . by Roberts, Ben
Silver Nanoparticles: Technological Advances, Research Trends and Applications by
Fundamentals and Applications of Halloysite Nanotubes by
Intelligent Drive Schemes for Electric Vehicle Applications by
Magnetic Ferrite Based Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview by
Piezoelectric Cantilevered Structures: Modeling, Control and Estimation Aspects by Rakotondrabe, Micky
Assessment of Tensegrity Structures: Static, Dynamic, and Dynamic Stability Analysis by Obara, Paulina
Higher Power: An American Town's Story of Faith, Hope, and Nuclear Energy by Bukro, Casey
Reeds General Engineering Science by Patterson, Christopher
Distributed Situation Awareness in Teamwork by Sorensen, Linda Johnstone, Stanton, Neville A.
Handbuch Der Mess- Und Automatisierungstechnik in Der Produktion by
Research Magnet Technology: Forty Years of Creating High Magnetic Fields by Jones, Harry
Introduction to Block Copolymer Physics: Theory of Self Assembly and Phase Transitions in Soft Matter by Shi, An-Chang
Digital Urbanism by
Photonics: An Electromagnetic Approach by Lee, Chang-Hee
The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes Volume 2 by Coles, Joe
Solar Electric Water and Air Tribrid Auto Engine by
High Pressure Processing of Foods by Doona, Christopher J., Feeherry, Florence E.
Cooling Asia: Technology, Environment, and Society in Hot Climates by
Auslandsbau: Internationales Bauen Innerhalb Und Außerhalb Deutschlands by Kulick, Reinhard
Fabrikbetriebslehre 2: Kosten- Und Leistungsrechnung Produzierender Unternehmen by
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