• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

UFOs & Extraterrestrials in 2019

UFO and Paranormal Activity on the Old Titus Dairy Farm: 1963 - 2018 by Coleman, Yochana
Area 51: The Revealing Truth of Ufos, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups & Conspiracies by Redfern, Nick
When They Appeared: Falcon Lake 1967: The inside story of a close encounter by Rutkowski, Chris, Michalak, Stan
Borderland Phenomena Volume One: Spontaneous Combustion, Poltergeistry and Anomalous Lights by Proud, Louis
Project Blue Book: Exposed by Randle, Kevin
UFO Contact by Nicolazzo, Aurelio
El Camino a Pascagoula: Un Viaje de Investigación - 1981 by Panagiotakis, Stefanos
Inner Journey in Outer Space by Martin, Sebastien
Area 51: What They Don't Want You to Know by Watson, Steve
Project Blue Book: The Top Secret UFO Files That Revealed a Government Cover-Up by Steiger, Brad
The Healing Power of UFOs: 300 True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials by Dennett, Preston
Expansion Packed: Induction Into the Age of Contact by Mason, Robert James
The Higher Cause: Induction - Into the Age of Contact by Mason, Robert James
The Higher Cause: Induction Into the Age of Contact by Mason, Robert James
The Higher Cause: Induction Into the Age of Contact by Mason, Robert James
Intelligent Mars II: Code of the Craters by Beaubien, Arthur R.
American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology by Pasulka, D. W.
Near Miss by Martinez, Bobby Lee
Pitch Black Outer Space - 11.11: The Intelligent Designer of Humanity and the Universe by Lola Martin, Denis
Contacto OVNI en Pascagoula by Hickson, Charles, Mendez, William
Alien Game Changer: Humans and Aliens Communicate by Barr, Mary A.
Opening the Closed Door: A Psychologist Shares Four Fascinating Cases by Fiore, Edith, Fiore, Edith a.
Taking Control by Gardner, Pearl
OVNIs Más Allá de la Escena: Dispersando la Niebla de la Sospecha by Aartsen, Gerard
Acknowledged: A Perspective on the Matters of UFOs, Aliens and Crop Circles by Johnson, Andrew
Érase Una Vez Un Tiempo Perdido: Una Novela de Abducción Alienígena by Mantle, Philip
The Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries: Secrets, Conspiracy Theories, Anomalies, Extraterrestrials and More by Briggs, Constance Victoria
Alien Strongholds on Earth: Secret UFO Bases Exist All Around Us by Swartz, Tim R., Tessman, Diane, Casteel, Sean
Aliens in Popular Culture by
Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon by Masters, Michael Paul
A Child's Fractured Amnesia - On The Road To Enlightenment by Montoya, Ricardo
Massive Vimana (Ufo) Over the Atomic Weapons Establishment: A Challenge for Parliament by Sirisena, Ananda L.
Redemption of the Damned: Vol. 1: Aerial Phenomena, A Centennial Re-evaluation of Charles Fort's 'Book of the Damned' by Shough, Martin
The UFO People: A Curious Culture by Banias, Mj
Forbidden Science 4: The Spring Hill Chronicles, The Journals of Jacques Vallee 1990-1999 by Vallee, Jacques
Inside the Black Vault: The Government's UFO Secrets Revealed by Greenewald Jr, John
The Big Book of UFO Facts, Figures & Truth: A Comprehensive Examination by Spignesi, Stephen, Birnes, William J.
E.T. As Artist by Vale, Fay
The Seres Agenda: (Uncover Deliberately Hidden Truth) by Lemriel, Robert Scott
Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game by Gallimore, Andrew R.
The Sea of Consciousness: George Adamski's lost debut - The Invisible Ocean by Aartsen, Gerard, Adamski, George
Aufstiegshilfen in die 5. Dimension: Durchsagen von Sirius A by Reymond, Paulette Marie
Aides à l'Ascension dans la 5ème dimension: Communiqué des Êtres de Sirius A by Reymond, Paulette Marie
Hessdalen Lights!: - What's happening in the Norwegian mountains? by Ofstad, Nils Magne
Meet the Maker by Martin, George R., III
Alien Implants - Hacking the Alien Internet by Andov, Pane
UFO Crash Retrievals: The Complete Investigation - Status Reports I-VII (1978-1994) by Stringfield, Leonard
Our Cosmic Ancestry in the Stars: The Panspermia Revolution and the Origins of Humanity by Tokoro, Gensuke, Wickramasinghe Ph. D., Chandra, Wickramasinghe, Kamala
Someone Else Is on the Moon: Fake Apollo Landings and Alien Bases on the Moon by Andov, Pane
Space Age Indians: Their Encounters with the Blue Men, Reptilians, and Other Star People by Clarke, Ardy Sixkiller
Alien Presence Confirmed - We Are Not in Control by Andov, Pane
Otherworldly Amor: The Official Companion to the Documentary: Behind the Scenes, Insights, Pictures and Transcript by Slevik, Nomar
Saturn: The Secrets of the Extraterrestrial Engineers by Andov, Pane
Night on Crazy Horse Hill: young science fiction by Griffiths, David R.
¿Vida Extraterrestre e Inteligente en el Universo?: ¿En Realidad descendemos de Seres Alienígenas? by Goikoetxea Ph. D., Ambrose --
The Uninvited: The True Story of Ripperston Farm by Harold, Clive
OSNIs SECRETOS DE RUSIA: Objetos sumergibles no identificados en aguas rusas e internacionales by Mantle, Philip, Stonehill, Paul
OVNIs SOBRE RUMANIA by Farca&#351 Ph. D., Dan D.
UFO Secrets Inside Wright-Patterson: Eyewitness Accounts from the Real Area 51 by Carey, Thomas J., Schmitt, Donald R.
Los Ovnis En El Arte Antiguo by Zagami, Leo, Pye, Lloyd
Living in the Realm of Awakening: Chris Katsaropoulos by Whitebear, Anara, Katsaropoulos, Chris
U.F.O Notebook: Record Instances of U.F.O's, Unidentified Flying Objects, Aliens, Entities, Spirits, Strange Creatures and other unknown entities by Journals, U. F. O.
Conspiracy Notebook: Record Instances of U.F.O's, Unidentified Flying Objects, Aliens, Entities, Spirits, Strange Creatures and other unknown entities by Journals, Conspiracy
Conspiracy Notebook: Record Instances of U.F.O's, Unidentified Flying Objects, Aliens, Entities, Spirits, Strange Creatures and other unknown entities by Journals, Conspiracy
Conspiracy Notebook: Record Instances of U.F.O's, Unidentified Flying Objects, Aliens, Entities, Spirits, Strange Creatures and other unknown entities by Journals, Conspiracy
Conspiracy Notebook: Record Instances of U.F.O's, Unidentified Flying Objects, Aliens, Entities, Spirits, Strange Creatures and other unknown entities by Journals, Conspiracy
Conspiracy Notebook: Record Instances of U.F.O's, Unidentified Flying Objects, Aliens, Entities, Spirits, Strange Creatures and other unknown entities by Journals, Conspiracy
Conspiracy Notebook: Record Instances of U.F.O's, Unidentified Flying Objects, Aliens, Entities, Spirits, Strange Creatures and other unknown entities by Journals, Conspiracy
Intersections: A True Story of Extraterrestrial Contact by Roberts, Wes G., Mitchell-Clarke, Lesley
Adventures in Cryptozoology: Hunting for Yetis, Mongolian Deathworms and Other Not-So-Mythical Monsters (Almanac of Mythological Creatures, Cryptozool by Freeman, Richard
Pascagoula; El Encuentro Más Cercano: Mi Historia by Parker, Calvin
New England UFOs: Sightings, Abductions, and Other Strange Phenomena by Plumb, Taryn
Engaging the Extraterrestrials: Forbidden History of Et Events, Programmes and Agendas by Huntley, Noel
The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects by Ruppelt, Edward J.
UFO Cases of Interest: 2019 Edition by Marsh, Roger
Further Towards a Conquest of the Paranormal: Notes Concerning UAP, UFOs, Extra-terrestrials, Cryptids, & Other Miscellaneous Phenomena by Levi, Ansir
Gran Bretaña misteriosa: monstruos, misterios y magia a través de la nación británica by Charles River
Gran Bretaña misteriosa: monstruos, misterios y magia a través de la nación británica by Charles River
Las misteriosas islas británicas: una colección de misterios, leyendas y fenómenos inexplicables en Gran Bretaña e Irlanda by Charles River
Las misteriosas islas británicas: una colección de misterios, leyendas y fenómenos inexplicables en Gran Bretaña e Irlanda by Charles River
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: The Original 1956 Edition by Ruppelt, Edward J.
Military UFO Encounters: True Cases of Military Alien Encounters by Bauer, Conrad
Schoolyard UFO Encounters: 100 True Accounts by Dennett, Preston
UFO Info: Guide Book of Good and Bad Aliens by Q.
Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You've Been Abducted by Marden, Kathleen
Ashtar's The Space Brothers Speak: Transmissions From the Solar Council by Invictus, Hercules, Casteel, Sean, Tuella
Prepare For Contact: A Guide For Interacting With Galactic Beings by Crowley, Tamara Scott
Secret Rituals of the Men in Black by Greenfield, Allen H.
The New Macro-Cosmic World of Order by Marcan, Merlina
Storm on the Horizon: The New Age, Ufos, and the Cosmic Christ by McKelvey, Sylvia
Storm on the Horizon: The New Age, Ufos, and the Cosmic Christ by McKelvey, Sylvia
Aliens Over Kentucky by Floyd, Jacob, Floyd, Jenny
Doughnuts of the Gods by Vedeler, Torger, Silly, V. R. Y.
Angels to Aliens: True Stories of Encounters with Entities Not of This World by Ethier, Robert M.
Silent Whispers: The Power Within by Urbanek, Tami
The CIA UFO Papers: 50 Years of Government Secrets and Cover-Ups by Wright, Dan
The Alien Book: A Guide to Extraterrestrial Beings on Earth by Redfern, Nick
Rethink: ReThink Life's Strange Events by Michael, Michael J. O.
ZERO to ONE: Making Our Way Toward a Conscious Civilization by Benefiel DD, Bruce 'zen'
Ancient Gods and Human Origins: A Sitchin Studies Book by Freer, Neil
Allied Command Odyssey: UFO Odd U Say by Morris, Theresa J.
Aliens Among Us: Human Encounters With UFOs and Extraterrestrials by Jaffery, Adrienne
The Allies of Humanity Book Four: Freedom in the Universe by Summers, Marshall Vian
Secret Mars: The Alien Connection by Craig, M. J.
Pascagoula - The Story Continues: New Evidence & New Witnesses by Parker, Calvin
UFO Witness Sightings: An Illustrated Dossier of Alien Encounters by Brookesmith, Peter
Wormholes Through Space and Time: The Roadmap of the Multiverse by Mitrovic, George
Collective Consciousness: How to Transcend Mass Consciousness and Become One With the Universe by Desmarques, Dan
Collective Consciousness: How to Transcend Mass Consciousness and Become One With the Universe by Desmarques, Dan
Believing in Bits: Digital Media and the Supernatural by
Eyewitness to the Gods: What I Kept Secret for Decades by Von Däniken, Erich
Aliens!: Fun Activity Book for Kids by Books 4. Creative Kids
Consciência Coletiva: Como Transcender a Consciência de Massa e Se Tornar Um com o Universo by Desmarques, Dan
Consciência Coletiva: Como Transcender a Consciência de Massa e Se Tornar Um com o Universo by Desmarques, Dan
Ευφυής Σχεδιασμός: ΜΗΝΥΜΑ απ&# by Raël, Maitreya
Angels to Aliens: True Stories of Encounters with Entities Not of This World by Ethier, Robert
Phenomena: Code of the Grand Original Design by Heinemann, Gundi, Heinemann, Klaus
Phenomena: Code of the Grand Original Design by Heinemann, Gundi, Heinemann, Klaus
The Real Cowboys & Aliens: Early American UFOs by Torres, Noe, Lemay, John
2020: The Year of Full UFO and Alien Disclosure by Lloyd, Casey
UFO - O Visitante Inesperado: Avistamentos de objetos voadores não identificados no Rio de Janeiro - Brasil by Oliveira, Anderson
Bad Mind by Cavalli, Karen
My Haunted Life: True Tales of a Texas Weirdo by Broussard, Tyler
A Transformation: The Blackwell Abduction Chronicles by Blackwell, Donald M.
Ultimate Guide to the Roswell UFO Crash: A Tour of Roswell's UFO Landmarks by Torres, Noe
Guía Definitiva del Choque de OVNI en Roswell: Cómo visitar los lugares más misteriosos de Roswell, Nuevo México by Torres, Noe
Roswell Alien Autopsy: The Truth Behind The Film That Shocked The World (Revised Edition) by Mantle, Philip
True Disclosure by Katsaropoulos, Chris
Testament to a New Dawn: Messages for Humankind - Volume 1 by Champion, Michael
Mysteries of Portsmouth by Wingett, Matt
More Star People, Sky Gods And Other Paranormal Tales Of The Native American Indians by Mullins, G. W.
Behold a Pale Horse by Cooper, William
Stories They Told Me: True Short Stories by
From Deep Within The Archives Of UFO Insight: History's Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters! by Lowth, Marcus
Aliens: Paranormal UFO Sighting Cases That Still Mystify Non-Believers by Bauer, Conrad
UFOs, Teleportation, and the Mysterious Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight #370 by Iturralde, Robert
Amazing Encounters with Monsters and other Mysteries of West Coast North America: Alaska, British Columbia, California, Oregon, Washington. by Mitrovic, George
Tim R. Swartz's Big Book of Incredible Alien Encounters: A Global Guide to Space Aliens, Interdimensional Beings And Ultra-Terrestrials by Beckley, Timothy Green, Casteel, Sean, Lukes, Erica
Nova Inglaterra misteriosa: uma história dos mistérios, assombrações e criaturas estranhas da região by Charles River
Nova Inglaterra misteriosa: uma história dos mistérios, assombrações e criaturas estranhas da região by Charles River
México misterioso: uma história de fantasmas, lendas e lugares desconcertantes nos Estados mexicanos by Charles River
México misterioso: uma história de fantasmas, lendas e lugares desconcertantes nos Estados mexicanos by Charles River
Canadá misterioso: uma coleção de assombrações, mistérios e criaturas estranhas em toda a nação canadense by Charles River
Canadá misterioso: uma coleção de assombrações, mistérios e criaturas estranhas em toda a nação canadense by Charles River