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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 1989

United States Government Information Policies: Views and Perspectives by
Can the Government Govern? by
A Staff for the President: The Executive Office, 1921-1952 by Sander, Alfred Dick
The Scottish Political System by Kellas, James G.
New Perspectives in American Politics by Barker, Lucius J.
The Public Philosophy by Lippmann, Walter
Clouds of Secrecy: The Army's Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas by Cole, Leonard a.
Poverty, Ethnicity and the American City, 1840 1925: Changing Conceptions of the Slum and Ghetto by Ward, David
Capital Punishment and the American Agenda by Franklin E., Zimring, Zimring, Franklin E., Gordon, Hawkins
The Constitution of 1787: A Commentary by Anastaplo, George
Breaking the Impasse: Consensual Approaches to Resolving Public Disputes by Susskind, Lawrence, Susskind, Lawerence
Ronald Reagan and the Public Lands: America's Conservation Debate, 1979-1984 by Short, C. Brant
Experiential Education for Community Development by
The President and Civil Rights Policy: Leadership and Change by Shull, Steven a.
Call to Order: Floor Politics in the House and Senate by Smith, Steven S.
Lobbying and Government Relations: A Guide for Executives by Mack, Charles
The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800: Volume 2 by
The Presidencies of William Henry Harrison and John Tyler by Peterson, Norma Lois
Campaigning in America: A History of Election Practices by Dinkin, Robert J.
American Interests, American Purpose: Moral Reasoning and U.S. Foreign Policy by Weigel, George
America at Century's End by Schlesinger, James
The Congressman's Civil War by Bogue, Allan G.
The Congressman's Civil War by Bogue, Allan G.
Gender, Bureaucracy, and Democracy: Careers and Equal Opportunity in the Public Sector by
State and Local Government and Public-Private Partnerships: A Policy Issues Handbook by Colman, William G.
From Whistle Stop to Sound Bite: Four Decades of Politics and Television by Mickelson, Sig
From Whistle Stop to Sound Bite: Four Decades of Politics and Television by Mickelson, Sig
Nominating Presidents: An Evaluation of Voters and Primaries by Geer, John
The Parliament of England, 1559 1581 by Elton, Geoffrey R., Elton, G. R.
Beauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the United States, 1955 1985 by Hays, Samuel P.
New Politics of Inequality by Edsall, Thomas B.
Congress: Keystone of the Washington Establishment, Revised Edition by Fiorina, Morris P.
Signals from the Hill: Congressional Oversight and the Challenge of Social Regulation by Foreman, Christopher
The Politics of Public Management by Heymann, Philip B.
Regime Politics by Stone, Clarence N.
Inventing the American Presidency by
American Legislative Leaders, 1850-1910 by Ritter, Charles F., Wakelyn, Jon L.
Budget Reform Politics: The Design of the Appropriations Process in the House of Representatives, 1865 1921 by Stewart, Charles Haynes
The Bureaucratic Labor Market: The Case of the Federal Civil Service by Diprete, Thomas A.
Power and Money: Writings about Politics, 1971-1987 by Edsall, Thomas B.
Intergovernmental Relations in the American Administrative State: The Johnson Presidency by Welborn, David M.
Justice for All: Reducing Costs and Delay in Civil Litigation by The Brookings Institution
A People in Revolution: The American Revolution and Political Society in New York, 1760-1790 by Countryman, Edward
Inventing the People: The Rise of Popular Sovereignty in England and America by Morgan, Edmund S.
The Limits of Judicial Power: The Supreme Court in American Politics by Lasser, William
Domestic Policy and Ideology: Presidents and the American State, 1964 1987 by McKay, David
Revisionismus und Weltmachtstreben by Schreiber, Gerhard
Heimatheer und Revolution 1918 by Schmidt, Ernst-Heinrich
Rationing Medicine by Blank, Robert H.
Cities in a Global Society by
Access to U.S. Government Information: Guide to Executive and Legislative Authors and Authority by Zwirn, Jerrold, Zwirn, Jerold
The Demobilization of American Voters: A Comprehensive Theory of Voter Turnout by Avey, Michael J.
Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Numerical Goals and Timetables: An Impact Assessment by Kellough, James, Kellough, J. Edward