• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Television in 1998

Mayberry 101: Volume 1 by Brower, Neal
The Essential TV Director's Handbook by Jarvis, Peter
Contemporary Cinematographers on Their Art by Rogers, Pauline B.
Star Trek and History: Race-ing toward a White Future by Bernardi, Daniel Leonard
Science Logs by Bormanis, Andre
Babylon 5: Signs and Portents by Killick, Jane
Decline and Fall of Public Service Broadcasting by Tracey, Michael
Vale's Technique of Screen and Television Writing by Vale, Eugene
Making Sense of Television: The Psychology of Audience Interpretation by Livingstone, Sonia
Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting: Designs, Systems and Operation by Dambacher, Paul, Dambacher, P.
A Vision of the Future by Poe, Stephen Edward
Is Data Human?: Or, the Metaphysics of Star Trek by Hanley, Richard
Smoke and Mirrors: Violence, Television, and Other American Cultures by Leonard, John
The Detective in American Fiction, Film, and Television by Prigozy, Ruth, Delamater, Jerome
Screen & Stage Marketing Secrets: The Writer's Guide to Marketing Scripts by Russell, James
Moliere Today 1 by Spingler, Michael
Fernsehnachrichten: Prozesse, Strukturen, Funktionen by
The Seinfeld Scripts: The First and Second Seasons by Seinfeld, Jerry, David, Larry
Historical Dictionary of American Radio by Leigh, Frederic, Godfrey, Donald
And the Mirror Cracked: Feminist Cinema and Film Theory by Smelik, A.
Legendary Pioneers of Black Radio by Williams, Gilbert A.
Monitoring the News: The Brilliant Launch and Sudden Collapse of the Monitor Channel: The Brilliant Launch and Sudden Collapse of the Monit by Bridge, Susan
Reading the Rabbit: Explorations in Warner Bros. Animation by Sandler, Kevin S.
The Truman Show: The Shooting Script by Niccol, Andrew
News of the World: World Cultures Look at Television News by
Independent Television in Britain: Itv and Iba 1981-92: The Old Relationship Changes by Bonner, P., Aston, L.
Producing Public Television, Producing Public Culture by Dornfeld, Barry
The Independent Film & Videomaker's Guide by Wiese, Michael
Understanding Society, Culture, and Television by Monaco, Paul
Living Color: Race and Television in the United States by
Defining Vision: How Broadcasters Lured the Government Into Inciting a Revolution in Television, Updated and Expanded by Brinkley, Joel, Brinkley
Love, Light, and a Dream: Television's Past, Present, and Future by Roman, James
Global Television and Film: An Introduction to the Economics of the Business by McFadyen, Stuart, Finn, Adam, Hoskins, Colin
The Decade That Shaped Television News: CBS in the 1950s by Mickelson, Sig
Geschichte Des Deutschen Fernsehens by Hickethier, Knut
Q's Guide to the Continuum by Greenberger, Robert, Friedman, Michael Jan
All I Need to Know I Learned from Xena: Warrior Princess by Sherman, Josepha
Screen Adaptation: A Scriptwriting Handbook by Portnoy, Kenneth
Babylon 5: No Surrender, No Retreat by Killick, Jane
From Satellite to Single Market: New Communication Technology and European Public Service Television by Collins, Richard
I Was That Masked Man by Moore, Clayton
Adventures in a TV Nation by Glynn, Kathleen, Moore, Michael
The Rise of the Image the Fall of the Word by Stephens, Mitchell
Basic Studio Directing by Fairweather, Rod
The "Untouchables" by Vahimagi, Tise
The Internationalization of Television in China: The Evolution of Ideology, Society, and Media Since the Reform by Hong, Junhao
Cue the Bunny on the Rainbow: Tales from Tv's Most Prolific Sitcom Director by Rafkin, Alan
Beyond Star Trek: From Alien Invasions to the End of Time by Krauss, Lawrence M.
Distorting Defense: Network News and National Security by Aubin, Stephen P.
Becoming Human: The Seven of Nine Saga: Script Book #2 by Various
Encyclopedia of Television News by
Uses of Television by Hartley, John
Uses of Television by Hartley, John
Studying Media: Problems of Theory and Method by Corner, John
Script Supervising and Film Continuity by Miller, Pat P.