• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2010

Volpone: Or, the Fox by Jonson, Ben
Blood, Sweat & Theory: Research Through Practice in Performance by Freeman, John Of Psychology
The Actor in Costume by Monks, Aoife
Knowing Shakespeare: Senses, Embodiment and Cognition by
Performing Otherness: Java and Bali on International Stages, 1905-1952 by Cohen, M.
The Chemistry of the Theatre: Performativity of Time by Limon, Jerzy
Theatre in Health and Care by Brodzinski, Emma
The Law in Shakespeare by
Victorian Pantomime: A Collection of Critical Essays by
Dramaturgy of the Real on the World Stage by
Dramaturgy of the Real on the World Stage by
Dramaturgy of the Real on the World Stage by
Teaching Theatre Today: Pedagogical Views of Theatre in Higher Education by Fliotsos, A.
Samuel Beckett: History, Memory, Archive by
The Actor in Costume by Monks, Aoife
Racial Geometries of the Black Atlantic, Asian Pacific and American Theatre by Steen, Shannon
Sensualities/Textualities and Technologies: Writings of the Body in 21st Century Performance by Broadhurst, Susan, Machon, Josephine
Sensualities/Textualities and Technologies: Writings of the Body in 21st Century Performance by Broadhurst, Susan, Machon, Josephine
Sensualities/Textualities and Technologies: Writings of the Body in 21st Century Performance by Broadhurst, Susan, Machon, Josephine
Theatre, Performance and the Historical Avant-Garde by Berghaus, G.
Making the Scene: A History of Stage Design and Technology in Europe and the United States by Mitchell, Margaret A., Hardberger, Linda, Brockett, Oscar G.
Lady Macbeth in America: From the Stage to the White House by Smith, G.
Performance and Cognition: Theatre Studies and the Cognitive Turn by
Suspending Disbelief: Theatre as Context for Sharing by Grainger, Roger
Shakespeare and the Japanese Stage by
Weyward Macbeth: Intersections of Race and Performance by
Weyward Macbeth: Intersections of Race and Performance by
Le Monde Des Theatres Pendant La Revolution, 1789-1800 (1922) by Herissay, Jacques
Recherches Sur Les Anciens Theatres De Beauvais (1881) by Charvet, Ernest
Aus Der Frankfurter Theaterchronik, 1889-1907 V1: 1889-1899 (1908) by Mamroth, Fedor
Das Deutsche Theater Und Seine Zukunft (1876) by Einem Staatsbeamten
Das Theater Vom Altertum Bis Zur Gegenwart (1921) by Gaehde, Christian
Dramen Der Gegenwart: Kritische Studien (1903) by Wethly, Gustaf
O Theatro Brasileiro: Alguns Apontamentos Para A Sua Historia (1904) by Marinho, Henrique
Das Herzoglich Meiningen'sche Hoftheater: Seine Entwickelung, Seine Bestrebungen Und Die Bedeutung Seiner Gastspiele (1887) by Prolss, Robert
Das Theater Des Westens: Festschrift Und Epilog (1896) by Blumenreich, Paul
Le Jeu De Paume Des Mestayers Ou L'Illustre Theatre, 1595-1883 (1883) by Vitu, Auguste
Der Entwicklungsgang Des Deutschen Schauspiels (1879) by Hoffmann, Wilhelm Rudolf
Chronik Des Koniglichen Hof Und National Theaters In Munchen (1878) by Grandaur, Franz
Ada Vernham, Actress (1900) by Marsh, Richard
Das Theater In Nurnberg Von 1612 Bis 1863 (1863) by Hysel, Franz Eduard
De La Comedie Francaise Depuis 1830: Ou Resume Des Evenemens Survenus A Ce Theatre Depuis Cette Epoque Jusqu'en 1844 (1844) by Laugier, Eugene
De L'Origine Du Theatre A Paris (1870) by Milliet, Paul
Das Raimund-Theater (1897) by Guttenbrunn, Adam Muller
Der Teufel Und Die Holle In Der Darstellenden Kunst Von Den Anfangen Bis Zum Zeitalter Dante's Und Giotto's (1895) by Koppen, Alfred
Das Theater In Deutschland: Seine Geschichtliche Entwickelung Und Kulturelle Bedeutung Bis Zur Gegenwart (1894) by Heine, Carl
Le Theatre Indien (1890) by Levi, Sylvain
Le Theatre De La Monnaie Depuis Sa Fondation Jusqu'a Nos Jours (1890) by Isnardon, Jacques
Les Grandes Nuits De Sceaux: Le Theatre De La Duchesse Du Maine (1876) by Jullien, Adolphe
Le Fanatisme Ou Mahomet Le Prophete; Cenie; Le Complaisant (1751) by Voltaire, Grafigny, Francoise De, Ferriol, Antoine De
Das Stadttheater In Hamburg, 1827-1877: Ein Beitrag Zur Deutschen Culturgeschichte (1879) by Uhde, Hermann
Das Theater Vom Altertum Bis Zur Gegenwart (1921) by Gaehde, Christian
Moliere En Province (1879) by Pifteau, Benjamin
Das Theater Und Drama Der Chinesen (1887) by Gottschall, Rudolf Von
Ibsen and the Irish Revival by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Actor Training by Hodge, Alison
The Provocation of the Senses in Contemporary Theatre by Di Benedetto, Stephen
Performing Embodiment in Samuel Beckett's Drama by McMullan, Anna
Indonesian Postcolonial Theatre: Spectral Genealogies and Absent Faces by Winet, Evan Darwin
Japanese Plays: Classic Noh, Kyogen and Kabuki Works by Sadler, A. L.
The Children of Paul's: The Story of a Theatre Company, 1553 1608 by Gair, Reavley, Reavley, Gair
Youth and Theatre of the Oppressed by
Offstage Space, Narrative, and the Theatre of the Imagination by Gruber, W.
Genus Envy: Nationalities, Identities, and the Performing Body of Work by Connolly, Thomas F.
Theatre Des Petits Comediens De S. A. S. Monseigneur Le Comte De Beaujolais (1909) by Pericaud, Louis
Anciens Theatres De Paris: Le Boulevard Du Temple Les Theatres Du Boulevard (1906) by Cain, Georges
Corneille Devant Trois Siecles (1906) by Le Brun, Roger
Chorus Euripideus Comparatus Cum Sophocleo (1853) by Friederichs, Carl
Annali Del Teatro Della Citta di Reggio, Anno 1830 (1831) by Coi Tipi del Nobili E Comp Publisher
A Magyar Szineszet Tortenete (1887) by Vali, Bela
Chronik Des Alten Theatres In Oldenburg: 1833 Bis 1881 (1881) by Dalwigk, R. Von
A Study Of The Drama (1910) by Matthews, Brander
Christiania Theaters Historie, 1827-1877 (1899) by Blanc, Tharald
Del Moderno Teatro Comico Italiano, E Del Suo Restauratore Carlo Goldoni (1794) by De Rossi, Giovanni Gherardo
Acteurs Et Actrices (1867) by Lorsey, E., Monselet, Charles
Theatrical Nation: Jews and Other Outlandish Englishmen in Georgian Britain by Ragussis, Michael
The Necessity of Theater: The Art of Watching and Being Watched by Woodruff, Paul
Moving Diorama in Play: William Dunlap's Comedy a Trip to Niagara (1828) by Richardson, Dorothy B.
Moving Diorama in Play: William Dunlap's Comedy A Trip to Niagara (1828) by Richardson, Dorothy B.
Mothers and Meaning on the Early Modern English Stage by Dunworth, Felicity
Women and Ireland as Beckett's Lost Others: Beyond Mourning and Melancholia by Kim, R.
Visioning Eternity: Aesthetics, Politics, and History in the Early Modern Noh Theater by Looser, Thomas D.
Visioning Eternity: Aesthetics, Politics, and History in the Early Modern Noh Theater by Looser, Thomas D.
The Return of the Gods by Goodman, David G.
Frozen Moments: Writings on Kabuki, 1966-2001 (Ceas) by Leiter, Samuel L.
Theatre Histories by
Ethnic, Multicultural, and Intercultural Theatre by
The A to Z of German Theater by Grange, William
Jean Genet: Routledge Modern and Contemporary Dramatists by Bradby, David, Finburgh, Clare
Of Poetry and Song: Approaches to the Nineteenth-Century Lied by
Boleslaw Smialy: Dramat W Trzech Aktach (1903) by Wyspianski, Stanislaw
Die Hochzeitsfackel: Spiel Einer Maiennacht (1907) by Dreyer, Max
Il Codice Del Teatro: Vade-Mecum Legale (1901) by Tabanelli, Nicola
Die Buhneneinrichtung Des Shakespeareschen Theaters Nach Den Zeitgenossischen Dramen (1907) by Wegener, Richard
Il Teatro In Italia Dalle Origini Al Goldoni (1902) by Gatta, Lorenzo
Die Zauberkomodie Vor Shakespeare (1908) by Rupf, Paul
Il Teatro Communale Di Cesena: Memorie Cronologiche, 1500-1905 (1906) by Raggi, Alessandro, Raggi, Luigi
Il Teatro Costanzi, 1880-1907 (1907) by Incagliati, Matteo
Geschichte Des Theaters In Lubeck (1902) by Stiehl, Carl
Glossen Zum Nienor Theater, 1903-1906 (1907) by Bahr, Hermann
Die Moderne Buhne Und Die Sittlichkeit (1891) by Jordan, Karl Friedrich
Bacchantes (1888) by Euripides
Florimond: Grand Premier Role (1891) by Guillemot, Jules
Almanacco Del Teatro Di Reggio Per L'Anno 1835 (1834) by Nobili E. Comp Publisher
Il Teatro Italiano A'Tempi Nostri (1885) by Zocchi, Gaetano
Il Teatro Marsigli-Rossi (1900) by Cosentino, Giuseppe
Die Geistige Entwicklung Der Deutschen Schauspielkunst: Im 18 Jahrhundert (1898) by Oberlander, Hans
El Tema De La Mala Vida En El Teatro Nacional (1864) by Casadevall, Domingo F.
Oedipus Tyrannus (1825) by Sophocles
Freiburg's Gesellschaftliche, Theatralische Und Musikalische Institute U. Unterhaltungen Und Deren Entwicklung V. J. 1770 Bis Zur Gegenwart (1856) by Trenkle, J. B.
Die Altesten Zeiten Des Theaters Zu Stralsund: 1697-1834 (1895) by Struck, Ferdinand
I Nemici Del Teatro Di Prosa In Italia: La Scoperta Della Vita Scenica, Altri Studii E Profili (1882) by Di Martino, Gaspare
Geschichte Der Berliner Theater: In Ihren Grundzugen Von Den Altesten Zeiten Bis Zur Gegenwart (1899) by Weddigen, Otto
Theatre in Co-Communities: Articulating Power by Lev-Aladgem, Shulamith
Theatre in Co-Communities: Articulating Power by Lev-Aladgem, Shulamith
Jana Sanskriti: Forum Theatre and Democracy in India by Ganguly, Sanjoy
Shakespeare in Stages: New Theatre Histories by
Jana Sanskriti: Forum Theatre and Democracy in India by Ganguly, Sanjoy
Historical Dictionary of French Theater by Forman, Edward
The to Z of Russian Theater by Senelick, Laurence
New Directions in Renaissance Drama and Performance Studies by
World Stages, Local Audiences: Essays on Performance, Place and Politics by Dickinson, Peter
Youth and Theatre of the Oppressed by
Liberating Hellenism from the Ottom: Comte de Marcellus and the Last of the Classics by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Liberating Hellenism from the Ottoman Empire: Comte de Marcellus and the Last of the Classics by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Le Theatre Antique D'Orange (1897) by Goudareau, Jules, Digonnet, Felix
George Bernard Shaw: Harlequin Or Patriot? by Palmer, John
Shakespeare's Ariel by Wilson, Floyd B.
Die Ersten Theater-Auffuhrungen Des Goethe'schen Faust (1880) by Enslin, Adolph
Considerazioni Sul Teatro Lirico Italiano: E Sulla Legge Dei Diritti D'Autore (1907) by Montefiore, Tommaso Mose
Der Misanthrop (1887) by Moliere, M.
Il Teatro Di Ferrara (1883) by Gennari, Aldo
Das Herzoglich Meiningen'sche Hoftheater: Seine Entwickelung, Seine Bestrebungen Und Die Bedeutung Seiner Gastspiele (1887) by Prolss, Robert
Shakespeare's Play of King Henry the Fifth: Arranged for Representation at the Princess's Theatre (1859) by Shakespeare, William
Das Recht Der Schauspieler (1896) by Burckhard, Max
Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature by Schlegel, August Wilhelm, Black, John
Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus
Spectacles by Tertullian
The Transition From Ritual To Art: The Dromenon And The Drama by Harrison, Jane Ellen
Carlo Gozzi: E La Commedia Dell' Arte (1890) by Masi, Ernesto
The Merchant Of Venice by Shakespeare, William
The Rivals by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
The Renaissance Of The Classic And Romantic Theatre by Schure, Edouard
Essai Sur L'Histoire Du Theatre La Mise En Scene, Le Decor, Le Costume, L'Architecture, L'Elclairage, L'Hygiene (1893) by Bapst, Germain
Le Theatre A Nantes: Depuis Ses Origines Jusqu'a Nos Jours, 1430-1901 (1902) by Destranges, Etienne
Zygmunt Molik's Voice and Body Work: The Legacy of Jerzy Grotowski [With DVD ROM] by Molik, Zygmunt, Campo, Giuliano
Zygmunt Molik's Voice and Body Work: The Legacy of Jerzy Grotowski by Molik, Zygmunt, Campo, Giuliano
Shakespeare and the Just War Tradition by Pugliatti, Paola
Blokes: The Bad Boys of British Literature by Castronovo, David
Representing African Americans in Transatlantic Abolitionism and Blackface Minstrelsy by Nowatzki, Robert
Performing Shakespeare in Japan by
Theatre of the Greeks by Donaldson, John William
Magic on the Early English Stage by Philip, Butterworth, Butterworth, Philip
Play by Play: Phoenix and Building the Herberger Theater by Murfee, Elizabeth B., August, Jack L.
Movement Training for the Modern Actor by Evans, Mark
Performance, Cognitive Theory, and Devotional Culture: Sensual Piety in Late Medieval York by Stevenson, J.
Performance and the Contemporary City: An Interdisciplinary Reader by Whybrow, Nicolas
Performance and the Contemporary City: An Interdisciplinary Reader by Whybrow, Nicolas
Key Concepts in Drama and Performance by Pickering, Kenneth
Women, Sociability and Theatre in Georgian London by Russell, Gillian
An Humorous Day's Mirth: By George Chapman by
The Politics of Jean Genet's Late Theatre: Spaces of Revolution by Lavery, Carl
Winter's Tale CB by Dunbar, Judith
Making contemporary theatre: International rehearsal processes by
San Francisco Theater: Company of the Golden Hind by Ben-Avram, Rachmael
The Golden Age of Indianapolis Theaters by Caldwell, Howard
The American Play: 1787-2000 by Robinson, Marc
Reimagining Shakespeare's Playhouse: Early Modern Staging Conventions in the Twentieth Century by Falocco, Joe
Approaching the Theater of Antonio Buero Vallejo: Contemporary Literary Analyses from Structuralism to Postmodernism by Pennington, Eric W.
Devising in Process by Mermikides, Alex, Smart, Jackie
Devising in Process by Smart, Jackie, Mermikides, Alex
Charles Ludlam and the Ridiculous Theatrical Company: Critical Analyses of 29 Plays by Roemer, Rick
I'm Dying Up Here: Heartbreak and High Times in Stand-Up Comedy's Golden Era by Knoedelseder, William
Catholic Theatre and Drama: Critical Essays by
New Francophone African and Caribbean Theatres by Conteh-Morgan, John
New Francophone African and Caribbean Theatres by Conteh-Morgan, John
Theatre & Nation by Hytner, Nicholas, Holdsworth, Nadine
Theatre & Interculturalism by Knowles, Ric
Theatre & Feeling by Bogart, Anne, Hurley, Erin
Generating Theatre Meaning by Rozik, Eli
Victorian Pantomime: A Collection of Critical Essays by
Cato by Joseph Addison
Theatre, Communication, Critical Realism by Nellhaus, T.
Staging Age: The Performance of Age in Theatre, Dance, and Film by
Theatre, Communication, Critical Realism by Nellhaus, T.
Staging Age: The Performance of Age in Theatre, Dance, and Film by
Theatre in Health and Care by Brodzinski, Emma
Performance Theatre and the Poetics of Failure by Bailes, Sara Jane
Theatre and Empowerment: Community Drama on the World Stage by Boon
Ballet and Opera in the Age of "Giselle" by Smith, Marian
Women on the Stage in Early Modern France: 1540-1750 by Scott, Virginia
Canadian Shakespeare by
Religion and Identity in Germany Today; Doubters, Believers, Seekers in Literature and Film by
Acting in the Night: Macbeth and the Places of the Civil War by Nemerov, Alexander
The Pantomime Life of Joseph Grimaldi: Laughter, Madness and the Story of Britain's Greatest Comedian by Stott, Andrew McConnell
Showtime: A History of the Broadway Musical Theater by Stempel, Larry
Essai Sur L'Histoire Du Theatre La Mise En Scene, Le Decor, Le Costume, L'Architecture, L'Elclairage, L'Hygiene (1893) by Bapst, Germain
The Story Of The Savoy Opera: In Gilbert And Sullivan Days by Fitz-Gerald, S. J. Adair
Histoire Du Theatre Francois V7: Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'a Present (1745) by Parfait, Francois, Parfaict, Claude
Aeschylea Orestia, Part 1: Agamemnon (1837) by Aeschylus
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