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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Turkey & Ottoman Empire History in 2023

Kurds in Dark Times: New Perspectives on Violence and Resistance in Turkey by
Kurds in Dark Times: New Perspectives on Violence and Resistance in Turkey by
Greeks in Turkey: Elite Nationalism and Minority Politics in Late Ottoman and Early Republican Istanbul by Kamouzis, Dimitris
Who Killed Panayot?: Reforming Ottoman Legal Culture in the 19th Century by Paz, Omri
Modernization in the Late Ottoman Era: Periphery in the Heartlands by Arıkan, Fatma Melek
Taming the Messiah: The Formation of an Ottoman Political Public Sphere, 1600-1700 by Gurbuzel, Aslihan
Death and Life in the Ottoman Palace: Revelations of the Sultan Abdülhamid I Tomb by Scott Brookes, Douglas
Emotions in the Ottoman Empire: Politics, Society, and Family in the Early Modern Era by Tekgül, Nil
Turkey: Coping with Crisis by Harris, George S.
The Letters of Libanius from the Age of Theodosius by Moncur, David, Bradbury, Scott
Age of Rogues: Rebels, Revolutionaries and Racketeers at the Frontiers of Empires by
The Islamic-Byzantine Border in History: From the Rise of Islam to the End of the Crusades by
Piracy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Maritime Marauders in the Greek and Ottoman Aegean by Mylonakis, Leonidas
Researching Biology and Evolution in the Gulf States: Networks of Science in the Middle East by Determann, Jörg Matthias
Celal Nuri: Young Turk Modernizer and Muslim Nationalist by Norman, York
Women in the Ottoman Empire: A Social and Political History by Faroqhi, Suraiya
Women in the Ottoman Empire: A Social and Political History by Faroqhi, Suraiya
Democracy and Capitalism in Turkey: The State, Power, and Big Business by Yavuz, Devrim Adam
Peerless Among Princes: The Life and Times of Sultan Süleyman by Şahin, Kaya
A Continuity of Shari'a: Political Authority and Homicide in the Nineteenth Century by Wright, Brian
Beneath A Crescent Moon: An Ottoman Empire Novel by Macedonia, Mark
Beneath a Crescent Moon: An Ottoman Empire Novel by Macedonia, Mark
Political Violence in Turkey, 1975-1980: The State at Stake by Gourisse, Benjamin
The Decline of the Ottoman Empire and the Rise of the Turkish Republic: Observations of an American Diplomat, 1919-1927 by Özoğlu, Hakan
Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East by Podany, Amanda H.
Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East by Podany, Amanda H.
Crafting History: Essays on the Ottoman World and Beyond in Honor of Cemal Kafadar by
Histoire des Roumains et de leur civilisation by Iorga, Nicolae
Routledge Handbook on Turkish Literature by
An Archaeology of the Turkish War of Independence: Landscape and Time by Aksoy, Ömer Can
Arabs in Turkish Political Cartoons, 1876-1950 by Okyar, Ilkim Büke
Arabs in Turkish Political Cartoons, 1876-1950 by Okyar, Ilkim Büke
Chasing the Soft Underbelly: Turkey and the Second World War by Watson, John David
Turkey's Political Leaders: Authoritarian Tendencies in a Democratic State by Gümüş, Tezcan
Circumcision and Medicine in Modern Turkey by Basaran, Oyman
Mobility and Armenian Belonging in Contemporary Turkey: Migratory Routes and the Meaning of the Local by Öztürk, Salim Aykut
Remembering the Great War in the Middle East: From Turkey and Armenia to Australia and New Zealand by
Bedouin Bureaucrats: Mobility and Property in the Ottoman Empire by Barakat, Nora
Bedouin Bureaucrats: Mobility and Property in the Ottoman Empire by Barakat, Nora
The Mosul Incident of 1909: Its Sociopolitical, Judicial and Military Consequences by Sever, Nurkan
The Imperial School for Tribes: Educating the Provincial Elite in the Late Ottoman Empire by Neyzi, Mehmet Ali
Sides faszinierende Geschichte: Von den Hethitern bis zu den Osmanen by Aksoy-Özkan, Emine, Gebauer-Chambers, Konrad
Antalyas faszinierende Geschichte: Die Perle der Türkischen Riviera by Gebauer-Chambers, Konrad, Aksoy-Özkan, Emine
Revolt In The Desert by Lawrence, T. E.
Revolt In The Desert by Lawrence, T. E.
Placing Islam: Geographies of Connection in Twentieth-Century Istanbul Volume 4 by Hammond, Timur Warner
Ottoman Empire: The Sultan's Domain by Kingston, A. J.
Merchants on the Mediterranean: Ottoman-Dutch Trade in the Eighteenth Century by Vlami, Despina
Architectures of Emergency in Turkey: Heritage, Displacement and Catastrophe by
The Spiritual Vernacular of the Early Ottoman Frontier: The Yazıcıoğlu Family by Grenier, Carlos
Children and Childhood in the Ottoman Empire: From the 15th to the 20th Century by
The Accidental Palace: The Making of Yıldız in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul by Türker, Deniz
The Sivas Congress by Goloğlu, Mahmut
The Geopolitics of Region Building in the Black Sea: A Critical Examination by Tsantoulis, Yannis
Museums and Nationalism in Croatia, Hungary, and Turkey by Posocco, Lorenzo
The Routledge Handbook of the Crimean War by
Transimperial Anxieties: The Making and Unmaking of Arab Ottomans in São Paulo, Brazil, 1850-1940 by Najar, José D.
The Decline and Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire: From the Time of the Fourth Crusade to the Capture of Constantinople by Pears, Edwin
Göbekli Tepe: The History and Mystery of One of the World's Oldest Neolithic Sites by Charles River
Lebanon and Turkey: Historical Contexts and Contemporary Realities by Rabil, Robert G.
Lebanon and Turkey: Historical Contexts and Contemporary Realities by Rabil, Robert G.
Ataturk and Emperor Meiji of Japan, "Conversations in Heaven" by Kılıç, Ercüment
Middle Eastern and European Christianity, 16th-20th Century: Connected Histories by Heyberger, Bernard
The Politics of Education in Turkey: Islam, Neoliberalism and Gender by Emanet, Zühre
Ottoman Empire in Levant's War by Koçoglu, Akbas
Pulpit, Mosque and Nation: Turkish Friday Sermons as Text and Ritual by Özdalga, Elisabeth
The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey by
The Tcherkess And His Victim: Sketches Illustrative Of The Moral, Social, And Political Aspects Of Life In Constantinople by
Histoire De L'empire Ottoman: Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à Nos Jours, Volume 2... by Turkey
Turkey and the Eastern Question by MacDonald, John
Histoire de la Turquie by De Lamartine, Alphonse
Personal Recollections of Turkish Misrule and Corruption in Syria, by a Syrian by
The Destruction Of The Greek Empire And The Story Of The Capture Of Constantinople By The Turks by Pears, Edwin
The Partition Of Turkey An Indispensable Feature Of The Present Political Crisis by (Pseud )., Veritas
Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis, by T.a.B. Spratt and E. Forbes by Forbes, Edward, Spratt, Thomas Abel B.
The Destruction Of The Greek Empire And The Story Of The Capture Of Constantinople By The Turks by Pears, Edwin
Pamietniki janczara, czyli Kronika turecka Konstantego z Ostrowicy by Os, Jan, Mihajlovic, Konstantin
Historia General Del Imperio Otomano... by Anonymous
A Survey Of The Turkish Empire by Eton, William
État Présent De L'empire Ottoman: Statistique, Gouvernement, Administration, Finances, Armée, Communautés Non Musulmanes, Etc., Etc. D'après Le Salnâm by Ubicini, Abdolonyme, De Courteille, Abel Pavet
Constantinopel, Der Bosporus und die Dardanellen by Anonymous
Campaigns of Osman Sultans, Chiefly in Western Asia: From Bayezyd Ildirim to The Death of Murad The by Dale, Thomas Aquila
Ein Kleines Sündenregister Abdul-Hamid's II by Réfik, Mustafa
Geschichte Des Osmanischen Reiches; Volume 1 by Iorga, Nicolae
Germany, France, Russia, and Islam by Treitschke, Heinrich Von
La Turquie Et Le Tanzimât; Ou: Histoire Des Réformes Dans L'empire Ottoman Depuis 1826 Jusqu'à Nos Jours by Engelhardt, Ed
Turkey and Its Resources: Its Municipal Organization and Free Trade; the State and Prospects of English Commerce in the East; the New Administra by Urquhart, David
Corps De Droit Ottoman: Recueil Des Codes, Lois, Règlements, Ordonnances Et Actes Les Plus Importants Du Droit Intérieur, Et D'études Sur Le D by Young, George
Histoire De L'empire Othoman, Ou Se Voyent Les Causes De Son Aggrandissement Et De Sa Décadence, Volume 1... by Desmolets, Pierre-Nicolas, Joncquière, de, Cantemir, Dimitrie
Histoire De L'empire Ottoman, Volume 1... by Cantemir, Dimitrie
Martyred Armenia by El-Ghusein, Fâ'iz
Histoire De L'empire Ottoman: Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à Nos Jours, Volume 7... by Turkey
Des osmanischen Reichs Staatsverfassung und Staatsverwaltung. Zweyter Theil. by
L'empire De Turquie: Territoire, Population, Gouvernement, Finances, Industrie Agricole, Manufacturière Et Commerciale, Voies De Communicat by Heuschling, Xavier
Memorandum Presented by the Greek Members of the Turkish Parliament to the American Commission on Mandates Over Turkey by
Wild Life Among The Koords by Millingen, Frederick
Going to War in Greece; by Palmer, Frederick
History Of The Ottoman Turks: From The Beginning Of Their Empire To The Present Time; Volume 2 by Russia, Turkey
Ein Kleines Sündenregister Abdul-Hamid's II by Réfik, Mustafa
Personal Recollections of Turkish Misrule and Corruption in Syria, by a Syrian by
Armenia and the War by Hacobian, A. P.
Travels to and From Constantinople in the Years 1827 and 1828; Volume 2 by Frankland, Charles Colville
Unter Dem Halbmonde: Ein Bild Des Ottomanischen Reiches Und Seiner Völker by Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, Amand
Recueil Des Traités De La Porte Ottomane Avec Les Puissance Étrangères: Depuis Le Premier Traité Conclu, En 1536, Entre Suléyman I Et François I Jusqu by Testa, Ignaz, Testa, Alfred, Testa, Leopold
Constantinople: The City of the Sultans by Waters, Clara Erskine Clement
The Present State Of The Ottoman Empire: Containing A More Accurate And Interesting Account Of The Religion, Government, Military Est Ablishment ... O by Habesci, Elias
A Campaign With the Turks in Asia by Duncan, Charles
Letters On Turkey: An Account Of The Religious, Political, Social, And Commercial Condition Of The Ottoman Empire, The Reformed Instituti by Ubicini, Abdolonyme
Turkey and the Eastern Question by MacDonald, John
The Ottoman Empire Of The Twentieth Century by Cardashian, Vahan
Religion, Nationalism and Foreign Policy: Discursive Construction of New Turkey's Identity by Oran, Filiz Coban
Gifts in the Age of Empire: Ottoman-Safavid Cultural Exchange, 1500-1639 by Casale, Sinem Arcak
Osmanlı History and Institutions by Maksudoğlu, Mehmet
Osmanlı History and Institutions by Maksudoğlu, Mehmet
Emergence of Kurdish Nationalism by Bunch
The Ottoman Empire: The Story of the Rise and Fall of the Islamic Heir to Rome by History, Hourglass, Stanton, Patrick
Modern Arab Kingship: Remaking the Ottoman Political Order in the Interwar Middle East by Mestyan, Adam
After the Ottomans: Genocide's Long Shadow and Armenian Resilience by
Mysteries of Ancient Anatolia: Hittites, Phrygians, and Lydians by Rivera, Sophie
Remnants: Embodied Archives of the Armenian Genocide by Semerdjian, Elyse
Ottoman Armies 1820-1914 by Esposito, Gabriele
Remnants: Embodied Archives of the Armenian Genocide by Semerdjian, Elyse
The Battle of Megiddo: Palestine 1918 by Osborne, Eric W.
Theoretical Approaches to Turkish Foreign Policy by
States of Cultivation: Imperial Transition and Scientific Agriculture in the Eastern Mediterranean by Williams, Elizabeth R.
Anti-Veiling Campaigns in Turkey: State, Society and Gender in the Early Republic by Adak, Sevgi
Representing Modern Istanbul: Urban History and International Institutions in Twentieth Century Beyoglu by Maessen, Enno
Non-Sunni Muslims in the Late Ottoman Empire: State and Missionary Perceptions of the Alawis by Alkan, Necati
The Ottoman Empire: A Legacy of Power and Culture by K. M., Maria
The Last Muslim Conquest: The Ottoman Empire and Its Wars in Europe by Ágoston, Gábor
The Ottoman Empire: The History of the Turkish Empire that Lasted Over 600 Years by
Nizam-I Cedid: New order Army infantry & artillery 1792 till 1807 (Turkish Army) by Flaherty, Chris
Secrets of the Bosphorus by Morgenthau, Henry
A Companion to Modern Turkey's Centennial: Political, Sociological, Economic and Institutional Transformations Since 1923 by
Empowering Housewives in Southeast Turkey: Gender, State and Development by Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
Relocating to Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide by Jones, William
Reviving Empires: Rome to Constantinople by Bird, William C.
The End of Ottoman Rule in Bosnia: Conflicting Agencies and Imperial Appropriations by Grandits, Hannes
Erdoğan's Turkey: Islamism, Identity and Memory by
Crafting Turkish National Identity, 1919-1927: A Rhetorical Approach by Morin, Aysel
Critical Approaches to Genocide: History, Politics and Aesthetics of 1915 by
Tiflî Hikâyeleri by Sayers, David Selim
The Mother, the Politician, and the Guerrilla: Women's Political Imagination in the Kurdish Movement by Üstündağ, Nazan
The Mother, the Politician, and the Guerrilla: Women's Political Imagination in the Kurdish Movement by Üstündağ, Nazan
Erdoğan: A Graphic Biography: The Rise of Turkey's Modern Autocrat by Dündar, Can
The Ottomans: Khans, Caesars, and Caliphs by Baer, Marc David
A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments by
Ottoman Passports: Security and Geographic Mobility, 1876-1908 by Yilmaz, Ilkay
Ottoman Passports: Security and Geographic Mobility, 1876-1908 by Yilmaz, Ilkay
Neoliberalism and Global Insecurities: Thinking Resilience/Resistance in Turkey by
Sultan Mehmed: the conqueror by Seddiq, Mariam
Land and Legal Texts in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire: Harmonization, Property Rights and Sovereignty by Taylor, Malissa
Atatürk: Father of the Republic of Turkey by Gawrych, George W.
Turkish Treasures: The Journey of Coffee in Turkey: Exploring the Turkish Coffee Tradition by Aromano, Maxwell J.
Communications in Turkey and the Ottoman Empire: A Critical History by Çelik, Burçe
Communications in Turkey and the Ottoman Empire: A Critical History by Çelik, Burçe
Heritage and Identity in the Turkic World: Contemporary Scholarship in Memory of Ilse Laude-Cirtautas (1926-2019) by
Outcasting Armenians: Tanzimat of the Provinces by Suciyan, Talin
Outcasting Armenians: Tanzimat of the Provinces by Suciyan, Talin
Late 18th Century Turkish Cavalry by Flaherty, Chris
The Rise of Turkey: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ by Yazici, Ahmet
Back to Istanbul: On Foot Across Europe to the Great Silk Road by Ollivier, Bernard, Flatet, Bénédicte
The Lion House: The Coming of a King by Bellaigue, Christopher de
Spatial Politics in Istanbul: Turning Points in Contemporary Turkey by Dorroll, Philip, Dorroll, Courtney
From Canaan to Today: A Comprehensive Exploration Of Palestinian History by Mechlore, Rafeal
The Kings of Algiers: How Two Jewish Families Shaped the Mediterranean World During the Napoleonic Wars and Beyond by Kalman, Julie
The Alevis in Modern Turkey and the Diaspora: Recognition, Mobilisation and Transformation by
From Rumi to the Whirling Dervishes: Music, Poetry, and Mysticism in the Ottoman Empire by Feldman, Walter
The Rise of the Western Armenian Diaspora in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire: From Refugee Crisis to Renaissance in the 17th Century by Shapiro, Henry R.
The History of Turkey: Grandeur and Grievance by Reinkowski, Maurus
The History of Turkey: Grandeur and Grievance by Reinkowski, Maurus
Narrating Heritage: Rights, Abuses and Cultural Resistance by Apaydin, Veysel
The Armenian Social Democrat Hnchakian Party: Politics, Ideology and Transnational History by
A Military History of the Modern Middle East by McNabb, James Brian
In Chanak with the British Army: Some impressions by Z.
The Afterlife of Ottoman Europe: Muslims in Habsburg Bosnia Herzegovina by Amzi-Erdogdular, Leyla
Role of Women in Turkish Politics by Ackermann, Isabell J. Ackermann
My Life and Times by Hamlin, Cyrus
Among the Turks by Hamlin, Cyrus
Istanbul: An Islamic History Guide by Akhter, Muhammad Wajid
El Imperio otomano: Una guía apasionante de una de las dinastías más poderosas y longevas de la historia mundial by Wellman, Billy
Constantinople by Gautier, Théophile
Round About the Carpathians by Crosse, Andrew F.
Documenting Ancient Sagalassos: A Guide to Archaeological Methods and Concepts by
Fifty Years in Constantinople: And Recollections of Robert College by Washburn, George
Captives of the Crescent by Vento, Anthony T.
Late Ottoman Empire: Freedom, Justice, and Slavery: Freedom, Justice, and Slavery Addie J. by Hull, Addie J.
Turkey Through the Ages: A Concise Guide by Miller-Yianni, Martin