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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Television in 2019

Media in Mind by Reynolds, Daniel
Patricia Highsmith on Screen by
Televising Restoration Spain: History and Fiction in Twenty-First-Century Costume Dramas by
Talking to the Stars: Bobbie Wygant's Seventy Years in Television by Wygant, Bobbie
Philippine Cinema and the Cultural Economy of Distribution by Lim, Michael Kho
James Bond Uncovered by
EMI Films and the Limits of British Cinema by Moody, Paul
Rocko's Modern Life Pocket Notebook Collection (Set of 3) by Insight Editions
Monty Python Speaks, Revised and Updated Edition: The Complete Oral History by Morgan, David
The Sopranos Sessions by Seitz, Matt Zoller, Sepinwall, Alan
Joss Whedon vs. the Horror Tradition: The Production of Genre in Buffy and Beyond by
Gender in Post-9/11 American Apocalyptic TV: Representations of Masculinity and Femininity at the End of the World by Bennett, Eve
Racial Screening in "Seeing Red". The Depiction of Whiteness and Otherness in the American Crime Series "The Mentalist" by Stahl, Ann-Kathrin
The Talent Industry: Television, Cultural Intermediaries and New Digital Pathways by Boyle, Raymond
Unwatchable by
Early British Animation: From Page and Stage to Cinema Screens by Cook, Malcolm
Popular Culture as Art and Knowledge: A Critique of Authoritarian Neoliberalism and the Crisis of Democracy by Gonzalez, George A.
The British Horseracing Film: Representations of the 'Sport of Kings' in British Cinema by Glynn, Stephen
Disability and Digital Television Cultures: Representation, Access, and Reception by Ellis, Katie
The Political Theory of I Love Lucy: Speed It Up! by Feldman, Leslie Dale
Cognitive Theory and Documentary Film by
Doing History in the Age of Downton Abbey: Journal of British Cinema and Television, Volume 16, Issue 1 by
How to Make a Million Dollars With Your Voice (Or Lose Your Tonsils Trying), Second Edition by Owens, Gary, Lenburg, Jeff
Resonances of El Chavo del Ocho in Latin American Childhood, Schooling, and Societies by
Terrence Malick's Unseeing Cinema: Memory, Time and Audibility by Batcho, James
The Lonely Nineties: Visions of Community in Contemporary Us Television by Arras, Paul
The Precarious in the Cinemas of the Americas by
The Migration and Politics of Monsters in Latin American Cinema by Eljaiek-Rodríguez, Gabriel
True Event Adaptation: Scripting Real Lives by
Steven Spielberg's Style by Stealth by Mairata, James
Professional and Business Ethics Through Film: The Allure of Cinematic Presentation and Critical Thinking by Skorin-Kapov, Jadranka
My Nationalist Pony by Dew, Buttercup
Belligerent Broadcasting: Synthetic Argument in Broadcast Talk by Smith, Angela, Higgins, Michael
Movie Making as Critical Pedagogy: Conscientization Through Visual Storytelling by Walker, Grady
Erzählen Von China: Genrespezifische Identitätskonstruktionen Im Wuxia-Film by Von Haselberg, Clemens
The Lucky Strike Papers: Journeys Through My Mother's Television Past (revised edition) by Fielding, Andrew Lee
The Lucky Strike Papers: Journeys Through My Mother's Television Past (revised edition) (hardback) by Fielding, Andrew Lee
3D Cinematic Aesthetics and Storytelling by Liu, Yong
Television Development: How Hollywood Creates New TV Series by Levy, Bob
Wonder and Cruelty: Ontological War in It's a Wonderful Life by Johnston, Steven
Boomer Brands: Iconic Brands that Shaped Our Childhood by Silverstein, Barry
The Craft of Scene Writing: Beat by Beat to a Better Script by Mercurio, Jim
Television Development: How Hollywood Creates New TV Series by Levy, Bob
Bachelor Nation: Inside the World of America's Favorite Guilty Pleasure by Kaufman, Amy
Rick and Morty and Philosophy: In the Beginning Was the Squanch by
The Aesthetics of Nostalgia TV: Production Design and the Boomer Era by Bevan, Alex
Rural Cinema Exhibition and Audiences in a Global Context by
My Nationalist Pony by Dew, Buttercup
All the Pieces Matter: The Inside Story of the Wire(r) by Abrams, Jonathan
Do or Do Not: How to Improvise Like a Jedi by Carpenter, Mary C.
The Politics of Twin Peaks by
Henry Darrow: Relampagueando en la Botella by Pippins, Jan, Darrow, Henry
Henry Darrow: Relampagueando en la Botella (hardback) by Pippins, Jan, Darrow, Henry
What is the Theatre? by Biet, Christian, Triau, Christophe
Straight Outta Crawley: Memoirs of a Distinctly Average Human Being by Ranganathan, Romesh
What is the Theatre? by Biet, Christian, Triau, Christophe
Timeline Analog 5: 1991-1996 by Buck, John
The Classic Children's Television Quiz Book by Wilkinson, Dean
Poesie Des Alltäglichen: Ulrich Theins Regiearbeiten Für Das Fernsehen Der DDR (1963‐1976) by Räder, Andy
Watching Sympathetic Perpetrators on Italian Television: Gomorrah and Beyond by Renga, Dana
Scriptwriting for Film, Television and New Media by Hueth, Alan C.
The Four Seasons by Hullah, Gwen
Homey Don't Play That!: The Story of in Living Color and the Black Comedy Revolution by Peisner, David
Beyond Princess Culture: Gender and Children's Marketing by
Die Hauptfiguren der TV-Serie "Die Profis" und das Vier-Aspekte-Modell von Jens Eder by Baldreich, Alexander
Make It Rain!: How to Use the Media to Revolutionize Your Business & Brand by Martin, Areva
Birth of the Binge: Serial TV and the End of Leisure by Broe, Dennis
Birth of the Binge: Serial TV and the End of Leisure by Broe, Dennis
Violence on Television: An Analysis of Amount, Nature, Location and Origin of Violence in British Programmes by Harrison, Jackie, Gunter, Barrie
Queer/Adaptation: A Collection of Critical Essays by
Four Star Television Productions: A History of the Business, Series, and Pilots of the Iconic Television Production Company: 1952-1989 by Irvin, Richard
Four Star Television Productions (hardback) by Irvin, Richard
Video Field Production and Editing by Compesi, Ronald J.
Scriptwriting for Film, Television and New Media by Hueth, Alan C.
Media in Postapartheid South Africa: Postcolonial Politics in the Age of Globalization by Jacobs, Sean
Media in Postapartheid South Africa: Postcolonial Politics in the Age of Globalization by Jacobs, Sean
Ray Danton: The Epitome of Cool (a career retrospective) by Fusco, Joseph
Ray Danton: The Epitome of Cool (a career retrospective) (hardback) by Fusco, Joseph
Ahistory: An Unauthorized History of the Doctor Who Universe (Fourth Edition Vol. 3) by Pearson, Lars, Parkin, Lance
Game of Thrones: House Stark Ruled Notebook by Insight Editions
The Exercise of Soft Power - U.S. Self-Imaging in International Broadcasting to Iran by Djabarian, Yasmin
TV Antiquity: Swords, Sandals, Blood and Sand by Magerstädt, Sylvie
Bingeworthy British Television: The Best Brit TV You Can't Stop Watching by Cords, Sarah, Bailey, Jackie
The Chosen Book One: 40 Days with Jesus by Jenkins, Amanda, Hendricks, Kristen, Jenkins, Dallas
Stealing the Show: How Women Are Revolutionizing Television by Press, Joy
A Transnational Study of Law and Justice on TV by
Beyond Princess Culture: Gender and Children's Marketing by
What Would Mary Ann Do?: A Guide To Life by Stinson, Steve, Wells, Dawn
Yours Quizzically: Confessions of a TV Quiz Addict by St John, David
Bart Simpson Breaks Out by Groening, Matt
The Golden Girls: Magnet Set by Kopaczewski, Christine
Rick and Morty: Talking Pickle Rick by Pearlman, Robb
The Little Box of Spongebob Squarepants: With Pins, Patch, Stickers, and Magnets! by Running Press
The Animated Heart: A Historical and Cultural Insight Into Animation by
1950s TV Stars Memory Lane: Large print (US Edition) picture book for dementia patients (Large Print Edition) by Morrison, Hugh
Forever Sweethearts by Bernicoff, June
Phoenix Television by Honebrink, Lisa, Craft, John
Phoenix Television by Honebrink, Lisa, Craft, John E.
Ariana Grande: Break Free by Sprinkel, Katy
Theatrical Performance and the Forensic Turn by Frieze, James
Netflix Nostalgia: Streaming the Past on Demand by
Bandstandland: How Dancing Teenagers Took Over America and Dick Clark Took Over Rock & Roll by Lehmer, Larry
Television Drama in Israel: Identities in Post-TV Culture by Harlap, Itay
Remembering British Television: Audience, Archive and Industry by Gorton, Kristyn, Garde-Hansen, Joanne
Remembering British Television: Audience, Archive and Industry by Gorton, Kristyn, Garde-Hansen, Joanne
About Time 9: The Unauthorized Guide to Doctor Who (Series 4, the 2009 Specials) by Ail, Dorothy, Wood, Tat
Springfield Confidential: Jokes, Secrets, and Outright Lies from a Lifetime Writing for the Simpsons by Klickstein, Mathew, Reiss, Mike
The Trekker's Guide to the Sisko Years by Braun, J. W.
A Theory of Dramaturgy by Szatkowski, Janek
X-Files le guide: La Série TV et les films - les 11 saisons chroniquées épisode par épisode by Pelosato, Alain
Remembering Monty Hall: Let's Make a Deal by Rotcop, Ken, Kaplan, Kimberly
Remembering Monty Hall: Let's Make a Deal (hardback) by Kaplan, Kimberly, Rotcop, Ken
The Interior Landscapes of Breaking Bad by
The Guide for Every Screenwriter: From Synopsis to Subplots: The Secrets of Screenwriting Revealed by Calhoun, Geoffrey D.
Polish Migrants in European Film 1918-2017 by Van Heuckelom, Kris
Camp TV: Trans Gender Queer Sitcom History by Miller, Quinlan
An Encyclopedia of Women's Wrestling: 100 Profiles of the Strongest in the Sport by Ferguson, Latoya
Sex and the City and Us: How Four Single Women Changed the Way We Think, Live, and Love by Armstrong, Jennifer Keishin
Television News: The Heart and How-To of Video Storytelling by Keller, Teresa
Television News: The Heart and How-To of Video Storytelling by Keller, Teresa
Postmodern Vampires: Film, Fiction, and Popular Culture by Ní Fhlainn, Sorcha
Dark Passengers: A Short Guide to Tv Series by Mosca, Paolo
A Theory of Dramaturgy by Szatkowski, Janek
After '89: Polish Theatre and the Political by Lease, Bryce
Spoiler Alert!: (It's a Book about the Philosophy of Spoilers) by Greene, Richard
Stranger Things. Mundos Al Revés / Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down by McIntyre, Gina
Figures of Time: Affect and the Television of Preemption by Pape, Toni
Popular Tropes of Identity in Contemporary Russian Television and Film by Souch, Irina
One for the Coyotes: How I survived 40 years of my dream job in TV news (and cancer too) by Wallace, Al
The Making of Horse-Boy by Coles, Chris
Anamorphic Authorship in Canonical Film Adaptation: A Case Study of Shakespearean Films by Geal, Robert
Prosthetic Make-Up Artistry for Film and Television by Ramsey, Clare
American-Australian Cinema: Transnational Connections by
Japanese Horror and the Transnational Cinema of Sensations by Brown, Steven T.
Naturally Tan: A Memoir by France, Tan
A Little Me by Roloff, Amy
Scourged Souls by Corman, Keith Niles
Australian Screen in the 2000s by
Comedies of Nihilism: The Representation of Tragedy Onscreen by Khan, Amir
Game of Thrones: A Binge Guide to Season 2: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to HBO's Award-Winning Television Epic by Enslen, Greg
Game of Thrones: A Binge Guide to Season 1: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to HBO's Award-Winning Television Epic by Enslen, Greg
The Palgrave Handbook of Children's Film and Television by
Game of Thrones: A Binge Guide to Season 3: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to HBO's Award-Winning Television Epic by Enslen, Greg
Geographies, Genders and Geopolitics of James Bond by Funnell, Lisa, Dodds, Klaus
Producing British Television Drama: Local Production in a Global Era by Noonan, Caitriona, McElroy, Ruth
A Bond That Lasts Forever by Hubsher, Dawn K., Hubsher, Cher T.
Timeline Analog 6: 1996-2000 by Buck, John
The Simpsons: A Cultural History by Fink, Moritz
The Rise of K-Dramas: Essays on Korean Television and Its Global Consumption by
Don't Judge Me On What I'm Binge Watching: Track your favorite television shows, movies or documentaries by Magicsd Designs Journals
The Oak Island Encyclopedia by Peters, Hammerson
Mr. Robot: A Binge Guide to Season 2: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to USA Network's Award-Winning Television Show by Enslen, Greg
Children and Television by Gunter, Barrie, Gunter, Jill
Mr. Robot: A Binge Guide to Season 3: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to USA Network's Award-Winning Television by Enslen, Greg
Secular Magic and the Moving Image: Mediated Forms and Modes of Reception by Sexton, Max
Children & Television by Gunter, Barrie, Gunter, Jill
Game of Thrones: A Binge Guide to Season 6: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to HBO's Award-Winning Television Epic by Enslen, Greg
Game of Thrones: A Binge Guide to Season 5: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to HBO's Award-Winning Television Epic by Enslen, Greg
Game of Thrones: A Binge Guide to Season 4: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to HBO's Award-Winning Television Epic by Enslen, Greg
1936: Berlin and Other Plays by McNab, Tom
Cheers: A Cultural History by Darowski, Kate, Darowski, Joseph J.
"When a Girl's Beautiful" - The Life and Career of Joi Lansing by Koper, Richard
"One More Thing, Sir . . ." - The Musings of a Television Writer-Producer by Sloan, Michael
"One More Thing, Sir . . ." - The Musings of a Television Writer-Producer (hardback) by Sloan, Michael
"When a Girl's Beautiful" - The Life and Career of Joi Lansing (hardback) by Koper, Richard
Baltimore Radio and Television by Helton, Gary
Baltimore Radio and Television by Helton, Gary
The Way We Work: On the Job in Hollywood by Ferber
A Little Me by Roloff, Amy
Dracula as Absolute Other: The Troubling and Distracting Specter of Stoker's Vampire on Screen by Bacon, Simon
Game of Thrones: A Binge Guide to Season 7: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to HBO's Award-Winning Television Epic by Enslen, Greg
Television Rewired: The Rise of the Auteur Series by Nochimson, Martha P.
Game of Thrones: A Binge Guide to Season 8: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to HBO's Award-Winning Television Epic by Enslen, Greg
Sound, Media, Ecology by
Golden Rules: Wit and Wisdom of the Golden Girls by Yacka, Douglas, Sedita, Francesco
100 Things Wwe Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die by Alvarez, Bryan
Fictional Television and American Politics: From 9/11 to Donald Trump by Holland, Jack
Way Out: A History and Episode Guide to Roald Dahl's Spooky 1961 Television Program by Grams, Martin
Situation Comedy, Character, and Psychoanalysis: On the Couch with Lucy, Basil, and Kimmie by Klika, D. T.
The Brighton School and the Birth of British Film by Gray, Frank
Death in Supernatural: Critical Essays by
Hailing frequencies open: Communication in Star Trek: The Next Generation by Parham, Thomas D.
Surveillance and Terror in Post-9/11 British and American Television by Rives-East, Darcie
Match Game 101: A Backstage History of Match Game by Hoff, A. Ashley
Suits: A Binge Guide to Season 1: An Unofficial Viewer's Guide to USA Network's Award-Winning Television Show by Enslen, Greg
Cold War Spy Stories from Eastern Europe by
Story Selling: How to Develop, Market, and Pitch Your Film & TV Projects by Hale, Heather
The Television Horrors of Dan Curtis: Dark Shadows, The Night Stalker and Other Productions, 2d ed. by Thompson, Jeff
Fictional Television and American Politics: From 9/11 to Donald Trump by Holland, Jack
Through the Black Mirror: Deconstructing the Side Effects of the Digital Age by
Tuesdays with Ted: An uplifting, heartbreaking, occasionally funny story about an old man with ALS, a sitcom, its star and just enough ti by Woody, Russ
Ghost Stories: A Collection of the World's Scariest Haunted Locations, Paranormal Encounters, and Demonic Possessions by Tidy, H. J.
Becoming: Genre, Queerness, and Transformation in Nbc's Hannibal by
Becoming: Genre, Queerness, and Transformation in Nbc's Hannibal by
The Legend of Korra: An Avatar's Chronicle by Robinson, Andrea
Joss Whedon, Anarchist?: A Unified Theory of the Films and Television Series by Rocha, Mona, Rocha, James
Wie Streaming-Dienste den TV-Markt revolutionieren. Das neue Mediennutzungsverhalten und seine Auswirkungen auf das klassische Fernsehen by Schulz, Max
The Art and Craft of TV Directing: Conversations with Episodic Television Directors by Hemphill, Jim
The Art and Craft of TV Directing: Conversations with Episodic Television Directors by Hemphill, Jim
Screening the World: Global Development of the Multiplex Cinema by Hanson, Stuart
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