• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2014

Theatre's Heterotopias: Performance and the Cultural Politics of Space by Tompkins, J.
Ireland, Memory and Performing the Historical Imagination by Caulfield, Mary P.
New Documentary Ecologies: Emerging Platforms, Practices and Discourses by
Performing Objects and Theatrical Things by Schweitzer, Marlis, Zerdy, Joanne
Performing Cities by
Post-Cinematic Theatre and Performance by Woycicki, P.
Performance, Madness and Psychiatry: Isolated Acts by
Performing Environments: Site-Specificity in Medieval and Early Modern English Drama by
Dancing Genius: The Stardom of Vaslav Nijinsky by Järvinen, Hanna
Ethical Speculations in Contemporary British Theatre by
Adorno and Performance by
Theatricality, Dark Tourism and Ethical Spectatorship: Absent Others by Willis, E.
Encounters in Performance Philosophy by
Performing Ground: Space, Camouflage, and the Art of Blending in by Levin, L.
Zizek and Performance by
Theatre and Ghosts: Materiality, Performance and Modernity by
The Drama of Ideas: Platonic Provocations in Theater and Philosophy by Puchner, Martin
New Poetics of Chekhov's Major Plays: Presence Through Absence by Golomb, Harai
Editing, Performance, Texts: New Practices in Medieval and Early Modern English Drama by Jenkins, Jacqueline, Sanders, Julie
Mapping South Asia Through Contemporary Theatre: Essays on the Theatres of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka by
Performance, Theatre, and Society in Contemporary Nicaragua: Spectacles of Gender, Sexuality, and Marginality by Guevara, Alberto
Post-Show Discussions in New Play Development by Fisher, T.
On Beckett: Essays and Criticism by
Mapping Irish Theatre by Richards, Shaun, Morash, Chris
El juramento ante Dios, y lealtad contra el amor: A Modern and Critical Edition- Edited by Jaime Cruz-Ortiz by Cruz-Ortiz, Jaime
Theatre in the Expanded Field: Seven Approaches to Performance by Read, Alan
Theatre in the Expanded Field: Seven Approaches to Performance by Read, Alan
Theatre Sciences by Rozik, Eli
The Crucible Sparknotes Literature Guide: Volume 24 by Miller, Arthur, Sparknotes, Sparknotes
The Edinburgh Companion to Samuel Beckett and the Arts by
Refrains for Moving Bodies: Experience and Experiment in Affective Spaces by McCormack, Derek P.
Circle Stock Theater: Touring American Small Towns, 1900-1960 by Magnuson, Landis K.
New Art Theatre: Evolutions of the Performance Aesthetic by Young, Paul David
Postdramatic Theatre and the Political: International Perspectives on Contemporary Performance by
Postdramatic Theatre and the Political: International Perspectives on Contemporary Performance by
Center Stage: Operatic Culture and Nation Building in Nineteenth-Century Central Europe by Ther, Philipp
New Documentary Ecologies: Emerging Platforms, Practices and Discourses by
Ethical Speculations in Contemporary British Theatre by
El Teatro Pánico de Fernando Arrabal by Sánchez, Diego Santos
La Mothe Le Vayer: Lettre Sur La Comedie de l'Imposteur by
Shakespeare in Quebec: Nation, Gender, and Adaptation by Drouin, Jennifer
Hamlet-Handbuch: Stoffe, Aneignungen, Deutungen by
Passionate Playgoing in Early Modern England by Hobgood, Allison P.
The Lively Arts of the London Stage, 1675�1725 by
The Victorian Clown by Bratton, Jacky, Featherstone, Ann
The London Stage 1920-1929: A Calendar of Productions, Performers, and Personnel by Wearing, J. P.
The Best Plays of 1919 to 1920 and the Year Book of the Drama in America by Mantle, Burns
A Treatise Against Dicing, Dancing, Plays and Interludes with Other Idle Pastimes by Northbrooke, John
The Art Theater by Cheney, Sheldon
A Guide to Oberammergau and Its Passion Play by Schroeder, Joseph
Their Majesties' Servants or Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean; Actors, Authors, Audiences by Doran
Three Renaissance Usury Plays: The Three Ladies of London, Englishmen for My Money, the Hog Hath Lost His Pearl by
Immigration and Contemporary British Theater: Finding a Home on the Stage by Sams, Victoria
That Was Us: Contemporary Irish Theatre and Performance by
100 Great Plays for Women by Kerbel, Lucy
David Mamet and Male Friendship: Buddy Plays and Buddy Films by Holmberg, Arthur
David Mamet and Male Friendship: Buddy Plays and Buddy Films by Holmberg, Arthur
Aleksandr Blok's Trilogy of Lyric Dramas: A Puppet Show, The King on the Square and the Unknown Woman by
What's the Story: Essays about art, theater and storytelling by Bogart, Anne
Terror and Performance by Bharucha, Rustom
Restoration Comedy, 1660-1670: A Catalogue by
What's the Story: Essays about art, theater and storytelling by Bogart, Anne
Vision and Stagecraft in Sophocles by Seale, David
The Creative Process of Els Joglars and Teatro de la Abadía: Beyond the Playwright by Breden, Simon David
The Queen's Dumbshows: John Lydgate and the Making of Early Theater by Sponsler, Claire
Theatricality, Dark Tourism and Ethical Spectatorship: Absent Others by Willis, E.
Stay, Illusion!: The Hamlet Doctrine by Webster, Jamieson, Critchley, Simon
Performance Studies in Motion: International Perspectives and Practices in the Twenty-First Century by
Chinese Looks: Fashion, Performance, Race by Metzger, Sean
Sweet William: A User's Guide to Shakespeare by Pennington, Michael
Dorothy Parker: Complete Broadway, 1918-1923 by Fitzpatrick, Kevin C., Parker, Dorothy
Dorothy Parker: Complete Broadway, 1918-1923 by Parker, Dorothy, Fitzpatrick, Kevin C.
Chinese Looks: Fashion, Performance, Race by Metzger, Sean
Transcultural Aesthetics in the Plays of Gao Xingjian by Coulter, T.
Transcultural Aesthetics in the Plays of Gao Xingjian by Coulter, T.
Entertaining Children: The Participation of Youth in the Entertainment Industry by
Entertaining Children: The Participation of Youth in the Entertainment Industry by
America's First Regional Theatre: The Cleveland Play House and Its Search for a Home by Ullom, J.
The Edinburgh Festivals: Culture and Society in Post-War Britain by Bartie, Angela
America's First Regional Theatre: The Cleveland Play House and Its Search for a Home by Ullom, J.
The London Stage 1930-1939: A Calendar of Productions, Performers, and Personnel by Wearing, J. P.
The Wisdom of Serpents by Hale, Diane Baia
The Wisdom of Serpents by Hale, Diane Baia
Arte y oficio del director teatral en América Latina: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay by Geirola, Gustavo
Dancing Genius: The Stardom of Vaslav Nijinsky by Järvinen, Hanna
Dr Faustus: The A- And B- Texts (1604, 1616): A Parallel-Text Edition by
The Open Space: Theatre as Opportunity for Living by Grainger, Roger
A New Poetics of Chekhovs Plays: Presence Through Absence by Golomb, Harai
Theatre and Testimony in Shakespeare's England: A Culture of Mediation by Syme, Holger Schott
The German Popular Play Atis' and the Venetian Opera by Beare, Mary
On Flinching: Theatricality and Scientific Looking from Darwin to Shell Shock by Watt-Smith, Tiffany
Inventing the Spectator by Harris, Joseph
Bernard Shaw and Gilbert Murray by
Performing Proximity: Curious Intimacies by Hill, Leslie, Paris, Helen
Performing Proximity: Curious Intimacies by Hill, Leslie, Paris, Helen
Soviet Theater: A Documentary History by
Editing, Performance, Texts: New Practices in Medieval and Early Modern English Drama by Sanders, Julie, Jenkins, Jacqueline
Performing Environments: Site-Specificity in Medieval and Early Modern English Drama by
Acting Companies and Their Plays in Shakespeare's London by Keenan, Siobhan
Acting Companies and Their Plays in Shakespeare's London by Keenan, Siobhan
Modern Asian Theatre and Performance 1900-2000 by Mee, Erin B., Wetmore Jr, Kevin J., Liu, Siyuan
Shakespeare, Trauma and Contemporary Performance by Silverstone, Catherine
Modern Asian Theatre and Performance 1900-2000 by Mee, Erin B., Wetmore Jr, Kevin J., Liu, Siyuan
Michigan's Drive-In Theaters by Skrdla, Harry
Michigan's Drive-In Theaters by Skrdla, Harry
How Theatre Means by Knowles, Ric
How Theatre Means by Knowles, Ric
Theatre and Citizenship: The History of a Practice by Wiles, David
Twentieth-Century British Theatre: Industry, Art and Empire by Cochrane, Claire
Class Divisions on the Broadway Stage: The Staging and Taming of the I.W.W. by Schwartz, M.
Performance, Identity, and Immigration Law: A Theatre of Undocumentedness by Guterman, G.
The Dangerous Lives of Public Performers: Dancing, Sex, and Entertainment in the Islamic World by Shay, A.
Class Divisions on the Broadway Stage: The Staging and Taming of the I.W.W. by Schwartz, M.
The Dangerous Lives of Public Performers: Dancing, Sex, and Entertainment in the Islamic World by Shay, A.
Nationalism and Youth in Theatre and Performance by
The Privileged Playgoers of Shakespeare's London, 1576-1642 by Cook, Ann Jennalie
Tragic Pleasures: Aristotle on Plot and Emotion by Belfiore, Elizabeth S.
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 by Smith, Bruce R.
Performance and Gender in Ancient Greece: Nondramatic Poetry in Its Setting by Stehle, Eva
The New Dramatists of Mexico 1967-1985 by Burgess, Ronald D.
Henslowe's Rose: The Stage and Staging by Rhodes, Ernest L.
Theatre of Crisis: Drama and Politics in Latin America by Taylor, Diana
Music in English Renaissance Drama by
Circle of Fire: Dickens' Vision and Style and the Popular Victorian Theater by Axton, William F.
Globalization, Nationalism and the Text of 'Kichaka-Vadha': The First English Translation of the Marathi Anticolonial Classic, with a Historical Analy by
Drama and Ethos: Natural-Law Ethics in Spanish Golden Age Theater by Fiore, Robert L.
Toronto Theatres and the Golden Age of the Silver Screen by Taylor, Doug
Tragedy in the Contemporary American Theatre by Andreach, Robert J.
Expressions of The Soul by Childs-Souleimane, Tanya Kwini
Shakespeare, Theatre, and Time by Wagner, Matthew
Toronto Theatres and the Golden Age of the Silver Screen by Taylor, Doug
The New Humor in the Progressive Era: Americanization and the Vaudeville Comedian by DesRochers, R.
The New Humor in the Progressive Era: Americanization and the Vaudeville Comedian by DesRochers, R.
Theatre and Ghosts: Materiality, Performance and Modernity by
Liveness on Stage: Intermedial Challenges in Contemporary British Theatre and Performance by Georgi, Claudia
Applied Drama: The Gift of Theatre by Nicholson, Helen
Applied Drama: The Gift of Theatre by Nicholson, Helen
The Kembles' Acting Secret by Sams, Ed
Whiting Up: Whiteface Minstrels and Stage Europeans in African American Performance by McAllister, Marvin
The Strange Career of Porgy and Bess: Race, Culture, and America's Most Famous Opera by Noonan, Ellen
The Social Construction of Death: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
The Social Construction of Death: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Libreto para el Progreso: La Jinetera Sagrada: Basado en la Sátira Política: La Jinetera Sagrada by Prieto-Valdes, Juan J.
Performing Ground: Space, Camouflage, and the Art of Blending in by Levin, L.
Thalian Hall by Rivenbark, D. Anthony
Thalian Hall by Rivenbark, D. Anthony
The Theatrical Public Sphere by Balme, Christopher B.
Staging Conventions in Medieval English Theatre by Butterworth, Philip
World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre: Volume 1: Europe by
Transnational Mobilities in Early Modern Theater by Nicholson, Eric, Henke, Robert
The Omaha Community Playhouse Story: A Theatre's Historic Triumph by Francke, Warren
Intermedial Shakespeares on European Stages by Mancewicz, A.
Performing Cities by
Intermedial Shakespeares on European Stages by Mancewicz, A.
The London Stage 1940-1949: A Calendar of Productions, Performers, and Personnel by Wearing, J. P.
Coriolanus by Ormsby, Robert
New World Drama: The Performative Commons in the Atlantic World, 1649-1849 by Dillon, Elizabeth Maddock
New World Drama: The Performative Commons in the Atlantic World, 1649-1849 by Dillon, Elizabeth Maddock
Shakespeare in 100 Objects: Treasures from the Victoria and Albert Museum by
Performance, Madness and Psychiatry: Isolated Acts by
Female Bodies on the American Stage: Enter Fat Actress by Mobley, J.
Performing Objects and Theatrical Things by Zerdy, Joanne, Schweitzer, Marlis
Theatres of Affect: New Essays on Canadian Theatre, Vol 4 by
World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre: Volume 2: The Americas by
Mapping South Asia Through Contemporary Theatre: Essays on the Theatres of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka by
The Modern Stage and Other Worlds (Routledge Revivals) by Quigley, Austin E.
Why Theatre Matters: Urban Youth, Engagement, and a Pedagogy of the Real by Gallagher, Kathleen
The Post-Traumatic Theatre of Grotowski and Kantor: History and Holocaust in 'Akropolis' and 'Dead Class' by Romanska, Magda
Toward a General Theory of Acting: Cognitive Science and Performance by Lutterbie, J.
Theatre and the Digital by Blake, Bill
Theatre & History by Schneider, Rebecca
Home on the Stage by Grene, Nicholas
Outerspeares: Shakespeare, Intermedia, and the Limits of Adaptation by Fischlin, Daniel
Theatre & Migration by Cox, Emma, Sellars, Peter
Theatre & Time by Wiles, David
Historical Dictionary of Japanese Traditional Theatre by Leiter, Samuel L.
Encounters in Performance Philosophy by
Adorno and Performance by
Staging the Slums, Slumming the Stage: Class, Poverty, Ethnicity, and Sexuality in American Theatre, 1890-1916 by Westgate, J.
Staging the Slums, Slumming the Stage: Class, Poverty, Ethnicity, and Sexuality in American Theatre, 1890-1916 by Westgate, J.
Zizek and Performance by
Theatre's Heterotopias: Performance and the Cultural Politics of Space by Tompkins, J.
Theatre and Adaptation: Return, Rewrite, Repeat by
Theatre and Adaptation: Return, Rewrite, Repeat by
Meyerkhold by Elkana, Arye
Post-Cinematic Theatre and Performance by Woycicki, P.
Befriending the Commedia dell'Arte of Flaminio Scala: The Comic Scenarios by Schmitt, Natalie Crohn
The Urban Plays of the Early Abbey Theatre: Beyond O'Casey by Mannion, Elizabeth
The Theatre of Caryl Churchill by Gobert, R. Darren
Theatre: A Very Short Introduction by Carlson, Marvin
Political Performance in Syria: From the Six-Day War to the Syrian Uprising by Ziter, Edward
Mass Theatre in Inter-War Europe: Flanders and the Netherlands in an International Perspective by
Fosse by Wasson, Sam
Arte y oficio del director teatral en America Latina: Bolivia, Brasil y Ecuador by Geirola, Gustavo
Costume: Readings in Theatre Practice by Maclaurin, Ali, Monks, Aoife
Actresses, Gender, and the Eighteenth-Century Stage: Playing Women by Brooks, H.
A História das Artes Dramáticas: Das Tragédias Gregas ao Teatro Contemporâneo by Roriz, João Pedro
Popular Musical Theatre in London and Berlin: 1890 to 1939 by
Covering Shakespeare: An Actor's Saga of Near Misses and Dogged Endurance by Weston, David
The Theatre of the Occult Revival: Alternative Spiritual Performance from 1875 to the Present by Lingan, E.
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