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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2009

Rethinking the QDR The Case for a Persistent Defense Review by Richoux, Lenny J., Patterson Jr, P. Dean
Of Knowledge and Power: The Complexities of National Intelligence by Kennedy, Robert
Sustainable Urban Development Volume 3: The Toolkit for Assessment by
The Tie Goes to Freedom: Justice Anthony M. Kennedy on Liberty by Knowles-Gardner, Helen J.
U.S. Foreign Policy in Perspective: Clients, enemies and empire by Sylvan, David, Majeski, Stephen
Aids and Local Government in South Africa: Examining the Impact of an Epidemic on Ward Councillors by
Richard B. Cheney and the Rise of the Imperial Vice Presidency by Montgomery, Bruce
America's Waterfront Revival: Port Authorities and Urban Redevelopment by Brown, Peter Hendee
God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush by Balmer, Randall
Stock Management for Sustainable Urban Regeneration by
Domestic Policy and Ideology: Presidents and the American State, 1964 1987 by McKay, David
Economics in Urban Conservation by Lichfield, Nathaniel
Comparing Rural Development: Continuity and Change in the Countryside of Western Europe by
De-coding New Regionalism: Shifting Socio-political Contexts in Central Europe and Latin America by
An American Village Community (1909) by Soule, Frederick Judson
Ampharita: An American Idyll (1896) by Slocomb, Cora
American Patriots And Statesmen V5, Patriotism Of The North And South, 1846-1865: From Washington To Lincoln (1916) by
A Check List Of American Eighteenth Century Newspapers In The Library Of Congress (1912) by
American Silk Manufacture (1887) by Wyckoff, William Cornelius
A Poor American In Ireland And Scotland (1913) by Bill, Windy, Goodkind, Ben
The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics, and Religion at the Twilight of the American Empire by Taibbi, Matt
The Return of the State? by Eppler, Erhard
Handbook of Urban Services: Basic Guide for Local Governments by Coe, Charles K.
The Trouble with America: Flawed Government, Failed Society by Long, Kenneth J.
The Trouble with America: Flawed Government, Failed Society by Long, Kenneth J.
A Necessary Engagement: Reinventing America's Relations with the Muslim World by Nakhleh, Emile a.
American Silk Manufacture (1887) by Wyckoff, William Cornelius
Systemtheoretische Betrachtungen zum modernen Symphonieorchester: op. 14a by Simetsberger, Johannes
The Political and Institutional Effects of Term Limits by Elder, C., Sarbaugh-Thompson, M., Thompson, L.
Broadband Economies: Creating the Community of the 21st Century by Zacharilla, Louis, Bell, Robert, Jung, John
Threats in the Age of Obama by
Corporate Social Responsibility and Urban Development: Lessons from the South by Keivani, R., Murphy, David, Werna, E.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Urban Development: Lessons from the South by Keivani, R., Murphy, David, Werna, E.
Soprano State: New Jersey's Culture of Corruption by McClure, Sandy, Ingle, Bob
Making Cities Work: Prospects and Policies for Urban America by
American Ancestry V1-2: Giving The Name And Descent, In The Male Line, Of Americans Whose Ancestors Settled In The United States, Previous To by Hughes, Thomas Patrick
Aspects Of Americanization (1922) by Bierstadt, Edward
American Universities, American Foreign Service, And An Adequate Consular Law (1909) by National Business League of America
The American View Of The Copyright Question: With A Postscript (1880) by White, Richard Grant
An Arrangement Of Medals And Tokens: Struck In Honor Of The Presidents Of The United States, And Of The Presidential Candidates (1862) by Satterlee, Alfred H.
Americanism Versus Bolshevism (1920) by Hanson, Ole
American Ancestry V1-2: Giving the Name and Descent, in the Male Line, of Americans Whose Ancestors Settled in the United States, Previous to by Hughes, Thomas Patrick
American Ballot Laws, 1888-1910 (1911) by Ludington, Arthur Crosby
American Gems And Precious Stones (1883) by Kunz, George Frederick
Leading Rogue State: The U.S. and Human Rights by Moncada, Alberto, Blau, Judith R., Brunsma, David L.
Obama, In His Own Words by Palmieri, Carl tuchy
The Federalist Papers by Jay, John, Madison, James, Hamilton, Alexander
Local Government Today by Chandler, J.
German Politics Today: Second Edition by Roberts, Geoffrey
The City in American Political Development by
The Four Freedoms Under Siege: The Clear and Present Danger from Our National Security State by Raskin, Marcus G., Spero, Robert
Less Safe, Less Free: Why America Is Losing the War on Terror by Cole, David, Lobel, Jules
Social Contract by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Betts, Christopher
Richard B. Cheney and the Rise of the Imperial Vice Presidency by Montgomery, Bruce
The Politics of Spain by Gunther, Richard, Montero, José Ramón
The Politics of Spain by Montero, José Ramón, Gunther, Richard
The Aral Sea Encyclopedia by Glantz, M., Kosarev, Aleksey N., Zonn, Igor S.
The Military and Domestic Politics: A Concordance Theory of Civil-Military Relations by Schiff, Rebecca L.
Bygone Days: Or The Experiences Of An American (1898) by Chapin, Eugene
Belgium's Case: A Judicial Enquiry (1916) by Visscher, Charles De
Bygone Days: Or The Experiences Of An American (1898) by Chapin, Eugene
Hochleistungsrechnen - Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Verwaltungsumfeld by Schwarzkopf, Sascha
Law's Allure: How Law Shapes, Constrains, Saves, and Kills Politics by Silverstein, Gordon
Die Rolle des Controlling im neuen öffentlichen Rechnungswesen by Schlosser, Katharina
Religious Ideology in American Politics: A History by Guétin, Nicole
Implementierung der Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung am Beispiel der Bundespolizei by Schwarzkopf, Sascha
Panorama of a Presidency: How George W. Bush Acquired and Spent His Political Capital by Schier, Steven E.
Eugenical Sterilization In The United States (1922) by Laughlin, Harry Hamilton
How Our Laws Are Made: The Legislative Process, Introducing a Bill or Resolution, Parliamentary Reference Sources, Committee of the Whole, Co by Johnson, Charles W., III, Koempel, Michael
. . . And Communications for All: A Policy Agenda for a New Administration by
. . . And Communications for All: A Policy Agenda for a New Administration by
Strategy on the United States Supreme Court by Brenner, Saul, Whitmeyer, Joseph
Strategy on the United States Supreme Court by Whitmeyer, Joseph, Brenner, Saul
Gaming the Vote: Why Elections Aren't Fair (and What We Can Do about It) by Poundstone, William
Planning and Socioeconomic Applications by
Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den deutschen Kommunen und der Europäischen Union am Beispiel der Daseinsvorsorge: Speziell in den Bereichen Wasser u by Koch, Sebastian
European Identity by
All the Way with LBJ by Johnson, Robert David
All the Way with LBJ by Johnson, Robert David
Getting the Government America Deserves: How Ethics Reform Can Make a Difference by Painter, Richard W.
John McCain: A Biography by Povich, Elaine
Geocomputation and Urban Planning by
Legitimacy and Urban Governance: A Cross-National Comparative Study by
Human Rights and US Foreign Policy by Hancock, Jan
State-Building: Theory and Practice by
Einsatz von Schulverwaltungsassistentinnen und Schulverwaltungsassistenten an Schulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Kompetenzen, Aufgaben, Zufriedenheit und by Rosowski, Udo
Smart Urban Growth for China by
Lobbying in America: A Reference Handbook by Morgan, Bryson B., Hrebenar, Ronald J.
Presidential Decisions for War: Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq by Hess, Gary R.
Now or Never: Getting Down to the Business of Saving Our American Dream by Cafferty, Jack
Her Worship: Hazel McCallion and the Development of Mississauga by Urbaniak, Tom
City of Disorder: How the Quality of Life Campaign Transformed New York Politics by Vitale, Alex S.
Custodians of Place: Governing the Growth and Development of Cities by Lewis, Paul G., Neiman, Max
John McCain: A Biography by Povich, Elaine
The Boundary Commissions: Redrawing the Uk's Map of Parliamentary Constituencies by Pattie, Charles, Rossiter, David, Johnston, R. J.
Why We're Liberals: A Handbook for Restoring America's Most Important Ideals by Alterman, Eric
Running Against the Grain: How Opposition Presidents Win the White House by Crockett, David a.
Understanding Public Opinion by Norrander, Barbara, Wilcox, Clyde
Enemies of Intelligence: Knowledge and Power in American National Security by Betts, Richard
European Identity by
The Elections of 2008 by Nelson, Michael
Our American Barclays (1908) by Barclay, Cornelia Barclay
How The United States Became A Nation (1904) by Fiske, John
El Gobierno Municipal (1900) by Conkling, Alfred Ronald
Frederick The Great And The United States (1906) by Rosengarten, Joseph George
Matthew Thornton Of New Hampshire: A Patriot Of The American Revolution (1903) by Adams, Charles Thornton
A Changing World: Challenges for Landscape Research by
The Real Making of the President: Kennedy, Nixon, and the 1960 Election by Rorabaugh, W. J.
Rise of the Plebeians?: The Changing Face of the Indian Legislative Assemblies by
Making Milwaukee Mightier by McCarthy, John
Analyse der Funktionen von ELSTER (Elektronische Steuererklärung) und deren Infrastruktur unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Datensicherheit aller by Rauscher, Björn
Party Over Section: The Rough and Ready Presidential Election of 1848 by Silbey, Joel H.
Liberal Parties in Western Europe by
Müssen Parlamentsreformen Scheitern? by
Judging Executive Power: Sixteen Supreme Court Cases that Have Shaped the American Presidency by Ellis, Richard J.
The Paradox of Third-Wave Democratization in Africa: The Gambia under AFPRC-APRC Rule, 1994-2008 by Saine, Abdoulaye
Judging Executive Power: Sixteen Supreme Court Cases that Have Shaped the American Presidency by Ellis, Richard J.
The Obama Administration and the Americas: Agenda for Change by
Leave Us Alone: Getting the Government's Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives by Norquist, Grover
Kompetenzentwicklung und Rollenbild von Verwaltungsfachkräften an Schulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Schulverwaltungsassistentinnen und Schulverwaltungsa by Rosowski, Udo
Crisis in the Making: The Political Economy of New York State Since 1945 by McClelland, Peter D., Magdovitz, Alan L.
Water Management in England and Wales by Porter, Elizabeth
Land Use Policy and Practice on Karst Terrains: Living on Limestone by Fleury, Spencer
Reforming the Presidential Nomination Process by
Industrial Organisation and Location by Taylor, Michael, McDermott, Philip, McDermott, P. J.
Population and Metropolis: The Demography of London 1580 1650 by Finlay, Roger
Subsidizing Success: The Export Import Bank in the U.S. Economy by Feinberg, Richard E.
Municipal Bonds: A Statement Of The Principles Of Law And Custom Governing The Issue Of American Municipal Bonds (1922) by Brown, Fraser
Mr. Buchanan's Administration On The Eve Of The Rebellion (1866) by Buchanan, James
Mr. Lee's Plan, March 29, 1777: The Treason Of Charles Lee, Major General, Second In Command In The American Army Of The Revolution (1858) by Moore, George Henry
Municipal Bonds: A Statement Of The Principles Of Law And Custom Governing The Issue Of American Municipal Bonds (1922) by Brown, Fraser
Reconstruction In Turkey: A Series Of Reports Compiled For The American Committee Of Armenian And Syrian Relief (1918) by
Hits At American Whims: And Hints For Home Use (1860) by Sawyer, Frederic William
Mr. Lee's Plan, March 29, 1777: The Treason Of Charles Lee, Major General, Second In Command In The American Army Of The Revolution (1858) by Moore, George Henry
How We Saw The United States Of America (1883) by Mathieson, Kenneth
Safe And Unsafe Democracy: A Commentary On Political Administration In The American Commonwealths (1918) by Jones, Henry Ware
Mr. Buchanan's Administration On The Eve Of The Rebellion (1866) by Buchanan, James
Planning Support Systems Best Practice and New Methods by
Intelligence for An Age of Terror by Treverton, Gregory F.
A Government Out of Sight: The Mystery of National Authority in Nineteenth-Century America by Balogh, Brian
Messed Up!!: What's happening to us, America? Are we fed up yet? by Thiede, Todd M.
Dear President Obama: Letters of Hope from Children Across America by Kluger, Bruce, Tabatsky, David
Clinton's Foreign Policy: Between the Bushes, 1992-2000 by Dumbrell, John
Going Local: Decentralization, Democratization, and the Promise of Good Governance by Grindle, Merilee S.
What Democracy Is for: On Freedom and Moral Government by Ringen, Stein
Political Foundations of Judicial Supremacy: The Presidency, the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Leadership in U.S. History by Whittington, Keith E.
The Politics of Income Inequality in the United States by Kelly, Nathan J.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal by Murphy, Robert P.
Administration of Torture: A Documentary Record from Washington to Abu Ghraib and Beyond by Singh, Amrit, Jaffer, Jameel
Meeting Places of Transformation: Urban Identity, Spatial Representations, and Local Politics in St. Petersburg, Russia by Borén, Thomas
National Parliaments within the Enlarged European Union: From 'Victims' of Integration to Competitive Actors? by
Globalization and the Chinese City by
Highlights of Accomplishments and Results: The Administration of President George W. Bush 2001 - 2009 by
Territorial Politics and Health Policy: UK Health Policy in Comparative Perspective by Greer, Scott L.
A Charge Kept: The Record of the Bush Presidency 2001-2009 by Bush, George W.
Delaware Politics and Government by Boyer, William W., Ratledge, Edward C.
The National Security Strategy of the United States of: September 2002 by Bush, George W.
The National Security Strategy of the United States of by Bush, George W.
National Strategy for Homeland Security: Homeland Security Council by Bush, George W.
The Terror Presidency: Law and Judgment Inside the Bush Administration by Goldsmith, Jack
49 at Last! by Naske, Claus-M
Ideological Bigotry: A Politically Conservative and Morally Liberal Hebrew Alpha Male Hunts Left-Wing Vipers and Sucks the Political Poison by Tygrrrr Express
Ideological Bigotry: A Politically Conservative and Morally Liberal Hebrew Alpha Male Hunts Left-Wing Vipers and Sucks the Political Poison by Tygrrrr Express
The Bench And Bar As Makers Of The American Republic (1901) by Goodrich, William Winton
The Conflict Over Judicial Powers In The United States To 1870 (1909) by Haines, Charles Grove
Manhood In Its American Type (1916) by Summerbell, Martyn
Property Companies and the Construction Industry in Britain by Smyth, Hedley
The Almanac of Virginia Politics by Travis, Toni-Michelle C.
Cossacks and the Russian Empire, 1598-1725: Manipulation, Rebellion and Expansion into Siberia by Witzenrath, Christoph
The Essential America: Our Founders and the Liberal Tradition by McGovern, George
A Government Out of Sight by Balogh, Brian
Contentious Politics in North America: National Protest and Transnational Collaboration Under Continental Integration by
Engaging Public Sector Clients: From Service-Delivery to Co-Production by Alford, John
Inland Empire Planning Perspectives by Mulvihill, James L.
The Gathering of the Clan: An Independent Political Option for America by Harry, Thomas Richard
The Gathering of the Clan: An Independent Political Option for America by Harry, Thomas Richard
Election Timing by Smith, Alastair
How to Improve Governance: A New Framework for Analysis and Action by Jacinto, Justin, Ferranti, David, Ody, Anthony J.
The Spring Valley Purchase: Facts, Figures, Arguments (1921) by Spring Valley Campaign Committee
Some European Republicans: Lamennais, Mazzini, Worcell, Herzen (1886) by Linton, William James
The North American Continent During Cambrian Time (1892) by Walcott, Charles Doolittle
Bad Advice: Bush's Lawyers in the War on Terror by Bruff, Harold H.
The Co-Presidency of Bush and Cheney by Warshaw, Shirley Anne
Obama's America by Pedersen, Carl
Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America by Perlstein, Rick
Pensions, Social Security, and the Privatization of Risk by
The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free by Preble, Christopher A.
The Political Philosophy of George Washington by Morrison, Jeffry H.
Strukturwandel in der Metropolregion Nürnberg by Will, Matthias
The Dilemma of Progressivism: How Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson Reshaped the American Regime of Self-Government by Morrisey, Will
The National Voter Registration ACT: Impact and Implications for Latino and Non-Latino Communities by Rodriquez, Elaine
Government and Policy-Making Reform in China: The Implications of Governing Capacity by Chou, Bill K. P.
The Water Environment of Cities by
Follies of Power by Calleo, David P.
Cities and Sports Stadiums: A Planning Handbook by
Distrust American Style: Diversity and the Crisis of Public Confidence by Kennedy, Sheila Suess
Guiding Principles for Spatial Development in Germany by
Timor Leste - Sustainable Development or Resource Cursed?: An Exploration of Timor-Leste's Institutional Choices by Drysdale, Jennifer
Regional Aspects of Climate-Terrestrial-Hydrologic Interactions in Non-Boreal Eastern Europe by
Regional Aspects of Climate-Terrestrial-Hydrologic Interactions in Non-Boreal Eastern Europe by
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