• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 1990

Around the Absurd: Essays on Modern and Postmodern Drama by
The Theatre of the Mind: A Study of Unacted Drama in Nineteenth-Century England by Wang, Shou-Ren
Is Shakespeare Still Our Contemporary? by Elsom, John
Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre by Case, Sue-Ellen
A History of Hispanic Theatre in the United States: Origins to 1940 by Kanellos, Nicolás
Behind the Scenes: Yeats, Horniman, and the Struggle for the Abbey Theatre by Frazier, Adrian
Stranded Objects: Mourning, Memory, and Film in Postwar Germany by Santner, Eric L.
Schauspieler und Theaterbetrieb by Schmitt, Peter
Heiner Müller by Schulz, Genia
Das Volksstück by Schmitz, Thomas
A Formalist Theatre by Kirby, Michael
Drieu La Rochelle and the Picture Gallery Novel: French Modernism in the Interwar Years by Reck, Rima Drell, Reck, Rima Drell
Patrons and Performance: Early Tudor Household Revels by Westfall, Suzanne R.
Broadway Talks: What Professionals Think about Commercial Theater in America by Sponberg, Arvid F.
A Sociosemiotic Theory of Theatre by Alter, Jean
Early Stages: Theatre in Ontario 1800 - 1914 by
Orson Welles on Shakespeare: The W.P.A. and Mercury Theatre Playscripts by France, Richard
Women's Bodies: A Social History of Women's Encounter with Health, Ill-Health and Medicine by Shorter, Edward
Eugene O'Neill Und Die Mündigkeit Des Amerikanischen Theaters by Brüning, Eberhard