• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

UFOs & Extraterrestrials in 2018

Conversaciones con el Coronel Corso: Memorias personales y album de fotos by Harris, Paola Leopizzi
Five Seconds: Fvsc by Van Zeist, John
Silent Whispers: What One Thinks is Crazy, Another Knows is True by Urbanek, Tami
Erks Il Raggio Azzurro della Coscienza Cosmica by Sambrotta, Alessandra
Platillos voladores: La misteriosa historia del fenómeno OVNI by Charles River
Platillos voladores: La misteriosa historia del fenómeno OVNI by Charles River
Roswell: The History of America's Most Famous UFO Incident by Whitehurst, Marshall, Charles River
Yikes!: Face To Face: An exercise in "Stream of Conciousness Art" by Weiner, Jack a.
Crop Circles 2017: Extraterrestrial Knowledge by Frew, Andrew G.
The Road to Strange: UFOs, Aliens and High Strangeness by Brein, Michael, Guiley, Rosemary Ellen
The Third Explanation: The scientific case for the alien origins of the human race by Noble, Brian J.
Crop Circles 2016: Extraterrestrial Communications by Frew, Andrew G.
The Welsh Triangle Revisited by Paget, Peter
El Modelo Perfecto: Pocket by Estelar, Enrique
The October Scenario: UFO Abductions, Theories About Them and a Prediction of When They Will Return by Randle, Kevin D.
La Irlanda Extraña: Una Historia de Misterios Antiguos, Folklore Fantástico y Leyendas Urbanas a Través de la Isla Esmeralda by Charles River
La Irlanda Extraña: Una Historia de Misterios Antiguos, Folklore Fantástico y Leyendas Urbanas a Través de la Isla Esmeralda by Charles River
Crop Circles 2015: Extraterrestrial Cosmology by Frew, Andrew G.
The Roswell Crash: The History of America's Most Famous Conspiracy Theory by Charles River
Fatima: Wozu braucht Gott Fluggeräte? by Aries, Judas
UFO Drawings from the National Archives by Clarke, David
Undersea UFO Base: An In-Depth Investigation of USOs in the Santa Catalina Channel by Dennett, Preston
Crop Circles 2014: Extraterrestrial Signs by Frew, Andrew Gordon
Incident at Devils Den, a true story by Terry Lovelace, Esq. by Lovelace Esq, Terry
The Phoenix Lights- Petroglyphsinthesky (Landscapes for the Spirits): The True Stories, Myths, Legends & UFOs over Phoenix, Arizona Vol. 1 by Woolwine, Jeff
The Phoenix Lights- Petroglyphsinthesky (Landscapes for the Spirits): The True Stories, Myths, Legends & UFOs over Phoenix, Arizona Vol. 1 by Woolwine, Jeff
FRED and the Quantum Projector in Pictures (black and white) by Repasky, Tom
Prisoner of Infinity: Social Engineering, Ufos, and the Psychology of Fragmentation by Horsley, Jasun
Taken + Into The Fringe: The Dr Karla Turner Bundle: The Revised Karla Turner Works by Turner Phd, Karla
Control: Mkultra, Chemtrails and the Conspiracy to Suppress the Masses by Redfern, Nick
The Portals of Sedona by Wonning, Gary
The Top-Ten UFO Riddles: Solutions from Science by Alzofon, Frederick, Alzofon, David
Only Human After The Storm by Myers, Greg
Creation: Its History, Explosive Evolution, and ET Arrivals on Earth: Earth's Future With ETs, Physical Evolution, Dimensions, M by Anaya, Diana Ramirez, Essex, Jay Arae
UFO Hostilities And The Evil Alien Agenda: Lethal Encounters With Ultra-Terrestrials Exposed by McDonald, James, Fawcett, George D., Casteel, Sean
Acknowledged Book Two: The Close Encounter Story Book by Krets, Topsy
Guia Definitiva del Desplome de Ovni en Roswell: Visitando los Sitios Mas Importantes del Famoso Incidente Roswell by Lemay, John
Acknowledged Book Four: The UFO Bombshell by Krets, Topsy
Ultimate Guide To the Roswell UFO Crash, 3rd Edition: How to Visit All of Roswell's Mysterious UFO Landmarks by Lemay, John
Aurora: Spaceship Crash in an Old West Town: A Play for the Stage by Torres, Noe
Haunted Hills and Hollows: What Lurks in Greene County, Pennsylvania by Guiley, Rosemary Ellen, Paul, Kevin
Return of the Archons: Investigations into the High Weirdness of Alien Intrusion and the Indigenous Mind by Heart, Jack
Acknowledged Book Six: The Interdimensional Hypothesis by Krets, Topsy
Acknowledged Book Five: UFO Disclosure by Krets, Topsy
Shadows of Deception: A groundbreaking investigation about Ufos, Ets and Alien Abductions by Petretto, Valerio
Men in Black: Evidence and True Stories about Earth's Most Mysterious Cover Agents by Bauer, Conrad
Skinwalker Ranch: Facing the Unknown Force that Haunts the Uinta Basin by Bauer, Conrad
Das Prinzip von Q'uo (2. Januar 2016): Über das unnachgiebige Verlangen nach Ablenkung, Anonymität und Schlaf by McCarty, Jim, Blumenthal, Jochen
Das Prinzip von Q'uo (16. Januar 2016): Die reibungslose Aktivierung by McCarty, Jim, Blumenthal, Jochen
Das Prinzip von Q'uo (20. Februar 2016) by McCarty, Jim, Blumenthal, Jochen
Das Prinzip von Q'uo (6. Februar 2016): Zur Ernte auf Planet Erde by Blumenthal, Jochen, McCarty, Jim
Das Prinzip von Q'uo (16. April 2016): Über die metaphysische Dynamik von Liebe - in Zeit/Raum und Raum/Zeit by Blumenthal, Jochen, McCarty, Jim
Das Prinzip von Q'uo (26. März 2016): Liebe und Weisheit by McCarty, Jim, Blumenthal, Jochen
Das Prinzip von Q'uo (2. April 2016): Selbst-Integration und Vervollständigung by McCarty, Jim, Blumenthal, Jochen
Das Prinzip von Q'uo (7. Mai 2016): Leid - akzeptieren oder ändern? by McCarty, Jim, Blumenthal, Jochen
UFO UK, Updated 2018 by Paget, Peter
We Are the Disclosure: A People's History of the Extraterrestrial Field by Mendonca, Miguel
L'Anti-Terre by Laigle, Jean
The Equations of Life: How Physics Shapes Evolution by Cockell, Charles S.
Intervenciones Misteriosas by Alfaro, Victor M.
Intervenciones Misteriosas by Alfaro, Victor M.
UFO Cases of Interest: 2018 Edition by Marsh, Roger
One Life, Many Worlds: My Journeys Through the Heavens and Hells of Extraterrestrial Worlds. by Okah, Julliena
Aware 27 by Yustein, Tony
Ufo's and Ghosts Are Real; My Paranormal Experiences. by Chase, Frank
Ancient Astronauts: Discerning Facts from Myths by Bauer, Conrad
The Vimana: Classic UFO Collection 1954-1955: Official Publication of the Detroit Flying Saucer Club by Maday, Henry, Tenney, John E. L.
Fake Aliens and The Phony Nuke World Order by Smith, Simon Charles
Ufologia: UMA CIÊNCIA PARA CONHECER E DIFUNDIR: A Influência do Fator Extraterrestre na Humanidade by Serra, Pedro
Chariots of the Gods: 50th Anniversary Edition by Von Daniken, Erich
Not from Here: Selected UFO Articles, Volume 3 by Dennett, Preston
Our Ancestors From The Stars by Rye, June
The Legacy of 1952: Year of the UFO by Maccabee Ph. D., Bruce
Punk Rock and UFOs: True Believers by Damante, Mike
UFO 1: A quest to understand one of the world's greatest mysteries by Nicholas, Augustus
A CE-5 Handbook: An Easy-To-Use Guide to Help You Contact Extraterrestrial Life by Hatch, Cielia, Koprowski, Mark
Authenticating the George Adamski Case: The Desert Center Investigation: A Companion to the Book "We Are Here!" by Zirger, Michel
Star Beings: Their Mission and Prophecy by Lewis, Betsey
Abducted: Revealed Secrets About Alien Abductions by Jaffery, Adrienne
Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader, Volume 1 by D'Arc, Joan, Hidell, Al
The Book of the Damned: The Mysteries of UFOs, People Disappearances, Mythic Creatures and Anomalous Unexplained Phenomena and Experiences, Co by Fort, Charles
The Book of the Damned: The Mysteries of UFOs, People Disappearances, Mythic Creatures and Anomalous Unexplained Phenomena and Experiences, Co by Fort, Charles
Nikola Tesla Journey to Mars Update: Exposing the Existence of the Secret Space Program by Swartz, Tim R., X, Commander
The real story of the Mid-West UFOs: UFOs, lies and a Government cover-up by MacGregor, Steve
Inviting Et by Otter, White, Walker, Su
No Return: The Gerry Irwin Story, UFO Abduction or Covert Operation? by Booher, David
You Have the Right to Talk to Aliens by Tok, Sev
Reality Denied: Firsthand Experiences with Things that Can't Happen - But Did by Alexander, John
Bump in the Night by MacGregor, Rob
Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy by Swann, Ingo
Ancient Aliens & JFK: The Race to the Moon and the Kennedy Assassination by Bara, Mike
Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy by Swann, Ingo
Close Encounters: Volume One: The Abduction Cases of Betty & Barney Hill, Travis Walton, and Antonio Villas-Boas by Murphy, Duncan
Roswell Incident Exposed by Doss, Jason M.
Roswell Incident Exposed by Doss, Jason M.
Screwed By The Aliens: True Sexual Encounters With ETs by Greenfield, Allen, Casteel, Sean, Steiger, Brad
Alien Contact: : Paradigm Shift by Tyler, Derek
Reign of the Anunnaki: The Alien Manipulation of Our Spiritual Destiny by Sigdell, Jan Erik
Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials: The Real War of the Worlds by Joseph, Frank
Extra-Terrestrial Contact & Cultural Competency: A field guide for effective communication with off-world visitors by Heart, Jack
Prioridades para un planeta en transición: Los Hermanos del Espacio por la Justicia y la Libertad by Aartsen, Gerard
Is Someone on the Moon? by Hudnall, Ken
Channeled Messages from Deep Space: Wisdom for a Changing World by Dooley, Mike, Farquhar, Tracy
Stepping Out Of Eden by Rita Louise
Aliens: The Strange Truth by Sanders, Bob
UFOs and the ET Presence by
The Alien Abduction Storybook Bible: An Illustrated Collection of CE4 Events from Ancient History to Present by Shields, Joseph S.
Flying Saucers From Beyond the Earth: A UFO Researcher's Odyssey by Lore, Gordon
Flying Saucers From Beyond the Earth: A UFO Researcher's Odyssey (hardback) by Lore, Gordon
Intervention by Hudnall, Ken
The Dag Dagol: Jonah and the Whale by O'Rouke, Pat
Mack Maloney's Haunted Universe by Maloney, Mack
Portals to alternative worlds and travel through space and time by Medler, Alex
Breaking Through the Barrier of Time: Tales of Those Who Have Entertained Visions, Visionaries, and Visitors from the Future by Bauer, Conrad
It Never Happened, Volume 1: U.S. Air Force UFO Cover-up Revealed by Schindele, David D.
The Cosmic Code by Sitchin, Zecharia
On a collision route with God by L, Gabriel
Godsetti Revelation #1: A Message to Humanity from the Extraterrestrial by Martin, Denis Lola
Godsetti Revelation #4: A Message to Humanity from the Extraterrestrial by Martin, Denis Lola
Godsetti Revelation - Second Edition: A Message to Humanity from the Extraterrestrial by Lola Martin, Denis
The Omega Epiphanies by Roberts, A. R.
The Omega Epiphanies by Roberts, A. R.
Contact With Space: Oranur; Second Report 1951 - 1956 by Reich, Wilhelm
Godsetti Revelation #5: A Message to Humanity from the Extraterrestrial by Martin, Denis Lola
The Unexplained by Davis, W. G.
Top Secret Alien Abduction Files: What the Government Doesn't Want You to Know by Redfern, Nick
Alien Blood Lust: Are There Vampires in Space? by Beckley, Timothy Green, Casteel, Sean, Swartz, Tim R.
Pitch Black Outer Space: The Extraterrestrial with Us by Lola Martin, Denis
The Alien Plan for Earth by Donovan, Tim
Unknown Objects: The Top Ten U.S. UFO Cases by Broida, Jean
Godsetti Revelation #6: A Message to Humanity from the Extraterrestrial by Lola Martin, Denis
Golden Age of Godsetti #5: The Extraterrestrial with Us. by Lola Martin, Denis
Golden Age of Godsetti #6: The Extraterrestrial with Us. by Lola Martin, Denis
Golden Age of Godsetti #10: The Extraterrestrial with Us. by Lola Martin, Denis
Godsetti Revelation #10: A Message to Humanity from the Extraterrestrial by Lola Martin, Denis
Close Encounters: Volume Two: The Abduction Cases of Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker, Scott & Wendy Longley, Linda Cortile, Betty Andrea by Murphy, Duncan
Pitch Black Outer Space # 6: The Intelligent Designer of Humanity and the Universe by Lola Martin, Denis
Pitch Black Outer Space #7: The Intelligent Designer of Humanity and the Universe by Lola Martin, Denis
Pitch Black Outer Space. #8: The Intelligent Designer of Humanity and the Universe by Lola Martin, Denis
Pitch Black Outer Space #9: The Intelligent Designer of Humanity and the Universe by Lola Martin, Denis
Golden Age of Godsetti. #8: The Extraterrestrial with Us. by Lola Martin, Denis
Golden Age of Godsetti #3: The Extraterrestrial with Us. by Lola Martin, Denis
The End of Days: Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return by Sitchin, Zecharia
God Is a Machine by Fattal, Sebastian
HAUNTED SKIES Preserving the social History of UFO Research: Volume 4 1976-1977 by Victoria Jane Hyde
Original Thought: The Real Story by Repasky, Tom
Breakthrough On The Red Planet: First Edition by Creighton, Ben
Colorado UFOs by Estep, Richard
The Galactic Earth Council: Reintegration of Earth Kin and Star Kin by Star, Celestine
Roswell Redeemed: Humanity After Disclosure by Emlyn-Jones, Ben
Darker Stars: New Evidence: The Scope of Our Growing Solar System, Planet X, Invsible Planetoids, Gas Giants, Comets, Planet Nine, and More... by Lloyd, Andy
¿Hay Extraterrestres? by Juan Moisés de la Serna
The Identity of God: The Search for and Identification of God Through Ancient Texts by Sortino, Jeffery L.
Strange Craft: The True Story of An Air Force Intelligence Officer's Life with UFOs by Guerra, John L.
Amazing UFO Encounters of North America by Mitrovic, George