• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2018

Urban Revolutions: Two American Black Insurrections by Williams, Jamal
La Poetica di Tadeusz Kantor: L'eredità di un regista pittore by Barboni Dalla Costa, Emanuele M.
Personal Narratives, Peripheral Theatres: Essays on the Great War (1914-18) by
Tropical Travels: Brazilian Popular Performance, Transnational Encounters, and the Construction of Race by Shaw, Lisa
To Manage or Not, That Is the Question: Dilemmas at Work? Ask Shakespeare by Renkema, Wiemer
Middleton & Rowley: Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse by Nicol, David
Thomas Hamblin and the Bowery Theatre: The New York Reign of Blood and Thunder" Melodramas by Bogar, Thomas A.
Volpone by Jonson, Ben
Studying Plays by Wallis, Mick, Shepherd, Simon
Studying Plays by Shepherd, Simon, Wallis, Mick
All Fools: George Chapman by Edelman, Charles
Word Plays: Collected Writings on Politics and Culture by Brustein, Robert
Bertolt Brecht by Mumford, Meg
Ariane Mnouchkine by Miller, Judith
Ivo van Hove Onstage by
A History of the Berliner Ensemble by Barnett, David
Home on the Stage by Grene, Nicholas
Beckett's Breath: Anti-Theatricality and the Visual Arts by Goudouna, Sozita
Vsevolod Meyerhold by Pitches, Jonathan
Jerzy Grotowski by Slowiak, James, Cuesta, Jairo
Breaking Bad and Dignity: Unity and Fragmentation in the Serial Television Drama by Logan, Elliott
Shaw's Ibsen: A Re-Appraisal by Templeton, Joan
The Biblical Covenant in Shakespeare by Kietzman, Mary Jo
Christoph Schlingensief: Staging Chaos, Performing Politics and Theatrical Phantasmagoria by Scheer, Anna Teresa
Beckett's Thing: Painting and Theatre by Lloyd, David
Slave Theater in the Roman Republic by Richlin, Amy
Maud Beerbohm Tree: Lady of the Stage by Cory-Wright, Susana
Critique Du Projet de Construction d'Un Nouveau Théâtre À Vienne (25 Mai 1865.) by Sans Auteur
Histoire de l'art dramatique en France depuis vingt-cinq ans. T. 4 by Gautier, Theophile
Architectonographie Des Théâtres de Paris, Ou Parallèle Historique: Et Critique de Ces Édifices Considérés Sous Le Rapport de l'Architecture Et de la by Donnet-A
Les coulisses de ma mémoire - L'Olympia by Coquatrix-P
Rousseau's Theatre for the Parisians: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the 18th Century French Stage by Schwartz, Jerome Martin
Big Deal Bwl C by Winkler
Rehearsing for Life: Theatre for Social Change in Nepal by Mottin, Monica
Stage Matters: Props, Bodies, and Space in Shakespearean Performance by
The Stage 3 Volume Set: Both Before and Behind the Curtain, from Observations Taken on the Spot by Bunn, Alfred
The Stage by Bunn, Alfred
The Stage by Bunn, Alfred
The Stage by Bunn, Alfred
Drama and the Politics of Generational Conflict in Shakespeare's England by Gearhart, Stephannie
Performing Trauma in Central Africa: Shadows of Empire by Edmondson, Laura
Die Szene Des Wunderbaren: Die Shakespeare-Elfen Im Wechselspiel Von Musik Und Maschine by Taubert, T. Sofie
Staging France between the World Wars: Performance, Politics, and the Transformation of the Theatrical Canon by McCready, Susan
That Devil's Trick: Hypnotism and the Victorian Popular Imagination by Hughes, William
Fathers and Sons at the Abbey Theatre (1904-1938): A New Perspective on the Study of Irish Drama by Luppi, Fabio
Performing Trauma in Central Africa: Shadows of Empire by Edmondson, Laura
Brecht, Turkish Theater, and Turkish-German Literature: Reception, Adaptation, and Innovation After 1960 by Ela Gezen, Ela
All That Jazz C by Mordden
Shadows and Acts by Roberts, Wilson
Obedience, Struggle and Revolt by Hare, David
Russian Futurist Theatre: Theory and Practice by Leach, Robert
Le Théâtre indien by Senart, Émile
Stage Rights!: The Actresses' Franchise League, Activism and Politics 1908-58 by Paxton, Naomi
The Creative Critic: Writing as/about Practice by
Moment Work: Tectonic Theater Project's Process of Devising Theater by Kaufman, Moises, Pitts McAdams, Barbara
The Creative Critic: Writing as/about Practice by
Contemporary Physics Plays: Making Time to Know Responsibility by Halpin, Jenni G.
Comic Acting and Portraiture in Late-Georgian and Regency England by Davis, Jim
Celebrity, Performance, Reception by Worrall, David
Popular Musical Theatre in London and Berlin by
Der Streit über die Tragödie (Theorien & Psychologische Modelle): Die "Resignation" des tragischen Helden; Die "poetische Gerechtigkeit"; Tragödie und by Lipps, Theodor
A Complete Somersault Into The Orchestra: Comic And Curious Clippings From The Legendary Theatrical Paper The Era, 1870-1880 by
Eighteenth-Century Brechtians: Theatrical Satire in the Age of Walpole by Schechter, Joel
Reactivations: Essays on Performance and Its Documentation by Auslander, Philip
Theaters of Error: Problems of Performance in German and French Enlightenment Theater by Lafountain, Pascale
Problem in the Middle:: Liminal Space and the Court Masque by Wilson, Gregory A.
Mozart's 'La clemenza di Tito': A Reappraisal by
Revisiting Shakespeare's Lost Play: Cardenio/Double Falsehood in the Eighteenth Century by
Lady Gregory and Irish National Theatre: Art, Drama, Politics by Remport, Eglantina
The Education of a Circus Clown: Mentors, Audiences, Mistakes by Carlyon, David
Public Women in British India: Icons and the Urban Stage by Bhattacharya, Rimli
The Theatre of August Wilson by Nadel, Alan
Afterlife of the Theatre of the Absurd: The Avant-garde, Spectatorship, and Psychoanalysis by Cox, Lara
Shakespeare in the Theatre: The National Theatre, 1963-1975: Olivier and Hall by Shaughnessy, Robert
Echo and Meaning on Early Modern English Stages by Anderson, Susan L.
Queering Childhood in Early Modern English Drama and Culture by
Reconsidering National Plays in Europe by
Reasons to Be Graeae: A Work in Progress by Sealey, Jenny
Empathy as Dialogue in Theatre and Performance by Cummings, Lindsay B.
Bonjour Lolo! Französische »Lohengrin«-Parodien 1886-1900 by Dammann, Christian
Aesthetics of Contingency: Writing, Politics, and Culture in England, 1639-89 by Augustine, Matthew C.
Performing Character in Modern Irish Drama: Between Art and Society by Lachman, Michal
Alimentary Performances: Mimesis, Theatricality, and Cuisine by Hunt, Kristin
God and Hamilton: Spiritual Themes from the Life of Alexander Hamilton and the Broadway Musical He Inspired by Cloud, Kevin
Performing Race and Erasure: Cuba, Haiti, and Us Culture, 1898-1940 by Riley, Shannon Rose
Theatre and Residual Culture: J.M. Synge and Pre-Christian Ireland by Collins, Christopher
Alimentary Performances: Mimesis, Theatricality, and Cuisine by Hunt, Kristin
Women, Collective Creation, and Devised Performance: The Rise of Women Theatre Artists in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries by
Augusto Boal by Babbage, Frances
Bernard Shaw and Beatrice Webb on Poverty and Equality in the Modern World, 1905-1914 by Gahan, Peter
Fiery Temporalities in Theatre and Performance: The Initiation of History by Wickstrom, Maurya
Medieval English Theatre 39: Stagecraft, Performance, Reception by
Elinor & Shakespeare by Sindell, Gerald
Tennessee Williams and Italy: A Transcultural Perspective by Clericuzio, Alessandro
Complicite, Theatre and Aesthetics: From Scraps of Leather by Wiśniewski, Tomasz
Bernard Shaw and Modern Advertising: Prophet Motives by Wixson, Christopher
The Book of the Teatro Real by
The Seagull: An Insiders' Account of the Groundbreaking Moscow Production by Efros, Anatoly
The Seagull: An Insiders' Account of the Groundbreaking Moscow Production by Efros, Anatoly
Eugenio Barba by Turner, Jane
Gilbert and Sullivan's 'respectable Capers': Class, Respectability and the Savoy Operas 1877-1909 by Goron, Michael
Bernard Shaw's Bridges to Chinese Culture by Li, Kay
Performing China on the London Stage: Chinese Opera and Global Power, 1759-2008 by Thorpe, Ashley
Belly Dance, Pilgrimage and Identity by Sellers-Young, Barbara
The Case for Terence Rattigan, Playwright by Bertolini, John A.
Clowning as Social Performance in Colombia: Ridicule and Resistance by King, Barnaby
Deciphering Shakespeare's Plays: A Practical Guide to the Twenty Best-Known and Enduring Works by Greenwood, Cynthia Anne
Sex, Suffrage and the Stage: First Wave Feminism in British Theatre by Hill, Leslie
Child Actors on the London Stage, Circa 1600: Their Education, Recruitment and Theatrical Success by Ackroyd, Julie
Tadeusz Kantor's Memory: Other pasts, other futures by
Sex, Suffrage and the Stage: First Wave Feminism in British Theatre by Hill, Leslie
The Gestures of Participatory Art by Bala, Sruti
Lillian Lorraine: The Life and Times of a Ziegfeld Diva by Hanson, Nils
Anu Productions: The Monto Cycle by Singleton, Brian
Volpone: Or, the Fox by Jonson, Ben
Staging Conventions in Medieval English Theatre by Butterworth, Philip
Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Bennett, Michael Y.
Ivo Van Hove: From Shakespeare to David Bowie by
Irish Drama, Modernity and the Passion Play by Poulain, Alexandra
Educational Theatre for Women in Post-World War II Italy: A Stage of Their Own by Cavallaro, Daniela
Performing Antagonism: Theatre, Performance & Radical Democracy by
Ivo Van Hove: From Shakespeare to David Bowie by
Bernard Shaw, W. T. Stead, and the New Journalism: Whitechapel, Parnell, Titanic, and the Great War by Ritschel, Nelson O'Ceallaigh
The Theatre of Romeo Castellucci and Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio: From Icon to Iconoclasm, from Word to Image, from Symbol to Allegory by Semenowicz, Dorota
W.C. Fields from the Ziegfeld Follies and Broadway Stage to the Screen: Becoming a Character Comedian by Wertheim, Arthur Frank
Bernard Shaw et son théâtre by Filon, Augustin
Contemporary Gothic Drama: Attraction, Consummation and Consumption on the Modern British Stage by
Radical Doubt: The Joker System, after Boal by Schutzman, Mady
Radical Doubt: The Joker System, after Boal by Schutzman, Mady
The Theatre of Anthony Neilson by Reid, Trish
The Drama and Theatre of Sarah Ruhl by Muse, Amy
George Farquhar: A Migrant Life Reversed by Roberts, David
A History of Japanese Theatre by
The Theatre of Imagining: A Cultural History of Imagination in the Mind and on the Stage by Kallenbach, Ulla
Covering McKellen: An Understudy's Tale by Weston, David
Theater der Unterdrückten als Mosaikstück gesellschaftlichen Wandels. Einblicke, Ansichten und Projekte by
Racism and Early Blackface Comic Traditions: From the Old World to the New by Hornback, Robert
Baroque, Venice, Theatre, Philosophy by Daddario, Will
Playing Sick: Performances of Illness in the Age of Victorian Medicine by Conti, Meredith
Theatre and Music in Manila and the Asia Pacific, 1869-1946: Sounding Modernities by Yamomo, Melê
Wonderful Design: Glamour in the Hollywood Musical by Whitesell, Lloyd
Adapting Western Classics for the Chinese Stage by Qi, Shouhua
The Theater of Revisions in the Hispanic Caribbean by Ford, Katherine
Theatre, Globalization and the Cold War by
The Tudor Play of Mind: Rhetorical Inquiry and the Development of Elizabethan Drama by Altman, Joel B.
Theatre, Social Media, and Meaning Making by Hadley, Bree
Le Théâtre moderne en Espagne by Durrieu, Xavier
The Theatre of Richard Maxwell and the New York City Players by Gorman, Sarah
Bernard Shaw's Marriages and Misalliances by
Crimes and Punishments and Bernard Shaw by Dukore, Bernard F.
Tadeusz Kantor by Witts, Noel
Staging the Past in the Age of Thatcher: The History We Haven't Had by Pennino, Anthony P.
Performing Remembering: Women's Memories of War in Vietnam by Eisner, Rivka Syd
Literally Anything Goes: 14 Great Oddball Musicals And What Makes Them Tick by Miller, Scott
Le Théâtre-Français en 1855 by Planche, Gustave
Ecologies of Precarity in Twenty-First Century Theatre: Politics, Affect, Responsibility by Fragkou, Marissia
Applied Theatre: Economies by
Shakespeare's Two Playhouses by Dustagheer, Sarah
The Early Modern Theatre of Cruelty and Its Doubles: Artaud and Influence by Di Ponio, Amanda
Staged: Show Trials, Political Theater, and the Aesthetics of Judgment by Arjomand, Minou
The Singing Turk: Ottoman Power and Operatic Emotions on the European Stage from the Siege of Vienna to the Age of Napoleon by Wolff, Larry
Michael Chekhov by Chamberlain, Franc
Barangay to Broadway: Filipino American Theater History by Ang, Walter
Barangay to Broadway: Filipino American Theater History by Ang, Walter
Australian Theatre, Modernism and Patrick White: Governing Culture by Varney, Denise, D'Urso, Sandra
Searching for Oedipus: How I Found Meaning in an Ancient Masterpiece by Glazer, Kenneth
Russian Performances: Word, Object, Action by
Closet Drama: History, Theory, Form by
Authenticity in Contemporary Theatre and Performance: Make It Real by Schulze, Daniel
Scenes from the Revolution: Making Political Theatre 1968-2018 by
The Lost Letters of William Shakespeare: The Undiscovered Diary of His Strange Eventful Life and Loves by Tamminen, Terry
Jacobean Private Theatre by Sturgess, Keith
Stuart Academic Drama: An Edition of Three University Plays by Russell, David L.
Ben Jonson: His Craft and Art by Miles, Rosalind
Ben Jonson: His Life and Work by Miles, Rosalind
Shakespeare's Tragic Justice by Sisson, C. J.
Enchanted Shows: Vision and Structure in Elizabethan and Shakespearean Comedy about Magic by Hare, Elissa
Ben Jonson: His Vision and His Art by Leggatt, Alexander
The Tragedy of State by Lever, J. W.
Ben Jonson by Palmer, John
Jacobean Tragedy: The Quest for Moral Order by Ribner, Irving
Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama: In Honour of Hardin Craig by
Courtesans and Cuckolds: A Glossary of Renaissance Dramatic Bawdy by Henke, James T.
The Influence of the Jacobean Masque on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher by Gossett, Suzanne
Bam: Next Wave Festival by
Performing Everyday Life in Argentine Popular Theater, 1890-1934 by Garrett, Victoria Lynn
Media and Performance in the Musical: An Oxford Handbook of the American Musical, Volume 2 by
Victorian Epic Burlesques: A Critical Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Theatrical Entertainments After Homer by Davies, Rachel Bryant
The Birth of Modern Theatre: Rivalry, Riots, and Romance in the Age of Garrick by Poser, Norman S.
Mixed Faith and Shared Feeling: Theater in Post-Reformation London by Gurnis, Musa
Staging the Old Faith: Queen Henrietta Maria and the Theatre of Caroline England, 1625-1642 by Bailey, Rebecca
Tennessee Williams on the Soviet Stage: Stage History of Five Great American Plays Performed in Soviet Russia by Shaland, Irene
Shakespeare and Realism: On the Politics of Style by
Playing Offstage: The Theater as a Presence or Factor in the Real World by
And the Shark, He Has Teeth: A Theater Producer's Notes by Aufricht, Ernst Josef
Beyond Failure: New Essays on the Cultural History of Failure in Theatre and Performance by
Conversion Narratives in Early Modern England: Tales of Turning by Shinn, Abigail
Christina Reid's Theatre of Memory and Identity: Within and Beyond the Troubles by Tracie, Rachel
Beyond Failure: New Essays on the Cultural History of Failure in Theatre and Performance by
Robert Wilson by Shevtsova, Maria
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