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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

UFOs & Extraterrestrials in 2021

The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac: The Ultimate Guide to Greys, Reptilians, Hybrids, and Nordics by Campobasso, Craig
The Order of Benjamin: The seven thunder mystery of Revelation by Roshveder, Eliel
The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves by Melcher, Eric
The Case for the UFO: The Varo Edition by Jessup, M. K.
Strange and Mysterious Phenomena of Great Britain, Ireland and Europe: A History. 1800 to 1977 by Mitrovic, George
The Shifting Wormholes of North America: Volume 4. 1969-1973 by Mitrovic, George
人類的盟友第一部:一個關於當今世界的 &#228 by Summers, Marshall Vian
Shadows by Brock, Fred Ellis
DIE VERBÜNDETEN DER MENSCHHEIT, BUCH EINS (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - German Edition): Eine dringende Botschaft über die Anwesenheit außerirdi by Summers, Marshall Vian
Os Vigilantes do céu ou raças extraterrenas da luz by Roshveder, Eliel
Genetic Genesis: DNA Manipulation of Our Ancient Ancestors From the Original Biblical Text by Potts, Albert E.
Genetic Genesis: DNA Manipulation of Our Ancient Ancestors From the Original Biblical Text by Potts, Albert E.
The Book of Shi-Ji by Slattery, Peter
The Book of Shi-Ji 2 by Slattery, Peter
The Book of Shi-Ji 3 by Slattery, Peter
UfologyPress Blog - Compilation: Curator's Comments and Considerations by Benefiel, Zen
OS Vigilantes Do Céu Ou Santos Que Descem Do Céu: Livro 2 dos Vigilantes by Roshveder, Eliel
SuperMars by Silver, Ellis
The Ra Material Book One: An Ancient Astronaut Speaks (Book One) by Rueckert &. McCarty
The Days of the Space Brothers by McGhee, Moira
Secret Mars: The Alien Connection by Craig, M. J.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files by Sauder Phd, Richard
Saucers, Spooks and Kooks: UFO Disinformation in the Age of Aquarius by Gorightly, Adam
UFO & Alien Mastery: Notes on Non-Terrestrial Life by Wheeler, Jay
What If...We Are Intergalactic Intelligence? by Tehana, Hydee
"The Shifting Wormholes of North America": Volume 5 1974-1977 by Mitrovic, George
"The Shifting Wormholes of North America": Volume 6 1978-1982 by Mitrovic, George
"The Shifting Wormholes of North America": Volume 7 1983-1990 by Mitrovic, George
"The Shifting Wormholes of North America": Volume 8 1990-1999 by Mitrovic, George
Awakening: It's Your Time To Remember Who You Really Are! by Capri, Julie
Cronicas de Los Anunnaki by Sitchin, Zecharia
The Ancient Alien Question, 10th Anniversary Edition: An Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors by Coppens, Philip
Evidence of Extraterrestrials: Over 40 Cases Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth by Agius, Warren
O Impacto Do Primeiro Contato Para a Humanidade: Uma análise das consequências do Primeiro Contato Extraterrestre para a Terra by Stein, Wendell
Das Bündnis der Planeten: Die ersten Botschaften: Band 2: Februar 1974 by Elkins, Don, Rückert, Carla
The Alien Conspiracies by Thakur, Karan Mohan
Le Phénomène Extraterrestre: Récit base sur 40 années de recherches by Cameron, Grant
La Carcel Sol y sus formas de Trance by Saus Romero, Francisco, Pérez, Jerónimo Jonás
Forgotten Civilization: New Discoveries on the Solar-Induced Dark Age by Schoch, Robert M.
Interpersonal, Interdimensional, Intergalactic, Volume V: Possibilities for Our Tomorrows In the Forever Now by Skinner, Edward W.
UFO Briefing Book: A Guide to Congressional Oversight of the UAP Phenomenon by Lough, James P.
Ancient Aliens of Atlantis by Dodson, Frederick
Atlantis and the Garden of Eden by Dodson, Frederick
Ein CE-5-Handbuch: Ein leicht zu verwendender Leitfaden, um dir bei der Kontaktaufnahme mit außerirdischem Leben zu helfen by Hatch, Ciela, Koprowski, Mark
Pathway: The Channelled Love and Wisdom from the Trans-Leátions of the Two Sisters Star Group by Knight, David
Captured! the Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience (60th Anniversary Edition): The True Story of the World's First Documented Alien Abduction by Friedman, Stanton T., Marden, Kathleen
Haunebu: The Secret Files: The Greatest UFO Secret of All Time by Childress, David
DIE AUFSEHER "Jenseits von Entführung" by Cannon, Dolores
O.V.N.I. en Méditerranée by Gaulin, Thierry
The True Heart of Yaidron by Okawa, Ryuho
작전 테라 (새로운 지구): 공간과 시간을 통한 &#50 by Zibrat, Sara
작전 테라 (새로운 지구): 공간과 시간을 통한 &#50 by Zibrat, Sara
Secrets by Brock, Fred Ellis
The Xi Jinping Thought Now by Okawa, Ryuho
Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods by Hopkins, Budd
Missing Time: A Documented Study of UFO Abductions by Hopkins, Budd
Space Force: Our Star Trek Future by Salla, Michael
UFOs and the Deep State: A History of the Military and Shadow Government's War Against the Truth by Randle, Kevin D.
Starfall: I Saved The Life Of A Space Alien by
Making Contact: Preparing for the New Realities of Extraterrestrial Existence by Steinfeld, Alan
Wondrous: 25 True UFO Encounters by Dennett, Preston
ЕЩЁ ОДИН СПРАВОЧНИК CE-5 (A CE-5 Handbook): &#10 by Hatch, Cielia, Koprowski, Mark
The Voice of Venus: Collector's Edition by Norman, Ernest L.
The Voice of Venus: Collector's Edition by Norman, Ernest L.
Four Evidences for Aliens and UFOs in Earth's History by Ettington, Martin K.
The Celestial Guardians of Earth by Barbour, Sharon Milne
Science, Seti, and Mathematics by DeVito, Carl L.
The Contact Paradox: Challenging Our Assumptions in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence by Cooper, Keith
Deliverance of Love, Light and Truth by Knight, David
The Asmarians: The Aliens Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids by Michael, Horus
Mission Spaciale: Commencant à Agartha by Stjerna, Mariana
UFOs: Begegnungen mit dem Unbekannten by Baumann, Frank W.
İnsanlığın Müttefikleri Birinci Kitap (The Allies of Humanity Book One - Turkish Edition): Bügün Dünyada Bulunan Dünyad&#305 by Summers, Marshall Vian
Mission Spaciale Commencant à Agartha by Stjerna, Mariana
What, If Anything, Is Out There? by Abel, Gene P.
Alien Intelligence and the Pathway to Mars: The Hidden Connections Between the Red Planet and Earth by Bennett, Mary
Die Wächter Des Garten Eden by Cannon, Dolores
Wie das All besiedelt wurde: Hinweise zur wahren Herkunft der invasiven Spezies Mensch by Grohmann, Marco
A Photo Collection of Real Starships by Ray, Terry
Adam Is God, Eve Is Us: Strange Stories about Aliens, Angels, and the Love of God from the Book of Genesis by Malott, Jason
Adam Is God, Eve Is Us: Strange Stories about Aliens, Angels, and the Love of God from the Book of Genesis by Malott, Jason
They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers by Scoles, Sarah
Impossible Truths by Daniken, Erich Von
Noticias de Marte: Cómo los ovnis invadieron la prensa chilena by Zúñiga, Diego
Los Misterios más Impactantes sin Resolver: Descubre los Sucesos más Sorprendentes de la Historia que Dejaron al Mundo sin Respuesta Alguna by Aguilar, Blake
La invención de los discos voladores: Guerra Fría, prensa y ciencia en Brasil (1947-1958) by
Alien Disclosure: Experiencers Expose Reality by Strickler, Lon
Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond "Intruders" by Jordan-Kauble, Debra
Encuentros con extraterrestres en Chile. 1927-2017 by Von Kleist, Sebastian
Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids by Strickler, Lon
THE COLLECTED EDITION OF UFO-mation: Published Quaterly by NYSIB: The New York Saucer Information Bureau by Hay, John
O controle dos Aliens através das Abduções: Controle físico e espiritual by Roshveder, Eliel
Strange Tales of the Impossible by Wayland, Tobias
Das Unsichtbare Volk: In der magischen Welt der Natur by Stjerna, Mariana
1956 UFO ANNUAL Unidentified Flying Objects by Jessup, M. K.
Exploring the Unknow.: Consciousness is the One and Only Reality January No. 38 1967 by Lowndes, Robert A. W.
Apes Descendants: 7 Planets, 70 Million Years by Kryan, Igor
We Met the Space People by Mitchell, Helen, Mitchell, Betty
Das Unsichtbare Volk: In the Magical World of Nature by Stjerna, Mariana
Mystery Stalks the Prairie: Unexplained Cattle Killings and UFOs in Montana by Wolverton, Keith
Who Are They Really?: New Approaches to Identifying Ufos, Abductions, and Extraterrestrials by Harran, Daniel
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: The Story Behind the Story - The Pentagon's UFO Report by Bauer, Conrad
Os fantasmas da Escócia: uma coleção de histórias de fantasmas na nação escocesa by Charles River
The Seven Alien Races of the Beast of the Apocalypse by Roshveder, Eliel
The "Nonsense" Papers: Humanity: the Engineered Error by Astrada, James W.
The "Nonsense" Papers: Humanity: the Engineered Error by Astrada, James W.
Initiation: The Spiritual Transformation of the Experiencer A Guide for Contact Experiencers by Carter, Michael Js
Experiencer: Raised in Two Worlds by Konkolesky, William
Humanoid Encounters 2010-2015: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 1970-1974: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 1900-1929: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 1955-1959: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 1950-1954: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 1975-1979: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 2000-2009: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
UFOs over Florida: Humanoid and other Strange Encounters in the Sunshine State by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 1980-1984: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 1985-1989: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 1930-1949: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Humanoid Encounters 1995-1999: The Others amongst Us by Rosales, Albert S.
Awakening in the Dream: Contact with the Divine by Wilcock, David
PRESENCE 4 - Towards a New World with Exocivilisations by Denocla, Denis Roger
Encuentros Cercanos con Extraterrestres: Impactantes Historias Reales de Encuentros con Seres de Otros Mundos by Valle, Olveido
Desapariciones Misteriosas: Extraños Casos de Personas Desaparecidas que Han Dejado al Mundo Confuso by Castillo, Greg
Contos de Fantasmas do Reino Unido: Histórias Supernaturais e de Assombrações do Reino Unido by Charles River
Cosmon Newsletter for the Years 1961-1964 by Lee, Gloria
The Road to Strange: The Contiguous Universe by Brein, Michael
UFOs, Humanoids and Strange Phenomena of England by Mitrovic, George
The UFO Technology Handbook by Wood, Lamont
UFOs, Humanoids and Strange Phenomena of Ireland, Scotland and Wales by Mitrovic, George
Viejas historias fuera de la ortodoxia by Navia-Osorio Villar, Ramón
Quer durch Geist und Galaxien: 10 Jahre auf spirituellen Reisen mit den Arcturianern by Widmann, Silvia
Confessions of an Egyptologist: Lost Libraries, Vanished Labyrinths & the Astonishing Truth Under the Saqqara Pyramids by Von Däniken, Erich
We Will Never Let You Down: Encounters with Val Thor and journeys beyond Earth by Danaan, Elena
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects by Ruppelt, Edward J.
Dulce Warriors: Aliens Battle for Earth's Domination by Swartz, Tim R., Hayakawa, Norio, Casteel, Sean
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects by Ruppelt, Edward J.
Encuentros con OVNIS: Atrevete a Descubrir los Casos más Confidenciales de la Ufología by Castillo, France del
Abducciones Alienígenas: Los Casos Registrados más Aterradores de Abducciones Extraterrestres by Castellan, Francis
Sekret Machines: Gods: Volume 1 of Gods Man & War by Delonge, Tom
Halt Perspective 2 by Halt, Charles Irwin
UFOs Caught on Camera! 2 by Okawa, Ryuho
Ein Geschenk der Sterne: Kontakte mit Außerirdischen und Sammlung von Alien-Rassen by Danaan, Elena
Roswell: The After-Action Report by Lawson, Greg
Some Wonderful Works by S. C. Coleman by Coleman, S. C.
UFOs, Humanoids and Strange Phenomena of Andorra, Gibraltar, Spain and Portugal by Mitrovic, George
Halt Perspective 2 by Halt, Charles
In Benjamin, the cycle of the elected is completed by Roshveder, Eliel
Pascagoula - l'Incontro Piu' Ravvicinato: La MIA Storia by Parker, Calvin
Um Presente Das Estrelas: Contatos extraterrestres e guia de raças alienígenas by Danaan, Elena
Ufos, Aliens and the Battle for Truth: A Short History of Ufology by Nixon, Neil
La Leyenda del choque estelar by Cannon, Dolores
UFOs of the Kickapoo by Sime, John
En el Paititi guiados por los extraterrestres by Sosa Mandujano, Francisco
Roswell, Area 51, & God: Part 1 The Whole Truth, by the Son of the Base Commander by Evans, Richard M.
The Alien Disclosure Deception: The Metaphysics of Social Engineering by Upton, Charles
Gods and Spacemen Throughout History: Did Ancient Aliens Visit Earth in the Past? by Drake, W. Raymond
The Descent of Elohim by Okawa, Ryuho
Alaska's Mysterious Triangle by Ricksecker, Mike
Ufos, Teleportation, and the Mysterious Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight #370 by Iturralde, Robert
The Road to Strange: A Psychic Reader by Brein, Michael
THE UFO FILES - The Secret of the UFOs by Angelucci, Orfeo M.
THE UFO FILES - The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects by Ruppelt, Edward J.
THE UFO FILES - The Flying Saucers are real by Keyhoe, Donald
Mysteries of the Arctic and Antarctic by Dodson, Frederick
Welcome to the Future: An Alien Abduction, A Galactic War and the Birth of a New Era by Rose, Megan
La Luna. Nuestra eterna vecina misteriosa by G. Tutor, Carlos
THE UFO FILES - In Days To Come by Ashtar
UFOs, Humanoids and other Strange Phenomena of Russia. by Mitrovic, George
Anunnaki: Reptilianos, Revelaciones para la Humanidad (Parte 2) by Krane, Henry
Anunnaki: Reptilianos, Revelaciones para la Humanidad (Parte 3) by Krane, Henry
Anunnaki: Reptilianos, Revelaciones para la Humanidad (Parte 1) by Krane, Henry
Stargates: ET Undersea and Underground Bases Revealed by Lewis, Betsey
Hidden Symbolism In The COUNCIL OF THE SEVEN LIGHTS An Annotated Edition by Arnold, Kenneth, Van Tassel, George W.
The COUNCIL OF THE SEVEN LIGHTS by Van Tassel, George W.
UFOs In The Bible by Goudsward, Ken
Flying Saucer Intelligences Speak by Owens, Ted
Secrets of Highert Contact, Release Your Cosmic Power and Flying Saucer Revelations: The New Age Trilogy by Arnold, Kenneth, Barton, Michael X.
The Collected Edition of The SPACE VIEWER 1958-1961: Ufo Study Club by Kimes, Bud
Other Tongues-Other Flesh by Hunt Williamson, George
One by Fürchner, Joshua K.
UFO & Alien Case Files by Hathorne, Malcolm
Realidades paralelas: ¿Vivimos en una realidad virtual condicionada por ovnis y extraterrestres? by Navia-Osorio Villar, Ramón
Otros amaneceres: Sorprendentes casos de ovnis, extraterrestres, desapariciones, orbes... by Navia-Osorio Villar, Ramón
Tras la pista by Navia-Osorio Villar, Ramón
A Thought for the Day by Landi, George
Agartha: El Mundo Interno de la Tierra by Stjerna, Mariana
Beniico The Diamond Psychic Channelings Of Beniico The Alien Human Hybrid Girl. by Moss, J. P.
The "Nonsense Papers": Humanity the Engineered Error: the Vaccine Wars, the Surveillance State, and the Post Human of Tomorrow Part 2; Ufo An by Astrada, James W.
The "Nonsense Papers": Humanity the Engineered Error: the Vaccine Wars, the Surveillance State, and the Post Human of Tomorrow Part 2; Ufo An by Astrada, James W.
Entretiens avec le Commandant de Lumière Ashtar Sheran: La vie extra-terrestre by Noel, Virginie
Mitos Urbanos: Atrévete a Conocer los Mitos Urbanos más Inquietantes del Mundo by Barton, Jesse
MIS «Primos» / My Cousins: El Suceso Más Importante de la Historia by Benítez, J. J.
Flying Saucers Over America: The UFO Craze of 1947 by Arnold, Gordon
Beniico The Diamond 2 Psychic Channelings Of Beniico The Alien Human Hybrid Girl. by Moss, J. P.
Strange Unexplained True Mysteries - Volume 1 by Baker, Frank
The Airport Connection by Schier, Robert