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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 1997

Metropolitics: A Regional Agenda for Community and Stability by Orfield, Myron
Zur Entwicklung Der Stadtplanung in Europa: Begegnungen, Einflusse, Verflechtungen by Albers, Gerd
Boden - Wem Nutzt Er? Wen Stutzt Er?: Neue Perspektiven Des Bodenrechts by
Taxing America by
Privatizing Subsidized Housing by Weicher, John C.
The Tempting of America by Bork, Robert H.
Modern Housing for America: Policy Struggles in the New Deal Era by Radford, Gail
Committees in Congress, 3e by Deering, Christopher J.
Present Discontents: American Politics in the Very Late Twentieth Century by Shafer, Byron E.
From Parchment to Power: How James Madison Used the Bill of Rights to Save the Constutition by Goldwin, Robert A.
How Does A Policy Mean?: Interpreting Policy and Organizational Actions by Yanow, Dvora
Race, Politics, and Governance in the United States by
Race, Politics, and Governance in the United States by
Verkehrsdynamik: Neue Physikalische Modellierungskonzepte by Helbing, Dirk
National Service and Americorps: An Annotated Bibliography by Metz, Allan, Unknown
The Future of the Race by West, Cornel, Gates, Henry Louis
Handbook of Research on Urban Politics and Policy in the United States by Vogel, Ronald
Sharing the Secrets: Open Source Intelligence and the War on Drugs by Johansen, Bruce
Institutions of Modern Spain: A Political and Economic Guide by Newton, Michael T.
The City: Los Angeles and Urban Theory at the End of the Twentieth Century by
Mandatsniederlegungen Auf Kommunaler Ebene by Becher, Kathrin Susann
Nationales Interesse Und Integrative Politik in Transnationalen Parlamentarischen Versammlungen by
Building New York's Sewers: The Evolution of Mechanisms of Urban Development (History of Technology) by Goldman, Joanne Abel
Showdown: The Struggle Between the Gingrich Congress and the Clinton White House by Drew, Elizabeth
Clean for Gene: Eugene McCarthy's 1968 Presidential Campaign by Rising, George, Unknown
Challengers, Competition, and Reelection: Comparing Senate and House Elections by Krasno, Jonathan S.
John Randolph of Roanoke: A Study in American Politics by Kirk, Russell
Freeing China's Farmers: Rural Restructuring in the Reform Era: Rural Restructuring in the Reform Era by Zweig, David
Evaluating Theory-Practice and Urban-Rural Interplay in Planning by
Biodiversität Und Tourismus: Konflikte Und Lösungsansätze an Den Küsten Der Weltmeere by
Ethnicity and Group Rights: Nomos XXXIX by
Texas Iconoclast: Maury Maverick, Jr. by
The Orphaned Capital: Adopting the Right Revenues for the District of Columbia by O'Cleireacain, Carol
Quotas in International Environmental Agreements by Wolf, Amanda
The Challenge of Sustainable Cities: Neoliberalism and Urban Strategies in Developing Countries by
Ending Affirmative Action: The Case for Colorblind Justice by Eastland, Terry
The American Presidency Under Siege by Rose, Gary L.
Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government by Moore, Mark H.
The Budget Deficit and the National Debt by Thompson, Kenneth W.
The Executive Office of the President: A Historical, Biographical, and Bibliographical Guide by
Reason and Passion: Justice Brennan's Enduring Influence by
Boomerang: Health Care Reform and the Turn Against Government (Revised) by Skocpol, Theda
Courts and Congress by Katzmann, Robert a.
Unconventional Warfare: Rebuilding U.S. Special Operation Forces by Marquis, Susan
Courts and Congress by Katzmann, Robert a.
Unconventional Warfare: Rebuilding U.S. Special Operation Forces by Marquis, Susan
Civilizing American Cities: Writings on City Landscapes by Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr.
The System: The American Way of Politics at the Breaking Point by Johnson, Haynes Bonner
Guide to Popular U.S. Government Publications, 1992-1995 by Wood, Richard J., Hoffmann, Frank
After the Boom: The Politics of Generation X by
Pursuit of the Shield: The U.S. Quest for Limited Ballistic Missile Defense by McMahon, K. Scott
Black and Right: The Bold New Voice of Black Conservatives in America by Faryna, Stan, Stetson, Brad, Conti, J.
Federal Britain: A History by Kendle, John
Pursuit of the Shield: The U.S. Quest for Limited Ballistic Missile Defense by McMahon, K. Scott
Presidents and Foreign Policy: Countdown to Ten Controversial Decisions by Shank, Alan, Drachman, Edward R.
John Randolph of Roanoke: A Study in American Politics by Kirk, Russell
Wettbewerb Und Kooperation: Zum Verhältnis Von Regierungsmehrheit Und Opposition Im Parlamentarischen Gesetzgebungsverfahren in Der Bundesrepublik by Helms, Ludger
U.S. Banking and its Regulation in the Political Context by Khoury, Sarkis Joseph
The Dual Agenda: Race and Social Welfare Policies of Civil Rights Organizations by Hamilton, Charles, Hamilton, Dona Cooper
Government for the Future: Unification, Fragmentation and Regionalism by
Umweltqualitätsziele: Schritte Zur Umsetzung by
The Corporate City: The American City as a Political Entity, 1800-1850 by Curry, Leonard P.
Political Geography: A New Introduction by Muir, Richard
Money for Nothing: Politicians, Rent Extraction, and Political Extortion by McChesney, Fred S.
The Rise of Big Government by Vatter, Harold G., Walker, John F.
The Rise of Big Government by Vatter, Harold G., Walker, John F.
The Mild Voice of Reason: Deliberative Democracy and American National Government by Bessette, Joseph M.
What's a Nice Republican Girl Like Me Doing in the Aclu? by Kennedy, Sheila Suess
The Global Expansion of Judicial Power by
Between The Branches: The White House Office of Legislative Affairs by Collier, Kenneth
Government and Community in the English Provinces, 1700-1870 by Eastwood, David
Planning Europe's Capital Cities: Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Urban Development by Hall, Thomas
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
Der Gesetzgeber: Der Bundestag ALS Entscheidungszentrum by Von Beyme, Klaus
Bicameralism by Money, Jeannette, Tsebelis, George
Minority Rights, Majority Rule: Partisanship and the Development of Congress by Binder, Sarah A.
Bicameralism by Tsebelis, George
Minority Rights, Majority Rule: Partisanship and the Development of Congress by Binder, Sarah A., Sarah a., Binder
Community Building: What Makes It Work: A Review of Factors Influencing Successful Community Building by Mattessich, Paul W., Wilder Research Center
Community Building: What Makes It Work: A Review of Factors Influencing Successful Community Building by Mattessich, Paul W., Wilder Research Center
Great Experiments in American Economic Policy: From Kennedy to Reagan by Karier, Thomas
The United States Supreme Court: A political and legal analysis by McKeever, Robert
Everson Revisited: Religion, Education, and Law at the Crossroads by
Students Atlas of American Presidential Elections by Israel, Fred
Sustainable Global Communities in the Information Age: Visions from Futures Studies by
Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America by Constantine, Alex
Sam Smith's Great American Political Repair Manual by Smith, Sam
Towns and Cities: Competing for survival by McIntosh, Angus
Bewertungen in Umweltschutz Und Umweltrecht by Stelzer, Volker
Up from Conservatism by Lind, Michael
Rainforest Cities: Urbanization, Development, and Globalization of the Brazilian Amazon by Browder, John, Godfrey, Brian
Democracy Reformed: Richard Spencer Childs and His Fight for Better Government by Hirschhorn, Bernard
On Faith and Free Government by
The American Constitution and Its Provenance by Stevens, Richard G.
Running on the Record: Civil War-Era Politics in New Hampshire by Renda, Lex
Muffled Echoes: Oliver North and the Politics of Public Opinion by Fried, Amy
A City Year: On the Streets and in the Neighbourhoods with Twelve Young Community Volunteers by Goldsmith, Suzanne
Muffled Echoes: Oliver North and the Politics of Public Opinion by Fried, Amy
Going Negative by Iyengar, Shanto, Ansolabehere, Stephen
Learning to Govern: An Institutional View of the 104th Congress by Fenno, Richard F.
The Congressional Black Caucus: Racial Politics in the Us Congress by Singh, Robert
Tales of the State: Narrative in Contemporary U.S. Politics and Public Policy by
The Voice of the People: Public Opinion and Democracy by Fishkin, James S.
The Congressional Black Caucus: Racial Politics in the US Congress by Singh, Robert
Towns, Plans and Society in Modern Britain by Meller, Helen
Towns, Plans and Society in Modern Britain by Meller, Helen
Education for Citizenship: Ideas and Innovations in Political Learning by
The Promise of Representative Bureaucracy: Diversity and Responsiveness in a Government Agency: Diversity and Responsiveness in a Government Agency by Selden, Sally Coleman
The Political Participation of Asian Americans: Voting Behavior in Southern California by Lien, Pei-Te
Citizenship and Democracy: A Case for Proportional Representation by Leonen, Nick
New Federalist Papers: Essays in Defense of the Constitution (A Twentieth Century Fund Book) by Brinkley, Alan
Fortress America: Gated Communities in the United States by Snyder, Mary Gail, Blakely, Edward J.
Turf Wars: How Congressional Committees Claim Jurisdiction by King, David C.
The Presidential Pulse of Congressional Elections, Second Edition by Campbell, James E.
Decentralization In Mexico: From Reforma Municipal To Solidaridad To Nuevo Federalismo by Rodriguez, Victoria
African American Power and Politics: The Political Context Variable by Walton, Hanes
Welfare as We Knew It: A Political History of the American Welfare State by Noble, Charles
The Hollow Core: Private Interests in National Policy Making by Heinz, John P., Laumann, Edward O., Nelson, Robert L.
Dixie Rising Pa by Applebome, Peter
The New Hampshire Primary and the American Electoral Process by Unknown, Palmer, Niall A.
From Watergate to Whitewater: The Public Integrity War by Roberts, Robert North, Doss, Marion T., Jr.
Terminating Public Programs: An American Political Paradox: An American Political Paradox by Daniels, Mark R.
Terminating Public Programs: An American Political Paradox: An American Political Paradox by Daniels, Mark R.
Cooperative and Collective in China's Rural Development: Between State and Private Interests: Between State and Private Interests by Chong, Woei Lien, Vermeer, Eduard B., Pieke, Frank N.
The Devil Problem: And Other True Stories by Remnick, David
This Gifted Age: Science and Technology at the Millennium by Gibbons, John C.
Campaign Finance Reform: A Sourcebook by
Why People Don't Trust Government by
Bad Land: An American Romance by Raban, Jonathan
Voting Hopes or Fears?: White Voters, Black Candidates & Racial Politics in America by Reeves, Keith
Envisioning Ecotopia: The U.S. Green Movement and the Politics of Radical Social Change by Kassman, Kenn
Growth and Variability in State Tax Revenue: An Anatomy of State Fiscal Crises by Sobel, Russell S., Holcombe, Randall G.
The Recall: Tribunal of the People by Zimmerman, Joseph
The Capitalist City: Global Restructuring and Community Politics by Smith, Michael Peter, Feagin, Joe
Progressive Democracy by Croly, Herbert
Peer Review in the Department of Energy-Office of Science and Technology: Interim Report by National Research Council, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, Committee on the Department of Energy-Office of Science and
Presidents as Candidates: Inside the White House for the Presidential Campaign by Tenpas, Kathryn D.
The Evaluative Image of the City by Nasar, Jack L.
Decline of Representative Democracy (Paper) by Rosenthal, Alan
War Without Bloodshed by Clift, Eleanor, Brazaitis, Tom
The Evaluative Image of the City by Nasar, Jack L.
A Rage for Justice: The Passion and Politics of Phillip Burton by Jacobs, John
In the Midst of Perpetual Fetes: The Making of American Nationalism, 1776-1820 by Waldstreicher, David
Public Organization Management: The Development of Theory and Process by Jreisat, Jamil E.
The New Populist Reader by Trautman, Karl G.
Politics, Power and Policy Making: Case of Health Care Reform in the 1990s by Patel, Kant, Rushefsky, Mark E.
The Politics of Fat: People, Power and Food and Nutrition Policy by Sims, Laura S.
The Politics of Fat: People, Power and Food and Nutrition Policy by Sims, Laura S.
Politics, Power and Policy Making: Case of Health Care Reform in the 1990s by Rushefsky, Mark E., Patel, Kant
The 1996 Presidential Election in the South: Southern Party Systems in the 1990s by Unknown
The Urban Challenge in Africa: Growth and Management of Its Large Cities by
Reelecting Bill Clinton: Why America Chose a New Democrat by Hohenberg, John
Politics, Position, and Power: The Dynamics of Federal Organization by Seidman, Harold
Landwirtschaft, Staat und Autarkie by Nützenadel, Alexander
Phraseologie in Der Politischen Rede: Untersuchungen Zur Verwendung Von Phraseologismen, Phraseologischen Modifikationen Und Verstößen Gegen Die Phras by Elspaß, Stephan
Battery Park City: Politics and Planning on the New York Waterfront by Gordon, David L. A.
Managing for a Change: How to Run Community Development Projects by Davies, Anthony
Contested Lands in Southern and Eastern Africa: A Literature Survey by Palmer, Robin
The Bully Pulpit: The Politics of Protestant Clergy by Smidt, Corwin E., Guth, James L., Green, John C.
Bully Pulpit by Smidt, Corwin E., Guth, James L., Green, John C.
What It Means to Be a Libertarian: A Personal Interpretation by Murray, Charles