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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2000

Water for Urban Areas: Challenges and Perspectives by
1929 Russland: Architektur Fur Eine Weltrevolution by El Lissitzky
Gottfried Semper - Praktische Asthetik Und Politischer Kampf by Quitzsch, Heinz
Kleinstadt, Steildach, Volksgemeinschaft: Zum "Reaktionaren Modernismus" in Bau- Und Stadtbaukunst by Fehl, Gerhard
Einfach Schwierig. Eine Deutsche Architekturdebatte: Ausgewahlte Beitrage 1993-1995 by
Die Rettung Der Architektur VOR Sich Selbst: Zehn Polemiken by Hoffmann-Axthelm, Dieter
Die Diktatur Der Philanthropen: Entwicklung Der Stadtplanung Aus Dem Utopischen Denken by Bruyn, Gerd De, De Bruyn, Gerd
Italienische Gedanken: Beobachtungen Und Reflexionen Zur Architektur by Smithson, Alison, Smithson, Peter
Bild Und Bau: Zur Nutzung Technischer Medien Beim Entwerfen Von Architektur by Sachsse, Rolf
Models of Local Governance: Public Opinion and Political Theory in Britain by Stoker, G., Miller, W., Dickson, M.
Cultures, Communities, Identities: Cultural Strategies for Participation and Empowerment by Mayo, M.
It Takes a City: Getting Serious about Urban School Reform by Harvey, James, Campbell, Christine, Hill, Paul T.
The Pocket Patriot: An Introduction to the Principles of Freedom by Grant, George
Working in the World: Jimmy Carter and the Making of American Foreign Policy by Strong, Robert A.
Reviving Regulatory Reform by Hahn, Robert W.
Decision for Disaster: Betrayal at the Bay of Pigs by Lynch, Grayston
The Double Edged Sword by Shogan, Robert
The Presidency and Domestic Policy: Comparing Leadership Styles, FDR to Clinton by Genovese, Michael A., Lammers, William W.
American Airpower Strategy/Korea by Crane, Conrad C.
An Anthropologist in the French Parliament / Un ethnologue à l'Assemblée by Abélès, Marc
Prospects for Japanese Studies in the 21st Century by Kong, Japanese Studies Department of the Chinese University, Kong, Society Of Japanese Language Education Hong
Essentials Of American Politics by McKay, David
American Government: Conflict, Compromise, And Citizenship by Portz, John, Bosso, Christopher J., Tolley, Michael
Reluctant Champions: U.S. Presidential Policy and Strategic Export Controls, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush and Clinton by Cupitt, Richard T.
The Profession of City Planning: Changes, Images, and Challenges: 1950-200 by Rodwin, Lloyd
The America We Deserve by Trump, Donald J.
Gendering the City: Women, Boundaries, and Visions of Urban Life by
Lincoln's Sacred Effort: Defining Religion's Role in American Self-Government by Morel, Lucas E.
Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files by Wiener, Jon
Politics as Usual: The Cyberspace `Revolution′ by Margolis, Michael, Resnick, David K.
Politics as Usual: The Cyberspace `Revolution′ by Resnick, David K., Margolis, Michael
Cities Back from the Edge: New Life for Downtown by Mintz, Norman, Gratz, Roberta Brandes
Communication in the Presidential Primaries: Candidates and the Media, 1912-2000 by Kendall, Kathleen E.
U.S. Immigration Policy in an Age of Rights by Delaet, Debra L.
Urban Planning in a Multicultural Society by Burayidi, Michael
U.S. Immigration Policy in an Age of Rights by Delaet, Debra L.
America's Struggle with Chemical-Biological Warfare by Mauroni, Al
Army Relations with Congress: Thick Armor, Dull Sword, Slow Horse by Scroggs, Stephen
Clinton Foreign Policy Reader: Presidential Speeches with Commentary by Rubinstein, Alvin Z.
Clinton Foreign Policy Reader: Presidential Speeches with Commentary by Rubinstein, Alvin Z.
Urban Democracy by
Manager Des Parlaments: Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer Im Deutschen Bundestag -- Status, Funktion, Arbeitsweise by Petersen, Sönke
Redeeming the Republic: Federalists, Taxation, and the Origins of the Constitution by Brown, Roger H.
A Token's View from Inside the Internal Revenue Service by Williams, Oscar
Congress and the Foreign Policy Process: Modes of Legislative Behavior by Antizzo, Glenn J., Sarieddine, Leila S., Crabb, Cecil V.
Hawai'i Politics and Government: An American State in a Pacific World by Smith, Zachary A., Pratt, Richard C.
Love, Lust, and Longing in the White House: The Romantic Relationships of America's Presidents by Garrison, Webb B.
Reelection: William Jefferson Clinton as a Native-Son Presidential Candidate by Walton, Hanes
Reelection: William Jefferson Clinton as a Native-Son Presidential Candidate by Walton, Hanes
Divided Arsenal: Race and the American State During World War II by Kryder, Daniel
Organizing Democracy in Eastern Germany by Padgett, Stephen
Faces of Inequality: Social Diversity in American Politics by Hero, Rodney E.
Ressourcennutzung in Wirtschaftsräumen: Stoffstromanalysen Für Eine Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung by Bringezu, Stefan
The New Politics of British Local Governance by Stoker, Gerry
The New Politics of British Local Governance by Stoker, Gerry
Walking on Water: Black American Lives at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century by Kenan, Randall
Federal Planning and Historic Places: The Section 106 Process by King, Thomas F.
Urban Politics in Early Modern Europe by Friedrichs, Christopher R.
Urban-Suburban Interdependencies by
Drowning the Dream: California's Water Choices at the Millennium by Carle, David
Good Neighborhoods: A Study of In-Town and Suburban Residential Environments by Brower, Sidney
International Politics and Civil Rights Policies in the United States, 1941 1960 by Layton, Azza Salama
After Welfare: The Culture of Postindustrial Social Policy by Schram, Sanford F.
Foreign Bondholders and American State Debts by McGrane, Reginald C.
Common Sense Revisited: A Commentary on Our American Government by Smith, William
After Welfare: The Culture of Postindustrial Social Policy by Schram, Sanford F.
Presidential Greatness by Milkis, Sidney M., Landy, Marc
Democratic Brazil: Actors, Institutions and Processes by
City Visions by Bell, David, Haddour, Azzedine
Bergbau Und Umwelt: Langfristige Geochemische Einflüsse by
Rekultivierung in Bergbaufolgelandschaften: Bodenorganismen, Bodenökologische Prozesse Und Standortentwicklung by
The Future of Us All: Race and Neighborhood Politics in New York City by Sanjek, Roger
Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion: The Making of a President, 1884 by Summers, Mark Wahlgren
The Clinton Scandal and the Future of American Government by
Shelter Is Not Enough: Transforming Multi-Storey Housing by Towers, Graham
Virginia's Native Son: The Election and Administration of Governor L. Douglas Wilder by Jeffries, Judson L.
Delegation and Accountability in European Integration: The Nordic Parliamentary Democracies and the European Union by
It's My Money and I'll Cry If I Want to: Trying to Survive the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy by Carlsen, Glen
The Art of Revitalization: Improving Conditions in Distressed Inner-City Neighborhoods by Zielenbach, Sean
The President Is at Camp David by Nelson, W. Dale
Show Me a Hero by Belkin, Lisa
Cq′s Desk Reference on the Economy: Over 600 Questions That Will Help You Understand News, Trends, and Issues by Carroll, Richard J.
Partners and Rivals: Representation in U.S. Senate Delegations by Schiller, Wendy J.
A Passion for Democracy: American Essays by Barber, Benjamin R.
The Governance of the City University of New York: A System at Odds with Itself by Gill, Brian
Group Rights: Reconciling Equality and Difference by Ingram, David
Versickerungsfähige Verkehrsflächen: Anforderungen, Einsatz Und Bemessung by Gerlach, A., Köhler, M., Borgwardt, S.
The Art of Revitalization: Improving Conditions in Distressed Inner-City Neighborhoods by Zielenbach, Sean
Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans by Fehrenbach, T. R.
Bold Relief: Institutional Politics and the Origins of Modern American Social Policy by Amenta, Edwin
Government Works by Esman, Milton J.
The Stakeholder Society by Alstott, Anne, Ackerman, Bruce
Corporation Nation: How Corporations Are Taking Over Our Lives -- And What We Can Do about It by Derber, Charles
The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction by Amar, Akhil Reed
Congress at the Grassroots: Representational Change in the South, 1970-1998 by Fenno, Richard F.
In the Shadow of the Garrison State: America's Anti-Statism and Its Cold War Grand Strategy by Friedberg, Aaron L.
Corrupt Cities: A Practical Guide to Cure and Prevention by Maclean-Abaroa, Ronald, Parris, Lindsey H., Klitgaard, Robert
Representing Women: Sex, Gender, and Legislative Behavior in Arizona and California by Reingold, Beth
The Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt by McJimsey, George
Renewing Hope within Neighborhoods of Despair: The Community-Based Development Model by Rubin, Herbert J.
The End of Utopia: Politics and Culture in an Age of Apathy by Jacoby, Russell
Talk of Power, Power of Talk: The 1994 Health Care Reform Debate and Beyond by Shelton, Michael W.
Small Town and Rural Economic Development: A Case Studies Approach by Schaeffer, Peter, Loveridge, Scott
Republicans in the South: Voting for the State House, Voting for the White House by Rhodes, Terrel L.
U.S. House of Representatives: Reform or Rebuild? by
The U.S. House of Representatives: Reform or Rebuild? by
County Government: A Guide to Efficient and Accountable Government by Coppa, Frank
Social Structures, Social Capital, and Personal Freedom by
Solving Problems Without Large Government: Devolution, Fairness, and Equality by Liebmann, George W.
With Malice Toward All?: The Media and Public Confidence in Democratic Institutions by Moy, Patricia, Pfau, Michael William
With Malice Toward All? The Media and Public Confidence in Democratic Institutions by Pfau, Michael, Moy, Patricia
Pensions, Politics and the Elderly: Historic Social Movements and Their Lessons for Our Aging Society by Mitchell, Daniel J. B.
A Study of Core Functions in Emergency Management as Reflected in Training Requirements for Professional Certification by Green, Walter Guerry, III
The Promise and Peril of Environmental Justice by Foreman, Christopher H.
Kennedy Justice by Navasky, Victor S.
In the Web of Politics: Three Decades of the U.S. Federal Executive by Rockman, Bert A., Aberbach, Joel D.
Who Speaks for the President?: The White House Press Secretary from Cleveland to Clinton by Nelson, W. Dale
The Regulatory Craft: Controlling Risks, Solving Problems, and Managing Compliance by Sparrow, Malcolm K.
Cq′s Desk Reference on American Government: Over 600 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions by Wetterau, Bruce
Gassed in the Gulf: The Inside Story of the Pentagon-CIA Cover-Up of Gulf War Syndrome by Eddington, Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. President: From the Trumans to the Clintons?second Edition, Revised by Troy, Gil
Democratic Commitments: Legislatures and International Cooperation by Martin, Lisa L.
Tobacco War: Inside the California Battles by Balbach, Edith D., Glantz, Stanton A.
The Control Room: How Television Calls the Shots in Presidential Elections by Plissner, Martin
Political Participation and Ethnic Minorities: Chinese Overseas in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the United States by Freedman, Amy L.
Monitoring Land Supply with Geographic Information Systems: Theory, Practice, and Parcel-Based Approaches by
Political Communication Ethics: An Oxymoron? by
Political Communication Ethics: An Oxymoron? by
Special Districts, Special Purposes: Fringe Governments and Urban Problems in the Houston Area by Perrenod, Virginia M.
Urban Texas: Politics and Development by
The Federal Budget: Politics, Policy, Process by Schick, Allen
The Hidden War: Crime and the Tragedy of Public Housing in Chicago by Gwiasda, Victoria E., Olson, Lynn M., Popkin, Susan J.
Friends and Foes: How Congress and the President Really Make Foreign Policy by Hersman, Rebecca K. C.
Vouchers and the Provision of Public Services by
A Citizen's Guide to Grassroots Campaigns by Barry, Jan
A Private Woman in Public Spaces by Holmes, Barbara a.
Home Rule in America: A Fifty-State Handbook by
Everything You Think You Know about Politics and Why You're Wrong by Jamieson, Kathleen Hall
Class and Party in American Politics by Stonecash, Jeff
The Shadow Welfare State by Gottschalk, Marie
The Shadow Welfare State by Gottschalk, Marie
Cruel Britannia: Reports on the Sinister and the Preposterous by Cohen, Nick
Veto Bargaining: Presidents and the Politics of Negative Power by Cameron, Charles
Winning the Cost War: Applying Battlefield Management Doctrine to the Management of Government by Geiger, Dale R.
American Government: The Case for a Return to Federalism by Ellers, Joseph C.
Radiation the Silent Killer: Nuclear and Chemical Research Involving Our Military Personnel in the Development of the Atomic Bomb by Parrish, Albert G.
Governance, Politics and the State by Peters, B. Guy, Pierre, Jon
Presidents and Prime Ministers: Conviction Politics in the Anglo-American Tradition by Sykes, Patricia Lee
Racialized Coverage of Congress: The News in Black and White by Niven, David, Zilber, Jeremy
Religion, Economics, and Public Policy: Ironies, Tragedies, and Absurdities of the Contemporary Culture Wars by Walsh, Andrew D.
Realignment and Party Revival: Understanding American Electoral Politics at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century by Paulson, Arthur
For the Public Record: A Documentary History of the League of Women Voters by Stuhler, Barbara
Navigating Boundaries: The Rhetoric of Women Governors by
Navigating Boundaries: The Rhetoric of Women Governors by
Controlling State Crime by
National Security and Self-Determination: United States Policy in Micronesia (1961-1972) by Willens, Howard P., Siemer, Deanne C.
The Constitution of Interests: Beyond the Politics of Rights by Brigham, John
Virginia's Native Son: The Election and Administration of Governor L. Douglas Wilder by Jeffries, J. L.
The Initiative and Referendum in California, 1898-1998 by Allswang, John M.
The Politics of Women's Liberation: A Case Study of an Emerging Social Movement and Its Relation to the Policy Process by Freeman, Jo
Changing Race: Latinos, the Census and the History of Ethnicity by Rodríguez, Clara E.
The Politics of Ideas and the Spread of Enterprise Zones by Mossberger, Karen
Crafting Law on the Supreme Court: The Collegial Game by Maltzman, Forrest, Wahlbeck, Paul J., Spriggs, James F., II
How Britain Works: From Ideology to Output Politics by Temple, M.
Creating the Secret State: The Origins of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1943-1947 by Rudgers, David F.
Truman Defeats Dewey by Donaldson, Gary A.
FDR and the Creation of the U.N. by Brinkley, Douglas, Hoopes, Townsend
Strategy and Partnership in Cities and Regions: Economic Development and Urban Regeneration in Pittsburgh, Birmingham and Rotterdam by Na, Na
Strategy and Partnership in Cities and Regions: Economic Development and Urban Regeneration in Pittsburgh, Birmingham and Rotterdam by Na, Na
Crafting Law on the Supreme Court: The Collegial Game by Maltzman, Forrest, Wahlbeck, Paul J., Spriggs, James F., II
Social Security in the United States: An Analysis and Appraisal of the Federal Social Security Act by Douglas, Paul H.
Power And Its Disguises: Anthropological Perspectives On Politics by Gledhill, John
Clinton's 1996 Presidential Re-Election, Dissection and Disaffection by Morman, Robert R.
Public Crisis Management: How and Why Organizations Work Together to Solve Society's Most Threatening Problems by Hillyard, Michael J.
The Reinventor's Fieldbook: Tools for Transforming Your Government by Osborne, David, Plastrik, Peter
Presidents, Parties, and the State by James, Scott C.
Men Against Myths: The Progressive Response by Greenbaum, Fred
Learning, Innovation and Urban Evolution by
By Popular Demand: Revitalizing Representative Democracy Through Deliberative Elections by Gastil, John
Escape from Time: Disconnecting from Culture by Kile, Frederick
America in Perspective: LDS Perspectives on America's Past, Present and Future by Weeks, Andrew S.
The Newcomer's Guide to Winning Local Elections by Amrhein, Terry A.
The Kennedy Legacy: It's Time to Fulfill It: The Demise of American Culture and How to Revive It by Hermann, Linda Rae
The World According to Gore by Saunders, Debra J.
Political Parties and Elections in American States by
The New Regionalism and the Future of Security and Development: Vol. 4 by
Reichskommissariat Norwegen: »Nationalsozialistische Neuordnung« Und Kriegswirtschaft by Bohn, Robert
Budgeting Entitlements: The Politics of Food Stamps by King, Ronald F.
The Life of the Parties: A History of American Political Parties by Reichley, James A.
Democracy and Slavery in Frontier Illinois by Simeone, James
Voice, Trust, and Memory: Marginalized Groups and the Failings of Liberal Representation by Williams, Melissa S.
Urban Recycling and the Search for Sustainable Community Development by Schnaiberg, Allan, Weinberg, Adam S., Pellow, David N.
Planning to Stay: Learning to See the Physical Features of Your Neighborhood by Morrish, William R., Brown, Catherine R.
Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament: House of Commons, Vol. 1: 3 November - 19 December 1640 by
From Tenements to the Taylor Homes by
American Beliefs: What Keeps a Big Country and a Diverse People United by McElroy, John Harmon
The Last Revolution: Defining the Enemy and Winning Strategies by O'Hara, Patrick D.
Rostenkowski: The Pursuit of Power and the End of the Old Politics by Cohen, Richard E.
Introduction to Planning Practice by
Sweatshops on Wheels: Winners and Losers in Trucking Deregulation by Belzer, Michael H.
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