• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2016

Future Theatre Research: Origin, Medium, Performance-Text, Reception and Acting by Rozik, Eli
Practicing the City: Early Modern London on Stage by Levine, Nina
Watching TV: Eight Decades of American Television, Third Edition by Castleman, Harry, Podrazik, Walter J.
Performing (For) Survival: Theatre, Crisis, Extremity by
The Modern Stage and Other Worlds (Routledge Revivals) by Quigley, Austin E.
Tennessee Williams on the Soviet Stage by Shaland, Irene
Alice May: Gilbert & Sullivan's First Prima Donna by Simpson, Adrienne
Feminism and Theatre by Case, Sue-Ellen
Acting Theory and the English Stage, 1700-1830 Volume 2 by Zunshine, Lisa
Ben Jonson by Palmer, John
Meyerhold on Theatre by Braun, Edward
Preservation, Radicalism, and the Avant-Garde Canon by
Elia Kazan: A Biography by Schickel, Richard
Politics, Performance and Popular Culture: Theatre and Society in Nineteenth-Century Britain by
Experimental Theatre: From Stanislavsky to Peter Brook by Roose-Evans, James
Mainstream AIDS Theatre, the Media, and Gay Civil Rights: Making the Radical Palatable by Juntunen, Jacob
Performing (For) Survival: Theatre, Crisis, Extremity by
Why Acting Matters by Thomson, David
The Complete Book of 1980s Broadway Musicals by Dietz, Dan
In Defence of Theatre: Aesthetic Practices and Social Interventions by
Theatre in Education in Britain: Origins, Development and Influence by Wooster, Roger
Ruth Maleczech at Mabou Mines: Woman's Work by Brater, Jessica Silsby
Performance and the Medical Body by
Theatre in Education in Britain: Origins, Development and Influence by Wooster, Roger
Bernard Shaw in Brazil: The Reception of Theatrical Productions, 1927-2013 by Haddad, Rosalie Rahal
Preservation, Radicalism, and the Avant-Garde Canon by
Theatre and Cognitive Neuroscience by
Shylock on the Stage by Lelyveld, Toby
Bernard Shaw on Literature by Shaw, George Bernard
Bernard Shaw on Politics by Shaw, George Bernard
Bernard Shaw on Theater by Shaw, George Bernard
Bernard Shaw on Religion by Shaw, George Bernard
Bernard Shaw on Music by
Theatre as Human Action: An Introduction to Theatre Arts by Hischak, Thomas S.
Women's Theatre Writing in Victorian Britain by Newey, K.
New York's Yiddish Theater: From the Bowery to Broadway by
Women of Will: The Remarkable Evolution of Shakespeare's Female Characters by Packer, Tina
Chantecler: Play in Four Acts by Rostand, Edmond
Ten Years Prelude by
The Cambridge Introduction to Performance Theory by Shepherd, Simon
Cyrano de Bergerac: Comedie Heroique en Cinq Actes by Rostand, Edmond
Cyrano de Bergerac: A Play in Five Acts by Rostand, Edmond
The Romancers: A Comedy in Three Acts by Rostand, Edmond
All's Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare, William
Local Glories: Opera Houses on Main Street, Where Art and Community Meet by Satterthwaite, Ann
Theatre, Performance and Cognition: Languages, Bodies and Ecologies by
Theatre, Performance and Cognition: Languages, Bodies and Ecologies by
Socrates by Voltaire
Actor Being: A Role in Mankind by Lameiras, Tiago Filipe
Encountering Freud: The Politics and Histories of Psychoanalysis by Roazen, Paul
Warfare, State And Society In The Byzantine World 565-1204 by Haldon, John
Blue-Collar Broadway: The Craft and Industry of American Theater by White, Timothy R.
Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics by
Theory/Theatre: An Introduction by Fortier, Mark
On the Site of the Globe Playhouse of Shakespeare by Hubbard, George
Acts and Apparitions: Discourses on the Real in Performance Practice and Theory, 1990-2010 by Tomlin, Elizabeth
Federal Theatre, 1935-1939: Plays, Relief, and Politics by Mathews, Jane Dehart
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 by Smith, Bruce R.
Tragic Pleasures: Aristotle on Plot and Emotion by Belfiore, Elizabeth S.
Performance and Gender in Ancient Greece: Nondramatic Poetry in Its Setting by Stehle, Eva
Fields of Play in Modern Drama by Whitaker, Thomas R.
Dramatic Character in the English Romantic Age by Donohue, Joseph W.
The Privileged Playgoers of Shakespeare's London, 1576-1642 by Cook, Ann Jennalie
Theory/Theatre: An Introduction by Fortier, Mark
Disability Theatre and Modern Drama: Recasting Modernism by Johnston, Kirsty
The Hand on the Shakespearean Stage: Gesture, Touch and the Spectacle of Dismemberment by Karim-Cooper, Farah
The Late Work of Sam Shepard by Skelton, Shannon Blake
Disability Theatre and Modern Drama: Recasting Modernism by Johnston, Kirsty
The Hand on the Shakespearean Stage: Gesture, Touch and the Spectacle of Dismemberment by Karim-Cooper, Farah
Japan's Modern Theatre: A Century of Change and Continuity by Powell, Brian
The Masters of the Revels and Elizabeth I's Court Theatre by Streitberger, W. R.
Plays And Players In Modern Italy: Being A Study Of The Italian Stage As Affected By The Political And Social Life, Manners, And Character Of To-day by McLeod, Addison
Singing and Dancing to The Book of Mormon: Critical Essays on the Broadway Musical by
Theatre, Exhibition, and Curation: Displayed & Performed by Guy, Georgina
The Critics Say...: 57 Theater Reviewers in New York and Beyond Discuss Their Craft and Its Future by Windman, Matt
Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostand, Edmond
The Theatre of Thomas Ostermeier by Ostermeier, Thomas, Boenisch, Peter M.
Tragedy and Dramatic Theatre by Lehmann, Hans-Thies
Shakespeare's Italy and Italy's Shakespeare: Place, Race, Politics by Bassi, Shaul
New Performance/New Writing by Freeman, John
New Performance/New Writing by Freeman, John
The Taming of the Shrew (Routledge Revivals): A Comparative Study of Oral and Literary Versions by Brunvand, Jan Harold
The Troublesome Reign of John, King of England: By George Peele by
South African Performance and Archives of Memory by Hutchison, Yvette
Theatre of Real People: Diverse Encounters at Berlin's Hebbel Am Ufer and Beyond by Mumford, Meg, Garde, Ulrike
Henry Irving's Impressions of America: Narrated in a Series of Sketches, Chronicles, and Conversations, Volume 1 by Hatton, Joseph
DAH Theatre: A Sourcebook by
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time GCSE Student Guide by Bolton, Jacqueline
Don't Be Quiet, Start a Riot! Essays on Feminism and Performance by Rosenberg, Tiina
When Movies Were Theater: Architecture, Exhibition, and the Evolution of American Film by Paul, William
The Soul of Pleasure: Sentiment and Sensation in Nineteenth-Century American Mass Entertainment by Monod, David
Richard II by Shakespeare, William
Terror and Pity: Aleksandr Sumarokov and the Theater of Power in Elizabethan Russia by Ospovat, Kirill
Partial Histories: A Reappraisal of Colley Cibber by McGirr, Elaine M.
Terrence McNally and Fifty Years of American Gay Drama by Clum, John M.
The Theater of Lee Blessing: A Critical Study of 44 Plays by Zwerling, Philip
Toronto's Local Movie Theatres of Yesteryear: Brought Back to Thrill You Again by Taylor, Doug
Performing Race and Erasure: Cuba, Haiti, and Us Culture, 1898-1940 by Riley, Shannon Rose
Theatre and Everyday Life: An Ethics of Performance by Read, Alan
La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu by Giraudoux, Jean
Amphitryon 38 by Giraudoux, Jean
Anti-War Theatre After Brecht: Dialectical Aesthetics in the Twenty-First Century by Stevens, Lara
The Romancers: A Comedy in Three Acts by Rostand, Edmond
Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostand, Edmond
Chantecler: Play in Four Acts by Rostand, Edmond
L'Aiglon by Rostand, Edmond
Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostand, Edmond
Staging Beckett in Ireland and Northern Ireland by
Staging Beckett in Great Britain by
Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostand, Edmond
Spiders of the Market: Ghanaian Trickster Performance in a Web of Neoliberalism by Donkor, David Afriyie
Think, Pig!: Beckett at the Limit of the Human by Rabaté, Jean-Michel
Think, Pig!: Beckett at the Limit of the Human by Rabaté, Jean-Michel
Spiders of the Market: Ghanaian Trickster Performance in a Web of Neoliberalism by Donkor, David Afriyie
Historic Movie Theaters of Downtown Cleveland by Dutka, Alan F.
Contemporary Theatre in Egypt by
Theatre and Residual Culture: J.M. Synge and Pre-Christian Ireland by Collins, Christopher
From a Member of the Audience: Memories of Over Fifty Years by Gregory, Wayne L.
Modern Popular Theatre by Price, Jason
Theatre and the Rural by Robinson, Jo
Theatre and Entertainment by Davis, Jim
Theatre and Empire by Poore, Benjamin
The Complete S'ketsh': Facsimile Edition by Kavanagh, Robert Mshengu
Audience Revolution: Dispatches from the Field by
All's Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare, William
As You Like It by Shakespeare, William
De Koopman van Venetië by Shakespeare, William
Community-Making in Early Stuart Theatres: Stage and audience by
Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare, William
Les Alegres comares de Windsor by Shakespeare, William
Les joyeuses Bourgeoises de Windsor by Shakespeare, William
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare, Race and Performance: The Diverse Bard by
Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, William
King John by Shakespeare, William
La Tempesta by Shakespeare, William
The Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare, William
Ein Sommernachtstraum by Shakespeare, William
The Tragedy of King Lear by Shakespeare, William
El Marxant de Venecia by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet: Prinz von Dannemark by Shakespeare, William
Jules César by Shakespeare, William
All's Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare, William
Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare, William
As You Like It by Shakespeare, William
De Koopman van Venetië by Shakespeare, William
Ein Sommernachtstraum by Shakespeare, William
Stanislavski On Opera by Rumyantsev, Pavel, Stanislavski, Constantin
Hamlet: Drama em cinco actos by Shakespeare, William
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William
Theatre in Ancient Greek Society by Green, J. R.
Arguments for a Theatre: (4th Edition) by Barker, Howard
Romeo y Julieta by Shakespeare, William
Twenty-First Century Drama: What Happens Now by
Beat Drama: Playwrights and Performances of the 'Howl' Generation by
Beat Drama: Playwrights and Performances of the 'Howl' Generation by
Empathy as Dialogue in Theatre and Performance by Cummings, Lindsay B.
Shakespeare, Race and Performance: The Diverse Bard by
After '89: Polish Theatre and the Political by Lease, Bryce
A History of Japanese Theatre by
Intermeddlers: The Censorship of Lillian Hellman's the Children's Hour by
Acco Festival: Between Celebration and Confrontation by Shem-Tov, Naphtaly
Props by Margolies, Eleanor
Shakespeare and Gesture in Practice: Shakespeare in Practice by Tunstall, Darren
Stage Mothers: Women, Work, and the Theater, 1660-1830 by
Campanas a medianoche by Welles, Orson
Modern Acting: The Lost Chapter of American Film and Theatre by Baron, Cynthia
The Singing Turk: Ottoman Power and Operatic Emotions on the European Stage from the Siege of Vienna to the Age of Napoleon by Wolff, Larry
Future Theatre Research: Origin, Medium, Performance-Text, Reception and Acting by Rozik
The Making of the West End Stage by Bratton, Jacky
Shakespeare and Gesture in Practice: Shakespeare in Practice by Tunstall, Darren
British Musical Theatre Since 1950 by Gordon, Robert, Jubin, Olaf
British Musical Theatre Since 1950 by Gordon, Robert, Jubin, Olaf
Theatre Criticism: Changing Landscapes by Radosavljevic, Duska
Tennessee Williams and Italy: A Transcultural Perspective by Clericuzio, Alessandro
Dynastic Marriages 1612/1615: A Celebration of the Habsburg and Bourbon Unions by
Writing the History of the British Stage by Schoch, Richard
Restoration Staging, 1660-74 by Keenan, Tim
Theater Outside Athens by
Props by Margolies, Eleanor
Theater of Experiment: Staging Natural Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Coppola, Al
Staging France between the World Wars: Performance, Politics, and the Transformation of the Theatrical Canon by McCready, Susan
Semiotics and Pragmatics of Stage Improvisation by Pietropaolo, Domenico
Gilbert and Sullivan's 'respectable Capers': Class, Respectability and the Savoy Operas 1877-1909 by Goron, Michael
King Lear in Brooklyn by Pennington, Michael
The Live Art Almanac: Volume 4 by
The Complete Book of 1990s Broadway Musicals by Dietz, Dan
Melodramatic Voices: Understanding Music Drama by
Batman: Facts and Stats from the Classic TV Show by Flurch, Y. y.
Performing China on the London Stage: Chinese Opera and Global Power, 1759-2008 by Thorpe, Ashley
Performance and Participation: Practices, Audiences, Politics by Six, Anna, Nicholson, Helen
Oper. Geschichte Einer Institution by Walter, Michael
Quien Esta Mas Loco: Navegando En Los Mares De La Locura con Antonin Artaud by Laster, Carlos Alberto
Performing Indigeneity: New Essays on Canadian Theatre by
Much Ado: A Summer with a Repertory Theater Company by Lenehan, Michael
Razzle Dazzle: The Battle for Broadway by Riedel, Michael
The Britannia Panopticon Music Hall and Cosmopolitan Entertainment Culture by Maloney, Paul
Four of the Three Musketeers: The Marx Brothers on Stage by Bader, Robert S.
A Global Doll's House: Ibsen and Distant Visions by Helland, Frode, Holledge, Julie, Bollen, Jonathan
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