• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2015

Performing the Nation in Global Korea: Transnational Theatre by Lee, H., Lee, Hyunjung
Performance and Identity in Irish Stand-Up Comedy: The Comic 'i' by Colleary, S.
Contemporary Black British Playwrights: Margins to Mainstream by Goddard, L.
Performance, Transport and Mobility: Making Passage by Wilkie, F.
Irish Theatre in Transition: From the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century by
Theatre and Aural Attention: Stretching Ourselves by Home-Cook, George
Performing Animality: Animals in Performance Practices by Parker-Starbuck, Jennifer
History, Memory, Performance by
Theatre as Voyeurism: The Pleasures of Watching by
The Politics of Adaptation: Media Convergence and Ideology by
A Good Night Out for the Girls: Popular Feminisms in Contemporary Theatre and Performance by Aston, E., Harris, G.
Actresses, Gender, and the Eighteenth-Century Stage: Playing Women by Brooks, H.
Political Performance in Syria: From the Six-Day War to the Syrian Uprising by Ziter, Edward
Performance and Temporalisation: Time Happens by McNeilly, Jodie, Veerapen, Maeva
Voice and New Writing, 1997-2007: Articulating the Demos by Inchley, M.
Performing Migrancy and Mobility in Africa: Cape of Flows by Fleishman, Mark
Performance and the Global City by
Taking Liberties: Gender, Transgressive Patriotism, and Polish Drama, 1786-1989 by Filipowicz, Halina
Taking Liberties: Gender, Transgressive Patriotism, and Polish Drama, 1786-1989 by Filipowicz, Halina
The Latina/o Theatre Commons 2013 National Convening: A Narrative Report by Herrera, Brian Eugenio
Transatlantic Broadway: The Infrastructural Politics of Global Performance by Schweitzer, M.
Performance Studies: Key Words, Concepts and Theories by Reynolds, Bryan
Performance Studies: Key Words, Concepts and Theories by Reynolds, Bryan
Royal Court: International by Aston, E., O'Thomas, Mark
Royal Court: International by Aston, E., O'Thomas, Mark
Brecht in Practice: Theatre, Theory and Performance by Barnett, David
Brecht in Practice: Theatre, Theory and Performance by Barnett, David
Irish Theatre in Transition: From the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century by
Cruel Britannia: Sarah Kane's Postmodern Traumatics by Armstrong, Jolene
Performing Brazil: Essays on Culture, Identity, and the Performing Arts by
Youth and Theatre of the Oppressed by
Paradoxe sur le comédien by Diderot, Denis
Performing Story on the Contemporary Stage by Maguire, T.
Performance and Identity in Irish Stand-Up Comedy: The Comic 'i' by Colleary, S.
British Theatre History by Clunes, Alec
Theatre and Architecture by Rufford, Juliet
That Devil's Trick: Hypnotism and the Victorian Popular Imagination by Hughes, William
Black Broadway: African Americans on the Great White Way by Lane, Stewart F.
Anger and After (Routledge Revivals): A Guide to the New British Drama by Taylor, John Russell
Theater for Beginners by Maxwell, Richard
Fearless Femininity by Women in American Theatre, 1910s to 2010s by Greeley, Lynne
Arte y oficio del director teatral en América Latina: Colombia y Venezuela by Geirola, Gustavo
Arte y oficio del director teatral en América Latina: Caribe by Geirola, Gustavo
Representing China on the Historical London Stage: From Orientalism to Intercultural Performance by Chang, Dongshin
Black Lives Matter! by Oliver, Courtney Baker, Butler Jr, Steven a.
Teatro republica moderna venezuela by Chesney-Lawrence, Luis
Beth Henley: A Casebook by
All the Lights on: Reimagining Theater with Ten Thousand Things by Hensley, Michelle
Montaigne and Shakespeare: The Emergence of Modern Self-Consciousness by Ellrodt, Suzanne
Revolutionary Acts: Theater, Democracy, and the French Revolution by Maslan, Susan
Performance and Phenomenology: Traditions and Transformations by
Theatre and Evolution from Ibsen to Beckett by Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten
Federal Theatre, 1935-1939: Plays, Relief, and Politics by Mathews, Jane Dehart
Dramatic Character in the English Romantic Age by Donohue, Joseph W.
Fields of Play in Modern Drama by Whitaker, Thomas R.
Transatlantic Broadway: The Infrastructural Politics of Global Performance by Schweitzer, M.
The Court Masque by Welsford, Enid
Globalization, Nationalism and the Text of 'Kichaka-Vadha': The First English Translation of the Marathi Anticolonial Classic, with a Historical Analy by
Harlequin Britain: Pantomime and Entertainment, 1690-1760 by O'Brien, John
Performance and Temporalisation: Time Happens by McNeilly, Jodie, Veerapen, Maeva
Contemporary Black British Playwrights: Margins to Mainstream by Goddard, L.
A History of the Berliner Ensemble by Barnett, David
Backstage at the Lincoln Assassination: The Untold Story of the Actors and Stagehands at Ford's Theatre by Bogar, Thomas A.
Performing the Nation in Global Korea: Transnational Theatre by Lee, Hyunjung, Lee, H.
The Travels of Benjamin Zuskin by Zuskin Perelman, Ala
Brazilian Theater, 1970-2010: Essays on History, Politics and Artistic Experimentation by
The Rise of the Diva on the Sixteenth-Century Commedia Dell'arte Stage by Kerr, Rosalind
The Ancient Comedians: And the Influence They Had on Contemporary Theatre by Martini, Clem
Historical Affects and the Early Modern Theater by
Playhouse Wills: 1558-1642 by
Arte y oficio del director teatral en América Latina: Centroamérica y Estados Unidos by Geirola, Gustavo
Voice and New Writing, 1997-2007: Articulating the Demos by Inchley, M.
A Theatre History of Marion, Ohio: John Eberson's Palace & Beyond by Hoffman, Scott L.
Performing Animality: Animals in Performance Practices by Parker-Starbuck, Jennifer
Civic London to 1558 [3 Volume Set] by
Remaking the Comedia: Spanish Classical Theater in Adaptation by
Historical Dictionary of American Theater: Beginnings by Fisher, James
The Cambridge History of British Theatre by
Theatre/Performance Historiography: Time, Space, Matter by
Theatre/Performance Historiography: Time, Space, Matter by
Applied Theatre: Research: Radical Departures by O'Connor, Peter, Anderson, Michael
Applied Theatre: Development by Prentki, Tim
Applied Theatre: Development by Prentki, Tim
Applied Theatre: Aesthetics by White, Gareth
Applied Theatre: Aesthetics by White, Gareth
Applied Theatre: Resettlement: Drama, Refugees and Resilience by Balfour, Michael, Bundy, Penny, Burton, Bruce
British Theatre and Performance 1900-1950 by D'Monte, Rebecca
British Theatre Companies: 1980-1994: Joint Stock, Gay Sweatshop, Complicite, Forced Entertainment, Women's Theatre Group, Talawa by Saunders, Graham
British Theatre Companies: 1980-1994: Joint Stock, Gay Sweatshop, Complicite, Forced Entertainment, Women's Theatre Group, Talawa by Saunders, Graham
British Theatre Companies: 1995-2014: Mind the Gap, Kneehigh Theatre, Suspect Culture, Stan's Cafe, Blast Theory, Punchdrunk by Tomlin, Liz
British Theatre Companies: 1995-2014: Mind the Gap, Kneehigh Theatre, Suspect Culture, Stan's Cafe, Blast Theory, Punchdrunk by Tomlin, Liz
Applied Theatre: Research: Radical Departures by O'Connor, Peter, Anderson, Michael
Costume in the Comedies of Aristophanes by Compton-Engle, Gwendolyn
The Cambridge History of British Theatre by
The Cambridge History of British Theatre by
Tom Davies Trio Motoring in Mid Air: The Story of a British Variety and Vaudeville Act by Oldham, Kathy
The Politics of Adaptation: Media Convergence and Ideology by
Chicago Shakespeare Theater: Suiting the Action to the Word by Buccola, Regina
Unreading Shakespeare by Gontar, David P.
Performing Noncitizenship: Asylum Seekers in Australian Theatre, Film and Activism by Cox, Emma
Performing Noncitizenship: Asylum Seekers in Australian Theatre, Film and Activism by Cox, Emma
The Monk: Adaptations for the Stage by Farley, Charles, Boaden, James
The Adulteress on the Spanish Stage: Gender and Modernity in 19th Century Romantic Drama by Amend, Tracie
Mao's Cultural Army by Demare, Brian
Theatre and Aural Attention: Stretching Ourselves by Home-Cook, George
What Do I Know?: People, Politics and the Arts by Eyre, Richard
Revision as Resistance in Twentieth-Century American Drama by Malburne-Wade, M.
The Five Sedgwicks: Pioneer Entertainers of Vaudeville, Film and Television by Zmuda, Michael
Theatre as Voyeurism: The Pleasures of Watching by
August Wilhelm Ifflands Berliner Bühne by Gerlach, Klaus
Ibsen in Practice: Relational Readings of Performance, Cultural Encounters and Power by Helland, Frode
La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu by Giraudoux, Jean
Électre by Giraudoux, Jean
Amphitryon 38 by Giraudoux, Jean
Theatre of the Borderlands: Conflict, Violence, and Healing by del Rosario Moreno, Iani
Akram Khan: Dancing New Interculturalism by Mitra, Royona
Akram Khan: Dancing New Interculturalism by Mitra, Royona
Cuba entre cómicos: Candamo, Covarrubias y Prieto by Villabella, Manuel, Boudet, Rosa Ileana
The Greek Sense of Theatre: Tragedy and Comedy by Walton, J. Michael
Theatre of the Unimpressed: In Search of Vital Drama by Tannahill, Jordan
The Theory of the Theatre by Hamilton, Clayton
The Illuminated Theatre: Studies on the Suffering of Images by Kelleher, Joe
The Illuminated Theatre: Studies on the Suffering of Images by Kelleher, Joe
Paradoxe sur le comédien by Diderot, Denis
The Greek Sense of Theatre: Tragedy and Comedy by Walton, J. Michael
MR Price, or Tropical Madness and Metaphysics of a Two- Headed Calf by Witkiewicz, Stanislaw Ignacy
At Work in the Early Modern English Theater: Valuing Labor by Kendrick, Matthew
Postdramatik: Transformationen Des Epischen Theaters Bei Peter Handke, Heiner Müller, Elfriede Jelinek Und Rainald Goetz by Klessinger, Hanna
Ziegfeld and His Follies: A Biography of Broadway's Greatest Producer by Brideson, Cynthia, Brideson, Sara
Historical Dictionary of German Theater by Grange, William
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?: Truths Beneath the Veneer of Edward Albee's Masterpiece by Storrer Ph. D., William Allin
Trickster Theatre: The Poetics of Freedom in Urban Africa by Shipley, Jesse Weaver
Trickster Theatre: The Poetics of Freedom in Urban Africa by Shipley, Jesse Weaver
Great Shakespeare Actors: Burbage to Branagh by Wells, Stanley
Vaudeville Times Volume VII by McNeilly, Donald, Cullen, Frank
Vaudeville Times Volume V by McNeilly, Donald, Cullen, Frank
Vaudeville Times Volume IV by McNeilly, Donald, Cullen, Frank
Vaudeville Times Volume IX by Cullen, Frank, McNeilly, Donald
Vaudeville Times Volume VIII by McNeilly, Donald, Cullen, Frank
Vaudeville Times Volume I by McNeilly, Donald, Cullen, Frank
Vaudeville Times Volume X by Cullen, Frank, McNeilly, Donald
Vaudeville Times Volume VI by Cullen, Frank, McNeilly, Donald
Vaudeville Times Volume II by Cullen, Frank, McNeilly, Donald
Theatre Sciences: A Plea for a Multidisciplinary Approach to Theatre Studies by Rozik, Eli
Theatres of Learning Disability: Good, Bad, or Plain Ugly? by Hargrave, Matt
The Tempest by Vaughan, Virginia
On the Performance Front: Us Theatre and Internationalism by Canning, C.
Not Magic But Work: An Ethnographic Account of a Rehearsal Process by McAuley, Gay
The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology: Through the Virtual, Towards the Real by
Food and Theatre on the World Stage by
Tartuffe and Other Plays by Moliere, Jean-Baptiste
A History of Theatre in Spain by
theatre journal 1960-1974 by Smith, Michael Townsend
Her Turn on Stage: The Role of Women in Musical Theatre by Barnes, Grace
Digital Movement: Essays in Motion Technology and Performance by
Crime in Fact and Fiction: Brian P Block by Block, Brian P.
Performance and the Politics of Space: Theatre and Topology by
Adapting Chekhov: The Text and Its Mutations by
Les Burgraves by Hugo, Victor
Sam Shepard and the Aesthetics of Performance by Creedon, E.
British Drama of the Industrial Revolution by Burwick, Frederick
Directing Scenes and Senses: The Thinking of Regie by Boenisch, Peter
Yorùbá Performance, Theatre and Politics: Staging Resistance by Odom, Glenn
Culture Is the Body: The Theatre Writings of Tadashi Suzuki by Suzuki, Tadashi
Theatre of Exile by Czertok, Horacio
Oscar Wilde's Society Plays by
Oscar Wilde's Society Plays by
Bakhtin and Theatre: Dialogues with Stanislavski, Meyerhold and Grotowski by McCaw, Dick
Performances of Capitalism, Crises and Resistance: Inside/Outside Europe by
Medicine Shows: Indigenous Performance Culture by Nolan, Yvette
Historical Dictionary of Russian Theatre by Senelick, Laurence
The Performance Studies Reader by
The Performance Studies Reader by
Bakhtin and Theatre: Dialogues with Stanislavski, Meyerhold and Grotowski by McCaw, Dick
British Theatre and the Great War, 1914 - 1919: New Perspectives by
Paradoxe sur le comédien by Diderot, Denis
Old Boston Museum Days by Ryan, Kate, Loewy, Benno
Dramatic Spaces: Scenography and Spectatorial Perceptions by Low, Jennifer
Tradition! by Isenberg, Barbara
The English Crime Play in the Twentieth Century by Hesse, Beatrix
How to Write about Theatre by Fisher, Mark
How to Write about Theatre: A Manual for Critics, Students and Bloggers by Fisher, Mark
¡A Teatro Camaradas!: Dramaturgia militante y política de masas en Colombia (1965-1975) by Parra Salazar, Mayra Natalia
Global Insights on Theatre Censorship by
Year of the Fat Knight: The Falstaff Diaries by Sher, Antony
Dramaturgy and Architecture: Theatre, Utopia and the Built Environment by Turner, Cathy
Dance and the Body in Western Theatre: 1948 to the Present by Sörgel, Sabine
Dance and the Body in Western Theatre: 1948 to the Present by Sörgel, Sabine
Offstage Voices: Life in Twin Cities Theater by Guilfoyle, Peg
Irish Stereotypes in Vaudeville, 1865-1905 by Mooney, Jennifer
100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Write: On Umbrellas and Sword Fights, Parades and Dogs, Fire Alarms, Children, and Theater by Ruhl, Sarah
Tenn Years: Tennessee Williams on Stage by Kaplan, David
Theatre and Human Rights After 1945: Things Unspeakable by
Adorno and Modern Theatre: The Drama of the Damaged Self in Bond, Rudkin, Barker and Kane by Gritzner, K.
Henslowe's Diary: Text by Henslowe, Philip
Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh by Lahr, John
Die Commedia Dell'arte Im Theater Des 20. Jahrhunderts by Bessenbacher, Veit
The Shakespearean Stage Space by Ichikawa, Mariko
Performing Early Modern Drama Today by
Burlesque: A Living History (hardback) by Briggeman, Jane
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