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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Turkey & Ottoman Empire History in 2021

The Resistance Network: The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1918 by Mouradian, Khatchig
The Middle East and the Making of the Modern World by Schayegh
Between Empire and Nation: Muslim Reform in the Balkans by Methodieva, Milena B.
Working Out Desire: Women, Sport, and Self-Making in Istanbul by Sehlikoglu, Sertaç
Working Out Desire: Women, Sport, and Self-Making in Istanbul by Sehlikoglu, Sertaç
Ottoman Historical Documents: The Institutions of an Empire by Ménage, V. L.
Ottoman Historical Documents: The Institutions of an Empire by Ménage, V. L.
Hayâl & Hakİkât by Gönenli, Cemre Yesil
Competing Ideologies in the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic: Selected Writings of Islamist, Turkist, and Westernist Intellectuals by Seyhun, Ahmet
Albania: A Narrative Of Recent Travel. by Knight, Edward Frederick
Queer in Translation: Sexual Politics Under Neoliberal Islam by Savci, Evren
Queer in Translation: Sexual Politics Under Neoliberal Islam by Savci, Evren
The Serbian Revolution: 1804-1835 by Nerds, History
Between the Ottomans and the Entente: The First World War in the Syrian and Lebanese Diaspora, 1908-1925 by Fahrenthold, Stacy D.
كالأيتام في مأدبة اللئام by
The Ottoman Empire's Greatest Sultans: The Lives and Legacies of Osman I, Mehmed II, and Suleiman the Magnificent by Charles River
Migrating Texts: Circulating Translations Around the Ottoman Mediterranean by
Islam in Modern Turkey by Shively, Kim
The Politics of Armenian Migration to North America, 1885-1915: Migrants, Smugglers and Dubious Citizens by Gutman, David
Islam in Modern Turkey by Shively, Kim
Police Reform in Turkey: Human Security, Gender and State Violence Under Erdogan by Hulagu, Funda
Ertugrul Ghazi: A Very Short Biography by Vehapi, Flamur
Turkey: A Past Against History by Philliou, Christine M.
Turkey: A Past Against History by Philliou, Christine M.
How to Make a Wetland: Water and Moral Ecology in Turkey by Scaramelli, Caterina
How to Make a Wetland: Water and Moral Ecology in Turkey by Scaramelli, Caterina
Regime Change in Turkey: Neoliberal Authoritarianism, Islamism and Hegemony by
Knowing about Genocide: Armenian Suffering and Epistemic Struggles by Savelsberg, Joachim J.
Transforming Socio-Natures in Turkey: Landscapes, State and Environmental Movements by
The Armenians of Aintab: The Economics of Genocide in an Ottoman Province by Kurt, Ümit
The Decline of the Ottoman Empire and the Rise of the Turkish Republic: Observations of an American Diplomat, 1919-1927 by Özoğlu, Hakan
Freelonia'nın O'Halleri - BirGün Londra Yazıları by Sirkeci, İbrahim
A Hair's Breadth from Death by Chitjian, Hampartzoum Mardiros
Sea Change: Ottoman Textiles Between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean by Phillips, Amanda
Arming the Sultan: German Arms Trade and Personal Diplomacy in the Ottoman Empire Before World War I by Yorulmaz, Naci
Who Killed Panayot?: Reforming Ottoman Legal Culture in the 19th Century by Paz, Omri
The Balkan Peninsula by Fox, Frank
Turkish Kaleidoscope: Fractured Lives in a Time of Violence by White, Jenny
The Thirty-Year Genocide: Turkey's Destruction of Its Christian Minorities, 1894-1924 by Morris, Benny, Ze'evi, Dror
From the Anatolian Heartland to the Andean Mountains: An Account of Chilean-Turkish Diplomatic History, 1926-2018 by Kepenç, Yaman
Turkey's State Crisis: Institutions, Reform, and Conflict by Aras, Bülent
Ottoman Arcadia: The Hamidian Expedition to the Land of Tribal Roots by
Weaving the History: Mystery of a City, Sof by
Camera Ottomana: Photography and Modernity in the Ottoman Empire, 1840-1914 by
Capitalism in the Ottoman Balkans: Industrialisation and Modernity in Macedonia by Lapavitsas, Costas, Cakiroglu, Pinar
Late Ottoman Palestine: The Period of Young Turk Rule by Ben-Bassat, Yuval, Ginio, Eyal
Petitioning the Sultan: Protests and Justice in Late Ottoman Palestine by Ben-Bassat, Yuval
The War with Turkey, 1914-18----Volume 1: the Campaigns in Mesopotamia and the Dardanelles During the First World War by Buchan, John
The War with Turkey, 1914-18----Volume 1: the Campaigns in Mesopotamia and the Dardanelles During the First World War by Buchan, John
Erdoğan: The Making of an Autocrat by Yavuz, M. Hakan
Erdoğan: The Making of an Autocrat by Yavuz, M. Hakan
The Regency of Tunis, 1535-1666: Genesis of an Ottoman Province in the Maghreb by Blili, Leïla Temime
The Ethiopia Book of Travels by Gokkent, Giyas M.
A Brief History of Nirze Village of Gesaria by Khederian, Senekerim
My Dear Son Garabed: I Read Your Letter, I Cried, I Laughed - Kojaian Family Letters from Efkere Kayseri to America (1912-1919): I Read You by
Daybreak in Turkey Second Edition by L. Barton, James
Hungary Between Two Empires 1526-1711 by Pálffy, Géza
Hungary Between Two Empires 1526-1711 by Pálffy, Géza
Elegant Istanbul: Interesting Facts About Istanbul by Alfaro, Eddie
Winged Bull: The Extraordinary Life of Henry Layard, the Adventurer Who Discovered the Lost City of Nineveh by Pearce, Jeff
Age of Rogues: Rebels, Revolutionaries and Racketeers at the Frontiers of Empires by
Moral Crisis in the Ottoman Empire: Society, Politics, and Gender During Wwi by Oguz, Çigdem
Animals and the Environment in Turkish Culture: Ecocriticism and Transnational Literature by Fortuny, Kim
The Byzantine Harbours of Constantinople by
The Last Muslim Conquest: The Ottoman Empire and Its Wars in Europe by Ágoston, Gábor
A Spectrum of Unfreedom: Captives and Slaves in the Ottoman Empire by Peirce, Leslie
Journey in the Grand Sahara of Africa and Through Time by Gokkent, Giyas M.
Negacionismo del genocidio armenio: Una visión desde el presente by Boulgourdjian, Nélida Elena
Imagined Empires: Tracing Imperial Nationalism in Eastern and Southeastern Europe by
In the Time of the Sultans: Urban Chronicles From 19th Century Istanbul by Tzelepis, Panos N.
Deutschland Über Allah by F. Benson, E.
The Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Turkey by
Struggle Against Russia in the Romanian Principalities: A Problem in Anglo-Turkish Diplomacy, 1821-1854 by Florescu, Radu
The Dragoman Renaissance by Rothman, E. Natalie
Debar Śepatayim: An Ottoman Hebrew Chronicle from the Crimea (1683-1730). Written by Krymchak Rabbi David Lekhno by Ben-Naeh, Yaron, Shapira, Dan, Lekhno, David
Armenierinnen Und Armenier in Der Türkei: Postgenozidale Gesellschaft, Politik Und Geschichte by Suciyan, Talin
Betrayal of an Army: Mesopotamia 1914-1916 by Nash, N. S.
The War Between the Turks and the Persians: Conflict and Religion in the Safavid and Ottoman Worlds by Minadoi, Giovanni-Tommaso
The Circassians of Turkey: War, Violence and Nationalism from the Ottomans to Atatürk by Yelbasi, Caner
Piracy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Maritime Marauders in the Greek and Ottoman Aegean by Mylonakis, Leonidas
Celal Nuri: Young Turk Modernizer and Muslim Nationalist by Norman, York
Butterfly of the Night by Karataş, Haydar
The Ottoman and Mughal Empires: Social History in the Early Modern World by Faroqhi, Suraiya
The Kizilbash-Alevis in Ottoman Anatolia: Sufism, Politics and Community by Karakaya-Stump, Ayfer
Ottoman Sunnism: New Perspectives by
The Spiritual Vernacular of the Early Ottoman Frontier: The Yazıcıoğlu Family by Grenier, Carlos
God's Shadow: Sultan Selim, His Ottoman Empire, and the Making of the Modern World by Mikhail, Alan
Accidental Orientalists: Modern Italian Travelers in Ottoman Lands by Spackman, Barbara
Prisoner of the Infidels: The Memoir of an Ottoman Muslim in Seventeenth-Century Europe by Timisoara, Osman Of
The Russo-Turkish War: Including an Account of the Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Power and the History of the Eastern Question; 1 by
An Englishwoman in Angora. With Illus., Reproduced From the Author's Own Sketches and Photographs, and With a Cartoon by L. Raven Hill by Ellison, Grace Mary
Red Poppies and White Marble, a Journey on the Riviera of Antiquity; 0 by Flavin, Martin 1883-1967
The Scandalous Life of King Carol by Cartland, Barbara 1902-
Yugoslavia in Pictures by Nach, James
Constantinople: and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor; Volume 1 by Allom, Thomas 1804-1872
The Owl's Watchsong; a Study of Istanbul by
A History of Bulgaria, 1393-1885 by Macdermott, Mercia 1927-
A War Photographer in Thrace by Baldwin, Herbert F.
Nationalism and War in the Near East (by a Diplomatist) [microform] by Young, George 1872-1952
Constantinople of To-day. Translated From the French by Gautier, Théophile 1811-1872
Trouble Zone; Brewing Point of World War III? by Dennen, Leon 1906-
Truce in the Balkans by Barker, Elisabeth
Tito of Yugoslavia by
European Diplomacy in the Near Eastern Question: 1906-1909 by David, Wade Dewood 1895-
Red Poppies and White Marble, a Journey on the Riviera of Antiquity by Flavin, Martin 1883-1967
Eastern Europe in the Socialist World by Johnson, Hewlett 1874-1966
Trouble Zone; Brewing Point of World War III? by Dennen, Leon 1906-
Peoples' Democracies by
Red Poppies and White Marble, a Journey on the Riviera of Antiquity by Flavin, Martin 1883-1967
A Diplomatic History of Bulgaria, 1870-1886 by Hyde, Arthur May 1864-
The Rise of the Ottoman Empire by Wittek, Paul 1894-
The Italo-Turkish War and Its Bearing on the Triple Alliance by Greer, Donald Malcolme
The Italo-Yugoslav Boundary, a Study in Political Geography by
Constantinople Ancient and Modern: With Excursions to the Shores and Islands of the Archipelago and to the Troad by Mercati, Gaetano, Dallaway, James 1763-1834
The Scandalous Life of King Carol by Cartland, Barbara 1902-
The Lay of Kossovo: Serbia's Past and Present (1389-1917) by
The Iron Gate of Illyria by Sommelius, Torgny
The Soviet-Yugoslav Dispute; by Anonymous
A Szerb Felkelés Története, 1807-1810. Hátrahagyott Kézirataiból Kiadta Thallóczy Lajos; 2 by Kállay, Béni 1839-1903, Thallóczy, Ludwig Von 1854-
The Owl's Watchsong; a Study of Istanbul by
Hobart Pasha: Blockade-running, Slaver-hunting, and War and Sport in Turkey by Kephart, Horace 1862-1931
Turkey Production in California; E110 by
The Rise of the Ottoman Empire by Wittek, Paul 1894-
California Turkeys Situation and Outlook, 1948; C380 by
Hungary, Bulgaria & Rumania. by
The Birth of Yugoslavia; 1 by Baerlein, Henry 1875-1960
The Birth of Yugoslavia; 1 by Baerlein, Henry 1875-1960
Turkey Fertility; C472 by Lorenz, Frederick Wharton 1908-2010
The Turkey Tail [1962]; 1962 by
Eastern Europe in the Post-war World by Ripka, Hubert 1895-1958
Servia by the Servians by Stead, Alfred 1877-1933
European Diplomacy in the Near Eastern Question: 1906-1909 by David, Wade Dewood 1895-
The Struggle for Scutari (Turk, Slav, and Albanian) by Durham, Mary Edith 1863-1944
Turkey and the Balkan War; Envelope series: vol. 16, no. 1 by Greene, Joseph K.
Some Elements of East European History by Burks, Richard Voyles 1913-
Yugoslavia in Pictures by Nach, James
The Balkan War: Adventures of War With Cross and Crescent by Gibbs, Philip 1877-1962, Grant, Bernard
High Albania by Durham, Mary Edith 1863-1944
Turkey Raising in California; E58 by
Eastern Europe in the Post-war World by Ripka, Hubert 1895-1958
Pictures From the Balkans. by Fraser, John Foster
Trouble in the Balkans by
Turkish Nationalism and Western Civilization; Selected Essays by
Truce in the Balkans by Barker, Elisabeth
Tito of Yugoslavia by
A Szerb Felkelés Története, 1807-1810. Hátrahagyott Kézirataiból Kiadta Thallóczy Lajos; 2 by Kállay, Béni 1839-1903, Thallóczy, Ludwig Von 1854-
Turkish Nationalism and Western Civilization; Selected Essays by
Tito's Communism by Korbel, Josef
Byzantine Legacy by Stewart, Cecil
The Soviet-Yugoslav Dispute; by Anonymous
Pictures From the Balkans. by Fraser, John Foster
Alexander Von Battenberg by
Denials of Human Rights in Eastern Europe: 15 Years After the Adoption of the Universal Declaration by
Alexander Von Battenberg by
Eastern Europe in the Socialist World by Johnson, Hewlett 1874-1966
The Macedonian Problem and Its Proper Solution by Shoomkoff, Stanislav J., Chakaloff, George N.
Byzantine Legacy by Stewart, Cecil
The Struggle for Scutari (Turk, Slav, and Albanian) by Durham, Mary Edith 1863-1944
The Iron Gate of Illyria by Sommelius, Torgny
Hungary, Bulgaria & Rumania. by
Constantinople: and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor; Volume 2 by Allom, Thomas 1804-1872
Tito's Communism by Korbel, Josef
A History of Bulgaria, 1393-1885 by Macdermott, Mercia 1927-
The Italo-Yugoslav Boundary, a Study in Political Geography by
Agrarian Reform in Roumania and the Case of the Hungarian Optants in Transylvania Before the League of Nations by Anonymous
Turkey Production in California; E110 REV 1951 by
Greater Rumania: a Study in National Ideals by Mitrany, David 1888-
The Russo-Turkish War: Including an Account of the Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Power and the History of the Eastern Question; 1 by
Agrarian Reform in Roumania and the Case of the Hungarian Optants in Transylvania Before the League of Nations by Anonymous
The Boundary Between Turkey and the USSR by
The Turkey Tail [1948]; 1948 by
Servia by the Servians by Stead, Alfred 1877-1933
Red Poppies and White Marble, a Journey on the Riviera of Antiquity; 0 by Flavin, Martin 1883-1967
Constantinople: and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor; Volume 1 by Allom, Thomas 1804-1872
A Tour to the East, in the Years 1763 and 1764: With Remarks on the City of Constantinople and the Turks; Also Select Pieces of Oriental Wit, Poetry a by
Paddles and Politics Down the Danube [microform] by
The Balkan War: Adventures of War With Cross and Crescent by Gibbs, Philip 1877-1962, Grant, Bernard
Three Years in Turkey [electronic Resource]: the Journal of a Medical Mission to the Jews by Mason, John
Constantinople Ancient and Modern: With Excursions to the Shores and Islands of the Archipelago and to the Troad by Dallaway, James 1763-1834, Mercati, Gaetano
Ambassador Morgenthau's Story by Morgenthau, Henry
Uncle Sam in Turkey by Hartmann, Robert Trowbridge 1917-2008
The Present State of the Ottoman Empire: Containing the Maxims of the Turkish Politie, the Most Material Points of the Mahometan Religion, Their Sects by
High Albania by Durham, Mary Edith 1863-1944
A Diplomatic History of Bulgaria, 1870-1886 by Hyde, Arthur May 1864-
The Routledge Handbook of the Crimean War by
How the West Stole Democracy from the Arabs: The Syrian Congress of 1920 and the Destruction of Its Historic Liberal-Islamic Alliance by Thompson, Elizabeth F.
Children and Childhood in the Ottoman Empire: From the 15th to the 20th Century by
Migration from Turkey to Sweden: Integration, Belonging and Transnational Community by Levin, Paul T., Baser, Bahar
The Ottomans: Khans, Caesars, and Caliphs by Baer, Marc David
The Politics of Naming the Armenian Genocide: Language, History and 'Medz Yeghern' by Matiossian, Vartan
History of Tamerlane and His Successors by Metsobets'i, T'Ovma
Imperial Resilience: The Great War's End, Ottoman Longevity, and Incidental Nations by Kayali, Hasan
Imperial Resilience: The Great War's End, Ottoman Longevity, and Incidental Nations by Kayali, Hasan
The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey by
The Ottoman World: A Cultural History Reader, 1450-1700 by
The Ottoman World: A Cultural History Reader, 1450-1700 by
Remembering the Great War in the Middle East: From Turkey and Armenia to Australia and New Zealand by
The Medieval Turks: Collected Papers by Hillenbrand, Carole
Museums and Nationalism in Croatia, Hungary, and Turkey by Posocco, Lorenzo
European Revolutions and the Ottoman Balkans: Nationalism, Violence and Empire in the Long Nineteenth-Century by
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