• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2007

Trevor Griffiths by Tulloch, John
Theatre of Visions by Brecht, Stefan
Shakespearean Tragedy by Bradley, A. C.
Digital Practices: Aesthetic and Neuroesthetic Approaches to Performance and Technology by Broadhurst, S.
Samuel Beckett and the Prosthetic Body: The Organs and Senses in Modernism by Tajiri, Y.
The Theatre of War: The First World War in British and Irish Drama by Kosok, H.
Politics of Romantic Theatricality, 1787-1832: The Road to the Stage by Worrall, D.
Transnational Lives and the Media: Re-Imagining Diaspora by
Yiddish Theatre: New Approaches by
British Theatre of the 1990s: Interviews with Directors, Playwrights, Critics and Academics by
The Performing Century: Nineteenth-Century Theatre's History by
Dream Dealer: Stuart Walker and the American Theater by Yeoman, Joann
Women in British Romantic Theatre: Drama, Performance, and Society, 1790 1840 by
Theatre and Postcolonial Desires by Amkpa, Awam
In Comes I: Performance, Memory and Landscape by Pearson, Mike
Early American Theatre from the Revolution to Thomas Jefferson: Into the Hands of the People by Nathans, Heather S.
Origins Theater Anc Greece Beyond by
The Drama and the Stage by Lewisohn, Ludwig
The Mediaeval Stage V1 by Chambers, E. K.
The Development Of The Drama by Matthews, Brander
The Romance of the American Theatre by Crawford, Mary Caroline
Henry Irving's Impressions Of America: Narrated In A Series Of Sketches, Chronicles And Conversations by Hatton, Joseph
Napoleon's Opera-Glass: An Histrionic Study by Rosen, Lewis
Memoirs Of Mrs. Coghlan: Daughter Of The Late Major Moncrieffe by Coghlan, Margaret Moncrieffe
The Diary Of Philip Henslowe From 1591 To 1609 by Henslowe, Philip
Othello Unveiled by Subbarau, Rentala Venkata
The Art of the Actor: The Essential History of Acting from Classical Times to the Present Day by Benedetti, Jean
The Meiningen Court Theatre 1866-1890 by Osborne, John
Gothic Television by Wheatley, Helen
Gothic Television by Wheatley, Helen
Letters to a Young Actor: A Universal Guide to Performance by Brustein, Robert
Slovene Theatre and Drama Post Independence: Four Plays by Slovene Playwrights: Introduction and Translation by Lesley Anne Wade by
'Bring Furth the Pagants': Essays in Early English Drama Presented to Alexandra F. Johnston by
Women and Victorian Theatre by Powell, Kerry
The Theatre in America During the Revolution by Brown, Jared
Drama Kings: Players and Publics in the Re-Creation of Peking Opera, 1870-1937 by Goldstein, Joshua
Blue Vaudeville: Sex, Morals and the Mass Marketing of Amusement, 1895-1915 by Erdman, Andrew L.
Arthur Miller's Global Theater by
Interrogating America Through Theatre and Performance by
Theatre Culture in America, 1825 1860 by Bank, Rosemarie K.
Theatre and the Good: The Value of Collaborative Play by Fearnow, Mark
The Henry VI Plays by Chillington Rutter, Carol, Hampton-Reeves, Stuart
Plays And Pageants From The Life Of The Negro by Richardson, Willis
Nell Gwyn: The Story Of Her Life by Melville, Lewis
F. F. Proctor: Vaudeville Pioneer by Marston, William Moulton, Feller, John Henry
The Glory That Was Gold: The Central City Opera House, A Permanent Memorial To Colorado Pioneers by The Central City Opera House Association
An Interpretation Of The Moral Play, Mankind by Coogan, Mary Philippa
A Short Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theater by Ley, Graham
The Woman At The Well by Rogers, Dale Evans
Lillian Russell: The Era Of Plush by Morell, Parker
The New Theatre of the Baltics: From Soviet to Western Influence in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by Johnson, Jeff
Racism on the Victorian Stage by Waters, Hazel
Women as Hamlet by Howard, Tony
Theatre in a Media Culture: Production, Performance and Perception Since 1970 by Jensen, Amy Petersen
Before, Between, and Beyond: Three Decades of Dance Writing by Banes, Sally
Alternative Theater in Taiwan: Feminist and Intercultural Approaches by Tuan, Iris Hsin-Chun
Finding the Jewish Shakespeare: The Life and Legacy of Jacob Gordin by Kaplan, Beth
Laughing Matters: Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France by Beam, Sara
The Canvas Barricade by Jack, Donald
Staging Black Feminisms: Identity, Politics, Performance by Goddard, Lynette
Politics of Romantic Theatricality, 1787-1832: The Road to the Stage by Worrall, D.
Staging Black Feminisms: Identity, Politics, Performance by Goddard, Lynette
Performance and Cosmopolitics: Cross-Cultural Transactions in Australasia by Gilbert, H., Lo, J.
Performance and Cosmopolitics: Cross-Cultural Transactions in Australasia by Gilbert, H., Lo, J.
Playing for Time: Stories of Lost Children, Ghosts and the Endangered Present in Contemporary Theatre by Cousin, Geraldine
Theatre@risk by Kustow, Michael
The Lear Diaries by Cox, Brian, Cox, B.
Post-Imperial Brecht: Politics and Performance, East and South by Loren, Kruger, Kruger, Loren
RE: Producing Women's Dramatic History: The Politics of Playing in Toronto by Hadfield, D. a.
The New York Concert Saloon: The Devil's Own Nights by McNamara, Brooks
Theater and Nation in Eighteenth-Century Germany by Sosulski, Michael J.
Early Cambridge Theatres: College, University and Town Stages, 1464 1720 by Nelson, Alan H.
Modern Japanese Theatre and Performance by
Performers and Their Arts: Folk, Popular and Classical Genres in a Changing India by
Pittsburgh in Stages by Conner, Lynne Thompson
English Dramatic Interludes, 1300 1580: A Reference Guide by Grantley, Darryll
Staging the Screen: The Use of Film and Video in Theatre by Giesekam, Greg
In the Theatre of Dionysos: Democracy and Tragedy in Ancient Athens by Sewell, Richard C.
Digital Practices: Aesthetic and Neuroesthetic Approaches to Performance and Technology by Broadhurst, S.
Digital Practices: Aesthetic and Neuroesthetic Approaches to Performance and Technology by Broadhurst, S.
The Melodramatic Thread: Spectacle and Political Culture in Modern France by Lehning, James R.
The Theatre of War: The First World War in British and Irish Drama by Kosok, H.
Performance and Politics in Tanzania: The Nation on Stage by Edmondson, Laura
Girls for Sale: Kanyasulkam: A Play from Colonial India by Apparao, Gurajada, Rao, Velcheru Narayana
Women, Sociability and Theatre in Georgian London by Russell, Gillian
Sullivan's Comic Operas A Critical Appreciation by Dunhill, Thomas F.
The Art Theater by Cheney, Sheldon
The Best Plays of 1919 to 1920 and the Year Book of the Drama in America by Mantle, Burns
Queens Of The French Stage by Williams, H. Noel
Oberammergau and The Passion Play by Short, Josephine Helena
Playwrights of the New American Theater by Dickinson, Thomas H.
Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus V1 by Wilson, Horace Hayman
Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus V2 by Wilson, Horace Hayman
Madame Vestris And Her Times by Pearce, Charles E.
Their Majesties' Servants or Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean; Actors, Authors, Audiences by Doran
A Dissertation on the Pageants or Dramatic Mysteries Anciently Performed at Coventry By the Trading Companies of That City by Sharp, Thomas
A Guide To Oberammergau And Its Passion Play by Schroeder, Joseph
The Theatre Of The Greeks: A Treatise On The History And Exhibition Of The Greek Drama by Donaldson, John William
Illegitimate Theatre in London, 1770 1840 by Moody, Jane
Art Theater by Hamilton, James R.
Discovering the Hudson by Morehouse, Ward, III
African Theatres and Performances by Okagbue, Osita
Fantasies of a Bollywood Love Thief: Inside the World of Indian Moviemaking by Alter, Stephen
The Greek Theatre and Festivals: Documentary Studies by
Performance in Bali by Sedana, I. Nyoman, Rubin, Leon
Plays in American Periodicals, 1890-1918 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Strindberg and Modernist Theatre: Post-Inferno Drama on the Stage by Marker, Lise-Lone, Marker, Frederick J.
Broadway, U. S. S. R.: Ballet, Theatre And Entertainment In Russia Today by Bowers, Faubion
A Common Stage: Theater and Public Life in Medieval Arras by Symes, Carol
Beijing: Theatre of the People by Tezenas, Ambroise
Environmental and Site-Specific Theatre by
The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam: An Illustrated Memoir by Fleming, Ann Marie
The Worst It Can Be Is a Disaster: The Life Story of Braham Murray and the Royal Exchange Theatre by Murray, Braham
Bloomsbury and British Theatre: The Marlowe Story by Cribb, Tim
Die Welt ALS Bühne: Geschichte Des Europäischen Theaters. Fünfter Band: 2. Hälfte Des 20. Jahrhunderts by Brauneck, Manfred
Die Welt ALS Bühne: Geschichte Des Europäischen Theaters. Sechster Band: Chronik, Bibliographie, Register by Brauneck, Manfred
Representation and Identity from Versailles to the Present: The Performing Subject by Sikes, A.
Representation and Identity from Versailles to the Present: The Performing Subject by Sikes, A.
Life Upon the Wicked Stage by
Life Upon the Wicked Stage by
Shakespeare for the Wiser Sort: Solving Shakespeare's Riddles in the Comedy of Errors, Romeo and Juliet, King John, 1-2 Henry IV, the Merchant of Veni by Sohmer, Steve
From Traveling Show to Vaudeville: Theatrical Spectacle in America, 1830-1910 by
Hysteria, Trauma and Melancholia: Performative Maladies in Contemporary Anglophone Drama by Wald, C.
Performing Patriotism: National Identity in the Colonial and Revolutionary American Theater by Shaffer, Jason
Staging International Feminisms by
Staging International Feminisms by
Shakespeare and the Stage, with a Complete List of Theatrical Terms Used by Shakespeare in His Plays and Poems (1918) by Jonas, Maurice
The Cambridge Guide to American Theatre by
Players, Playwrights, Playhouses: Investigating Performance, 1660-1800 by Cordner, Michael, Holland, Peter
Players, Playwrights, Playhouses: Investigating Performance, 1660-1800 by Cordner, Michael, Holland, Peter
Theatre, Fiction, and Poetry in the French Long Seventeenth Century - Le Théâtre, le roman, et la poésie à l'âge classique by
Female Performance Practice on the Fin-De-Siècle Popular Stages of London and Paris: Experiment and Advertisement by Hindson, Catherine
New York Theatre Walks: Seven Historical Tours from Times Square to Greenwich Village and Beyond by Kissel, Howard
Knowledge in Motion: Perspectives of Artistic and Scientific Research in Dance by
Church and Stage: The Theatre as Target of Religious Condemnation in Nineteenth Century America by Johnson, Claudia Durst
Plays And Players In Modern Italy: Being A Study Of The Italian Stage (1912) by McLeod, Addison
Old Boston Museum Days (1915) by Ryan, Kate
Operatic China Operatic China: Staging Chinese Identity Across the Pacific Staging Chinese Identity Across the Pacific by Lei, D.
The Performing Century: Nineteenth-Century Theatre's History by
The Performing Century: Nineteenth-Century Theatre's History by
Theatre in Theory 1900-2000: An Anthology by Krasner, David
Small Acts of Repair: Performance, Ecology and Goat Island by
Generating Theatre Meaning: A Theory and Methodology of Performance Analysis by Rozik, Eli
Small Acts of Repair: Performance, Ecology and Goat Island by
The Orient on the Victorian Stage by Ziter, Edward
Shakespeare's Serial History Plays by Grene, Nicholas
Gender and the Italian Stage: From the Renaissance to the Present Day by Maggie, Gunsberg, G. Nsberg, Maggie, Gunsberg, Maggie
British Theatre Between the Wars, 1918 1939 by
English Historical Drama, 1500-1660: Forms Outside the Canon by Ravelhofer, Barbara
Shakespeare Survey by
Children and Theatre in Victorian Britain: All Work, No Play by Varty, A.
Theatre, Intimacy & Engagement: The Last Human Venue by Read, A.
Theatre, Intimacy & Engagement: The Last Human Venue by Read, A.
Theatre and Performance in Eastern Europe: The Changing Scene by
Forgeries of Memory and Meaning: Blacks and the Regimes of Race in American Theater and Film Before World War II by Robinson, Cedric J.
The Life of the Neighborhood Playhouse on Grand Street by Harrington, John