• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Theater History in 2022

The Musical, Second Edition: A Concise History by Findlay, Jamie, Gänzl, Kurt
Curtains of Light: Theatrical Space in Film by Toles, George
Love's Cure, or the Martial Maid: By John Fletcher and Philip Massinger by
Musical Theatre Script and Song Analysis Through the Ages by Olm, James
Modernists and the Theatre: The Drama of W.B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, D.H. Lawrence, James Joyce, T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf by Moran, James
Classical Greek Tragedy by Fletcher, Judith
Carrying All Before Her: Celebrity Pregnancy and the London Stage, 1689-1800 by Phillips, Chelsea
The Fortunes of Everyman in Twentieth-Century German Drama: War, Death, Morality by Murdoch, Brian
Staged: Show Trials, Political Theater, and the Aesthetics of Judgment by Arjomand, Minou
Speed and Flight in Shakespeare by Steggle, Matthew
Stage Business and the Neoliberal Theatre of London by Ferrone, Alex
Postdramatic Theatre and India: Theatre-Making Since the 1990s by SenGupta, Ashis
Off Headset: Essays on Stage Management Work, Life, and Career by
Off Headset: Essays on Stage Management Work, Life, and Career by
King John: Shakespeare: The Critical Tradition by
Feeling the Future at Christian End-Time Performances by Stevenson, Jill C.
Contemporary Group Theatre in Kolkata, India by Banerji, Arnab
Japanese Political Theatre in the 18th Century: Bunraku Puppet Plays in Social Context by Odanaka, Akihiro, Iwai, Masami
Casuistry and Early Modern Spanish Literature by
Mysticism in the Theater: What's Needed Right Now by Block, Tom
Staging, Playing, Pyrotechnics and Magic: Conventions of Performance in Early English Theatre: Shifting Paradigms in Early English Drama Studies by Butterworth, Philip
The Art of Knife Fighting for Stage and Screen: An Actor's and Director's Guide to Staged Violence by Wolfe, Erick Vaughn
The Art of Knife Fighting for Stage and Screen: An Actor's and Director's Guide to Staged Violence by Wolfe, Erick Vaughn
A Cultural History of Theatre: Volumes 1-6 by
Questors, Jesters and Renegades: The Story of Britain's Amateur Theatre by Coveney, Michael
Theatre Translation: Theory and Practice by Morini, Massimiliano
Musical Theatre Script and Song Analysis Through the Ages by Olm, James
Open Wounds: Holocaust Theater and the Legacy of George Tabori by Kagel, Martin, Saltz, David Z.
de la Scene Avant-Gardiste a la Performance Theatrale Et Solo: Etats-Unis (1960-2004) by Landrin, Ophelie
Seneca's Medea and Republican Spain: Performing the Nation by Baldwin, Oliver
Études Dramatiques. Talma Et La Révolution (2e Éd.) by Copin-A
Le théâtre au collège: du moyen-âge à nos jours by Gofflot-L-V
Histoire des théâtres. Le Panorama dramatique, 1821-1823 by Lecomte-L-H
Histoire du début d'Alexandre Dumas fils au théâtre, ou les Tribulations de la Dame aux camélias by de Lapommeraye-H
The Bodies of Others: Essays on Ethics and Representation by Sánchez, José A.
Modern Theatre in Russia: Tradition Building and Transmission Processes by Aquilina, Stefan
Disseminating Shakespeare in the Nordic Countries: Shifting Centres and Peripheries in the Nineteenth Century by
Applied Theatre: Ethics by
The Male Dancer: Bodies, Spectacle, Sexualities by Burt, Ramsay
The Male Dancer: Bodies, Spectacle, Sexualities by Burt, Ramsay
The Colonial Public and the Parsi Stage: The Making of the Theatre of Empire (1853-1893) by Nicholson, Rashna Darius
Ida Rubinstein: Revolutionary Dancer, Actress, and Impresario by Chazin-Bennahum, Judith
Language and Metadrama in Major Barbara and Pygmalion: Shavian Sisters by Reynolds, Jean
Impacting Theatre Audiences: Methods for Studying Change by
Borderlands Children's Theatre: Historical Developments and Emergence of Chicana/O/Mexican-American Youth Theatre by Aragón, Cecilia Josephine
Clive Barker and His Legacy: Theatre Workshop and Theatre Games by
Romantic Comedy by Griffiths, Trevor R.
The Rite of Seeing: Essays on Kūṭiyāṭṭam by Shulman, David
Roy Hart by Crawford, Kevin, Sweeney, Bernadette
Roy Hart by Crawford, Kevin, Sweeney, Bernadette
Ewing Reviewing 2021 by Cataldi, William J., Ewing, Jan
Playing and Playgoing in Early Modern England by
Performing Stories: Narrative as Performance by Tecklenburg, Nina
Beckett and Media by
Finland's National Theatre 1974-1991: The Two Decades of Generational Contests, Cultural Upheavals, and International Cold War Politics by Koski, Pirkko
Postdramatic Dramaturgies: Resonances Between Asia and Europe by
Performance Spaces and Stage Technologies: A Comparative Perspective on Theatre History by
Antes del teatro by García-May, Ignacio
Staging and Stage Décor: Early Modern Spanish Theater by
Il Teatro Niccolini Di Firenze by Giandalia, Linda
Fifty Key Stage Musicals by
Fifty Key Stage Musicals by
Ashé: Ritual Poetics in African Diasporic Expression by
Offstage Observations: Inside Tales of the Not-So-Legitimate Theatre by Suskin, Steven
Border-Crossing and Comedy at the Théâtre Italien, 1716-1723 by McMahan, Matthew J.
Aemilia Lanyer as Shakespeare's Co-Author by Bradbeer, Mark
Sharkey: When Sea Lions Were Stars of Show Business (1907-1958) by Bohan, Gary
Theatre Symposium, Vol. 29: Theatre and Race by
Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts by
A Cultural History of Theatre in the Middle Ages by
A Cultural History of Theatre in the Age of Enlightenment by
American Television During a Television Presidency by
American Television During a Television Presidency by
On Stage with Bette Davis: Inside the Famous Flop of Miss Moffat by Dearinger, Kevin Lane
The Palgrave Handbook of Theatre and Race by
British Black and Asian Shakespeareans: Integrating Shakespeare, 1966-2018 by Rogers, Jami
A History of Polish Theatre by
Cultural Diversity in Motion: Rethinking Cultural Policy and Performing Arts in an Intercultural Society by Canyürek, Özlem
The Teaching of Kathakali in Australia: Mirroring the Master by Raina, Arjun
Aotearoa New Zealand in the Global Theatre Marketplace: Travelling Theatre by Wenley, James
Voice as Art: From Theatre to Forensics by Couzins, Richard
Shakespeare's Contested Nations: Race, Gender, and Multicultural Britain in Performances of the History Plays by Pittman, L. Monique
Theatre and Internationalization: Perspectives from Australia, Germany, and Beyond by Garde, Ulrike, Severn, John R.
The Shakespearean Death Arts: Hamlet Among the Tombs by
Bernard Shaw and the Spanish-Speaking World by
Cora Witherspoon: A Life on Stage and Screen by Nissen, Axel
Embodied Economies: Diaspora and Transcultural Capital in Latinx Caribbean Fiction and Theater by Reyes, Israel
From the Theater to the Plaza: Spectacle, Protest, and Urban Space in Twenty-First-Century Madrid Volume 4 by Feinberg, Matthew I.
Performing the Wound: Practicing a Feminist Theatre of Becoming by Tulk, Niki
The Final Curtain: The Art of Dying on Stage by Senelick, Laurence
Unions, Strikes, Shaw: The Capitalism of the Proletariat by Dukore, Bernard F.
Cather and Opera by Powell, David McKay
Noël Coward: The Playwright's Craft in a Changing Theatre by Jackson, Russell
Weathering Shakespeare: Audiences and Open-air Performance by O'Malley, Evelyn
American Theatre Ensembles Volume 1: Post-1970: Theatre X, Mabou Mines, Goat Island, Lookingglass Theatre, Elevator Repair Service, and Siti Company by
The Glorious Days of Music Hall & Variety Theatre in Kent's Seaside Resports by Fairley, Michael
20 Ground-Breaking Directors of Eastern Europe: 30 Years After the Fall of the Iron Curtain by
The Lost Conversation: Interviews with an Enduring Avant-Garde by
What Goes Up: Australian Juggling to World War I by Richards, Leann
Revived with Care: John Fletcher's Plays on the British Stage, 1885-2020 by Malin, Peter
Syrian Refugees, Applied Theater, Workshop Facilitation, and Stories: While They Were Waiting by Skeiker, Fadi
Egypt 1919: The Revolution in Literature and Film by Heshmat, Dina
Monsters in Performance: Essays on the Aesthetics of Disqualification by
Monsters in Performance: Essays on the Aesthetics of Disqualification by
The Arden Research Handbook of Shakespeare and Adaptation by
Perversion, Pedagogy and the Comic: A Survey of the Concept of Theatre in the Christian Middle Ages by de, Soumick
Time in Romantic Theatre by Burwick, Frederick
Grease, Tell Me More, Tell Me More: Stories from the Broadway Phenomenon That Started It All by Waissman, Ken, Barbeau, Adrienne, Moore, Tom
Acting the Essence: The Performer's Work on the Self by Campo, Giuliano
Acting the Essence: The Performer's Work on the Self by Campo, Giuliano
Stage Whispers: A Living History, Retold by Parent, Annalisa
The Regal Throne -- Power, Politics and Ribaldry: A Guide to Shakespeare's Richard II, Henry IV Parts 1 and 2, and Henry V by Dobson, Nicholas
Back Stages: Essays Across Art, Performance, and Public Life by Jackson, Shannon
Back Stages: Essays across Art, Performance, and Public Life by Jackson, Shannon
The World of Elizabeth Inchbald: Essays on Literature, Culture, and Theatre in the Long Eighteenth Century by
Staging 21st Century Tragedies: Theatre, Politics, and Global Crisis by
Staging 21st Century Tragedies: Theatre, Politics, and Global Crisis by
HowlRound Theatre Commons: Essays and Conversations from the First Ten Years (2011-2020) by
Immaculate Deception and Further Ribaldries: Yet Another Dozen Medieval French Farces in Modern English by Enders, Jody
Immaculate Deception and Further Ribaldries: Yet Another Dozen Medieval French Farces in Modern English by Enders, Jody
Staging and Stage Décor: Early Modern Spanish Theater by
Witness Onstage: Documentary Theatre in Twenty-First-Century Russia by Flynn, Molly
Style: An Approach to Appreciating Theatre by Wallace, E. Bert
Style: An Approach to Appreciating Theatre by Wallace, E. Bert
Performance at the Urban Periphery: Insights from South India by
Gilbert and Sullivan: The Players and the Plays by Gänzl, Kurt
Scenes from Bourgeois Life by Ridout, Nicholas
Theatre from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: Hegemony, Identity and a Contested Postcolony by
Christian Shakespeare: Question Mark: A Collection of Essays on Shakespeare in his Christian Context by
Made-Up Asians: Yellowface During the Exclusion Era by Lee, Esther Kim
Made-Up Asians: Yellowface During the Exclusion Era by Lee, Esther Kim
Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics by
Priyadarshi Ashok: अतीत की एक गाथा by Mathura Kalauny
Women and Indian Shakespeares by
Lockdown Shakespeare: New Evolutions in Performance and Adaptation by
The Arden Research Handbook of Contemporary Shakespeare Criticism by
From Playtext to Performance on the Early Modern Stage: How Did They Do It? by Thomson, Leslie
Performance Dynamics and the Amsterdam Werkteater by Ogden, Dunbar H.
Performance Dynamics and the Amsterdam Werkteater by Ogden, Dunbar H.
Care Aesthetics: For Artful Care and Careful Art by Thompson, James
Care Aesthetics: For Artful Care and Careful Art by Thompson, James
Bernard Shaw, Sean O'Casey, and the Dead James Connolly by O'Ceallaigh Ritschel, Nelson
Performing Care: New Perspectives on Socially Engaged Performance by
Expanded Choreographies - Choreographic Histories: Trans-Historical Perspectives Beyond Dance and Human Bodies in Motion by Leon, Anna
Unbridled: Studying Religion in Performance by Robert, William
Talawa Theatre Company: A Theatrical History and the Brewster Era by Johnson, David Vivian
The Spectacular Theatre of Frank Joseph Galati: Reshaping American Theatre in Chicago, Illinois by Jackson, Julie
Theater in a Post-Truth World: Texts, Politics, and Performance by
Brecht and Post-1990s British Drama: Dialectical Theatre Today by Hartl, Anja
Drag Histories, Herstories and Hairstories: Drag in a Changing Scene Volume 2 by
And the Tony Goes To...: Newfoundland and Labrador on the World Stage by Linehan, Scott
Functions of Medieval English Stage Directions: Analysis and Catalogue by Butterworth, Philip
Functions of Medieval English Stage Directions: Analysis and Catalogue by Butterworth, Philip
Theatre and Archival Memory: Irish Drama and Marginalised Histories 1951-1977 by Houlihan, Barry
Marginality Beyond Return: US Cuban Performances in the 1980s and 1990s by Manzor, Lillian
Property and Finance on the Post-Brexit London Stage: We Want What You Have by Meeuwis, Michael
Theatre Institutions in Crisis: European Perspectives by
The Routledge Companion to Applied Performance: Volume One - Mainland Europe, North and Latin America, Southern Africa, and Australia and New Zealand by
The Routledge Companion to Applied Performance: Volume Two - Brazil, West Africa, South and South East Asia, United Kingdom, and the Arab World by
The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Performance Historiography by
Nation and Race in West End Revue: 1910-1930 by Linton, David
What is a Playhouse?: England at Play, 1520-1620 by Davies, Callan
What Is a Playhouse?: England at Play, 1520-1620 by Davies, Callan
The False One: By John Fletcher and Philip Massinger by
Scene Shift: U.S. Set Designers in Conversation by
The Commedia Dell'arte by Pietropaolo, Domenico
Scene Shift: U.S. Set Designers in Conversation by
The Art of Writing for the Theatre: An Introduction to Script Analysis, Criticism, and Playwriting by Yankee, Luke
Black Theater, City Life: African American Art Institutions and Urban Cultural Ecologies by Mahala, Macelle
It's a Drag: Cross-Dressing in Performance by Tennant, Janet
Black Theater, City Life: African American Art Institutions and Urban Cultural Ecologies by Mahala, Macelle
The City We Make Together: City Council Meeting's Primer for Participation by Catlett, Mallory, Landsman, Aaron
All Fools: George Chapman by Edelman, Charles
Rapa Nui Theatre: Staging Indigenous Identities in Easter Island by Cornejo, Moira Fortin
The Stage and the Page: London's Whole Show in the Eighteenth-Century Theatre Volume 6 by
The Stage and the Page: London's Whole Show in the Eighteenth-Century Theatre Volume 6 by
Henry Irving's Waterloo: Theatrical Engagements with Arthur Conan Doyle, George Bernard Shaw, Ellen Terry, Edward Gordon Craig, Late-Victorian Culture by King, W. D.
Henry Irving's Waterloo: Theatrical Engagements with Arthur Conan Doyle, George Bernard Shaw, Ellen Terry, Edward Gordon Craig, Late-Victorian Culture by King, W. D.
Scenography by Rout, Satyabrata
Up Your Ass: Or from the Cradle to the Boat or the Big Suck or Up from the Slime by Solanas, Valerie
Bernard Shaw on the American Stage: A Chronicle of Premieres and Notable Revivals by Conolly, L. W.
Feeling the Gaze: Image and Affect in Contemporary Argentine and Chilean Performance by Bulman, Gail
Middle Eastern American Theatre: Communities, Cultures and Artists by Najjar, Michael Malek
American Theatre Ensembles Volume 2: Post-1995: The Builders Association, Pig Iron Theatre, Rude Mechs, Radiohole, the Civilians, and 600 Highwaymen by
The Federal Theatre Project, 1935-1939: Engagement and Experimentation by Karoula, Rania
Harold Pinter: Stages, Networks, Collaborations by
Visualising Lost Theatres by Holledge, Julie, Bollen, Jonathan, Tompkins, Joanne
Contemporary Rehearsal Practice: Anthony Neilson and the Devised Text by Cassidy, Gary
Equestrian Drama: An Anthology of Plays by
Equestrian Drama: An Anthology of Plays by
Everything Was Possible (Updated Edition): The Birth of the Musical Follies by Chapin, Ted
Ida Rubinstein: Revolutionary Dancer, Actress, and Impresario by Chazin-Bennahum, Judith
Montazstroj's Emancipatory Performance Politics: Never Mind the Score by Rafolt, Leo
Attack of the Monster Musical: A Cultural History of Little Shop of Horrors by Abraham, Adam
Identity, Culture, and the Science Performance, Volume 1: From the Lab to the Streets by
Attack of the Monster Musical: A Cultural History of Little Shop of Horrors by Abraham, Adam
Outlaw Theatre: Field Notes from the Padua Hills Playwrights Festival (1978-1995) by
Four of the Three Musketeers: The Marx Brothers on Stage by Bader, Robert S.
Theatre Across Oceans: Mediators of Transatlantic Exchange, 1890-1925 by Leonhardt, Nic
Oriental, Black, and White: The Formation of Racial Habits in American Theater by Lee, Josephine
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