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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2003

Governing Scotland: The Invention of Administrative Devolution by Mitchell, James
Republican Legal Theory: The History, Constitution and Purposes of Law in a Free State by Sellers, M.
The Advantage of Competitive Federalism for Securities by Romano, Roberta
Dependent on D.C.: The Rise of Federal Control Over the Lives of Ordinary Americans by Twight, Charlotte
The Return of Berlusconi by
In Urban Planning by Houghton, Gillian
Implicating Empire by
Poverty and Home Ownership in Contemporary Britain by Burrows, Roger
The Differentiated Countryside by Murdoch, Jonathan, Lowe, Philip, Marsden and, Terry
A Voting Rights Odyssey: Black Enfranchisement in Georgia by McDonald, Laughlin
Effective Treatment of Logistics Resource Issues in the Air Force Planning, Programming, and Bugeting System (Ppbs) Process by Camm, Frank
Perspektiven polizeilicher Entscheidungsmacht.: Strafverfahrensabschluß und Polizei in Deutschland und England by Jasch, Michael
State / Space: A Reader by
State / Space: A Reader by
The Evolution of Presidential Polling by Eisinger, Robert M.
Resource Management, Urbanization, and Governance in Hong Kong and the Zhujiang Delta by
Organizing for Community Controlled Development: Renewing Civil Society by Cunningham, James V., Murphy, Patricia Watkins
Connecting the Dots of American Politics by Fletcher, Donn W.
Organizing for Community Controlled Development: Renewing Civil Society by Murphy, Patricia W., Cunningham, James V.
Die Enquete-Kommissionen Des Deutschen Bundestages by Altenhof, Ralf
Designing Cities: Critical Readings in Urban Design by
Redefining Urban and Suburban America: Evidence from Census 2000; Volume One by
Designing Cities: Critical Readings in Urban Design by
The Earthscan Reader on World Transport Policy and Practice by
Bad Neighbor Policy: Washington's Futile War on Drugs in Latin America by Carpenter, Ted Galen
Calls to Arms: Presidential Speeches, Messages, and Declarations of War by
The Twentieth Century: A People's History by Zinn, Howard
Civil Society: The American Model and Third World Development by Wiarda, Howard J.
Deciding to Leave: The Politics of Retirement from the United States Supreme Court by Ward, Artemus
Urban Land: Degradation - Investigation - Remediation by Genske, Dieter D.
Overruling Democracy: The Supreme Court Vs. the American People by Raskin, Jamin B.
Women Transforming Congress: Volume 4 by Rosenthal, Cindy Simon
Team Bush by Kettl, Donald F.
Sustainable Cities by Haughton, Graham, Hunter, Colin
Evaluating Gun Policy: Effects on Crime and Violence by
Between Democracy and Technocracy. The Role of Expertise for the European Parliament by Reck, Brigitte
Information and American Democracy: Technology in the Evolution of Political Power by Bimber, Bruce
Information and American Democracy by Bimber, Bruce
American Government and Politics: A Concise Introduction by Singh, Robert P.
Edgeless Cities: Exploring the Elusive Metropolis by Lang, Robert E.
Stalemate: Causes and Consequences of Legislative Gridlock by Binder, Sarah A.
The Regulators: Anonymous Power Brokers in American Politics by Skrzycki, Cindy
Endangering Development: Politics, Projects, and Environment in Burkina Faso by Engberg-Pedersen, Lars
Legislative Television as Political Advertising: A Public Choice Approach by
Local Democracy in Post-Communist Europe by
Religion Returns to the Public Square: Faith and Policy in America by
How Safe Are Our Skies? Assessing the Airlines' Response to Terrorism by Wallis, Rodney
The Politics of Landscapes in Singapore: Constructions of Nation by
The Politics of Landscapes in Singapore: Constructions of Nation by
Megaprojects and Risk by Bruzelius, Nils, Rothengatter, Werner, Flyvbjerg, Bent
A Tale of Three Cities: Or the Glocalization of City Management by Czarniawska, Barbara
Making Urban Transport Sustainable by
Making Urban Transport Sustainable by
A Tale of Three Cities: Or the Glocalization of City Management by Czarniawska, Barbara
Manager Empowerment in China: Political Implications of Rural Industrialisation in the Reform Era by Yep, Ray
Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design by Watson, Donald
Changing Places: Housing Association Policy and Practice on Nominations and Lettings by Mullins, David, Pawson, Hal
Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America by Swain, Carol M., Nieli, Russ
Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America by Nieli, Russ, Swain, Carol M.
Presidents and the Politics of Agency Design: Political Insulation in the United States Government Bureaucracy, 1946-1997 by Lewis, David E.
The Dollar Decade: Mammon and the Machine in 1920s America by Best, Gary
Grassroots Governance?: Chiefs in Africa and the Afro-Caribbean by
Representative Bureaucracy: Classic Readings and Continuing Controversies by Dolan, Julie, Rosenbloom, David H.
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Transformation of the Supreme Court by Pederson, William D., Williams, Michael R., Shaw, Stephen K.
Legislative Deferrals by Lovell, George I.
Civic Culture and Urban Change: Governing Dallas by Hanson, Royce
Going Home: Black Representatives and Their Constituents by Fenno, Richard F.
Skateboarding, Space and the City: Architecture and the Body by Borden, Iain
The West Wing: The American Presidency as Television Drama by
The Federalist Papers by Madison, James, Hamilton, Alexander, Jay, John
Media and Politics in America: A Reference Handbook by Stempel, Guido
Urban and Environmental Planning in the UK by Rydin, Yvonne
Why Are We at War? by Mailer, Norman
Married to the Mouse: Walt Disney World and Orlando by Foglesong, Richard E.
Protecting the American Homeland: One Year on by Orszag, Peter R., Daalder, Ivo H., O'Hanlon, Michael E.
A Voting Rights Odyssey: Black Enfranchisement in Georgia by McDonald, Laughlin
Sociology in Government: The Galpin-Taylor Years in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1919-1953 by Larson, Olaf F.
Neon Metropolis: How Las Vegas Started the Twenty-First Century by Rothman, Hal
Sleeping on a Wire: Conversations with Palestinians in Israel by Grossman, David
Patriots, Settlers, and the Origins of American Social Policy by Jensen, Laura S.
Once Upon a Time in New York: Jimmy Walker, Franklin Roosevelt, and the Last Great Battle of the Jazz Age by Mitgang, Herbert
Leasing Public Land: Policy Debates and International Experiences by
Patriots, Settlers, and the Origins of American Social Policy by Jensen, Laura
Local Government and Politics in China: Challenges from below by Zhong, Yang
Congress and the American Tradition by Burnham, James
Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment by Luberoff, David E., Altshuler, Alan A.
Naming Names: With a New Afterword by the Author by Navasky, Victor S.
Coloring the News: How Political Correctness Has Corrupted American Journalism by McGowan, William
Oil, Power, & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda by Everest, Larry
Oil, Power, & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda by Everest, Larry
Liberalism's Last Hurrah: The Presidential Campaign of 1964 by Donaldson, Robert H.
Administrative Renewal: Reorganization Commissions in the 20th Century by Moe, Ronald C.
The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone by Nye, Joseph S., Jr.
A History of Public Sector Pensions in the United States by Craig, Lee A., Clark, Robert L., Wilson, Jack W.
The Cell: Inside the 9/11 Plot, and Why the FBI and CIA Failed to Stop It by Stone, Michael, Miller, John
Urban Renaissance?: New Labour, Community and Urban Policy by
Human Resource Management and Occupational Health and Safety by Boyd, Carol
Presidents as Candidates: Inside the White House for the Presidential Campaign by Tenpas, Kathryn D.
Story and Sustainability: Planning, Practice, and Possibility for American Cities by
Planning in Contemporary Africa: The State, Town Planning and Society in Cameroon by Njoh, Ambe J.
The Disputed Presidential Election of 2000: A History and Reference Guide by Dover, E.
One Percent for the Kids: New Policies, Brighter Futures for America's Children by
President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941: Appearances and Realities by Beard, Charles a.
Robbing Us Blind: The Return of the Bush Gang and the Mugging of America by Brouwer, Steve
Robbing Us Blind: The Return of the Bush Gang and the Mugging of America by Brouwer, Steve
Urban Regeneration in Europe by
A Primer by Crowther, Samuel
The Globalized City: Economic Restructing and Social Polarization in European Cities by
Gay Rights and American Law by Pinello, Daniel R.
Gay Rights and American Law by Pinello, Daniel R.
The Other War: Global Poverty and the Millennium Challenge Account by Graham, Carol L., Brainard, Lael, Purvis, Nigel
History of Regional Science and the Regional Science Association International: The Beginnings and Early History by Isard, Walter
Voices of Europe: Citizens, Referendums, and European Integration by Hug, Simon
The Adapted City: Institutional Dynamics and Structural Change by Frederickson, H. George
U.S. Government on the Web: Getting the Information You Need Third Edition by Shuler, John A., Dugan, Robert E., Hernon, Peter
Power Play: The Fight to Control the World's Electricity by Beder, Sharon
China Against the Tides: Restructuring Through Revolution, Radicalism and Reform by Blecher, Marc
Using Community Informatics to Transform Regions by
Bush at War by Woodward, Bob
Democracy in America and Two Essays on America by Tocqueville, Alexis de
The Votes That Counted: How the Court Decided the 2000 Presidential Election by Gillman, Howard
Uncertainty in American Politics by
30 Days: A Month at the Heart of Blair's War by Stothard, Peter
Uncertainty in American Politics by
Integrated Land Use and Environmental Models: A Survey of Current Applications and Research by
Averting 'The Final Failure': John F. Kennedy and the Secret Cuban Missile Crisis Meetings by Stern, Sheldon M.
A Grand Strategy for America by Art, Robert J.
American Public Life Historical Imagin by
The Antifederalists: Men of Great Faith and Forbearance by Siemers, David
Roots for Radicals: Organizing for Power, Action, and Justice by Chambers, Edward T.
On Patriotism: The Condition, Prospects and Duties of the American People by Dewey, Orville
African Americans and Political Participation: A Reference Handbook by
Agenda for the Nation by
Krieg und Militär im Film des 20. Jahrhunderts by
Local Government and Politics in China: Challenges from Below by Zhong, Yang
Landscape Interfaces: Cultural Heritage in Changing Landscapes by
Glass Houses: Congressional Ethics And The Politics Of Venom by Tolchin, Martin
Voting for Women: How the Public Evaluates Women Candidates by Dolan, Kathy
The Decline of American Power: The U.S. in a Chaotic World by Wallerstein, Immanuel
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire: Corruption, Decadence, and the American Dream by Bouza, Anthony V., Bouza, Tony
Parliament and Politics in Late Medieval England: Volume III by Roskell, John S.
Functions of the Medieval Parliament of England by Sayles, G. O.
Judicature in Parlement by Elsyng, Henry
British Parliamentary Lists, 1660-1880: A Register by
The Mass Media and the Dynamics of American Racial Attitudes by Kellstedt, Paul M.
The Mass Media and the Dynamics of American Racial Attitudes by Kellstedt, Paul M.
Anwenderhandbuch Pflanzenklaranlagen: Praktisches Qualitatsmanagement Bei Planung, Bau Und Betrieb by Geller, Gunther, Hvner, Gunhild, Hner, Gunhild
Environmental Problem Solving: Psychosocial Barriers to Adaptive Change by Miller, Alan
Coalition Governments in Western Europe by
Crime & Politics: Big Government's Erratic Campaign for Law and Order by Gest, Ted
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America: Including Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statute on Religious Freed by
The Fuller Court: Justices, Rulings, and Legacy by Ely, James W.
Indigenous Peoples and the State: The Struggle for Native Rights by Howard, Bradley Reed
Regionalism and Revision by Fleming, Peter
Appointing Central Bankers: The Politics of Monetary Policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union by Chang, Kelly
The Reagan Revolution, I: The Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy by Thornton, Richard C.
The Politics of Child Support in America by Crowley, Jocelyn Elise
Umweltziele Und Indikatoren: Wissenschaftliche Anforderungen an Ihre Festlegung Und Fallbeispiele by
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs by
Masters of War: Militarism and Blowback in the Era of American Empire by
Times Square Roulette: Remaking the City Icon by Sagalyn, Lynne B.
A Hanging in Detroit: Stephen Gifford Simmons and the Last Execution Under Michigan Law by Chardavoyne, David G.
White Nationalism, Black Interests: Conservative Public Policy and the Black Community by Walters, Ronald W.
Fashioning the More Ethical Representative: The Impact of Ethics Reforms in the U.S. House of Representatives by Herrick, Rebekah
When Public Housing Was Paradise: Building Community in Chicago by Fuerst, J. S., Klopp, Brett Bradford
A New Season: Using Title IX to Reform College Sports by Porto, Brian
The Campaign Continues: How Political Consultants and Campaign Tactics Affect Public Policy by Lathrop, Douglas
Congress Responds to the Twentieth Century by Dewhirst, Robert E., Ahuja, Sunil
Welfare: A Documentary History of U.S. Policy and Politics by
Welfare: A Documentary History of U.S. Policy and Politics by
Weathering Change: Gays and Lesbians, Christian Conservatives, and Everyday Hostilities by Linneman, Thomas J.
Children as Pawns: The Politics of Educational Reform by Hacsi, Timothy A.
Public Reaction to Supreme Court Decisions by Hoekstra, Valerie J.
Lost Liberties: Ashcroft and the Assault on Personal Freedom by
With a Happy Eye, But...: America and the World, 1997--2002 by Will, George F.
American Political Process by Grant, Alan
Republican Legal Theory: The History, Constitution and Purposes of Law in a Free State by Sellers, M.
Collective Preferences in Democratic Politics: Opinion Surveys and the Will of the People by Althaus, Scott L.
Jalapeno Chiles, Mexican Americans And Other Hot Stuff: A Peoples' Cultural Identity by Contreras, Raoul Lowery
Collective Preferences in Democratic Politics by Althaus, Scott L.
Maturing Assets: The Evolution of Stock Transfer Housing Associations by Fancy, Cathie, Pawson, Hal
Masters of War: Militarism and Blowback in the Era of American Empire by
Freedom and the Court: Civil Rights and Liberties in the United States by Abraham, Henry J., Perry, Barbara A.
Campaigning Online: The Internet in U.S. Elections by Bimber, Bruce A.
Portfolio Analysis and Management for Naval Research and Development by Silberglitt, Richard
Making a Place for Community: Local Democracy in a Global Era by Williamson, Thad, Imbroscio, David, Alperovitz, Gar
A Revolution in Favor of Government: Origins of the U.S. Constitution and the Making of the American State by Edling, Max M.
Showdown: Confronting Bias, Lies, and the Special Interests That Divide America by Elder, Larry
The Fracture of Good Order: Christian Antiliberalism and the Challenge to American Politics by Bivins, Jason C.
The Real and Virtual Worlds of Spatial Planning by
Jews in American Politics: Essays by
Raising Hell for Justice: The Washington Battles of a Heartland Progressive by Peterson, Franklynn, Obey, David
Armey's Axioms: 40 Hard-Earned Truths from Politics, Faith and Life by Armey, Dick
Governing as New Labour: Policy and Politics Under Blair by
Governing as New Labour: Policy and Politics Under Blair by
Campaign 2000: A Functional Analysis of Presidential Campaign Discourse by Hansen, Glenn J., Benoit, William L., McHale, John P.
The Adapted City: Institutional Dynamics and Structural Change by Frederickson, H. George
America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy by Lindsay, James M., Daalder, Ivo H.
The Prince and Other Writings (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) by Machiavelli, Niccolo
Decisions of the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church 1997-2000, 799-905 by The United Methodist, The United Methodist, United Methodist
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