• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2012

Henslowe's Diary: Text... by Henslowe, Philip
Applying Performance: Live Art, Socially Engaged Theatre and Affective Practice by Shaughnessy, N.
Identity, Performance and Technology: Practices of Empowerment, Embodiment and Technicity by
Heritage, Nostalgia and Modern British Theatre: Staging the Victorians by Poore, Benjamin
The Theatres of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia: Performance Traditions of the Maghreb by Carlson, Marvin, Amine, Khalid
Performing Exile, Performing Self: Drama, Theatre, Film by Meerzon, Y.
Refugees, Theatre and Crisis: Performing Global Identities by Jeffers, A.
Odin Teatret: Theatre in a New Century by Ledger, Adam
Theatres of Immanence: Deleuze and the Ethics of Performance by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Contemporary British Queer Performance by Greer, S.
Feeling Theatre by Welton, Martin
Performance, Politics, and the War on Terror: 'Whatever It Takes' by Brady, Sara
Experimental Irish Theatre: After W.B. Yeats by Walsh, I.
Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performance by
Acoustic Interculturalism: Listening to Performance by Tan, Marcus Cheng Chye
Wild and Dangerous Performances: Animals, Emotions, Circus by Tait, P.
Brian Friel: Theatre and Politics by Roche, A.
Performance in the Blockades of Neoliberalism: Thinking the Political Anew by Wickstrom, M.
The Carolina Playmakers: The First Fifty Years by Spearman, Walter, Selden, Samuel
Drama on Drama: Dimensions of Theatricality on the Contemporary British Stage by
The Fool in European Theatre: Stages of Folly by Prentki, T.
Idols and Celebrity in Japanese Media Culture by
British Avant-Garde Theatre by Warden, C.
Darkening Mirrors: Imperial Representation in Depression-Era African American Performance by Batiste, Stephanie Leigh
Twentieth-Century British Theatre: Industry, Art and Empire by Cochrane, Claire
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 36: Brecht In/And Asia / Brecht In/Und Asien by
Hijikata Tatsumi and Butoh: Dancing in a Pool of Gray Grits by Baird, B.
Hijikata Tatsumi and Butoh: Dancing in a Pool of Gray Grits by Baird, B.
Hijikata Tatsumi and Butoh: Dancing in a Pool of Gray Grits by Baird, B.
The Kabuki Theatre of Japan by Scott, A. C.
From Rags to Ricketts and Other Essays on Circus History by Slout, William L.
Pioneer Performances: Staging the Frontier by Rebhorn, Matthew
Musical Theatre, Realism and Entertainment by Taylor, Millie
A Record of the Boston Stage. by Clapp, William Warland
A Purple Summer: Notes on the Lyrics of Spring Awakening by Sater, Steven
Gilbert and Sullivan: Gender, Genre, Parody by Williams, Carolyn
Out of Silence: Censorship in Theatre & Performance by Svich, Caridad
The Cultural Politics of Twentieth-Century Spanish Theater: Representing the Auto Sacramental by Kasten, Carey
Marriage, Gender, and Desire in Early Enlightenment German Comedy by Potter, Edward T.
Plays and Performance Texts by Women 1880-1930: An Anthology of Plays by British and American Women from the Modernist Period by
Constructing the Holistic Actor: Fitzmaurice Voicework by Morgan, Michael Keith
Experimental Irish Theatre: After W.B. Yeats by Walsh, I.
Chinese Theatre by Fu, Jin
The Afterlife of Ophelia by Williams, Deanne
The Afterlife of Ophelia by Williams, Deanne
Artful Stories: The Teacher, the Student, and the Muse by Dowdy, Joanne Kilgour
Saggio storico su "Una partita a scacchi di Giuseppe Giacosa": saggio storico by Chiarle, Duilio, Giacosa, Giuseppe
The Elizabethan Jig and Related Song Drama by Baskervill, Charles Read
The London Stage, V2, 1700-1729: A Calendar of Plays, Entertainments and Afterpieces, Together with Casts, Box Receipts and Contemporary Comment by
The Golden Age Of The New Orleans Theater by Kendall, John Smith
Molière on Stage: What's So Funny? by Goldsby, Robert W.
Molière on Stage: What's So Funny? by Goldsby, Robert W.
Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy by Landy, Robert, Montgomery, David T.
Conversations with Anne: Twenty-Four Interviews by Bogart, Anne
Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy by Landy, Robert, Montgomery, David T.
Performing Exile, Performing Self: Drama, Theatre, Film by Meerzon, Y.
The Theatre in Germany from the Renaissance to the Modern Day by Cole, Toby
Weill's Musical Theater: Stages of Reform by Hinton, Stephen
Titanic and the Making of James Cameron by Parisi, Paula
The Piscator Notebook by Malina, Judith
Stages of Reality: Theatricality in Cinema by Loiselle, André, Maron, Jeremy
A Directory of Shakespeare in Performance Volumes 1-3 by Goodland, Katharine, O'Connor, John
The Piscator Notebook by Malina, Judith
The Theatre of the Bauhaus: The Modern and Postmodern Stage of Oskar Schlemmer by Trimingham, Melissa
Shakespeare's Opposites by Gurr, Andrew
Staging Holocaust Resistance by Plunka, Gene A.
Staging Holocaust Resistance by Plunka, Gene A.
Women Vaudeville Stars: Eighty Biographical Profiles by Fields, Armond
Finding the Jewish Shakespeare: The Life and Legacy of Jacob Gordin by Kaplan, Beth
Le Théâtre Français (Éd.1876) by Chappuzeau, Samuel
Le Théâtre François, Divisé En Trois Livres, Où Il Est Traité (Éd.1674) by Chappuzeau, Samuel
Le Théâtre À Cambrai Avant Et Depuis 1789, (Éd.1883) by Durieux, Achille
Foyers Et Coulisses 8. Opéra. Tome 1 (Éd.1875) by Heylli, Georges
Foyers Et Coulisses 8. Opéra. Tome 2 (Éd.1875) by Heylli, Georges
Foyers Et Coulisses 8. Opéra. Tome 3 (Éd.1875) by Heylli, Georges
Architectonographie Des Théâtres de Paris, Ou Parallèle Historique (Éd.1821) by Donnet, Alexis
Ballets Et Mascarades de Cour Sous Henri IV Et Louis XIII: 1581-1652 (Éd.1868) by Sans Auteur
La Pratique Du Théâtre (Éd.1657) by de Aubignac, J.
L'Apologie Du Théâtre, (Éd.1639) by de Scudéry, Louis-Xavier
Roman Theatre by Moore, Timothy J.
Memory, Allegory, and Testimony in South American Theater: Upstaging Dictatorship by Puga, Ana Elena
British Avant-Garde Theatre by Warden, C.
Victory Over the Sun: The World's First Futurist Opera by
Contemporary British Queer Performance by Greer, S.
Acoustic Interculturalism: Listening to Performance by Tan, Marcus Cheng Chye
Our Recent Actors 2 Volume Set: Being Recollections Critical, And, in Many Cases, Personal, of Late Distinguished Performers of Both Sexes by Marston, Westland
A History of Theatre in Spain by
The Roman Actor: By Philip Massinger by White, Martin
Performing Embodiment in Samuel Beckett's Drama by McMullan, Anna
Shakespeare and I by
Shakespeare and I by
Reading Modern Drama by
Not magic but work: An ethnographic account of a rehearsal process by McAuley, Gay
Backstage in the Novel: Frances Burney and the Theater Arts by Saggini, Francesca
Souvenirs d'Un Homme de Théâtre, 1831-1855 (Éd.1883) by Séchan, Charles
Histoire de l'Art Dramatique En France Depuis Vingt-Cinq Ans. T. 3 (Éd.1858-1859) by Gautier, Théophile
Histoire de l'Art Dramatique En France Depuis Vingt-Cinq Ans. T. 6 (Éd.1858-1859) by Gautier, Théophile
Historiettes Et Souvenirs d'Un Homme de Théâtre (Éd.1878) by Hostein, Hippolyte
The Collected Drama of H. L. Mencken: Plays and Criticism by
Handbuch Drama: Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte by
Inventing the Modern Yiddish Stage: Essays in Drama, Performance, and Show Business by
French Reflections in the Shakespearean Tragic: Three Case Studies by Hillman, Richard
The Theater In Israel by Shakow, Zara
The Théâtre Des Variétés in 1852 by Hillery, David
Moliere: l'Imposteur de 1667: A Critical Edition by McBride, Robert
Molière Et Son Premier Tartuffe: Genèse Et Évolution d'Une Pièce À Scandale by McBride, Robert
Words, Space, and the Audience: The Theatrical Tension Between Empiricism and Rationalism by Bennett, M.
Words, Space, and the Audience: The Theatrical Tension Between Empiricism and Rationalism by Bennett, M.
Applying Performance: Live Art, Socially Engaged Theatre and Affective Practice by Shaughnessy, N.
Applying Performance: Live Art, Socially Engaged Theatre and Affective Practice by Shaughnessy, N.
Brecht and Critical Theory: Dialectics and Contemporary Aesthetics by Carney, Sean
Freud On Broadway: A History Of Psychoanalysis And The American Drama by Sievers, Wieder David
Neoliberalism and Global Theatres: Performance Permutations by
Plays in American Periodicals, 1890-1918 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Neoliberalism and Global Theatres: Performance Permutations by
New Canadian Realisms: New Essays on Canadian Theatre, Volume 2 by
New Canadian Realisms: Eight Plays by
Eugene O'Neill's One-Act Plays: New Critical Perspectives by
Eugene O'Neill's One-Act Plays: New Critical Perspectives by
Odin Teatret: Theatre in a New Century by Ledger, Adam
The History of Theatre and Dance in Sweden 1600-1900 by Moberg, Pamela V.
Acts of Manhood: The Performance of Masculinity on the American Stage, 1828-1865 by Kippola, K.
Acts of Manhood: The Performance of Masculinity on the American Stage, 1828-1865 by Kippola, K.
Charles Dickens and the Great Theatre of the World by Callow, Simon
Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance: The Ghosts of the Franklin Expedition by Davis-Fisch, Heather
Theatre and War: Theatrical Responses Since 1991 by Colleran, J.
Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance: The Ghosts of the Franklin Expedition by Davis-Fisch, Heather
Adapting Chekhov: The Text and its Mutations by
Science on Stage: From Doctor Faustus to Copenhagen by Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten
A Pictorial History Of The American Theatre: 100 Years, 1860-1960 by Blum, Daniel C.
Theater Outside Athens by
Sweet William: Twenty Thousand Hours with Shakespeare by Pennington, Michael
Shakespeare's Lost Play: In Search of Cardenio by Doran, Gregory
Idols and Celebrity in Japanese Media Culture by
Performing Heritage: Research, Practice and Innovation in Museum Theatre and Live Interpretation by
Trumpets in the Mountains: Theater and the Politics of National Culture in Cuba by Frederik, Laurie Aleen
Madcap May: Mistress of Myth, Men, and Hope by Kurin, Richard
Shakespeare and the Materiality of Performance by Lin, E.
Shakespeare and the Second World War: Memory, Culture, Identity by
Britain Had Talent: A History of Variety Theatre by Double, Oliver
Britain Had Talent: A History of Variety Theatre by Double, Oliver
The Politics of Rape: Sexual Atrocity, Propaganda Wars, and the Restoration Stage by Airey, Jennifer L.
DuPont Theatre by Arat, Joanna L.
Trauma-Tragedy CB: Symptoms of Contemporary Performance by Duggan, Patrick
Yevgeny Vakhtangov: A Critical Portrait by Malaev-Babel, Andrei
Yevgeny Vakhtangov: A Critical Portrait by Malaev-Babel, Andrei
The Chester Cycle in Context, 1555-1575: Religion, Drama, and the Impact of Change by Dell, Jessica, Klausner, David
Theatres of Immanence: Deleuze and the Ethics of Performance by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Performing Site-Specific Theatre: Politics, Place, Practice by
Performing Site-Specific Theatre: Politics, Place, Practice by
Theatres of Immanence: Deleuze and the Ethics of Performance by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Comedia of Virginity: Mary and the Politics of Seventeenth-Century Spanish Theater by Pérez, Mirzam C.
In the Intersection: Partnerships in the New Play Sector by Ragsdale, Diane
Shakespeare and the Making of Theatre by
Theatre and the Visual by Johnson, Dominic
Shakespeare and the Making of Theatre by
Performance and the Politics of Space: Theatre and Topology by
Theatre of the Real by Martin, C.
Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performance by
Identity, Performance and Technology: Practices of Empowerment, Embodiment and Technicity by
The Plays of Martin Crimp: Making Theatre Strange by Angelaki, Vicky
Theatre of the Real by Martin, C.
Opera, Theatrical Culture and Society in Late Eighteenth-Century Naples by Deldonna, Anthony R.
Metatheater and Modernity: Baroque and Neobaroque by Frese Witt, Mary Ann
Contemporary Mise en Scène: Staging Theatre Today by Pavis, Patrice
Contemporary Mise en Scène: Staging Theatre Today by Pavis, Patrice
Hard Times: The Adult Musical in 1970s New York City by Wollman, Elizabeth L.
Echoes of the Holocaust on the American Musical Stage by Hillman, Jessica
Narrating the Past Through Theatre: Four Crucial Texts by Bennett, M.
Middleton & Rowley: Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse by Nicol, David
Narrating the Past Through Theatre: Four Crucial Texts by Bennett, M.
Galatea by Lyly, John
Uncle Tom's Cabin on the American Stage and Screen by Frick, J.
Uncle Tom's Cabin on the American Stage and Screen by Frick, J.
Mothers and Meaning on the Early Modern English Stage by Dunworth, Felicity
The Unwritten Grotowski: Theory and Practice of the Encounter by Salata, Kris
Soldiers of Song: The Dumbells and Other Canadian Concert Parties of the First World War by Wilson, Jason
The Dybbuk: Text, Subtext, Context by Penalosa, Fernando
Global Ibsen: Performing Multiple Modernities by
Performance, Space, Utopia: Cities of War, Cities of Exile by Jestrovic, S.
Feminist Visions and Queer Futures in Postcolonial Drama: Community, Kinship, and Citizenship by Batra, Kanika
Music and Gender in English Renaissance Drama by Wong, Katrine K.
Performing Contagious Bodies: Ritual Participation in Contemporary Art by Braddock, C.
A History of Leadville Theater: Opera Houses, Variety Acts and Burlesque Shows by Scanlon, Gretchen
The Director's Voice, Volume 2 by
Burlesque: A Collection of Comedy Blackouts by
Performing Early Modern Drama Today by
Contemporary Street Arts in Europe: Aesthetics and Politics by Haedicke, S.
A Good Night Out for the Girls: Popular Feminisms in Contemporary Theatre and Performance by Harris, G., Aston, E.
A Good Night Out for the Girls: Popular Feminisms in Contemporary Theatre and Performance by Harris, G., Aston, E.
Supernatural Beings from Japanese Noh Plays of the Fifth Group by
Supernatural Beings from Japanese Noh Plays of the Fifth Group by
Puro Arte: Filipinos on the Stages of Empire by Burns, Lucy Mae San Pablo
Puro Arte: Filipinos on the Stages of Empire by Burns, Lucy Mae San Pablo
Distance, Theatre, and the Public Voice, 1750-1850 by Nuss, M.
Theatre/Ecology/Cognition: Theorizing Performer-Object Interaction in Grotowski, Kantor, and Meyerhold by Paavolainen, T.
Distance, Theatre, and the Public Voice, 1750-1850 by Nuss, M.
Theatre, Youth, and Culture: A Critical and Historical Exploration by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Theatre, Youth, and Culture: A Critical and Historical Exploration by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 37: The B-Effect--Influences Of/On Brecht by
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