• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2001

African American Performance and Theater History: A Critical Reader by
A Century of Irish Drama: Widening the Stage by
The Grotowski Sourcebook by
Revealing Masks: Exotic Influences and Ritualized Performance in Modernist Music Theater by Sheppard, W. Anthony
American Theatre: A Chronicle of Comedy and Drama, 1969-2000 by Hischak, Thomas S.
150 Years of Popular Musical Theatre by Lamb, Andrew
Performing Shakespeare in Japan by
Hamlet and the Baker's Son: My Life in Theatre and Politics by Boal, Augusto
Hamlet and the Baker's Son: My Life in Theatre and Politics by Boal, Augusto
Productions of the Irish Theatre Movement, 1899-1916: A Checklist by
Dramatist in America: Latters of Maxwell Anderson, 1912-1958 by
Modern Theories of Performance: From Stanislavski to Boal by Ley, Graham, Milling, Jane
British Theatre Between the Wars, 1918 1939 by Barker, Clive
The French Revolution and the London Stage, 1789 1805 by Taylor, George
Theatre/Archaeology by Shanks, Michael, Pearson, Mike
Theatre/Archaeology by Shanks, Michael, Pearson, Mike
The Culture of Playgoing in Shakespeare's England by Dawson, Anthony B., Yachnin, Paul
Playwrights in Rehearsal: The Seduction of Company by Cole, Susan Letzler
Duke Ellington's Music for the Theatre by Franceschina, John
Playwrights in Rehearsal: The Seduction of Company by Cole, Susan Letzler
Empty Figure on an Empty Stage: The Theatre of Samuel Beckett and His Generation by Essif, Les
Commedia Dell'Arte: A Handbook for Troupes by Rudlin, John, Crick, Oliver
Commedia Dell'Arte: A Handbook for Troupes by Crick, Oliver, Rudlin, John
English Professional Theatre, 1530-1660 by
Shakespeare and Modern Theatre: The Performance of Modernity by
Shakespeare and Modern Theatre: The Performance of Modernity by
The Oxford Illustrated History of Theatre by
A Kabuki Reader: History and Performance by Leiter, Samuel L.
Gyoergy Ligetis Aventures & Nouvelles Aventures: Studien zur Sprachkomposition und Aesthetik der Avantgarde by Kakavelakis, Konstantinos
Ghana's Concert Party Theatre by Cole, Catherine M.
Theatrical Shows and Ascetic Lives: John Chrysostom's Attack on Spiritual Marriage by Leyerle, Blake
Shakespeare's Early Comedies by Tillyard, Eustace M.
Playing Companies and Commerce in Shakespeare's Time by Knutson, Roslyn Lander
Theatre and the State in Twentieth-Century Ireland: Cultivating the People by Pilkington, Lionel
Theatre and the State in Twentieth-Century Ireland: Cultivating the People by Pilkington, Lionel
Romancing the Bard: Stratford at Fifty by Hunter, Martin
Theatre and War 1933-1945: Performance in Extremis by
Theatre and War 1933-1945: Performance in Extremis by
Actividad Teatral En La Región de Madrid Según Los Protocolos de Juan García de Albertos, 1634-1660: I: Estudio Y Documentos: Introduction and Documen by
The Medieval European Stage, 500-1550 by
Let's Go to the Grand!: 100 Years of Entertainment at London's Grand Theatre by Johnston, Sheila M. F.
Jacques Lecoq and the British Theatre by
Character's Theater: Genre and Identity on the Eighteenth-Century English Stage by Freeman, Lisa A.
Jacques Lecoq and the British Theatre by
History of European Drama and Theatre by Fischer-Lichte, Erika
Shakespeare in the Cinema: Ocular Proof by Buhler, Stephen M.
Sideshow U.S.A.: Freaks and the American Cultural Imagination by Adams, Rachel
The Longman Anthology of Drama and Theater: A Global Perspective, Compact Edition by Pomo, Roberto, Schultz, Roger, Greenwald, Michael
Daughters of Eve: A Cultural History of French Theater Women from the Old Regime to the Fin de Siècle by Berlanstein, Lenard R.