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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 1996

Poverty and Power: The Political Representation of Poor Americans by Imig, Douglas R.
Millennium Rage: Survivalists, White Supremacists, and the Doomsday Prophecy by Lamy, P.
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire by Bouza, Anthony V.
Strategic Changes and Organizational Reorientations in Local Government: A Cross-National Perspective by
Social Security: What Role for the Future? by
Electoral Laws and the Survival of Presidential Democracies by Jones, Mark P.
Christie Whitman for the People by McClure, Sandy
United States Foreign Policy and the United Nations System by
The Bill: How Legislation Really Becomes Law Case stdy natl Service Bill (rev & Updated) by Waldman, Steven
Lobbying Congress: How the System Works by Levine, Bertram J., Wolpe, Bruce C.
The Triumph of Campaign-Centered Politics by Menefee-Libey, David
The Black Book of Bosnia: The Consequences of Appeasement by New Republic, New Republic, Republic
U.S.A. 2012: After the Middle-Class Revolution by Dolbeare, Kenneth M.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor: Strategist on the Supreme Court by Maveety, Nancy
Reconsidering American Liberalism: The Troubled Odyssey Of The Liberal Idea by Young, James
Broken Contract?: Changing Relationships Between Americans and Their Government by C. Craig, Stephen
At the End of the Shift: Mines and Single-Industry Towns in Northern Ontario by
Communication in Congress: Members, Staff, and the Search for Information by Whiteman, David
Popular Government and the Supreme Court: Securing the Public Good and Private Rights by Sunderland, Lane V.
The Southern Strategy Revisited: Republican Top-Down Advancement in the South by Aistrup, Joseph A.
Journey of Purpose: Reflections on the Presidency, Multiculturalism, and Third Parties by Tsongas, Paul
Social Policy in the United States: Future Possibilities in Historical Perspective by Skocpol, Theda
Presidency of James Monroe by Cunningham Jr, Noble E.
Households and Housing: Choice and Outcomes in the Housing Market by Dieleman, Frans
Die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung: Probleme in Der Planungspraxis Und Ihre Ursachen by
The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy by Lasch, Christopher
The Constitutional Logic of Affirmative Action by Fiscus, Ronald J.
The Constitution in the Courts: Law or Politics? by Perry, Michael
The British Electorate, 1963-1992 by Fox, Anthony D., Crewe, Ivor, Day, Neil
Putting America's House in Order: The Nation as a Family by Abshire, David M.
Accessing U.S. Government Information, Revised and Expanded Edition: Subject Guide to Jurisdiction of the Executive and Legislative Branches by Zwirn, Jerold, Zwirn, Jerrold
Congress as Public Enemy: Public Attitudes Toward American Political Institutions by Hibbing, John R.
Reversing Course: Carter's Foreign Policy, Domestic Politics, and the Failure of Reform by Skidmore, David
Macht Euch Die Stadt Zum Bilde!: Über Die Modernisierung Des Ländlichen Raumes by Fuchs, Thomas
A Mathematical Approach to Proportional Representation: Duncan Black on Lewis Carroll by
American Think-Tanks and Their Role in Us Foreign Policy by Abelson, Donald E.
Welfare Realities: From Rhetoric to Reform by Ellwood, David T., Bane, Mary Jo
Free for All?: Lessons from the Rand Health Insurance Experiment by Newhouse, Joseph P.
Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh, Volume One: Government, Business, and Environmental Change by Lubove, Roy
The Torment of Secrecy: The Background and Consequences of American Secruity Policies by Shils, Edward
Challenging the Secret Government: The Post-Watergate Investigations of the CIA and FBI by Olmsted, Kathryn S.
Women Politicians and the Media-Pa by Braden, Maria
Climbing the Hill: Gender Conflict in Congress by Foerstel, Herbert N., Foerstel, Karen N.
Bucking the Deficit: Economic Policymaking in America by Thornton, Saranna, MacKenzie, G. Calvin
Privatopia: Homeowner Associations and the Rise of Residential Private Government by McKenzie, Evan
Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh, Volume Two: The Post-Steel Era by Lubove, Roy
Payment Due: A Nation In Debt, A Generation In Trouble by Penny, Timothy J., Schier, Steve
The Comedy of Democracy by Nimmo, Dan, Combs, James E., Blank, Robert H.
The Kingfish and the Constitution: Huey Long, the First Amendment, and the Emergence of Modern Press Freedom in America by Cortner, Richard
Nevada Politics and Government: Conservatism in an Open Society by Driggs, Don W., Goodall, Leonard E.
Temptations of a Superpower by Steel, Ronald
Change of Plans: Towards a Non-Sexist Sustainable City by Eichler, Margrit
Dienstgruppen und westdeutscher Verteidigungsbeitrag by Stürm, Walter, Wiggershaus, Norbert, Borgert, Heinz L.
Die Wehrmacht-Elite: Rang- Und Herkunftsstruktur Der Deutschen Generale Und Admirale 1933-1945 by Stumpf, Reinhard
Adolf Wild von Hohenborn by
For the President's Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush by Andrew, Christopher
More Political Babble: The Dumbest Things Politicians Ever Said by Olive, David
More Political Babble: The Dumbest Things Politicians Ever Said by Olive, David
Strategies of Transformation Toward a Multicultural Society: Fulfilling the Story of Democracy by Abalos, David T.
The Disenchanted Island: Puerto Rico and the United States in the Twentieth Century by Fernandez, Ronald
Trade & the American Dream-Pa by Aaronson, Susan Ariel
Political Behavior by Isayas, Dawit, Smith, Gerald, Bangura, Abdul Karim
The American Welfare System: Origins, Structure, and Effects by Gensler, Howard
Legislative Term Limits: Public Choice Perspectives by
Face of the Nation: Immigration, the State, and the National Identity by Fitzgerald, Keith
High Hopes: Bill Clinton and the Politics of Ambition by Renshon, Stanley A.
Strategic Presidency by Pfiffner, James P.
New Governance for Rural America: Creating Intergovernmental Partnerships by Radin, Beryl A., Agranoff, Robert, Bowman, Ann
The Politics of the Real World: A Major Statement of Public Concern from over 40 of the UK's Leading Voluntary and Campaigning Organisations by Coalition, Real World
The Careless Society: Community and Its Counterfeits by McKnight, John
Third Parties in America: Citizen Response to Major Party Failure - Updated and Expanded Second Edition by Behr, Roy L., Lazarus, Edward H., Rosenstone, Steven J.
The Worst Tax?: A History of the Property Tax in America by Fisher, Glenn W.
Violence As Obscenity: Limiting the Media's First Amendment Protection by Saunders, Kevin W.
Constitutional Politics in the States: Contemporary Controversies and Historical Patterns by
Immigration in America's Future: Social Science Findings and the Policy Debate by Heer, David
Against the Imperial Judiciary: The Supreme Court vs. the Sovereignty of the People by Franck, Matthew J.
Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era: Now You See It, Now You Don't by Smith, Robert C.
Debt Wish: Entrepreneurial Cities, U.S. Federalism, and Economic Development by Sbragia, Alberta
Building a Democratic Political Order: Reshaping American Liberalism in the 1930s and 1940s by Plotke, David
Term Limits and Legislative Representation by Carey, John M.
The Psychological Assessment of Presidential Candidates by Renshon, Stanley A.
The Affirmative Action Debate by
Tell Newt to Shut Up!: Prizewinning Washington Post Journalists Reveal How Reality Gagged the Gingrich Revolution by Weisskopf, Michael, Maraniss, David
Native American Political Systems and the Evolution of Democracy: An Annotated Bibliography by Johansen, Bruce Elliott
Middle Class Dreams: The Politics and Power of the New American Majority, Revised and Updated Edition by Greenberg, Stanley B.
The Strategic Presidency: Hitting the Ground Running?second Edition Revised by Pfiffner, James P.
Deciding to Intervene: The Reagan Doctrine and American Foreign Policy by
Checking on Banks: Autonomy and Accountability in Three Federal Agencies by Khademian, Anne M.
In an Age of Experts: The Changing Roles of Professionals in Politics and Public Life by Brint, Steven
Wallace: The Classic Portrait of Alabama Governor George Wallace by Frady, Marshall
Emergency Presidential Power: From the Drafting of the Constitution to the War on Terror by Edelson, Chris
Interstate Relations: The Neglected Dimension of Federalism by Zimmerman, Joseph
Conflict and Compromise: How Congress Makes the Law by Elving, Ronald D.
Kriegsende im Osten by Zeidler, Manfred
The Politics of Revelation and Reason: Religion and Civic Life in the New Nation by West Jr, John G.
A Moment's Notice: Time Politics Across Culture by Greenhouse, Carol J.
A Moment's Notice: Time Politics Across Culture by Greenhouse, Carol J.
Judging Rights by McClure, Kirstie M.
Counting on the Latino Vote: Latinos as a New Electorate by Desipio, Louis
Braunkohlentagebau Und Rekultivierung: Landschaftsakologie - Folgenutzung - Naturschutz by
Alles Steht Und Fällt Mit Dem Politischen Willen Der Mitglieder: Die Vereinten Nationen Auf Dem Weg in Die Zweite Jahrhunderthälfte by Weizsäcker, Richard Von
Civil Service Reform: Building a Government That Works by Ingraham, Patricia W., Sanders, Ronald P., Kettl, Donald F.
A Sentimental Economy: Commodity and Community in Rural Ireland by Salazar, Carles
Culture of Deference: Congress's Failure of Leadership in Foreign Policy by Weissman, Stephen R.
Staking Out the Terrain: Power and Performance Among Natural Resource Agencies, Second Edition by Clarke, Jeanne N., McCool, Daniel
Representation in Crisis: The Constitution, Interest Groups, and Political Parties by Ryden, David K.
Rethinking Local Democracy by Stoker, Gerry, King, Desmond S.
The Rhetoric of Moral Protest: Public Campaigns, Celebrity Endorsement and Political Mobilization by Lahusen, Christian
Industrial Democracy in America: The Ambiguous Promise by
Lawmaking and the Legislative Process: Committees, Connections, and Compromises by Neal, Tommy
Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas by Greed, Clara
Direct Democracy in Canada: The History and Future of Referendums by Boyer, J. Patrick
The Constitution and the Conduct of American Foreign Policy: Essays in Law and History by
The New Communitarians and the Crisis of Modern Liberalism by Frohnen, Bruce
Kindred Strangers: The Uneasy Relationship Between Politics and Business in America by Vogel, David
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor: Strategist on the Supreme Court by Maveety, Nancy
The Referendum Experience in Europe by
Exploring the Unknown - Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civilian Space Program Volume II: External Relationships by Logsdon, John M., Launius, Roger D., Day, Dwayne A.
The Politics of Expertise in Congress: The Rise and Fall of the Office of Technology Assessment by Bimber, Bruce
Extraordinary Politics: How Protest And Dissent Are Changing American Democracy by Euchner, Charles
Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence, and a Bad Haircut by O'Rourke, P. J.
Standortplanung Für Locally Unwanted Land Uses: Modellansätze Zur Entscheidungsfindung by
Planners on Planning: Leading Planners Offer Real-Life Lessons on What Works, What Doesn't, and Why by McClendon, Bruce W., Catanese, Anthony James
Politics and Judgment in Federal District Courts by Carp, Robert a., Rowland, C. K.
The Assault on Equality by Kronick, Jane C., Marks, R. William, Vosburgh, Miriam G.
Ringing the Changes in Europe: Regulatory Competition and the Transformation of the State. Britain, France, Germany by Knill, Christoph, Mingers, Susanne, Héritier, Adrienne
From Opportunity/Entitlement: The Transformation and Decline of Great Society Liberalism by Davies, Gareth
Facing Up to the American Dream: Race, Class, and the Soul of the Nation by Hochschild, Jennifer L.
Urban Planning in Europe: International Competition, National Systems and Planning Projects by Thornley, Andy, Newman, Peter
Urban Planning in Europe: International Competition, National Systems and Planning Projects by Newman, Peter, Thornley, Andy
Elizabethan Parliaments 1559-1601 by Graves, Michael a. R., Lockyer, Roger
Federal Information Policies in the 1990s: Views and Perspectives by Unknown
To Secure These Rights: The Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Interpretation by Gerber, Scott Douglas
The Divided Democrats: Ideological Unity, Party Reform, And Presidential Elections by Mayer, William G.
Geo-Space Urban Design by Ojima, Toshio, Golany, Gideon S.
From Tea Leaves to Opinion Polls: A Theory of Democratic Leadership by Geer, John
Other People's Blood: U.S. Immigration Prisons in the Reagan Decade by Kahn, Robert S.
Challenging the Growth Machine by Ferman, Barbara
Partisan Century: Political Writings, from Partisan Review by
American Political Cultures by Ellis, Richard J.
Imbalance of Powers: Constitutional Interpretation and the Making of American Foreign Policy by Silverstein, Gordon
A Partisan Century: Political Writings from Partisan Review by
Democrats Under Siege in the Sunbelt Megastates: California, Florida, and Texas by Nelson, Albert J.
Subject Guide to U.S. Government Reference Sources by Hardy (Davis), Gayle
The End of the Republican Era, Volume 5 by Lowi, Theodore J.
Marxian Socialism in the United States: Nation and Culture in Mendelssohn's Revival of the St. Matthew Passion by Bell, Daniel
Umweltwissenschaften Und Umweltmanagement: Ein Interdisziplinäres Lehrbuch by
A Lost Cause: Bill Clinton's Campaign for National Health Insurance by Laham, Nicholas
Community Strategic Visioning Programs by
The Secret World of American Communism by Klehr, Harvey, Haynes, John Earl, Firsov, Fridrikh Igorevich
Remaking Planning: The Politics of Urban Change by Stoker, Gerry, Brindley, Tim, Rydin, Yvonne
House of Lords Reign of Charle by Swatland, Andrew
Power Game: How Washington Works by Smith, Hedrick
Clarence Thomas and the Tough Love Crowd: Counterfeit Heroes and Unhappy Truths by Roberts, Ronald Suresh
Understanding NAFTA: Mexico, Free Trade, and the New North America by Orme, William A.
Reason to Believe by Cuomo, Mario
Environmental Politics in Poland: A Social Movement Between Regime and Opposition by Hicks, Barbara
The Supreme Court Reborn: The Constitutional Revolution in the Age of Roosevelt by Leuchtenburg, William E.
Reconstructing Urban Regime Theory: Regulating Urban Politics in a Global Economy by
Local Democracy and Local Government by Wilson, David, Pratchett, Lawrence
Profiles in Character: Hubris and Heroism in the U.S. Senate, 1789-1990 by Hernon, Joseph Martin
Profiles in Character: Hubris and Heroism in the U.S. Senate, 1789-1990 by Hernon, Joseph Martin
The National Economic Council: A Work in Progress by Destler, I. M.
Politics or Principle?: Filibustering in the United States Senate by Binder, Sarah A., Smith, Steven S.
Sine Die: A Guide to the Washington State Legislative Process by Seeberger, Edward D.
American Foreign Policy: Carter to Clinton by Dumbrell, John
Political Parties and the Maintenance of Liberal Democracy by Patterson, Kelly
The Dynamics of Conflict in Northern Ireland: Power, Conflict and Emancipation by Joseph, Ruane, Jennifer, Todd, Ruane, Joseph
Self-Rule: A Cultural History of American Democracy by Wiebe, Robert H.
Labor and the Course of American Democracy: US History in Latin American Perspective by Bergquist, Charles
The Politics of Minority Coalitions: Race, Ethnicity, and Shared Uncertainties by
Reclaiming the City: Mixed use development by
Law-Making and Society in Late Elizabethan England: The Parliament of England, 1584 1601 by Dean, D. M., Dean, David
The Constitution of Interests: Beyond the Politics of Rights by Brigham, John
Hope Is the Struggle: A Community in Action by
Setting National Priorities: Budget Choices for the Next Century by
Urban Planning and the African-American Community: In the Shadows by
Development and Social Diversity by
Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development in Asia by
The People's Welfare: Law and Regulation in Nineteenth-Century America by Novak, William J.
The Essence of Totalitarianism by Vetterli, Richard
Reinventing Government or Reinventing Ourselves: The Role of Citizen Owners in Making a Better Government by Schachter, Hindy L.
Town Planning in Britain P by Cherry, Gordon E.
Bitter Harvest: FDR, Presidential Power and the Growth of the Presidential Branch by Dickinson, Matthew J.
From Many, One: Readings in American Political and Social Thought by
Critical Moral Liberalism: Theory and Practice by Reiman, Jeffrey
Defense Addiction: Can America Kick The Habit? by Gottlieb, Sanford