• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2008

Backstage Stories by Baker, Barbara
English Historical Drama, 1500-1660: Forms Outside the Canon by Ravelhofer, Barbara
London in Early Modern English Drama: Representing the Built Environment by Grantley, D.
Political Theatre in Post-Thatcher Britain: New Writing, 1995-2005 by Kritzer, A.
National Myth and Imperial Fantasy: Representations of British Identity on the Early Eighteenth-Century Stage by Marshall, Louise H.
Hegemony and Fantasy in Irish Drama, 1899-1949 by Murphy, P.
Performing the Body in Irish Theatre by Sweeney, B.
National Theatres in a Changing Europe by
Neil LaBute by Bigsby, Christopher
Theatres in Los Angeles by Hall, Amy Ronnebeck, Wanamaker, Marc, Cooper, Suzanne Tarbell
Autobiography and Performance: Performing Selves by Heddon, Deirdre
Staging the Screen: The Use of Film and Video in Theatre by Giesekam, Greg
Autobiography and Performance: Performing Selves by Heddon, Deirdre
Theatre, Society and the Nation: Staging American Identities by Wilmer, S. E.
Shakespeare's Knowledgeable Body by Diede, Martha Kalnin
An Actor's Work: A Student's Diary by Stanislavski, Konstantin
Performing the Body in Irish Theatre by Sweeney, B.
The Stage: Its Past And Present In Relation To Fine Art (1875) by Neville, Henry
National Theatres in a Changing Europe by
Shylock in Germany: Antisemitism and the German Theatre from the Enlightenment to the Nazis by Bonnell, Andrew G.
Feminism and Theatre by Reynolds, Bryan, Case, Sue-Ellen
J.B. Priestley by Gale, Maggie B.
Federico García Lorca by Delgado, Maria M.
Serfdom, Society, and the Arts in Imperial Russia: The Pleasure and the Power by Stites, Richard
Macbeth: New Critical Essays by
The Theatres of Boston: A Stage and Screen History by King, Donald C.
Localizing Caroline Drama: Politics and Economics of the Early Modern English Stage, 1625-1642 by Zucker, A., Farmer, A.
Political Theatre in Post-Thatcher Britain: New Writing, 1995-2005 by Kritzer, A.
A Moon for the Misbegotten on the American Stage: A History of the Major Productions by Shea, Laura
Localizing Caroline Drama: Politics and Economics of the Early Modern English Stage, 1625-1642 by Farmer, A., Zucker, A.
Staging Race: Black Performers in Turn of the Century America by Sotiropoulos, Karen
Walnut Street Theatre by Havard, Bernard, Sylvester, Mark D.
Memory, Allegory, and Testimony in South American Theater: Upstaging Dictatorship by Puga, Ana Elena
Performance Histories by Marranca, Bonnie
London in Early Modern English Drama: Representing the Built Environment by Grantley, D.
Theatre Censorship: From Walpole to Wilson by Etienne, Anne, Thomas, David, Carlton, David
Discovering a New Audience for Theatre, Vol. I by Eek, Nat
Theatre in the Berlin Republic: German Drama since Reunification by
Visuality in the Theatre: The Locus of Looking by Bleeker, M.
Visuality in the Theatre: The Locus of Looking by Bleeker, M.
The Necessity of Theater: The Art of Watching and Being Watched by Woodruff, Paul
Patrick Marber's Closer by Saunders, Graham
Arthur Miller by Carson, Neil
Arthur Miller by Carson, Neil
The Improv Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Improvising in Comedy, Theatre, and Beyond by Salinsky, Tom, Frances-White, Deborah
Dramas of Culture: Theory, History, Performance by
The Studs Terkel Interviews: Film and Theater by Terkel, Studs
Caryl Churchill's Top Girls by Tycer, Alicia
Include Me Out: My Life from Goldwyn to Broadway by Granger, Farley
Insiders and Outsiders in Russian Cinema by
Directors and the New Musical Drama: British and American Musical Theatre in the 1980s and 90s by Lundskaer-Nielsen, M.
Revenge Drama in European Renaissance and Japanese Theatre: From Hamlet to Madame Butterfly by
Directors and the New Musical Drama: British and American Musical Theatre in the 1980s and 90s by Lundskaer-Nielsen, M.
Revenge Drama in European Renaissance and Japanese Theatre: From Hamlet to Madame Butterfly by
Transnational Exchange in Early Modern Theater by Nicholson, Eric
Henry IV: Parts I and II by Loehlin, James N.
Stage Presence by Goodall, Jane
Tallulah! by Lobenthal, Joel
Monkey Business Theatre by Laughlin, Robert M.
The Improv Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Improvising in Comedy, Theatre, and Beyond by Frances-White, Deborah, Salinsky, Tom
Stage Presence by Goodall, Jane
Recollections And Reflections: A Professional Autobiography (1872) by Planche, James Robinson
Plays, Acting and Music: A Book of Theory (1909) by Symons, Arthur
Chicago's Awful Theater Horror: Lest We Forget (1904) by The Survirors and Rescuers
The Exemplary Theatre (1922) by Granville-Barker, Harley
The Court Theatre, 1904-1907: A Commentary And Criticism (1907) by MacCarthy, Desmond
The Stage: Its Past And Present In Relation To Fine Art (1875) by Neville, Henry
Oxford Companion to the American Musical: Theatre, Film, and Television by Hischak, Thomas S.
Women in American Musical Theatre: Essays on Composers, Lyricists, Librettists, Arrangers, Choreographers, Designers, Directors, Producers and Perform by
Sherlock Holmes on the Stage: A Chronological Encyclopedia of Plays Featuring the Great Detective by Kabatchnik, Amnon
Plays and Pageants from the Life of the Negro by Richardson, Willis
An Interpretation Of The Moral Play, Mankind by Coogan, Mary Philippa
The Woman At The Well by Rogers, Dale Evans
Historic Photos of Broadway: New York Theater 1850-1970 by
Drama, Theatre, and Identity in the American New Republic by Richards, Jeffrey H.
Victor Herbert: A Theatrical Life by Gould, Neil
Dance, Spectacle, and the Body Politick, 1250a 1750 by
Achilleis: Sceny Dramatyczne (1903) by Wyspianski, Napisal Stanislaw
Girl Impersonations (1912) by Schell, Stanley
Early London Theatres: In The Fields (1894) by Ordish, Thomas Fairman
Idols Of The French Stage V2 (1889) by Edwards, Henry Sutherland
Britain's Historical Drama: A Series Of National Tragedies (1832) by Pennie, John Fitzgerald
Christiania Theaterhistorie (1876) by Huitfeldt, Henrik J.
The Ulster Literary Theatre and the Northern Revival by McNulty, Eugene
Postcolonial Theatres by
Beyond the Golden Door: Jewish American Drama and Jewish American Experience by Novick, J.
New Deal Theater: The Vernacular Tradition in American Political Theater by Saal, I.
New Deal Theater: The Vernacular Tradition in American Political Theater by Saal, I.
Turning Turk: English Theater and the Multicultural Mediterranean by Vitkus, D.
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre by
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre by
Gute Unterhaltung!: Fritz Gruenbaum und die Vergnuegungskultur im Wien der 1920er und 1930er Jahre by
Tragicomic Redemptions: Global Economics and the Early Modern English Stage by Forman, Valerie
Greek Theatre in Context by Dugdale, Eric
Gothic Plays and American Society, 1794-1830 by Anthony, M. Susan
The Best Plays Theater Yearbook 2006-2007 by
The Languages of Performance in British Romanticism by
Brecht at the Opera: Volume 9 by Calico, Joy H.
African American Theater: A Cultural Companion by Dicker/Sun, Glenda
Theatre, Culture and Temperance Reform in Nineteenth-Century America by Frick, John W., Jr.
Early London Theatres: In The Fields (1894) by Ordish, Thomas Fairman
An Essay On The Stage: In Which The Arguments In Its Behalf, And Those Against It, Are Considered (1824) by Dwight, Timothy
Work and Play on the Shakespearean Stage by Rutter, Tom
Elizabethan Popular Theatre: Plays in Performance by Hattaway, Michael
Look Back At Anger: Agit Prop Theatre in Britain by Pal, Swati
Buzz Buzz!: Playwrights, Actors and Directors at the National Theatre by Croall, Jonathan
Theatre: The Rediscovery of Style and Other Writings by Saint-Denis, Michel
Drama and Religion in English Provincial Society, 1485-1660 by White, Paul Whitfield
Dramaturgy: A Revolution in Theatre by Luckhurst, Mary, Mary, Luckhurst
Dramas of Culture: Theory, History, Performance by
Reminiscences Of Michael Kelly V2: Of The King's Theatre, And Theatre Royal Drury Lane: Including A Period Of Nearly Half A Century (1826) by Kelly, Michael
Nights At The Play: A View Of The English Stage (1883) by Cook, Dutton
Some Account Of The English Stage V2: From The Restoration In 1660 To 1830 (1832) by Genest, John
Theatre Arts on Acting by
Stanislavsky in Focus: An Acting Master for the Twenty-First Century by Carnicke, Sharon Marie
Street Scenes: Staging the Self in Immigrant New York, 1880-1924 by Romeyn, Esther
The Transformative Power of Performance: A New Aesthetics by Fischer-Lichte, Erika
The Transformative Power of Performance: A New Aesthetics by Fischer-Lichte, Erika
Theatre Arts on Acting by
Requiem and an Epilogue by
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Studies by Balme, Christopher B.
The Influence of Tennessee Williams: Essays on Fifteen American Playwrights by
Stanislavsky and female actors: Women in Stanislavsky's Life and Art by Ignatieva, Maria
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Studies by Balme, Christopher B.
Alfred Farag and Egyptian Theater: The Poetics of Disguise, with Four Short Plays and a Monologue by Amin, Dina A.
On the Art of the Theatre by Craig, Edward Gordon
Theatre: The Rediscovery of Style and Other Writings by Saint-Denis, Michel
Acting Theory and the English Stage, 1700-1830 Volume 1 by Zunshine, Lisa
Acting Theory and the English Stage, 1700-1830 Volume 2 by Zunshine, Lisa
Acting Theory and the English Stage, 1700-1830 Volume 3 by Zunshine, Lisa
Acting Theory and the English Stage, 1700-1830 Volume 4 by Zunshine, Lisa
Acting Theory and the English Stage, 1700-1830 Volume 5 by Zunshine, Lisa
Stanislavsky in Focus: An Acting Master for the Twenty-First Century by Carnicke, Sharon Marie
Tony Kushner's Angels in America by Nielsen, Ken
Shakespeare, Film Studies, and the Visual Cultures of Modernity by Guneratne, A.
National Myth and Imperial Fantasy: Representations of British Identity on the Early Eighteenth-Century Stage by Marshall, Louise H.
Performing Childhood in the Early Modern Theatre: The Children's Playing Companies (1599-1613) by Lamb, Edel
Drama and the Postmodern: Assessing the Limits of Metatheatre by Jernigan, Daniel K.
Violence Performed: Local Roots and Global Routes of Conflict by
Violence Performed: Local Roots and Global Routes of Conflict by
Modern Irish Theatre by Trotter, Mary
A History of Theatre in Africa by
Historical Dictionary of African American Theater by Barnett, Douglas Q., Hill, Anthony D.
The Origins of Theater in Ancient Greece and Beyond: From Ritual to Drama by
Movement Training for the Modern Actor by Evans, Mark
Modernism to Realism on the Soviet Stage: Tairov- Vakhtangov-Okhlopkov by Worrall, Nick
The Edwardian Theatre: Essays on Performance and the Stage by
On the Uses of the Fantastic in Modern Theatre: Cocteau, Oedipus, and the Monster by Eynat-Confino, I.
Engaging Audiences: A Cognitive Approach to Spectating in the Theatre by McConachie, B.
Transatlantic Stage Stars in Vaudeville and Variety: Celebrity Turns by Woods, L.
Mis-directing the Play: An Argument Against Contemporary Theatre by McCabe, Terry
Staging Stigma: A Critical Examination of the American Freak Show by Chemers, M.
Theatre and Globalization: Irish Drama in the Celtic Tiger Era by Lonergan, Patrick
Theatre and Globalization: Irish Drama in the Celtic Tiger Era by Lonergan, Patrick
Philippe Quinault, Dramatist by Brooks, William
A History of German Theatre by
Performing Difference: Representations of 'The Other' in Film and Theatre by
Sir William Davenant, the Court Masque and the English Seventeenth Century Scenic Stage, c1605 -c1700 by Lewcock, Dawn