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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

UFOs & Extraterrestrials in 2020

Merging Dimensions: The Opening Portals of Sedona by Dongo, Tom, Bradshaw, Linda
The Hynek UFO Report: The Authoritative Account of the Project Blue Book Cover-Up by Hynek, J. Allen
The Mesopotamian Tale: An Origin Story by Brenner, Mike
Conversations Avec Le Colonel Corso: Un Mémoire Personnel Et Un Album Photo by Harris, Paola Leopizzi
UFOs and Aliens in Ancient Art: Before and After Christ by Maxwell, Jordan, Rivas, Colin
Forgotten Genesis by Cinamar, Radu
Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game by Gallimore, Andrew R.
Alien Bedtime Stories: Revised by Cameron, Grant
La Ferme Humaine: Essai Extra-Humain by Ozou-Mathis, Amah
A Walk In The Shadows: A Complete Guide To Shadow People by Ricksecker, Mike
Evolution - Coming to Terms with the ET Presence by Lalich, Nadine
Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing the Reality Game by Steiger, Brad, White, John
The book of the damned by Fort, Charles
The Real Cowboys & Aliens: Early American UFOs (1800-1864) by Torres, Noe, Lemay, John
Una Nuova Speranza: La mia vita e le mie considerazioni sul Canada, gli USA, il mondo e l'universo, Autobiografia di Paul Hellyer by Pallotta, Lavinia, Hellyer, Paul T., Harris, Paola Leopizzi
The Real Cowboys and Aliens: Early American UFOs (1800-1864) by Torres, Noe, Lemay, John
Amazing Encounters with Monsters and other Mysteries of East Coast North America by Mitrovic, George
Extraterrestrial Speak Part Seven by Baldin, Lou
The Akan, Other Africans and the Sirius Star System: Egyptian and Sumerian Gods in African culture by Adapa, Kwame
Flying saucers in the sky: 1947: when UFOs came from Mars by Verga, Maurizio
Overwhelming Methodology of Deception: We Have a Problem by Duncan, Max Adam
The Guardians, Earth Humans, and Ascension: Spiritually Hacking Your Awareness and DNA by Adapa, Kwame
We Met The Space People: The Story of The Mitchell Sisters by Mitchell, Helen, Mitchell, Betty
Moving The Walls by Ferriera, Valeria
Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity by Cassidy, Kerry Lynn
Proving Zechariah Sitchin and the Ancient Sumerian Texts by Blackwell, Donald M.
Timeless Trinity: An Extra-Terrestrial and Paranormal Personal History by Solheim, Bruce Olav
Contacto Extraterrestre: Un viaje con lo desconocido by Hejeile, Omar
They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers by Scoles, Sarah
The Secret UFO Contacts of Paul Villa: Interplanetary Visitors From Coma Berenices by Beckley, Timothy Green, Casteel, Sean, Swartz, Tim R.
The Real Cowboys & Aliens: Early American UFOs (1800-1864) by Torres, Noe, Lemay, John
The UFO That Took Jesus: The Truth About Who Christ Was by Jaffery, Adrienne
På Uppdrag I Rymden: Med Start I Agartha by Stjerna, Mariana
Agartha: Jordens Inre Värld by Stjerna, Mariana
Agartha: Verdenen i Jordens indre by Stjerna, Mariana
Amazing Encounters with Monsters and other Mysteries of East Coast North America- Vo: Connecticut to New Jersey by Mitrovic, George
Amazing Encounters with Monsters and other Mysteries of Central North America: Volume One. Alberta, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Manitoba a by Mitrovic, George
Dark Fleet: The Secret Nazi Space Program and the Battle for the Solar System by Kasten, Len
Amazing Encounters with Monsters and Mysteries of East Coast North America-Volume 2: Connecticut to West Virginia by Mitrovic, George
You - The Public Deceived: 'The Grand UFO Deception' by Kinsella, Philip
The Real Cowboys & Aliens: Old West UFOs (1865-1895) by Lemay, John, Torres, Noe
The Real Cowboys & Aliens: Old West UFOs (1865-1895) by Torres, Noe, Lemay, John
The Real Cowboys & Aliens: The Coming of the Airships (1896-1899) by Lemay, John, Torres, Noe
The Real Cowboys & Aliens: The Coming of the Airships (1896-1899) by Torres, Noe, Lemay, John
Our Forbidden Moon: Is spaceflight denied to Mankind? by Bryant, David
Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO by Halperin, David J.
Interpersonal, Interdimensional, Intergalactic, Volume IV: Aliens and Confrontation by Skinner, Edward W.
Amazing Encounters with Monsters and Mysteries of Central North America: Volume 2 by Mitrovic, George
The Alien Gene: Interactions between Humanity and Visitors to planet Earth by McGhee, Moira
UFOs Now and Then: UFO and alien encounters from both the present time and in the past by McGhee, Moira
Contact Down Under: A century of UFO sightings in Australasia and the Western Pacific by McGhee, Moira
Đồng Minh của Nhân Loại TẬP MỘT (Allies of Humanity, Book One - Vietnamese) by Summers, Marshall Vian
Notícias de Outro Mundo: Relatos sobre a vida em outro planeta contados por um morador que vive lá. by Mensageiro, O.
Un Manual CE-5: Una guía fácil de usar para ayudarte a contactar con vida extraterrestre by Hatch, Cielia
Ce-5 への手引き: ET(地球外知的生命体)との&#124 by Koprowski, Mark, Hatch, Cielia
Extraterrestrials by Roush, Wade
人类 的 盟友 第一部 (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - Simplified Chinese Edition) by Summers, Marshall Vian
Amazing UFO Encounters of the South: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Gulf of Mexico, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, by Mitrovic, George
Amazing UFO Encounters of West Coast North America: Alaska, British Columbia, California, Oregon, Washington by Mitrovic, George
Amazing Encounters with UFOs of East Coast North America: Volume One by Mitrovic, George
인류의 동행자 제 1 권 - (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - Korean Edition) by Summers, Marshall Vian
They are Here: Compelling Evidence of Extraterrestrial Ships Present on Earth by Villate, Francisco, Lock Honfsai, Christopher
Becoming Sovereign: Exiting the Matrix by Dervisevic, Belinda
The Flying Saucer that Zoomed into my Yard: Finally, I have to tell All by Satrun, Nora Simon
I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism by Gittlitz, A. M.
The extraterrestrial encounter is for two thousand twenty-two by Ma, Antoll
The SECRETS of the SAUCERS by Angeluci, Orfeo
The Book of Remembrance by Lyran, Lucious
More Star People, Sky Gods And Other Paranormal Tales Of The Native American Indians by Mullins, G. W.
THE TRUE ORIGIN OF THE FLYING SAUCERS. The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History Made By Admiral Richard E. Bird in the Mysterious Land Beyond Th by Bernard, Raymond
Amazing Encounters with UFOs of East Coast North America: Volume 2 by Mitrovic, George
Ufo!: Portalen Hessdalen by Ofstad, Nils M.
Starlink: The Book of Knowledge of Anton Communique from the Pleiades by Whitney, Joy
Anunnaki: Reptilianos en la Historia de la Humanidad by Krane, Henry
Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization by Willis, Jim
Anunnaki: Reptiliens dans l'histoire de l'humanité by Krane, Henry
Anunnaki: Reptilianos na História da Humanidade by Krane, Henry
Die ausserirdische Begegnung ist in zweitausendzweiundzwanzig by Ma, Antoll
OVNIS TOUT EN HAUT...et AU-DELÀ: Essais Et Entrevues Avec Des Experts Dans Le Domaine Des Ovnis Et Des Phénomènes Associés by Harris, Paola Leopizzi
3610: The Occurrences: Childhood Experiences High Strangeness and Spiritual Messages by Tyler, Ronald E.
"Amazing Encounters with UFOs of Central North America": Volume 1 by Mitrovic, George
DE BONDGENOTEN VAN DE MENSHEID, BOEK EEN (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - Dutch Edition) by Summers, Marshall Vian
GLI ALLEATI DELL'UMANITÀ LIBRO PRIMO (AH1 in Italian): Un Messaggio Urgente Che Riguarda la Presenza Extraterrestre Oggi nel Mondo by Summers, Marshall Vian
The Gold of the Gods by Von Daniken, Erich
God's Holy UFO (Large Print Edition) by Bickers, William Harding
СЪЮЗНИЦИТЕ НА ЧОВЕЧЕСТВ& by Summers, Marshall Vian
Amazing Encounters with UFOs of Central North America: Volume 2 by Mitrovic, George
The Antichrist: The Grand Plan of Total Global Enslavement by Desmarques, Dan
Amazing Encounters with UFOs of Canada by Mitrovic, George
Ellos Están Aquí: Evidencia concluyente sobre la presencia de Naves Extraterrestres en la Tierra by Lock Honfsai, Christopher, Villate, Francisco
Mission Space: With Start in Agartha by Stjerna, Mariana
Exogenesis: Hybrid Humans: A Scientific History of Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation by Fenton, Bruce R., Fenton, Daniella
СОЮЗНИКИ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВА, К by Summers, Marshall Vian
I'm Perfect and So Are You!: The Story of One Mans Journey to Oneness. In collaboration with Colleen Jiron, Ph.D. by Jiron, Colleen, Bankey, Drew
Granite Skies: A Disconcerted Journey Through the Unknown by Slevik, Nomar
Agartha: Verdenen i Jordens indre by Stjerna, Mariana
Tidsresa till Ursprunget och Framtiden by Stjerna, Mariana
Captured by Aliens?: A History and Analysis of American Abduction Claims by Watson, Nigel
Alien Investigation by Pastore, Maestà
Punk Rock and UFOs: Stranger Than Fiction by Damante, Mike
Anunnaki: Reptilianos más allá del Mito, la Ciencia y la Humanidad by Krane, Henry
Un Guide de CE-5: Un guide pratique pour vous aider a contacter les extraterrestres by Hatch, Cielia
Mission Space: With Start in Agartha by Stjerna, Mariana
Agartha: Jordens Inre Värld by Stjerna, Mariana
Tidsresa till ursprunget och framtiden by Stjerna, Nariana
Tidsresa till ursprunget och framtiden by Stjerna, Mariana
Antarctica and the Secret Space Program: From WWII to the Current Space Race by Childress, David Hatcher
Close Encounter at Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia: W were near the saucer...twice! by Koplen, Barry M.
UFO Landings UK by Mantle, Philip
Pascagoula - The Story Continues: New Evidence & New Witnesses by Parker, Calvin
Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter: My Story by Parker, Calvin
Roswell: The Ultimate Cold Case: Eyewitness Testimony and Evidence of Contact and the Cover-Up by Schmitt, Donald R., Carey, Thomas J.
Eva Gabor Link A Conspiracy Theory: Unscrupulous by Belanger, Camyl Sosa
OVNI-DIGIART - Consideraciones universales: Pensamientos sobre un Dios para todos, la vida aquí y en mundos distantes. by Bauer, Josef
Walk-ins: The Cosmology of the Soul by Seppi, Sheila
UFOs and Encounters with the Non-Ordinary at Mount Shasta by Cameron, Grant
Alien Abduction: The Control Factor by Bouck, James, Long, Robert
Early 20th Century UFOs: American Sightings, 1900-1919 by Torres, Noe, Lemay, John
Early 20th Century UFOs: American Sightings (1900-1919) by Torres, Lemay, John
Preparing for the Greater Community by Summers, Marshall Vian
Evangelio Herético para el Final de los Tiempos: Crónica a las puertas del Diluvio by de Armas, Tavo
El Ovni Que Llevó a Jesús: La Verdad Sobre Los Extraterrestres y Los Ovnis by Jaffery, Adrienne
Do UFOs exist? by Juan Moisés de la Serna
My Season of Remembrance: Making Good Decisions, Provoking God's Intervention by Chime, Tony
UFO Frightening Encounters: Volume 3 by Sanders, Max, Lyons, Tom
IHMISKUNNAN LIITTOLAISET, ENSIMMÄINEN KIRJA (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - Finnish Edition) by Summers, Marshall Vian
The Alien Grand Design by Donovan, Tim
Cosmic Human Cosmic Intent by Hill Ph. D., Bernice H.
Crop Circle Coloring Book by Langer, Victor
Help for Ascension into the 5th Dimension: Messages from Sirius A by Reymond, Paulette Marie
Somewhere in the Skies: A Human Approach to the UFO Phenomenon by Sprague, Ryan
Viaggi Celesti nell'Antichità by Lombardo, Massimo Barbetta -. Massimo
UFOs & Extraterrestrials: Why They Are Here - The Darkest, Longest Kept Secret in Human History by Hughes, Elliot
UFOs: God from Inner Space: Spirit-Mind-In- Matter and the UFO Connection by Lanham, Nahu
Lemonmeel 2021: Vs. Beestmeel 2021 by Goalman, House
UFOs at the Drive-In: 100 True Cases of Close Encounters at Drive-In Theaters by Dennett, Preston
I Am the Beacon: An Extraordinary Journey of Awakening in These Times of Ascension by Frances, Shawna L.
I Am the Beacon: An Extraordinary Journey of Awakening in These Times of Ascension by Frances, Shawna L.
Russia's USO Secrets: Unidentified Submersible Objects in Russian and International Waters by Philip Mantle, Paul Stonehill and
Stories from The Messengers: Accounts of Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality by Clelland, Mike
Aliens Coloring Book: Coloring book for kids from 4 to 8 years old - Drawing book for toddlers and preschoolers - A magical gift for childre by Din Edition, Din
Followed by Borkovich, Nebojsa
The Awakening of an Astral Warrior by Barker, Charles
Ovnis para la mente del siglo XXI: Una guía nueva para un antiguo misterio by Dolan, Richard
One: Face-to-Face Contact, Experiencing ET Consciousness, and Human Consciousness Evolution by Ronen, Yossi
Reshtekomputer: Files 1300 by Reshtekka, Larry
War of the Gods: Alien Skulls, Underground Cities, and Fire from the Sky by Von Däniken, Erich
Supernatural Encounters: True Paranormal Accounts from Law Enforcement by Van Dusen, Elliott
The Humaniverse Guide to First Contact with ET by Seland, Keith
Extraterrestrial Encounters of The Extraordinary Kind by Lewis, Betsey
Un marciano en Alemania: Una fotografía que no cambió la historia by Zúñiga, D. A.
Le voyageur temporel intégral by Pastore, Maestà
I Am To Tell You This And I Am To Tell You It Is Fiction by
Presencia E.T. En Nuestro Planeta Relación Entre E.T. Y Los Títeres Humanos by Tenorio Conde, Ramiro
The Real Life UFO Transformation of Diane Tessman: A Continuous Close Encounter with Future Man - Space Man by Tessman, Diane
Rendlesham to Redemption: A Story of Transformation by Laplume, Steven R.
El Ascenso Del Dragón Rojo: El Origen y la Amenaza del Programa Espacial Secreto de China by Salla, Michael
UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction by Fowler, Raymond E.
From Adam to Omega: An Anatomy of Ufo Phenomena (Revised and Updated) by Roberts, A. R.
From Adam to Omega: An Anatomy of Ufo Phenomena (Revised and Updated) by Roberts, A. R.
Sekutu Umat Manusia BUKU SATU (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - Indonesian): Pesan Penting Tentang Kehadiran Makhluk Ruang Angkasa di Dunia Hari Ini by Summers, Marshall Vian
We Are One: The Power of The Conscious Mind and Our Interconnection to All Things by Mitchell, Edgar
Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity by Rada, Maryann
Alien Spirits? by Halliday, Ron
The Martians: Evidence of Life on the Red Planet by Redfern, Nick
The Etheric Crystal: The Third Tunnel by Radu Cinamar
The Martians: Evidence of Life on the Red Planet by Redfern, Nick
The Martians: Evidence of Life on the Red Planet by Redfern, Nick
An Illustrated History of UFOs by Allsuch Boardman, Adam
Alien Abductions: True stories of Extra-Terrestrial and Human Being Encounters by Bauer, Conrad
UFOs, Area 51, and Government Informants: A Report on Government Involvement in UFO Crash Retrievals by Crain, Scott, Jr., Cameron, Grant
The UFO Chronicles: How Science Fiction, Shamanic Experiences, and Secret Air Force Projects Created the UFO Myth by Greer, John Michael
Interpersonal, Interdimensional, Intergalactic, Volumes I & II: Aliens, Entities, and the Light - Light, Dark, and the Right To Be by Skinner, Edward W.
Interpersonal, Interdimensional, Intergalactic, Volumes VI and VII: Communications with some Light Beings - Incarnations by Skinner, Edward W.
The Star Nation Messages: An Invitation for Humanity to Evolve by Christensen, Gary
Menneskehedens Allierede BOG ET (The Allies of Humanity, Book one - Danish): Et Hastebudskab Om den Extraterrestriale Tilstedeværelse i Verden i Dag by Summers, Marshall Vian
Interpersonal, Interdimensional, Intergalactic, Volume VIII and IX: Words and Phrases per the Pleiadians - A Message from the Pleiades by Skinner, Edward W.
Operation Terra: A Journey Through Space and Time (Keepsake Edition) by Zibrat, Sara
Agartha: Le Monde Intérieur de la Terre by Stjerna, Mariana
Agartha: Le Monde Intérieur de la Terre by Stjerna, Mariana
Timothy Green Beckley's UFO Spin Doctors Full Color Edition: Proof Aliens Can Be Detrimental To Your Well Being by Casteel, Sean
Pax and Enviro-Tech Gamechangers: Volume 3 of Do Unto Earth by Borgens, Carole Serene, Hayes, Penelope Jean
Pax and the Journey to New Worlds: Volume 8 of Do Unto Earth by Borgens, Carole Serene, Hayes, Penelope Jean
Timothy Green Beckley's UFO Spin Doctors: Proof Aliens Can Be Detrimental To Your Well Being by Casteel, Sean
Experiencer 2: Two Worlds Collide by Konkolesky, William J.
ALIAȚII UMANITĂȚII CARTEA ÎNTÂI - PRIMA INFORMARE (Allies of Humanity, Book One - Romanian) by Summers, Marshall Vian, Mitchell, Darlene
The Shifting Wormholes of North America: Volume One. 1800-1947 by Mitrovic, George
Un manuale di CE-5 by Hatch, Cielia, Koprowski, Mark
Animal Reactions to UFOs by Zimmermann, Linda
The Alien Agendas: A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth by Dolan, Richard
Operación Terra: Un viaje a través del espacio y el tiempo (Traducción en español) by Zibrat, Sara
Penetration: Special Edition Updated by Swann, Ingo
How to Benefit from the Coming Alien Arrivals by Stone, Robert B.
Aliens, Angels, & Demons: Extraterrestrial Life in Judaism/Kabbalah & its Vital Relevance for Modern Times by Tzadok, Ariel B.
Testament to a New Dawn: The Book of Love - Volume 2 by Champion, Michael
Axis Mundi: Books One & Two: The Complete Story of John Runyon by Grey, Allen T.
The Ra Material: Law of One: 40th-Anniversary Boxed Set by McCarty, Jim, Elkins, Don, Rueckert, Carla L.
The Uninvited: An exposé of the alien abduction phenomenon by Pope, Nick
Alien-ated: Astonishing interviews of Alien Encounters by Daffern, Brian
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