• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

UFOs & Extraterrestrials in 2005

Allies of Humanity Book Two: Human Unity, Freedom and the Hidden Reality of Contact by Summers, Marshall Vian
Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth by Bishop, Greg
Forbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization by
UFO Crash in Brazil: A Genuine UFO Crash with Surviving ETs by Leir, Roger K.
UFO Crash in Brazil by Leir, Roger K.
The Essenes: Children of the Light by Wilso, Stuart
Cracks in the Great Wall: UFOs and Traditional Metaphysics by Upton, Charles
The Chillicothe UFO Chronicles Contact 2005 by Hammond, Timothy L.
Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story by Redfern, Nick
Hair of the Alien: DNA and Other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abductions by Chalker, Bill
Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection by Luckman, Michael
Top Secret/Majic: Operation Majestic-12 and the United States Government's UFO Cover-Up by Friedman, Stanton T.
Invisible Residents: The Reality of Underwater UFOs by Sanderson, Ivan T.
The Bridges of Avalon: Science, Spirit, and the Quest for Unity by Reiter, Nicholas A.
The Rising of the Moon by Downes, Jonathan
Ufology: A Very Short Introduction by Dorio, Mark
The Flying Saucers Are Real by Keyhoe, Donald
The Pine Bush Phenomenon by Polise, Vincent
Morning Glory Diary of an Alien Abductee by Hawker, Gloria Ann
The Aliens and the Scalpel by Leir, Roger K.
Glossary Of Occult And Yoga Terms by Vivekananda, Swami
Q.B.L. Or The Bride's Reception: Being A Short Cabalistic Treatise On The Nature And Use Of The Tree Of Life by Achad, Frater
The Influence Of The Extraterrestrial Cosmos On Human Consciousness by Steiner, Rudolf
In Alien Heat: The Warminster Mystery Revisited by Dewey, Steve, Ries, John
New Tabular Evidence of a Monument in Harmony with the Universe: A Sourcebook on Nature's Numbers for Artists & Architects by Turbeville, Joseph