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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Trains in 2021

Railroad Stories From The EJ&E Railroad and a few others by O'Neal Stringer, William
Northeast Corridor by Defeo, Todd
Mark Twain Zephyr: History, Restoration & Rebirth: Volume One (Premium Edition): Premium Edition by Tabern, Robert, Tabern, Kandace
Mark Twain Zephyr: History, Restoration & Rebirth: Volume Two (Premium Edition) by Tabern, Kandace, Tabern, Robert
Mark Twain Zephyr: History, Restoration & Rebirth: Volume One (Standard Edition) by Tabern, Robert, Tabern, Kandace
Mark Twain Zephyr: History, Restoration & Rebirth: Volume One (Full Color Edition) by Tabern, Kandace, Tabern, Robert
La Locomotive et les Chemins de Fer by Figuier, Louis
Mark Twain Zephyr: History, Restoration & Rebirth: Volume Two (Standard Edition): sleeper by Tabern, Kandace, Tabern, Robert
Mark Twain Zephyr: History, Restoration & Rebirth: Volume Two (Full Color Edition) by Tabern, Kandace, Tabern, Robert
Long Island Rail Road: Babylon Branch by Morrison, David D.
High-Speed Rail: An Analysis of the Chinese Innovation System by
Long Island Rail Road: Babylon Branch by Morrison, David D.
Go Ahead and Backup and Other Railroad Stories by Geletzke, Charles H., Jr.
Cathedrals of Steam: How London's Great Stations Were Built - And How They Transformed the City by Wolmar, Christian
The Subterranean Railway: How the London Underground Was Built and How It Changed the City Forever by Wolmar, Christian
Das deutsche Dampflokerbe: Geschichte, Geschichten und Verbleib aller im Ausland erhaltenen deutschen Normalspurdampflokomotiven by Königsmann, Bastian
Trains Of The World: A Colouring Book For Train Lovers Everywhere. by Curtis, Chris
Railroads of Lake Charles by Carter, Thad Hillis
American Train Spectacular by Silverstein, Nick
Der Lebkuchenbahnhof am Ende der Welt: Kleine Geschichten zu 222 Bahnhöfen in Afrika, Asien und Ozeanien by Deiss, Richard
The Rise and Fall of Pennsylvania Station by Bilotto, Gregory
Rise and Fall of Pennsylvania Station by Bilotto, Gregory
Traces of the Ann Arbor Railroad by Burkhardt, D. Jesse
Delta Heritage Trail (Missouri Pacific's Wynne Subdivision): History Through the Miles by Jennings, Barton
Tampa Union Station by McQuigg, Jackson
Iron Women: The Ladies Who Helped Build the Railroad by Enss, Chris
Railway Engineering Design & Operation by
Smoky Mountain Railways by Plott, Jacob Morgan, Plott, Bob
Railroads of the Eastern Shore by Treese, Lorett
Smoky Mountain Railways by Plott, Jacob Morgan, Plott, Bob
Railroads of New York's Capital District by Starr, Timothy
Central Illinois Train Depots by Dyrek, Thomas
Central Illinois Train Depots by Dyrek, Thomas
Railroads of New York's Capital District by Starr, Timothy
Trenes de levitación magnética: El maglev de Shanghái by Technologies, Abg
Spatial Implications and Planning Criteria for High-Speed Rail Cities and Regions by
The Panama Railroad by Pyne, Peter
U.S. Freight Rail Economics and Policy: Are We on the Right Track? by
Logomotive: Railroad Graphics and the American Dream by Glancey, Jonathan, Logan, Ian
Overhaul: A Social History of the Albuquerque Locomotive Repair Shops by Flint, Richard, Flint, Shirley Cushing
Phelps' Hundred Cities And Large Towns Of America: With Railroad Distances Throughout The United States, Maps Of Thirteen Cities, And Other Embellishm by Phelps, Humphrey
Philadelphia, Wilmington And Baltimore Railroad Guide Book by P. Dare, Charles
Immer an der Bahn lang: Wandern am Tren de Soller auf Mallorca by Neubecker, Matthias
Of Passenger Trains on the High Iron; Streamliners to the Golden State by Edwards, Daniel T.
Railways of the Chilterns by Bennett, Patrick
Iran in Motion: Mobility, Space, and the Trans-Iranian Railway by Koyagi, Mikiya
Swiss 52: Unforgettable Places by Bewes, Diccon
Guide to North American Cabooses by Byron, Carl, Heimburger, Don
German Railways: A Study in the Historical Geography of Transport by Mellor, R. E. H.
The Rhine: A Study in the Geography of Water Transport by Mellor, R. E. H.
The Routledge Handbook of Public Transport by
Montana Rails: Mountains to Prairies by Jones, Dale W.
Railway Gazette: Special Great War Transportation Number by
Vermont's Woodstock Railroad by Barrett, Frank J., Jr.
Modelling Historic Buildings and Imaginary Structures: A Guide for Railway Modellers and Diorama Model Makers by Wright, David
Last Train to Auschwitz: The French National Railways and the Journey to Accountability by Federman, Sarah
Modelling the Welsh Narrow Gauge Railways by Ford, Chris
Norfolk Southern in Hampton Roads by Cooper, Elizabeth Ownley
Scotland from the Rails: A Window Gazer's Guide by Le Vay, Benedict
8138th Army Unit Hospital Trains by Taylor, Kb
The Railways in Colonial South Asia: Economy, Ecology and Culture by
New York Central's St. Lawrence Division: 1940-1960 by Hilborn, Allen
New York Central's St. Lawrence Division: 1940-1960 by Hilborn, Allen
Railways in the North American Landscape by Danneman, Mike
Hill Railways of the Indian Subcontinent by Wallace, Richard
Communications in Africa, 1880-1939, Volume 1 by Sunderland, David
Communications in Africa, 1880-1939 (Set) by Sunderland, David
Building the Lake Branch by Rager, Dan
Train Lovers Any Year Planner: And Travel Diary by Designs, Stepro
Northern Central Railway by Williams, Robert L.
Northern Central Railway by Williams, Robert L.
Chicago's Lost Ls by Sadowski, David
Chicago's Lost Ls by Sadowski, David
Los Angeles Railway by The Mount Lowe Preservation Society, Crise, Steven J., Patris, Michael A.
Los Angeles Railway by Patris, Michael A., The Mount Lowe Preservation Society, Crise, Steven J.
Can't You Hear the Whistle Blowin': Logs, Lignite, and Locomotives in Coos County, Oregon by Lansing, William
North to West: The Best of Modern Chicagoland Rail by Zeman, Dave, Keats, James R.
The Power of the Duchesses by Jenkinson, David
Central Wyoming Railroads by Trumbull, Con
Central Wyoming Railroads by Trumbull, Con
Utica Railroads 1950-2010: A Look Back Over Six Decades by Winn, Jay
Long Island Rail Road: Montauk Branch by Morrison, David D.
The Hampden Railroad by Johnson, Philip
Long Island Rail Road: Montauk Branch by Morrison, David D.
Iron Landscapes: National Space and the Railways in Interwar Czechoslovakia by Jeschke, Felix
Pullman: The Man, the Company, the Historical Park by Schoon, Kenneth J.
Pullman: The Man, the Company, the Historical Park by Schoon, Kenneth J.
Ridership Revisited: The Official Ridership Forecast for the Proposed Baltimore-Washington Maglev Is a Factor of Ten Too High by Kelley, Owen
Boulder City by Marie, Tiane
Boulder City by Marie, Tiane
21 Great Track Plans for Compact O Gauge Layouts by Hoganson, Ken
Railways by Valkoinen, Christopher
Amtrak, America's Railroad: Transportation's Orphan and Its Struggle for Survival by Darbee, Jeffrey T., Doughty, Geoffrey H., Harmon, Eugene E.
Goudie's Perpetual Sleigh Road Supersedes the Railway, and is Capable of Carrying Passengers at a Rate of Eighty to One Hundred Miles an Hour [microfo by
Report on the Preliminary Examination of the Ontario and Quebec Railway From Ottawa to Toronto [microform] by
A Catalogue of the Devices and Their Parts by
The Great Southern Railway of Canada [microform]: Letter to the Railway Committee in Favor of the Extensions Claimed by the Woodstock and Lake Erie Ra by
Hon. Benjamin Franklin Long, Judge of the Superior Courts of North Carolina. Published Opinions on Two Important Cases: State Vs. Southern Railway Co. by Stockard, Henry Jerome 1858-1914
Annual Report of the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Company [serial] by
Report on the Location, Surveys and Estimates of the Bytown and Prescott Railroad [microform] by
Illinois Central Railroad Company, Appellant, Vs. the People of the State of Illinois, and the City of Chicago, Appellees: Brief for Appellant by Ayer, Benjamin Franklin 1825-1903
Grand Trunk Railway of Canada [microform]: Correspondence Between Mr. William Pare, and Members of the Provincial Government of Canada by Pare, William 1805-1873
Proceedings of the Stockholders of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company at Their ... Annual Meeting ... by
American Railroad Journal [microform]; 73 by Anonymous
A Time-table With Notes of the Transcontinental Trains, the Great Lakes Route, and the Montreal and Toronto Line [microform] by
Proceedings of the Stockholders of the North Carolina Rail Road Company [serial]; 1875 by
American Railroad Journal [microform]; 76 by Anonymous
Local Freight Tariff, to Take Effect, 15th November, 1872 [microform] by
Railroad Record, and Journal of Commerce, Banking, Manufactures and Statistics; v. 12 1864 by Anonymous
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Company [serial]; 1888 by
The Charter of the Albany and Greenbush Bridge Company: and a Statement of Its Claims on the Public Interest in Connection With the Boston, Hoosac Tun by Swinburne, John 1820-1889
Across Canada: Annotated Guide via Canadian Pacific, the World's Greatest Transportation System: Western Lines East Bound by
The Official Northern Pacific Railway Guide: for the Use of Tourists and Travelers Over the Lines of the Northern Pacific Railway and Its Branches: Co by
Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina R.R. Co. [serial]; 1917 by Williams, William J.
North America, Intercolonial Railway [microform]: Return to an Address of the Honourable the House of Commons Dated 30 June 1864, for Copy of Correspo by
Memorandum on the Canadian Pacific Railway [microform] by
The Montreal Northern Colonization Ry. Co. [microform]: the Charter, Provincial and Federal Laws, Judicial Decisions and Divers Documents Respecting t by
From the Hooghly to the Himalayas: Being an Illustrated Handbook to the Chief Places of Interest Reached by the Eastern Bengal State Railway by Anonymous
Limitation of Common Carriers Liability; Law Governing the Settlement of Claims Against Common Carriers for Loss, Damage, Injury, and Delay to Propert by Barnes, Harry Cleveland
Report of Charles B. Stuart, Chief Engineer of the Lockport and Niagara Falls Rail-road Company [microform]: to the Directors: Showing the Estimated C by
Reports Relating to the Quebec and New Brunswick Railway [microform]: the Shortest Line of Railway Through British Territory From the St. Lawrence to by
Canadian Pacific Railway Aggressions Upon American Commerce [microform]: a Letter Addressed to Mr. Joseph Nimmo, Jr. by Wm. C. Van Horne and Mr. Nimmo by Nimmo, Joseph 1837-1909
[In the Privy Council on Appeal From the Court of Queen's Bench for Manitoba, Between the Winnipeg Street Railway Company, Appellants and the Winnipeg by
Railways and Other Ways [microform]: Being Reminiscences of Canal and Railway Life During a Period of Sixty-seven Years: With Characteristic Sketches by Pennington, Myles 1814-1898
[Form of Tender, Form of Contract, General Specifications for the Construction of the National Trans-Continental Railway, Specifications for Standard by
Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the North Carolina Rail Road Company [serial]; 1865 by
A Time-table With Notes of the Westbound Transcontinental Train, the Great Lakes Route and the Boston and Toronto Lines [microform] by
Reply of the President and Directors to the Report of the Committee of Investigation [microform]: March, 1861 by
Proceedings of the Stockholders of the Wilmington & Manchester R.R. Company [serial]: at Their ... Annual Meeting; 1855 by
Acts Incorporating the Great Western Rail-road Company [microform]: With the Several Amendments Thereto, Together With the Act Guaranteeing the Provin by
The International Railway Guide Giving the Time-tables of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada and of All Railways Connecting Canada and the United State by Anonymous
American Railroad Journal [microform]; 9 by Anonymous
Hill & Swayze's Confederate States Rail-road & Steam-boat Guide: Containing the Time-tables, Fares, Connections and Distances on All the Rail-roads of by
Memorial of the European and North American Railway Company of Maine [microform]: Praying Aid in Constructing a Military Railroad From Bangor to the S by
Souvenir and Official Programme [microform]: Fourteenth Annual Convention of the American Street Railway Association Held in Montreal, 15th, 16th, 17t by
Railroad Operating Costs [microform]; a Series of Original Studies in Operating Costs of the Leading American Railroads by
American Railroad Journal [microform]; 13 by Anonymous
The Intercolonial Railway [microform]: the Genesis of Its Bridges, With the Official Documents Laid Before Parliament by Anonymous
Summer Tours and Excursions on the Intercolonial Railway of Canada, Season 1893 [microform]: the Popular and Scenic Route for Summer Travel by
General Statement of, and Remarks Upon the Railroad Interests of Western Canada [microform] by
Railroad Record, and Journal of Commerce, Banking, Manufactures and Statistics; v. 20 1872 by Anonymous
Correspondence on the Subject of the Windsor and Annapolis Railway [microform]: April 17, 1871 to August 14th, 1871 by
Reports on the Proposed Line of Railway Between the City of Saint John and the Harbour of Shediac [microform] by Wilkinson, John 1804-1871
Report of the Committee on the Montreal and Kingston Section of the Canada Grand Trunk Railway [microform] by
[Meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company] [microform]: [held at the Office, in the City of Montreal, on We by
Canadian Pacific [microform]: the Great Highway Across the Continent to and From Europe, Japan, China, Australasia and Around the World by
Financial Statement of the Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America: Money Received From Lodges ..; 1920:1-1920:4 by
The First International Railway and the Colonization of New England [microform]: Life and Writings of John Alfred Poor by Poor, Laura Elizabeth
Lewis & Dryden's Official Railway Guide, for the North Pacific Coast [microform]: Contianing Railway Time Schedules, Connections, Distances and Fares, by
The Great Railway Catastrophe of the 12th March, 1857, on the Desjardin Canal Bridge, on the Line of the Great Western Railway [microform] by Wilkins, Harriet Annie 1829-1888
Act of Incorporation and By-laws of the Vancouver Street Railways Company of Vancouver, British Columbia [microform] by
In the Supreme Court of British Columbia, on Appeal to the Full Court [microform]: Between John P. Backus, Plaintiff and the Canadian Pacific Railway by Backus, John P.
Prospectus [microform]: the Levis and Kennebec Railway: Incorporated by a Special Act of the Legislature of the Province of Quebec, Passed in by
Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina R.R. Co. [serial]; 1900 by Williams, William J.
Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina R.R. Co. [serial]; 1896 by Williams, William J.
Argosy and Railroad Man's Magazine, Apr 5 1919 by Anonymous
Freight Rates and Charges. Laws, Rules and Regulations Governing the Construction, Operation and Development of Railroad Freight Rates and Charges in by Barnes, Harry Cleveland 1884-
Railroad Record, and Journal of Commerce, Banking, Manufactures and Statistics; v. 19 1871 by Anonymous
Speeches on the Canadian Pacific Railway and on the Financial & Industrial Position of Canada [microform]: Delivered in the House of Commons on the Ev by White, Thomas 1830-1888
Carleton County and Railway Extension [microform]: a Report Presented to the Woodstock Athenæum, February 11, 1864 by
The Story of the Railroad [microform] by Warman, Cy 1855-1914
Grand Trunk Railway [microform]: the Shortest and Most Direct Route Between All Points East and West, Montreal, Quebec, . by
Building the Pacific Railway; the Construction-story of America's First Iron Thoroughfare Between the Missouri River and California, From the Inceptio by
Report of the Directors and Chief Engineer of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Grand Junction Railway Company [microform]: May 9th, 1853 by
The Railroad Man's Magazine, Oct 1912 by Anonymous
Canada (Halifax, &c. Railway), Railways (British North America) [microform]: Copy of Official Communications Between the Secretary of State for the Co by Anonymous
Holders of Railroad Bonds and Notes: Their Rights and Remedies, Treating Particularly of the Receivership and of the Reorganization of the Road, of th by Heft, Louis
Suggestion on the [In]ter-Colonial Railway, and the Construction of a Highway and Telegraph Line Between the [At]lantic and Pacific Oceans, Within Bri by
Railroad Record, and Journal of Commerce, Banking, Manufactures and Statistics; v. 13 1865 by Anonymous
Report of an Argument Before the Supreme Court Submitted by the Railway Committee of the Privy Council [microform]: Arising on an Application of the H by
Annual Reports of the President and Directors and the Chief Engineer and Superintendent of the Wilmington & Weldon R.R. Co., With the Proceedings of t by
Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley: an Inquiry Into the Causes of the Rapid Growth and Wonderful Development of Southwest Virginia and Shenandoa by Bruce, Thomas
Nova Scotia Railway [microform]: Rules and Regulations to Be Observed by Officers and Men in the Service of the Board of Commissioners by Anonymous
Agreement Between the City of Toronto and the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada for the Construction of the Company's Tract Along the Front of the by
Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina R.R. Co. [serial]; 1926 by Williams, William J.
Report on the Pittsburgh Transportation Problem [microform], Submitted to the Honorable William A. Magee, Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh by
Speech of John T. Gilmore, Senator From Cumberland and Harnett, on the Bill to Aid in the Construction and Equipment of the Western Railroad From Faye by Gilmore, John T.
A City Terminus for the Grand Trunk Railway Company [microform]: Considered in a Report to the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal by
Railroad Record, and Journal of Commerce, Banking, Manufactures and Statistics; v. 18 1870 by Anonymous
Prospectus of the Wellington, Grey & Bruce Railway [microform]: to Which is Appended the Report of George Lowe Reid, Esq., on the Survey of the Line t by Reid, George Lowe
The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company to the Equitable Trust Company of New York, Trustee: First Mortgage, Dated July 1, 1917 by
American Railroad Journal [microform]; 70 by Anonymous
A Sequel to The Philosophy of Railroads [microform] by
Narrow Gauge Railways [microform]: a Proposal for Their Adoption as a Means of Extending the Railway System of New Brunswick at a Reduced Cost by
European and North American Railway Terminus [microform]: Sydney, Cape-Breton, the Nearest Port in British North America to Europe by Anonymous
Report on Surveys and Preliminary Operations on the Canadian Pacific Railway up to January 1877 [microform] by
Hamilton and Port Dover Railway [microform]: Address of the Directors to the Citizens of Hamilton, and the Inhabitants of Towns, Townships, and Villag by
Charter of the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railroad Union Company and Other Important Acts and Documents Relative Thereto [microform] by
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America [microform]: Containing the Latest and Most Authentic Descriptions of Over Six Thousand Cities, Towns and by
The Street Railway Journal; v. 27 Apr.-June 1906 by Anonymous
History of the North Carolina Railroad by Barringer, Rufus 1821-1895
Speech of S.E. Gourley, K.C., M.P. on the Transcontinental Railway and the Trade Routes of Canada, Tuesday, September 1st, 1903 [microform] by Gourley, Seymour Eugene 1854-1906
The Northern Pacific Railroad [microform]: Its Route, Resources, Progress and Business: the New Northwest and Its Great Thoroughfare by
The Auditor General's Report on an Application From the President and Directors of the Saint Andrews & Quebec Railway for a Further Issue of Debenture by Anonymous
Report by the Engineer in Chief, Addressed to the Hon. the Minister of Railways and Canals, Canada [microform] by
The Confederation of the British North American Provinces [microform]: Their Past History and Future Prospects, Including Also British Columbia & Huds by Rawlings, Thomas
Report of the Managing Director of the Great Western Railway Company of Canada [microform]: to Robert W. Harris, Esq., President of the Company, Dated by Brydges, Charles John 1827-1889
The St. Lawrence and Lake Huron Railway, in Canada West [microform]: Its Local Benefits and Also Influence on Eastern and Western Trade by
The Railroad and Engineering Journal; 65 by Anonymous
The Railroad Builders [microform]: a Chronicle of the Welding of the States by Moody, John 1868-1958
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