• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2004

Musical Comedy on the West End Stage, 1890 - 1939 by Platt, L.
The Theatre of the Absurd by Esslin, Martin
Theaters of Desire: Authors, Readers, and the Reproduction of Early Chinese Song-Drama, 1300-2000 by Sieber, P.
Theaters of Desire: Authors, Readers, and the Reproduction of Early Chinese Song-Drama, 1300-2000 by Sieber, P.
Eugene O'Neill: A Playwright's Theatre by Törnqvist, Egil
Sophocles: Plays: Philoctetes by Sophocles
Gelehrtentheater: Bühnenmetaphern in Der Wissenschaftsgeschichte Zwischen 1870 Und 1914 by Conrad, Bettina
Inside the Royal Shakespeare Company: Creativity and the Institution by Chambers, Colin
Sophocles: Plays: Trachiniae by Sophocles
Sophocles: Plays: Antigone by Sophocles
Musical Comedy on the West End Stage, 1890 - 1939 by Platt, L.
History of European Drama and Theatre by Fischer-Lichte, Erika
Ever After: The Last Years of Musical Theater and Beyond by Singer, Barry
The Knights of Aristophanes by Aristophanes
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre by
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre by
História do Teatro by Ortolan, Edson Tadeu
Henrik Ibsen and Bjornstjerne Bjornson: Critical Studies by Brandes, George
Henrik Ibsen and Bjornstjerne Bjornson: Critical Studies by Brandes, George
A History of Theatre in Africa by
The Shakespeare Company, 1594-1642 by Gurr, Andrew
Contemporary Theatre in Mayan Mexico: Death-Defying Acts by Underiner, Tamara L.
The 39 Steps of Self-Division: A Structural Approach To the Depiction of Internal Conflict In Six Famous Dramatic Works by Zebba, Sam
Secret Shakespeare: Studies in Theatre, Religion and Resistance by Wilson, Richard
The Heracleidae by Euripides
Spectacles by Tertullian
The Suppliants by Euripides
The Miser by Moliere, Jean-Baptiste
Lectures On Dramatic Art And Literature by Schlegel, August Wilhelm, Black, John
The Duenna by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Makers of Modern Theatre: An Introduction by Leach, Robert
Makers of Modern Theatre: An Introduction by Leach, Robert
Reading the Material Theatre by Ric, Knowles, Knowles, Ric, Knowles, Richard
The Hippolytus of Euripides by Euripides
Two Tragedies: Tamburlaine the Great and the Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Marlowe, Christopher
Riot and Great Anger: Stage Censorship in Twentieth-Century Ireland by Dean, Joan Fitzpatrick
Eamon Kelly: The Storyteller: An Autobiography by Kelly, Eamon
I Ain't Sorry for Nothin' I Done: August Wilson's Process of Playwriting by Herrington, Joan
You Can't Do That on Broadway!: A Raisin in the Sun and Other Theatrical Improbabilities by Rose, Philip
Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus Part One by Wilson, Horace Hayman
Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus Part Two by Wilson, Horace Hayman
Playgoing in Shakespeare's London by Gurr, Andrew
Reading the Material Theatre by Knowles, Ric, Knowles, Richard
Mary Magdalene and the Drama of Saints: Theater, Gender, and Religion in Late Medieval England by Coletti, Theresa
Through the Screen Door: What Happened to the Broadway Musical When it Went to Hollywood by Hischak, Thomas S.
How to See a Play by Burton, Richard
Scene Change: A Theatre Diary: Prague, Moscow, Leningrad by Rotte, Joanna
The Theater of Heiner Muller by Kalb, Jonathan
Play by Play: Theater Essays & Reviews, 1993-2002 by Kalb, Jonathan
The Best Plays of 1998-1999 by Guernsey, Otis L.
The Viewpoints Book: A Practical Guide to Viewpoints and Composition by Bogart, Anne, Landau, Tina
Playgoing in Shakespeare's London by Gurr, Andrew
Thomas Abthorpe Cooper: Father of the American Stage, 1775-1849 by Maginnes, F. Arant
Playwrights of the New American Theater by Dickinson, Thomas H.
Shadows of the Stage by Winter, William
Richard Mansfield: The Man and the Actor by Wilstach, Paul
August Wilson and Black Aesthetics by Shannon, S., Williams, D.
King Lear: Second Edition by Leggatt, Alexander
Post-Imperial Brecht by Kruger, Loren
Drama/Theatre/Performance by Shepherd, Simon, Wallis, Mick
Drama/Theatre/Performance by Shepherd, Simon, Wallis, Mick
Dark Attractions by Woolland, Brian
Their Majesties' Servants or Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean; Actors, Authors, Audiences by Doran
A Treatise Against Dicing, Dancing, Plays and Interludes with Other Idle Pastimes by Northbrooke, John
A Dissertation on the Pageants or Dramatic Mysteries Anciently Performed at Coventry By the Trading Companies of That City by Sharp, Thomas
African Theatre 4: Southern Africa by Gibbs, James
Theatre and Empowerment: Community Drama on the World Stage by
American Puppetry: Collections, History and Performance by
Theater Voices: Conversations on the Stage by Capra, Steve
Theater and Political Process: Staging Identities in Tokelau and New Zealand by Hoëm, Ingjerd
The Great Tradition and Its Legacy: The Evolution of Dramatic and Musical Theater in Austria and Central Europe by
The Other Chekhov: A Biography of Michael Chekhov, the Legendary Actor, Director & Theorist by Marowitz, Charles
Theater and Film: A Comparative Anthology by
The Happiest Corpse I've Ever Seen: The Last Twenty-Five Years of the Broadway Musical by Mordden, Ethan
The Knight of the Burning Pestle: Francis Beaumont by
From Script to Stage in Early Modern England by
From Script to Stage in Early Modern England by
Blueprints for No-Man's Land: Connections in Contemporary Austrian Culture by
Yellowface: Creating the Chinese in American Popular Music and Performance, 1850s-1920s by Moon, Krystyn R.
Diasporas and Interculturalism in Asian Performing Arts: Translating Traditions by
Colonial America Series The Salem Witch Trials: Stage play for middle school aged children and up by Wagner, Dawn
The Theatre of the Greeks: A Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama by Donaldson, John William
The Art Theater by Cheney, Sheldon
Theatricality as Medium by Weber, Samuel
Theatricality as Medium by Weber, Samuel
Ritual Imports: Performing Medieval Drama in America by Sponsler, Claire
The Cambridge History of British Theatre by
The Cambridge History of British Theatre by
The Cambridge History of British Theatre by
All Theater Is Revolutionary Theater by Bennett, Benjamin