• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Television in 1999

Race in Space: The Representation of Ethnicity in 'Star Trek' and 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' by Pounds, Micheal C.
Saturday Morning Censors: Television Regulation before the V-Chip by Hendershot, Heather
The Nationwide Television Studies by Morley, David, Brunsdon, Charlotte
Culture, Politics and Television in Hong Kong by Ma, Eric Kit-Wai
Television and New Media Audiences by Seiter, Ellen
Television and New Media Audiences by Seiter, Ellen
The Hidden Screen: Low Power Television in America by Keith, Michael C., Hilliard, Robert L.
Television: What's On, Who's Watching, and What It Means by Scharrer, Erica, Comstock, George
Babylon 5: The Wheel of Fire by Killick, Jane
Television Broadcasting in Contemporary France and Britain by
Television and Common Knowledge by
Television Broadcasting in Contemporary France and Britain by
Critical Ideas in Television Studies by Corner, John
TV Living: Television, Culture and Everyday Life by Gauntlett, David, Hill, Annette
Timecode A User's Guide: A user's guide by Ratcliff, J.
Women in Television News Revisited: Into the Twenty-first Century by Marlane, Judith
Morecambe and Wise by McCann, Graham
Color by Fox: The Fox Network and the Revolution in Black Television by Zook, Kristal Brent
Color by Fox: The Fox Network and the Revolution in Black Television by Zook, Kristal Brent
Freaks Talk Back: Tabloid Talk Shows and Sexual Nonconformity by Gamson, Joshua
Basics of Video Production by Lyver, Des, Swainson, Graham
Basics of Video Lighting by Lyver, Des, Swainson, Graham
Fernsehtextualität Und Rezeption by Jurga, Martin
U.S. Television News and Cold War Propaganda, 1947 1960 by Nancy, Bernhard, Bernhard, Nancy E.
American Bandstand: Dick Clark and the Making of a Rock 'n' Roll Empire by Jackson, John
Geschichte Des Britischen Films by Helbig, Jörg
Lighting for TV and Film by Millerson, Gerald
Production Management for Film and Video by Gates, Richard
The Hidden Screen: Low Power Television in America by Hilliard, Robert L., Keith, Michael C.
The Meaning of Star Trek: An Excursion into the Myth and Marvel of the Star Trek Universe by Richards, Thomas
Seeing Spots: A Functional Analysis of Presidential Television Advertisements, 1952-1996 by Benoit, William
Adventures in Time and Space by Taylor, Mary P.
Sound Assistance by Talbot-Smith, Michael
Seinfeld and Philosophy: A Book about Everything and Nothing by
Value Creation and Branding in Television's Digital Age by Todreas, Timothy
Television and Its Viewers: Cultivation Theory and Research by Morgan, Michael, Shanahan, Jim, Shanahan, James
Television and Its Viewers by Shanahan, Jim, Shanahan, James, Morgan, Michael
Meet the Mertzes: The Life Stories of I Love Lucy's Other Couple by Edelman, Rob, Kupferberg, Audrey
Salant, CBS, and the Battle for the Soul of Broadcast Journalism: The Memoirs of Richard S. Salant by
Rape on Prime Time: Television, Masculinity, and Sexual Violence by Cuklanz, Lisa M.
Tune In, Log On: Soaps, Fandom, and Online Community by Baym, Nancy K.
Tune In, Log On: Soaps, Fandom, and Online Community by Baym, Nancy K.
Conflicting Communication Interests in America: The Case of National Public Radio by McCourt, Tom
Monitoring the News: The Brilliant Launch and Sudden Collapse of the Monitor Channel: The Brilliant Launch and Sudden Collapse of the Monit by Bridge, Susan
Star Trek and Sacred Ground: Explorations of Star Trek, Religion and American Culture by
Screening Culture, Viewing Politics: An Ethnography of Television, Womanhood, and Nation in Postcolonial India by Mankekar, Purnima
International Dictionary of Broadcasting and Film by Bognar, Desi
Celluloid Mavericks: A History of American Independent Film Making by Merritt, Greg