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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2004

Social Exclusion and Inner City Europe: Regulating Urban Regeneration by Mangen, S.
Community Self-Help by
Constitutional Debate in Action: Governmental Powers by Pohlman, H. L.
Empowering the Vision: Community-Wide Strategic Planning in Rock Hill, South Carolina by Wheeland, Craig M.
The Myth of National Defense (Large Print Edition): Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production (Large Print Edition) by Hoppe, Hans-Hermann
Exploring Collaborative Urban Strategies by
The Case for Bureaucracy: A Public Administration Polemic by Goodsell, Charles T.
Empowering the White House: Governance Under Nixon, Ford, and Carter by Walcott, Charles E., Hult, Karen M.
Controlling the Law by Reid, John Phillip
Democracy in Action: Community Organizing and Urban Change by Smock, Kristina
National Identification Systems: Essays in Opposition by
Democracy in Action: Community Organizing and Urban Change by Smock, Kristina
Auswirkungen Der Virtuellen Mobilität by
Another Day at the Front: Dispatches from the Race War by Reed, Ishmael
The Creation of American Common Law, 1850-1880: Technology, Politics, and the Construction of Citizenship by Schweber, Howard
Vietnam War Files by Kimball, Jeffrey
Impeaching Clinton: Partisan Strife on Capitol Hill by Rae, Nicol C., Campbell, Colton C.
Black Faces in the Mirror: African Americans and Their Representatives in the U.S. Congress by Tate, Katherine
The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe (Large Print Edition) by Schimmelfennig, Frank
Woodrow Wilson and the Press: Prelude to the Presidency by Startt, J.
Woodrow Wilson and the Press: Prelude to the Presidency by Startt, J.
Fateful Decisions: Inside the National Security Council by
Constant Conflict: Politics, Culture, and the Struggle for America's Future by Shogan, Robert
The New Urban Park: Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Civic Environmentalism by Rothman, Hal K.
Changemanagement für Schulen by Koop, Stephan
Click On Democracy: The Internet's Power To Change Political Apathy Into Civic Action by Davis, Steve, Reeher, Grant, Elin, Larry
Regulation in the States by Teske, Paul
The Man in the Arena: Selected Writings of Theodore Roosevelt: A Reader by Roosevelt, Theodore, IV
Power to the People: Social Choice and the Populist/Progressive Ideal by Berens, Charlyne
The 21st Century at Work: Forces Shaping the Future Workforce and Workplace in the United States by Karoly, Lynn A.
The History of the Scottish Parliament: Parliament and Politics in Scotland, 1235-1560 by
Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty Over Liberalism by Hannity, Sean
Community-Based Organizations: The Intersection of Social Capital and Local Context in Contemporary Urban Society by
Alternative Urban Futures: Planning for Sustainable Development in Cities throughout the World by Pinderhughes, Raquel
The New White Nationalism in America by Swain, Carol M.
European Integration and Political Conflict by
Moveon's 50 Ways to Love Your Country: How to Find Your Political Voice and Become a Catalyst for Change by Moveon Org
Local Actions: Cultural Activism, Power, and Public Life in America by Fishman, Maggie, Checker, Melissa
Local Actions: Cultural Activism, Power, and Public Life in America by Checker, Melissa, Fishman, Maggie
Overruled?: Legislative Overrides, Pluralism, and Contemporary Court-Congress Relations by Barnes, Jeb
Regional Innovation Systems: The Role of Governances in a Globalized World by
How Congress Works and Why You Should Care by Hamilton, Lee H.
Crucible of American Democracy: The Struggle to Fuse Egalitarianism and Capitalism in Jeffersonian Pennsylvania by Shankman, Andrew M.
How to Lobby at Intergovernmental Meetings by Strauss, Michael
Bush League Diplomacy: How the Neoconservatives Are Putting the World at Risk by Goodman, Melvin a., Humber, James M.
Choice / Le Vrai Choix: L'Amérique et le reste du monde by Brzezinski, Zbigniew
The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States and Official Report of the Niger Valley Exploring Party by Delany, Martin R.
Madeleine Albright and the New American Diplomacy by Lippman, Thomas W.
The State, Democracy and Globalization by King, Roger, Kendall, Gavin
Planning and Urban Change by Ward, Stephen
Happy Days and Wonder Years: The Fifties and the Sixties in Contemporary Cultural Politics by Marcus, Daniel
Regional Innovation Systems: The Role of Governances in a Globalized World by
Political Class Dismissed: Essays Against Politics, Including "What's Wrong With Buffalo" by Ostrowski, James
Presidential Speechwriting: From the New Deal to the Reagan Revolution and Beyond Volume 7 by
European Integration and Political Conflict by
Studium Der Umweltwissenschaften: Ingenieurwissenschaften by Jischa, Michael F.
Allies At War by Shapiro, Jeremy, Gordon, Philip
Blood, Class and Empire: The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship by Hitchens, Christopher
Bureaucrats, Politics, and the Environment by Wright, Robert, Waterman, Richard, Rouse, Amelia
On Capitol Hill by Zelizer, Julian E.
The Politics of American Religious Identity: The Seating of Senator Reed Smoot, Mormon Apostle by Flake, Kathleen
Planning and Urban Change by Ward, Stephen
Community Self-Help by
Blue Laws and Black Codes: Conflict, Courts, and Change in Twentieth-Century Virginia by Wallenstein, Peter
The Antifederalists: Critics of the Constitution, 1781-1788 by Main, Jackson Turner
Research Guide to U.S. and International Interest Groups by
Separation of Church and State by Hamburger, Philip
Education and the Good Society by
Revolt from the Heartland: The Struggle for an Authentic Conservatism by Scotchie, Joseph A.
Education and the Good Society by
Against the Tide: One Woman's Political Struggle by Keyserling, Harriet
Urban Economics and Land Use in America: The Transformation of Cities in the Twentieth Century: The Transformation of Cities in the Twentieth Century by Rabinowitz, Alan
Climate Change: Debating America's Policy Options by Victor, David G.
Quotations of Abraham Lincoln by Lincoln, Abraham
Parchment and People: Parliament in the Middle Ages by
The Fate of the Union: America's Rocky Road to Political Stalemate by Shogan, Robert
Transport Developments and Innovations in an Evolving World by
Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise by Rich, Andrew
The Age of Consent by Monbiot, George
The Last Hurrah?: Soft Money and Issue Advocacy in the 2002 Congressional Elections by
The Right Moment: Ronald Reagan's First Victory and the Decisive Turning Point in American Politics by Dallek, Matthew
The American Ballot Box in the Mid-Nineteenth Century by Bensel, Richard Franklin
National Identity and the Conflict at Oka: Native Belonging and Myths of Postcolonial Nationhood in Canada by Kalant, Amelia
Freedom of Association: Rights and Liberties under the Law by Bresler, Robert
Private Pensions and Public Policies by
Adoption Politics: Bastard Nation and Ballot Initiative 58 by Carp, E. Wayne
Brave New Neighborhoods: The Privatization of Public Space by Kohn, Margaret
Self-Policing in Politics: The Political Economy of Reputational Controls on Politicians by Parker, Glenn R.
Brave New Neighborhoods: The Privatization of Public Space by Kohn, Margaret
Congress, Progressive Reform, and the New American State by Harrison, Robert
American Ballot Box in the Mid 19C by Bensel, Richard Franklin
Engineering Geology for Infrastructure Planning in Europe: A European Perspective by
Land Value Taxation in Britain: Experience and Opportunities by Connellan, Owen, Lichfield, Nathaniel
Famous American Duels by Seitz, Don C.
Famous American Duels by Seitz, Don C.
A Noble Calling: Character and the George H. W. Bush Presidency by
Reviewing Delegation: An Analysis of the Congressional Reauthorization Process by Cox, James
Operation Hollywood: How the Pentagon Shapes and Censors the Movies by Robb, David L.
A Declaration of Interdependence: Why America Should Join the World by Hutton, Will
Henry James on Culture: Collected Essays on Politics and the American Social Scene by James, Henry
Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions by Prestowitz, Clyde V.
The Politicization of the Civil Service in Comparative Perspective: A Quest for Control by
Creating Constitutional Change: Clashes Over Power and Liberty in the Supreme Court by
Moyers on America: A Journalist and His Times by Moyer, Bill
A Guide to Government in Afghanistan by Evans, Anne, Osmani, Yasin, Tully, Anne
Window on Congress: A Congressional Biography of Barber B. Conable, Jr. by Fleming, James S.
Drug Use: A Reference Handbook by Isralowitz, Richard
States-Within-States: Incipient Political Entities in the Post-Cold War Era by
Victory on the Potomac: The Goldwater-Nichols ACT Unifies the Pentagon by Locher, James R.
Constructing a Sense of Place: Architecture and the Zionist Discourse by
The Search for American Political Development by Karen, Orren, Orren, Karen, Skowronek, Stephen
Going Public: An Organizer's Guide to Citizen Action by Gecan, Michael
City Matters: Competitiveness, Cohesion and Urban Governance by
City Matters: Competitiveness, Cohesion and Urban Governance by
American Government: A Consideration of the Problems of Democracy by Magruder, Frank Abbott
American Government: A Consideration of the Problems of Democracy by Magruder, Frank Abbott
Presidential Performance: A Comprehensive Review by Skidmore, Max J.
The Search for American Political Development by Orren, Karen, Karen, Orren, Skowronek, Stephen
Social Exclusion and Inner City Europe: Regulating Urban Regeneration by Mangen, S.
Community Quality-Of-Life Indicators: Best Cases by
Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg by Overmans, Rüdiger
Urban Forms: The Death and Life of the Urban Block by Panerai, Phillippe, Castex, Jean, Samuels, Ivor
Urban Sprawl in Western Europe and the United States by Bae, Chang-Hee Christine
On Borrowed Time: How the Growth in Entitlement Spending Threatens America's Future by Howe, Neil
Doing Prison Work by Crawley, Elaine M.
Why Americans Hate Politics by Dionne, E. J.
The Politics of Local Government in Russia by
The Everything American Government Book: From the Constitution to Present-Day Elections, All You Need to Understand Our Democratic System by Ragone, Nick
A Judicial Terror in Texas: Crossing the Nation..a Fifteen Year Nightmare of Being Falsely Accused by Laine, D.
Das Ereignisreiche Leben Eines Wilhelminers: Tagebücher, Briefe, Aufzeichnungen 1901 Bis 1920 by Hopman, Albert
Organization and Financing of Indigent Hospital Care in South Florida by Jackson, Catherine a.
There's a Government in Your Soup: Why There's Too Much Government in Your Kitchen, and What You Can Do about It by Edmonds, Brad W.
Democratic Vistas: Reflections on the Life of American Democracy by
Greasing the Wheels: Using Pork Barrel Projects to Build Majority Coalitions in Congress by Evans, Diana
Greasing the Wheels: Using Pork Barrel Projects to Build Majority Coalitions in Congress by Evans, Diana, Diana, Evans
Growth Management and Affordable Housing: Do They Conflict? by
The Fireside Chats Of Franklin Delano Roosevelt by Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
State Of The Union Addresses by Bush, George H. W.
Problems In American Democracy by Williamson, Ross Thames
The Russian Revolution: The Jugo Slav Movement by Petrunkevitch, Alexander
William Henry Harrison: A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents by Richardson, James D.
Dissertations On First Principles Of Government by Paine, Thomas
State Of The Union Addresses of John Quincy Adams by Adams, John Quincy, Former Ow
State Of The Union Addresses by Nixon, Richard
State Of The Union Addresses by Taylor, Zachary
State Of The Union Addresses by Wilson, Woodrow
State Of The Union Addresses by Fillmore, Millard
Writings Part 4 by Lincoln, Abraham
State Of The Union Addresses by Kennedy, John F.
State Of The Union Addresses of John Adams by Adams, John
State Of The Union Addresses by Johnson, Lyndon B.
State of the Union Addresses by Van Buren, Martin
State Of The Union Addresses by Reagan, Ronald
State Of The Union Addresses by Pierce, Franklin
Government And Administration Of The United States by Willoughby, Westel W.
The Federalist Papers by Anonymous
Thomas Jefferson: A Compilation Of The Messages And Papers Of The Presidents by Richardson, James D.
A Letter To Grover Cleveland On His False Inaugural Address: The Usurpations And Crimes Of Lawmakers And Judges And The Consequent Poverty, Ignorance by Spooner, Lysander
State Of The Union Addresses by Truman, Harry S.
State Of The Union Addresses by Coolidge, Calvin
State Of The Union Addresses by Eisenhower, Dwight D.
State Of The Union Addresses by Jackson, Andrew
State Of The Union Addresses by Carter, Jimmy
Civil Government Of Virginia by Fox, William F.
The American Republic Its Constitution Tendencies And Destiny by Brownson, O. A.
America Through The Spectacles Of An Oriental Diplomat by Tingfang, Wu
Abraham Lincoln by Thayer, William M.
An American Politician by Crawford, F. Marion
Federal Usurpation by Pierce, Franklin
Messages And Papers Of The Presidents: Andrew Jackson by Richardson, James D.
Studies In Civics by McCleary, James T.
The United States Of America Part I by Sparks, Ediwn Erle
Zachary Taylor and Fillmore: A Compilation Of The Messages And Papers Of The Presidents by Richardson, James D.
Plunkitt Of Tammany Hall by Riordon, William L.
State Of The Union Addresses by Harding, Warren
The 2000 Presidential Election and the Foundations of Party Politics by Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, Johnston, Richard, Hagen, Michael G.
Creating the Judicial Branch: The Unfinished Reform by Robin, Robert W.
Case Studies of City-County Consolidation: Reshaping the Local Government Landscape: Reshaping the Local Government Landscape by Thurmaier, Kurt M., Leland, Suzanne M.
Urban Transport and the Environment: An International Perspective by Society, World Conference on Transport Research
Is That a Politician in Your Pocket?: Washington on $2 Million a Day by Sifry, Micah, Watzman, Nancy
Ngecha: A Kenyan Village in a Time of Rapid Social Change by
Presidential Voices: Speaking Styles from George Washington to George W. Bush by Metcalf, Allan a.
The American Commonwealth Part One by Bryce, James
American Notes by Kipling, Rudyard
The 2000 Presidential Election and the Foundations of Party Politics by Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, Johnston, Richard, Hagen, Michael G.
Heavy Lifting: The Job of the American Legislature by Rosenthal, Alan
Negative Campaigning: An Analysis of U.S. Senate Elections by Lau, Richard R., Pomper, Gerald M.
Urban Transformation in China by Liu, Gordon G.
Planning Middle Eastern Cities: An Urban Kaleidoscope by
Transforming Barcelona: The Renewal of a European Metropolis by
Transforming Barcelona: The Renewal of a European Metropolis by
Congress Declares War: December 8-11, 1941 by Worth, Roland H.
Good Citizenship in America by Ricci, David M.
Election Timing by Smith, Alastair
How America Gets Away With Murder: Illegal Wars, Collateral Damage And Crimes Against Humanity by Mandel, Michael
Creating Social Trust in Post-Socialist Transition by
Is George Bush the Antichrist? by Hanchett, R. Stephen
The Making of Urban Japan: Cities and Planning from Edo to the Twenty First Century by Sorensen, André
Political Theory of Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Case for the World State by Cabrera, Luis
Logistics Systems for Sustainable Cities: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on City Logistics (Madeira, Portugal, 25-27 June, 2003) by
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