• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Turkey & Ottoman Empire History in 2011

The Well-Protected Domains: Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire 1876-1909 by Deringil, Selim
Angry Nation: Turkey Since 1989 by Öktem, Kerem
Angry Nation: Turkey Since 1989 by Öktem, Kerem
Prison Writings: The PKK and the Kurdish Question in the 21st Century by Öcalan, Abdullah
Rebel Land: Unraveling the Riddle of History in a Turkish Town by de Bellaigue, Christopher
Ottoman Nizamiye Courts: Law and Modernity by Rubin, A.
Ottoman Nizamiye Courts: Law and Modernity by Rubin, A.
How Happy to Call Oneself a Turk: Provincial Newspapers and the Negotiation of a Muslim National Identity by Brockett, Gavin D.
Allah Dethroned: A Journey Through Modern Turkey by Linke, Lilo
Innovation and Empire in Turkey: Sultan Selim III and the Modernisation of the Ottoman Navy by Zorlu, Tuncay
The Margins of Empire: Kurdish Militias in the Ottoman Tribal Zone by Klein, Janet
Prison Writings: The Pkk and the Kurdish Question in the 21st Century by Ocalan, Abdullah
Renegade Women: Gender, Identity, and Boundaries in the Early Modern Mediterranean by Dursteler, Eric R.
From Caliphate to Secular State: Power Struggle in the Early Turkish Republic by Ozoglu, Hakan
The Origins of Syrian Nationhood: Histories, Pioneers and Identity by
The Peace of Passarowitz, 1718 by
Hellenism in Byzantium: The Transformations of Greek Identity and the Reception of the Classical Tradition by Kaldellis, Anthony
Unveiled: The Autobiography Of A Turkish Girl by Ekrem, Selma
The Transformation of Ottoman Crete: Revolts, Politics and Identity in the Late Nineteenth Century by Senisik, Pinar
Foundations of Modernity: Human Agency and the Imperial State by Blumi, Isa
The Holy Roman Empire and the Ottomans: From Global Imperial Power to Absolutist States by Birdal, Mehmet Sinan
Jewish Life in Turkey in the Sixteenth Century as Reflected in the Legal Writings of Samuel de Medina by Goodblatt, Morris S.
The Ottoman Origins of Modern Iraq: Political Reform, Modernization and Development in the Nineteenth Century Middle East by Ceylan, Ebubekir
The History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks by Kaatip Ocelebi, Katip Celebi, Ktip Elebi, 1609-1657
The Constitutional System of Turkey: 1876 to the Present by Özbudun, E.
The Constitutional System of Turkey: 1876 to the Present by Özbudun, E.
Gallipoli by Hart, Peter
Histoire D'osman Premier Du Nom: Xixe Empereur Des Turcs, Et De L'impératrice Aphendina Ashada by Gomez, Madeleine-Angélique Poisson
Revolution and Constitutionalism in the Ottoman Empire and Iran by Sohrabi, Nader
Imperial Citizen: Marriage and Citizenship in the Ottoman Frontier Provinces of Iraq by Kern, Karen M.
Artisans of Empire: Crafts and Craftspeople Under the Ottomans by Faroqhi, Suraiya
Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire, 1815-1914: The Emergence of a European Concept and International Practice by Rodogno, Davide
Authoritarian Party Structures and Democratic Political Setting in Turkey by Musil, P.
Authoritarian Party Structures and Democratic Political Setting in Turkey by Musil, P.
The Amiras: Lords of Ottoman Armenia by Carmont, Pascal
Ottoman Izmir: The Rise of a Cosmopolitan Port, 1840-1880 by Zandi-Sayek, Sibel
Historical Dictionary of the Ottoman Empire by Somel, Selcuk Aksin