• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 1996

Everything about Theatre!: A Comprehensive Survey about the Arts and Crafts of the Stage by Lee, Robert L.
Aeschylus: Persians by
Sbek Thom: Khmer Shadow Theater by Kravel, Pech Tum
Everything about Theatre by Lee, Robert L.
Performance and Cultural Politics by Diamond, Elin
Analysing Performance: A Critical Reader by
Theatre in the United States: Volume 1, 1750 1915: Theatre in the Colonies and the United States: A Documentary History by
Palestinians and Israelis in the Theatre by
An Introduction to Post-Colonial Theatre by Crow, Brian, Banfield, Chris
Impersonations: The Performance of Gender in Shakespeare's England by Orgel, Stephen
An Introduction to Post-Colonial Theatre by Crow, Brian, Banfield, Chris
Theatre Profiles 12: The Illustrated Guide to America's Nonprofit Professional Theatres by
Joe Papp: An American Life by Epstein, Helen
Signs of Performance: An Introduction to Twentieth-Century Theatre by Counsell, Colin
Signs of Performance: An Introduction to Twentieth-Century Theatre by Counsell, Colin
El Teatro En La España del Siglo XIX by Gies, David Thatcher
El Teatro En América Latina by Versenyi, Adam
The Edwardian Theatre by
Fascism and Theatre: Comparative Studies on the Aesthetics and Politics of Performance in Europe, 1925-1945 by
Fascism and Theatre: Comparative Studies on the Aesthetics and Politics of Performance in Europe, 1925-1945 by
Vietnam Protest Theatre: The Television War on Stage by Alter, Nora M.
The Purpose of Playing: Shakespeare and the Cultural Politics of the Elizabethan Theatre by Montrose, Louis
Jewish Contributions to Nineteenth-Century Arabic Theatre: Plays from Algeria and Syria - A Study and Texts by Moreh, Shmuel, Sadgrove, Philip
Ein Haus Aus Sprache: Dramatikerinnen Und Das Andere Theater by Kraft, Helga
Researching drama and arts education: Paradigms and possibilities by Edited by Philip Taylor
Theatre in Ancient Greek Society by Green, J. R.
Scottish Theatre Since the Seventies by
The English Stage: A History of Drama and Performance by Styan, John L., John L., Styan, Styan, J. L.
Ecologies of Theater by Marranca, Bonnie
The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater After Modernism by Fuchs, Elinor
The Shakespearian Playing Companies by Gurr, Andrew
Fringe and Fortune: The Role of Critics in High and Popular Art by Shrum Jr, Wesley Monroe
Performing Brecht by Eddershaw, Margaret
Metzler Kabarett Lexikon: In Verbindung Mit Dem Deutschen Kabarettarchiv by Budzinski, Klaus, Hippen, Reinhard
Theater ALS Geistiger Widerstand: Der Jüdische Kulturbund in Hamburg 1934-1941 by Müller-Wesemann, Barbara
Naturalism and Symbolism in European Theatre 1850 1918 by
The Politics of Alternative Theatre in Britain, 1968 1990: The Case of 7:84 (Scotland) by Dicenzo, Maria