• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 1995

The Theater of Devotion: East Anglian Drama and Society in the Late Middle Ages by Gibson, Gail McMurray
The Japanese Theatre: From Shamanistic Ritual to Contemporary Pluralism - Revised Edition by Ortolani, Benito
Theatre in the Third Reich, the Prewar Years: Essays on Theatre in Nazi Germany by Gadberry, Glen
Acting Between the Lines by Richtarik, Marilynn J.
Theatre and Everyday Life: An Ethics of Performance by Read, Alan
Harlequin in Hogtown: George Luscombe and Toronto Workshop Productions by Carson, Neil
Theatre and Fashion: Oscar Wilde to the Suffragettes by Stowell, Sheila, Kaplan, Joel H.
British Realist Theatre: The New Wave in Its Context 1956 - 1965 by Lacey, Stephen
British Realist Theatre: The New Wave in Its Context 1956 - 1965 by Lacey, Stephen
African Popular Theatre: From Precolonial Times to the Present Day by Kerr, David
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 40, Teil II: Briefe an Schiller 1.1.1803 - 17.5.1805. Anmerkungen. by
The Future of Ritual: Writings on Culture and Performance by Schechner, Richard
The Theatre in America during the Revolution by Brown, Jared
The Empty Space: A Book about the Theatre: Deadly, Holy, Rough, Immediate by Brook, Peter
Feminist Theatres in the USA: Staging Women's Experience by Canning, Charlotte
Feminist Theatres in the USA: Staging Women's Experience by Canning, Charlotte
World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre: Volume 2: The Americas by