• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

UFOs & Extraterrestrials in 2015

The Galactic Times: An Illusory eZine from Other Worlds: Volume 1 by
UFOs: Key To Inner Perfection by Brinkerhoff, Marc, Robbins, Shawn, Beckley, Timothy Green
Strange Skies, Strange Eyes by Allan, Brian
The Wanderer: A Soul's Journey by Anderson, Don
Danger from the skies by Bryant, David
Death on Mars: The Discovery of a Planetary Nuclear Massacre by Brandenburg Phd, John E.
Alien Angels: The Seraphic Transcripts by Omura, Richard S.
Ancient Aliens and Secret Societies by Bara, Mike
Anonymous: A Former CIA Agent comes out of the Shadows to Brief the White House about UFOs by Garner, C. Ronald
History of a Mystery: Fifty Years of the Warminster Thing by Dewey, Steve, Goodman, Kevin
The Children of R: Plans From Beyond the Earth Plane by 1. 3. 0., Ranald
Deadly UFOs And The Disappeared by Shelsky, Rob
The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe?: Should I Believe? by Davis, Robert
UFOs Over Long Island, New York by Flammer, Joseph
Encounter in Rendlesham Forest: The Inside Story of the World's Best-Documented UFO Incident by Burroughs, John, Penniston, Jim, Pope, Nick
Contact Aliens Within 30 Days. A 2015 How to Guide for Positive, Passionate and Loving People Wishing to Contribute to Extraterrestrial Communities by S, Manu
Are the Planets Inhabited? by Maunder, E. Walter
Alien Encounters and the Paranormal: The Scottish Experience by Hennessey, Andrew
The UFO Repeaters - Seeing Is Believing - The Camera Doesn't Lie by Casteel, Sean, Swartz, Tim, Corrales, Scott
Uncommon American Housewife: Finding Your Connection To the Universe by Heindl, Paula
UFOs Over Nevada: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Silver State by Dennett, Preston
UFOs Over South Carolina by Carmichael, Sherman
To Think Without Fear by Duncan, Anthony
Haunted Skies Volume 11 by Hanson, John, Holloway, Dawn
All The God We Cannot See: Why There Is God by Oputa, Sam
UFO's (The Reality): "We are not alone" by Calderwood, William
Sensual Alien Encounters by Hudnall, Ken
Aliens, Abductions and Other Curious Encounters: Contact with E.T.S and Other Worlds by Koch, Jo Ann
UFO Hunters Book One by Birnes, William J.
A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch by Cutchin, Joshua
Our Forbidden Moon by Bryant, David
Paracon Australia Magazine by
Unknown Visitors by Lovil, Jd
Cluster: Cluster Failure Phenomenon and Other Paranormal Aviation Events by Plainman37
The Alien and Me by McMullen, Rose
Defendámonos de los dioses by Freixedo, Salvador
Secret History: Conspiracies from Ancient Aliens to the New World Order by Redfern, Nick
The Moon That Hides a Secret by Lewis, Simon
The Moon That Hides a Secret by Lewis, Simon
The Best of Roswell: from the files of FATE magazine by Edwards, Frank, Friedman, Stanton, Clark, Jerome
UFO Politics at the White House by Bryant, Larry W.
Revelations at Bridgeport: A Message for Mankind by Brown, Paul
Check This Out: A Brief Look at World Mysteries and Rarely Told Histories by Gooden, B. S. Amon
Monster Hunters: On the Trail with Ghost Hunters, Bigfooters, Ufologists, and Other Paranormal Investigators by Krulos, Tea
Strange Company: Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II by Chester, Keith
Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact by Vallee, Jacques
Uninvited Companions by Bryant, David
The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO Influence on the Human Race by Vallee, Jacques
Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception by Vallee, Jacques
Operation Trojan Horse: The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs by Keel, John
Actual Alien Abduction Accounts by Jensen, Kurt
Aliens Answer II: Continuing Interviews With Non-Earth Beings by Reichmuth, Steven, Barr, Mary
My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth: Volume I by Webre, Alfred Lambremont
Ovni: Expediente Oficial: 10 incidentes reales que transformarán tu opinión sobre el fenómeno by Bescós, Manuel
Close Encounters of the Naked Kind: A Play in Three Acts by Ziegler, Daniel D.
Faeries, Angels, Indians and Aliens II by Haire Ph. D., Rex Patrick
Simply Wisdom and Love: Venusian Spirituality by Schaefer, Anja, Onec, Omnec
The Galactic Council by Council, Galactic, MacKenzie, R.
Living Among Us by Palmer, Lucy
Alien Interview by Spencer, Lawrence R.
Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood's UFO Movies by Graham, Robbie
UFO Do They Exist?: Are Aliens From Space Coming To Earth? by Uvyn, Roger F.
Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us by Redfern, Nick
Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event by Ouellet, Eric
A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch by Cutchin, Joshua
Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania's Unknown Creatures, Casebook 3 by Gordon, Stan
Gateway of the Gods: An Investigation of Fallen Angels, the Nephilim, Alchemy, Climate Change, and the Secret Destiny of the Human Race by Hines, Craig
Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity by Jacobs Phd, David M.
How To Request A UFO Contact by Mortimer, Nigel
Priorities for a Planet in Transition - The Space Brothers' Case for Justice and Freedom by Aartsen, Gerard
Mojave Incident: Inspired by a Chilling Story of Alien Abduction by Felber, Ron
Secrets of Dulce by Hudnall, Ken
The Book of the Damned by Fort, Charles
Inception by Tazkuvel, Embrosewyn
Inception by Tazkuvel, Embrosewyn
Venusian Health Magic and Venusian Secret Science: Direct Communications From The Space Brothers - Two Classic Books in One - Updated by
Return to Magonia: Investigating UFOs in History by Aubeck, Chris, Shough, Martin
Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee by Lacy, Byron W.
En contact avec des forces cosmiques extra-terrestres by Bonnet, Jean-Pierre
Book of Star Transmissions by Almine
Sedona City of the Star People: Court of the King of the World by Pinkham, Mark
Anjos do Cosmos: Minha viagem espiritual a bordo de uma nave espacial vivente by Murata, Masao
Einfach Weisheit und Liebe: Venusische Spiritualität by Onec, Omnec, Schäfer, Anja
The 10th Demon: Children of the Bloodstone by Hennigan, Bruce
The Omniverse: Transdimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, the Afterlife, and the Secret Colony on Mars by Webre, Alfred Lambremont
¿Captó SETI señales de radio alienígenas de la estrella KIC 8462852?: Todo en esta crónica veraz by Schmidt, Max R.
Energetic Transmissions Through Spirit Photography 2nd Edition: Energetic Transmission Through Spirit Photography 2nd Edition by Lopez, Donna J.
The History of Strange Phenomena. 1800 to 1900 by Mitrovic, George
Ark of God: The Incredible Power of the Ark of the Covenant by Childress, David
Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries by
Area 51: The Most Secretive Government Conspiracy of Our Times to Cover UFO and Alien Encounters by Janniro, Mark
Meet the Hybrids: The Lives and Missions of ET Ambassadors on Earth by Lamb, Barbara, Mendonca, Miguel
Faeries Angels Indians and Aliens Volume 3 2nd Edition by Haire Ph. D., Rex Patrick
Intelligent Mars I: Sacred Geometry of the Mountains. Did Da Vinci Know? by Beaubien, Arthur Raymond
The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community by Brewer, Jack
UFO Secrets: Why Governments and Institutions Don't Want You to Know About the Unexplained Phenomena of UFOS and Aliens by Janniro, Mark
Reality: Escape from Planet Earth by Brumfield, Michael