• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2019

Staged Normality in Shakespeare's England by
Methods Vol 4: A Journal of Acting Pedagogy by
Christina Reid's Theatre of Memory and Identity: Within and Beyond the Troubles by Tracie, Rachel
The Style of the State in French Theater, 1630-1660: Neoclassicism and Government by Ibbett, Katherine
Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard by De Marivaux, Pierre Carlet De Chamblain
Bernard Shaw and Modern Advertising: Prophet Motives by Wixson, Christopher
In Theaters Everywhere: A History of the Hollywood Wide Release, 1913-2017 by Hannan, Brian
Theaters of Error: Problems of Performance in German and French Enlightenment Theater by Lafountain, Pascale
Modernism and Scottish Theatre Since 1969: A Revolution on Stage by Brown, Mark
Dramatic Measures: Lessons from a Life in the Theater by Angermann, Chris
The Theatre of Imagining: A Cultural History of Imagination in the Mind and on the Stage by Kallenbach, Ulla
Reconsidering National Plays in Europe by
Community-Making in Early Stuart Theatres: Stage and audience by
The Secret Life of Theater: On the Nature and Function of Theatrical Representation by Kulick, Brian
Blue Raincoat Theatre Company by Trench, Rhona
W. C. Fields from Sound Film and Radio Comedy to Stardom: Becoming a Cultural Icon by Wertheim, Arthur Frank
The Infamous Cherry Sisters: The Worst Act in Vaudeville by Bullock, Darryl W.
The Secret Life of Theater: On the Nature and Function of Theatrical Representation by Kulick, Brian
Tennessee Williams in Sweden and France, 1945-1965: Cultural Translations, Sexual Anxieties and Racial Fantasies by Gindt, Dirk
Writing the History of the British Stage by Schoch, Richard
Contemporary Physics Plays: Making Time to Know Responsibility by Halpin, Jenni G.
Performing Remembering: Women's Memories of War in Vietnam by Eisner, Rivka Syd
Queering Childhood in Early Modern English Drama and Culture by
Theatre and Music in Manila and the Asia Pacific, 1869-1946: Sounding Modernities by Yamomo, Melê
Conversion Narratives in Early Modern England: Tales of Turning by Shinn, Abigail
A Cultural History of the Bushranger Legend in Theatres and Cinemas, 1828-2017 by Couzens, Andrew James
Culture, Democracy and the Right to Make Art: The British Community Arts Movement by
Broadway and the Blacklist by Baar, K. Kevyne
Poetics of History: Rousseau and the Theater of Originary Mimesis by Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe
Poetics of History: Rousseau and the Theater of Originary Mimesis by Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe
Theory for Theatre Studies: Space by Solga, Kim
Robert Lepage / Ex Machina: Revolutions in Theatrical Space by Reynolds, James
Social Housing in Performance: The English Council Estate on and Off Stage by Beswick, Katie
Performing Psychologies: Imagination, Creativity and Dramas of the Mind by
Theatre in the Dark: Shadow, Gloom and Blackout in Contemporary Theatre by
Watching War on the Twenty-First Century Stage: Spectacles of Conflict by Delijani, Clare Finburgh
The Shakespeare Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK
Jewish Difference and the Arts in Vienna: Composing Compassion in Music and Biblical Theater by Kita, Caroline A.
Death in Modern Theatre: Stages of Mortality by Curtin, Adrian
What is the Theatre? by Biet, Christian, Triau, Christophe
Disney Theatrical Productions: Producing Broadway Musicals the Disney Way by Osatinski, Amy S.
What is the Theatre? by Triau, Christophe, Biet, Christian
Plays of Our Forefathers and Some of the Traditions Upon Which They Were Founded by Gayley, Charles Mills
The Theatre and Films of Conor McPherson: Conspicuous Communities by Jordan, Eamonn
Applied Theatre: Creative Ageing by McCormick, Sheila
Shakespeare in the Theatre: Cheek by Jowl by Kirwan, Peter
Stanislavski in Ireland: Focus at Fifty by
Henry Irving's Impressions of America: Narrated in a Series of Sketches, Chronicles, & Conversations by Hatton, Joseph
Hamlet and Emotions by
The Genres of Renaissance Tragedy by
A Poetics of Modernity: Indian Theatre Theory, 1850 to the Present by
Some Account of the English Stage, From the Restoration in 1600 to 1830 by Genest, John
Kitty Marion: Actor and Activist by
Romanticism and Theatrical Experience by Mulrooney, Jonathan
A Primer on Aristotle's DRAMATICS: also known as the POETICS by Scott, Gregory L.
A Primer on Aristotle's DRAMATICS: also known as the POETICS by Scott, Gregory L.
Theatre of the Oppressed by Boal, Augusto
Theatre, Exhibition, and Curation: Displayed & Performed by Guy, Georgina
The Routledge Anthology of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Performance by
A New History of Medieval Japanese Theatre: Noh and Kyōgen from 1300 to 1600 by Pinnington, Noel John
Old Boston Museum Days by Ryan, Kate
The Routledge Anthology of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Performance by
Reframing the Musical: Race, Culture and Identity by
Henry Irving Impression of America by Hatton, Joseph
The Ritual Theatre of Theodoros Terzopoulos by Decreus, Freddy
Echoes Down the Corridor: Irish Theatre - Past, Present and Future by
Juggling - From Antiquity to the Middle Ages: The forgotten history of throwing and catching by Wall, Thom
Postdramatic Theatre and Form by
The Theatre of the Oppressed in Practice Today: An Introduction to the Work and Principles of Augusto Boal by Campbell, Ali
Reader in Tragedy: An Anthology of Classical Criticism to Contemporary Theory by
Thinking Through Theatre and Performance by
Theatre and Christianity by Schafer, Elizabeth
Theatre and Judaism by Lipshitz, Yair
Theatre and Islam by Carlson, Marvin
Street Theatre and the Production of Postindustrial Space: Working Memories by Calder, David
Illustrierte Geschichte Der Oper by Gehlhoff, Beatrix
La Double Inconstance by Marivaux
The Man Who Lit Lady Liberty: The Extraordinary Rise and Fall of Actor M. B. Curtis by Schwartz, Richard
Some Account Of The English Stage, From The Restoration In 1660 To 1830: In Ten Volumes; Volume 1 by Genest, John
Liverpool's Royal Court Theatre: 'A Brave Venture' by
The Civil Rights Theatre Movement in New York, 1939-1966: Staging Freedom by Burrell, Julie
Stage Women, 1900-50: Female Theatre Workers and Professional Practice by
Text & Presentation, 2018 by
Restoration Comedy, 1671-1682: A Catalogue by
The Complete Book of 1920s Broadway Musicals by Dietz, Dan
'And Yet I Remember': Ageing and Old(er) Age in English Drama between 1660 and the 1750s by Bronk-Bacon, Katarzyna
Navigating Ireland's Theatre Archive: Theory, Practice, Performance by
Insecurity: Perils and Products of Theatres of the Real by Stephenson, Jenn
Foreign Parts: German and Austrian Actors on the British Stage 1933-1960 by Dove, Richard
Nomadic Theatre: Mobilizing Theory and Practice on the European Stage by Nibbelink, Liesbeth Groot
Russian Theatre in Practice: The Director's Guide by
Problem in the Middle:: Liminal Space and the Court Masque by Wilson, Gregory A.
Gender, Culture, and Performance: Marathi Theatre and Cinema before Independence by Kosambi, Meera
Frontiers in Geographical Teaching by
Theater of the Word: Selfhood in the English Morality Play by Paulson, Julie
Theater of the Word: Selfhood in the English Morality Play by Paulson, Julie
Last Acts: The Art of Dying on the Early Modern Stage by Vinter, Maggie
Mapping Global Theatre Histories by Pizzato, Mark
Last Acts: The Art of Dying on the Early Modern Stage by Vinter, Maggie
Creole Drama: Theatre and Society in Antebellum New Orleans by Braun, Juliane
Creole Drama: Theatre and Society in Antebellum New Orleans by Braun, Juliane
Radio Daze: Piano-Vocal Score by Steele, Frank, Shojai, Amy
Theory for Theatre Studies: Sound by Bennett, Susan
Portraits in Early Modern English Drama: Visual Culture, Play-Texts, and Performances by Stelzer, Emanuel
Slave Theater in the Roman Republic by Richlin, Amy
Coriolanus by Ormsby, Robert
After '89: Polish Theatre and the Political by Lease, Bryce
Anne of the Thousand Days: The Making of an Epic by Lafferty, Jennifer K.
Staging the Artist: Performance and the Self-Portrait from Realism to Expressionism by Moran, Claire
The Dramaturgy of the Spectator: Italian Theatre and the Public Sphere, 1600-1800 by Korneeva, Tatiana
Performance and Spectatorship in Edwardian Art Writing by Hatchwell, Sophie
Adaptation in Contemporary Theatre: Performing Literature by Babbage, Frances
Das auto sacramental Calderóns zwischen Tridentinum und Theatralitaet by Kraus, Dorothea
The Polish Theatre of the Holocaust by Niziolek, Grzegorz
Robert Lepage by Dundjerovic, Aleksandar Sasa
Juggling: or - how to become a juggler by Ingalese, Rupert
Edwin Forrest: A Biography and Performance History by Bloom, Arthur W.
Personal Narratives, Peripheral Theatres: Essays on the Great War (1914-18) by
Performers and Their Arts: Folk, Popular and Classical Genres in a Changing India by Charsley, Simon, Narayan, Kadekar Laxmi
Thomas Hamblin and the Bowery Theatre: The New York Reign of Blood and Thunder" Melodramas by Bogar, Thomas A.
The Biblical Covenant in Shakespeare by Kietzman, Mary Jo
The Costumes of Burlesque: 1866-2018 by Scott, Coleen
Intercultural Acting and Performer Training by
Adapting King Lear for the Stage by Bradley, Lynne
How and Why We Teach Shakespeare: College Teachers and Directors Share How They Explore the Playwright's Works with Their Students by Homan, Sidney
Mimes on Miming by Rolfe, Bari
The Two Gospels of Mark: Performance and Text by Oder, Danila
Intercultural Acting and Performer Training by
Political Dramaturgies and Theatre Spectatorship: Provocations for Change by Tomlin, Liz
Theatre and Cancer by Lobel, Brian
Dust & Drama: 75 Years of Live Theatre in Broken Hill by Harris, Marilyn
Dust & Drama: 75 Years of Live Theatre in Broken Hill by Harris, Marilyn
Kitty Clive, or the Fair Songster by Joncus, Berta
Fiction's Truth: The Consequence of Representing Human Suffering, Distress, and Violence in Performance by Szlawieniec-Haw, Danielle
Fiction's Truth: The Consequence of Representing Human Suffering, Distress, and Violence in Performance by Szlawieniec-Haw, Danielle
New Playwriting at Shakespeare's Globe by Cantoni, Vera
Performing the Remembered Present: The Cognition of Memory in Dance, Theatre and Music by
Screening the Royal Shakespeare Company: A Critical History by Wyver, John
Contagion and the Shakespearean Stage by
The Traveling Chautauqua: Caravans of Culture in Early 20th Century America by Barrows, Roger E.
Titus Andronicus CB by Friedman, Michael
Theatre of Nepal and the People Who Make It by Davis, Carol C.
The Oxford Handbook of Musical Theatre Screen Adaptations by
Shakespeare and Commemoration by
Shakespeare and Commemoration by
Casting a Movement: The Welcome Table Initiative by
Casting a Movement: The Welcome Table Initiative by
After the Long Silence: The Theater of Brazil's Post-Dictatorship Generation by Tatinge Nascimento, Claudia
Energy and Forces as Aesthetic Interventions: Politics of Bodily Scenarios by
Theater and the Sacred in the Middle Ages by Dąbrówka, Andrzej
Bodies and Transformance in Taiwanese Contemporary Theater by Liang, Peilin
Experiencing Drama in the English Renaissance: Readers and Audiences by Yamada, Akihiro
Beckett's Breath: Anti-Theatricality and the Visual Arts by Goudouna, Sozita
A Cultural History of Theatre by
A Cultural History of Theatre in the Middle Ages by
A Cultural History of Theatre in the Age of Enlightenment by
A Cultural History of Theatre by
Beryl Halley: The Life and Follies of a Ziegfeld Beauty, 1897-1988 by Bapst, Jacob L., Tribe, Ivan M.
The Fairy Mythology of Shakespeare: From the Fairy Mythology of English Literature by Nutt, Alfred
Ensemble: An Oral History of Chicago Theater by Larson, Mark
Playing to the Gods: Sarah Bernhardt, Eleonora Duse, and the Rivalry That Changed Acting Forever by Rader, Peter
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1930s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations by Fletcher, Anne
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1980s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations by Shannon, Sandra G.
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1990s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations by Black, Cheryl, Friedman, Sharon
Christoph Schlingensief: Staging Chaos, Performing Politics and Theatrical Phantasmagoria by Scheer, Anna Teresa
Performing Indigenous Identities on the Contemporary Australian Stage: Land, People, Culture by Thurow, Susanne Julia
Stunts of Late Nineteenth-Century New York: Aestheticised Precarity, Endangered Liveness by Smith, Kirstin
Shakespeare and the Countess: The Battle That Gave Birth to the Globe by Laoutaris, Chris
From Mimesis to Interculturalism: Readings of Theatrical Theory Before and After 'Modernism' by Ley, Graham
Approaches to the Contemporary American Theatre by Andreach, Robert J.
Theatres of Contagion: Transmitting Early Modern to Contemporary Performance by
An Introduction to Theatre, Performance and the Cognitive Sciences by Lutterbie, John
The 100 Most Important People in Musical Theatre by Propst, Andy
Theatre and (Im)Migration: New Essays in Canadian Theatre, Vol. 10 by
Ireland, Enlightenment and the English Stage, 1740-1820 by
Shakespeare and the Ethics of War by
Shakespeare and the Ethics of War by
Theaters of Pardoning by Meyler, Bernadette
Theaters of Pardoning by Meyler, Bernadette
Theatre in Transformation: Artistic Processes and Cultural Policy in South Africa by
Brecht at the Opera: Volume 9 by Calico, Joy H.
In the Long Run: A Cultural History of Broadway's Hit Plays by Schildcrout, Jordan
Ibsen on Theatre by
A History of Romanian Theatre from Communism to Capitalism: Children of a Restless Time by Modreanu, Cristina
In the Long Run: A Cultural History of Broadway's Hit Plays by Schildcrout, Jordan
Teaching Acting with Practical Aesthetics by Dobosiewicz, Troy
Theatre Et Opera a l'Age Classique by Kintzler-C
Mad Scenes and Exit Arias by Waleson, Heidi
Kleist-Jahrbuch 2019 by
Unruly Audiences and the Theater of Control in Early Modern London by Dunnum, Eric
Establishment of "Drama" Orientation: Transition of the Research Paradigm of Chinese Dramas in the 1920s and 1930s by Yifan, Zhang
Preaching the Blues: Black Feminist Performance in Lynching Plays by Akbar, Maisha S.
Teaching Acting with Practical Aesthetics by Dobosiewicz, Troy
Performing Nationhood: The Emotional Roots of Swadeshi Nationhood in Bengal, 1905-1912 by Pandit, Mimasha
Witness Onstage: Documentary Theatre in Twenty-First-Century Russia by Flynn, Molly
Theatricality in the Horror Film: A Brief Study on the Dark Pleasures of Screen Artifice by Loiselle, André
Foucault's Theatres by
Antitheatricality and the Body Public by Freeman, Lisa A.
Maud Beerbohm Tree: Lady of the Stage by Cory-Wright, Susana
Aquí and Allá: Transnational Dominican Theater and Performance by Stevens, Camilla
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