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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2011

The Idea of Greater Britain: Empire and the Future of World Order, 1860-1900 by Bell, Duncan
Congressional Government: A Study in American Politics by Wilson, Woodrow
The Legislative Legacy of Congressional Campaigns by Sulkin, Tracy
China's Housing Reform and Outcomes by
Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C. by Stanley, Robert M.
Citizenship Today: England-France-The United States by Brogan, D. W.
A City and Its Universities: Public Policy in Chicago, 1892-1919 by Diner, Steven J.
China's Local Administration: Traditions and Changes in the Sub-National Hierarchy by
Militär Und Zivile Politik by Croissant, Aurel, Kühn, David
Contention and Trust in Cities and States by
Women and Representation in Local Government: International Case Studies by
Policy Entrepreneurship and Elections in Japan: A Political Biogaphy of Ozawa Ichirō by Oka, Takashi
Power from Powerlessness: Tribal Governments, Institutional Niches, and American Federalism by Evans, Laura E.
Lightning Over The Treasury Building: An Expose Of Our Banking And Currency Monstrosity, America's Most Reprehensible And Un-American Racket by Elsom, John R.
Eichmann's Confederates And The Third Reich Hierarchy by Institute of Jewish Affairs Publisher
Chinese Revolution And The Communist Party Of China by Tse-Tung, Mao
Critical Condition: The Lack of Common Sense in America by Turnbaugh, Kevin
Critical Condition: The Lack of Common Sense in America by Turnbaugh, Kevin
Ruling by Statute by Saiegh, Sebastián M.
How The Great Corporations Rule The United States by Dreiser, Theodore, Latta, Thomas A., Gunn, John W.
Survival and Sustainability: Environmental Concerns in the 21st Century by
Government Unions and the Bankrupting of America by DiSalvo, Daniel
Democracy In America, Volume 1 by Toqueville, Alexis de
The Absurdity Principle by Gentile, Gary
America Responds to Terrorism: Conflict Resolution Strategies of Clinton, Bush, and Obama by Feste, K.
Presidents in the Movies: American History and Politics on Screen by
America Responds to Terrorism: Conflict Resolution Strategies of Clinton, Bush, and Obama by Feste, K.
Ottoman Nizamiye Courts: Law and Modernity by Rubin, A.
Ottoman Nizamiye Courts: Law and Modernity by Rubin, A.
10 Years On the Line: My War On the Border: 2nd Edition by Ligon, Mike
Presidents in the Movies: American History and Politics on Screen by
Climate Change and Cities: First Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network by
Asian Cities: Globalization, Urbanization and Nation-Building by McKinnon, Malcolm
Face of Imperialism by Parenti, Michael
Face of Imperialism by Parenti, Michael
Inside a U.S. Embassy: Diplomacy at Work, All-New Third Edition of the Essential Guide to the Foreign Service by Dorman, Shawn
Building Globalization: Transnational Architecture Production in Urban China by Ren, Xuefei
The Danger of Progressive Liberalism: How America Is Threatened by Excessive Government, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Entitlement, and the by Gross, Charles
The Danger of Progressive Liberalism: How America Is Threatened by Excessive Government, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Entitlement, and the by Gross, Charles
Obama's Wars by Woodward, Bob
"Should Obama Be Impeached?": "Taking Back America - II" by Meinders, Thomas R.
"Should Obama Be Impeached?": "Taking Back America - II" by Meinders, Thomas R.
Kommunale Abwehrmaßnahmen gegen Aufgabenverlagerungen: Analyse und Evaluation von Abwehrmaßnahmen unter Berücksichtigung der Erfahrungen in der Weimar by Spiller, Gerhard a.
DGNB-Kriterien auf dem Prüfstand: Anwendungsprüfung von Standortqualität und Funktionalität am Beispiel der FH Kufstein by Daberkow, Arlett
Radical Bureaucracy by Halliday, Michael D.
Krisenmanagement im Unternehmen, eine Anleitung in 4 Schritten by Koch, Carsten
New Perspectives on People and Forests by
Eco-City Planning: Policies, Practice and Design by
American Politics in Hollywood Film by Scott, Ian
American Politics in Hollywood Film by Scott, Ian
Henry Clay: The Essential American by Heidler, David S., Heidler, Jeanne T.
The Political Economy of China's Systemic Transformation: 1979 to the Present by Mantzopoulos, V., Shen, R.
The Political Economy of China's Systemic Transformation: 1979 to the Present by Shen, R., Mantzopoulos, V.
The Politics of Coalition in Korea: Between Institutions and Culture by Kim, Youngmi
The Decline of Regionalism in Putin's Russia: Boundary Issues by Goode, J. Paul
Spatiality, Sovereignty and Carl Schmitt: Geographies of the Nomos by
Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places by Zukin, Sharon
Grand Theft Auto by Spitzer, Ailson, Spitzer, Alan
Grand Theft Auto by Spitzer, Alison, Spitzer, Alan
Evidence-Based Public Management: Practices, Issues and Prospects by Buss, Terry F., Rousseau, Denise M., Shillabeer, Anna
Political Marketing:: Theoretical and Strategic Foundations by Falkowski, Andrzej, Newman, Bruce I., Cwalina, Wojciech
Political Marketing:: Theoretical and Strategic Foundations by Falkowski, Andrzej, Newman, Bruce I., Cwalina, Wojciech
Evidence-Based Public Management: Practices, Issues and Prospects by Rousseau, Denise M., Buss, Terry F., Shillabeer, Anna
Planning Paradise: Politics and Visioning of Land Use in Oregon by Walker, Peter a.
Agenda Setting in the U.S. Senate by Den Hartog, Chris, Monroe, Nathan W.
Climate Change and Land Policies by
The Reagan Rhetoric: History and Memory in 1980s America by Bates, Toby Glenn
Bill Moyers Journal: The Conversation Continues by Moyers, Bill
The Way to Steal Freedom: The Guide for Government by Jones, Ron Paul
The Community Development Reader: History, Themes and Issues by
The Community Development Reader: History, Themes and Issues by
The Measurement and Analysis of Housing Preference and Choice by
Urban Coding and Planning by
Saving American Elections: A Diagnosis and Prescription for a Healthier Democracy by Gierzynski, Anthony
Housing Contemporary Ireland: Policy, Society and Shelter by
Resilient Cities: Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change Proceedings of the Global Forum 2010 by
Everyday Life in British Government by Rhodes, R. a. W.
Lenin and Stalin: The Great Organizers of the Soviet State by Vyshinsky, Andrey Yanuaryevich
Principles of Government by Chipman, Nathaniel
Memory and Pluralism in the Baltic States by
Space, Place, Life: Learning from Place by
Beyond Privatopia: Rethinking Residential Private Government by McKenzie, Evan
Ashes and Granite: Destruction and Reconstruction in the Spanish Civil War and Its Aftermath by Munoz-Rojas, Olivia
Leaders at War by Saunders, Elizabeth N.
Selling EthniCity: Urban Cultural Politics in the Americas by
America's Financial Reckoning Day: How you can survive America's monetary and political decline in the 21st Century by Coppes, Charles H.
An Upland Community in Transition: Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Development in Rural Phlippines by Rola, Agnes C.
Hitler's Spies and Saboteurs by Peis, Gunter, Wighton, Charles
War by Land, Sea, and Air: Dwight Eisenhower and the Concept of Unified Command by Jablonsky, David
Selling Fear: Counterterrorism, the Media, and Public Opinion by Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli, Shapiro, Robert y., Nacos, Brigitte L.
Rebels and Democrats: The Struggle for Equal Political Rights and Majority Rule during the American Revolution by Douglass, Elisha P.
Revolutionizing Development: Reflections on the Work of Robert Chambers by
Why Regions Matter: Small Worlds in Comparative Perspective by
Understanding Cities: Method in Urban Design by Cuthbert, Alexander
Madness in International Relations: Psychology, Security, and the Global Governance of Mental Health by Howell, Alison
Globaler Wandel Und Regionale Entwicklung: Anpassungsstrategien in Der Region Berlin-Brandenburg by
Stakeholder Adoption of E-Government Services: Driving and Resisting Factors by
Blueprint: Obama's Plan To Subvert The Constitution And Build An Imperial Presidency by Blackwell, Ken, Klukowski, Ken
Transformation of Political Communication in China, The: From Propaganda to Hegemony by Zhang, Xiaoling
Revolutionizing Development: Reflections on the Work of Robert Chambers by
Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda by
Falling Back To Earth: A First Hand Account Of The Great Space Race And The End Of The Cold War by Albrecht, Mark
Corruption and American Politics by
English Constitutional Theory and the House of Lords 1556-1832 (Routledge Revivals) by Weston, Corinne Comstock
Obama Diaries by Ingraham, Laura
Big Girls Don't Cry: The Election That Changed Everything for American Women by Traister, Rebecca
Internet Voting Now!: Here's How. Here's Why - So You Can Kiss Citizens United Goodbye! by Kelleher, William J.
Political Discourse and National Identity in Scotland by Leith, Murray Stewart, Soule, Daniel P. J.
(Teil-)Privatisierung im deutschen Strafvollzug: Verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen und ökonomischer Sinn des Einsatzes von privaten Sicherheitsfirmen by Woldin, Philipp
Infrastructure Regulation: What Works, Why and How Do We Know? Lessons from Asia and Beyond by
Plants and Habitats of European Cities by
The Arab Movement In Palestine by Assaf, Michael
America's Challenges in the Greater Middle East: The Obama Administration's Policies by
America's Challenges in the Greater Middle East: The Obama Administration's Policies by
American Politicians Confront the Court by Engel, Stephen M.
Victory in War by Martel, William C.
American Politicians Confront the Court by Engel, Stephen M.
Decision Making by the Modern Supreme Court by Pacelle, Richard L., Jr., Curry, Brett W., Marshall, Bryan W.
So You Want to Be a Politician by
Congress and the American Tradition by Burnham, James
The Book of Lord Shang. a Classic of the Chinese School of Law. by Shang, Yang
Highway Infrastructure and the Economy: Implications for Federal Policy by Shatz, Howard J.
James Madison Rules America: The Constitutional Origins of Congressional Partisanship by Connelly, William F.
Problems of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Aghai Diba, Bahman
A Bar Owner's Son: John Boehner: THE AMERICAN DREAM, unauthorized biography by Williams, Nc
The Confederate Congress by Yearns, Wilfred Buck
The Higher Law: Background of American Constitutional Law by Corwin, Edward S.
Stopping a War: The Fight of the French Workers Against the Moroccan Campaign of 1925 by Nearing, Scott
Everything U.S. Constitution Book: An Easy-To-Understand Explanation of the Foundation of American Government by Kozak, Ellen M.
The Apocrypha: An American Translation by
Decision Making by the Modern Supreme Court by Pacelle, Richard L., Curry, Brett W., Marshall, Bryan W.
Planning World Cities: Globalization and Urban Politics by Newman, P., Thornley, Andy
Evaluation for Participation and Sustainability in Planning by
Evaluation for Participation and Sustainability in Planning by
The 2008 Election in Florida: Change! But Only at the Top of the Ticket by Crew, Robert E.
FDR's Funeral Train by Klara, Robert
The Housing Bias: Rethinking Land Use Laws for a Diverse New America by Boudreaux, P.
The Housing Bias: Rethinking Land Use Laws for a Diverse New America by Boudreaux, P.
A Review of the Army's Modular Force Structure by Johnson, Stuart E.
The Political Economy of Decentralization Reforms: Implications for Aid Effectiveness by Eaton, Kent, Kaiser, Kai-Alexander, Smoke, Paul J.
The October Revolution: A Collection Of Articles And Speeches by Stalin, Joseph
The Cabildo in Peru Under the Hapsburgs: A Study in the Origins and Powers of the Town Council in the Viceroyalty of Peru, 1530-1700 by Moore, John Preston
Empowering Children: Principles, Strategies, and Techniques for Mobilizing Child Participation in the Development Process by Jayakaran, Ravi
Local Redistribution and Local Democracy: Interest Groups and the Courts by Gillette, Clayton P.
The Patriot's History Reader: The Patriot's History Reader: Essential Documents for Every American by Allen, Michael, Dougherty, Dave, Schweikart, Larry
Leviathan by Hobbes, Thomas
Mobility and Environment: Humanists Versus Engineers in Urban Policy and Professional Education by Poli, Corrado
Is There a Southern Political Tradition? by
Too Much Luck: The Mining Boom and Australia's Future by Cleary, Paul
The Ultimate Decision: The President As Commander In Chief by
Homeland Security Operations & Change: A Framework for Human Resources Management by Downey, Elizabeth a., Small, Albert W.
Security Strategies in the Asia-Pacific: The United States' "second Front" in Southeast Asia by Tan, A.
Security Strategies in the Asia-Pacific: The United States' "second Front" in Southeast Asia by Tan, A.
The Case for Gridlock: Democracy, Organized Power, and the Legal Foundations of American Government by Ethridge, Marcus E.
The Obama Presidency: Change and Continuity by
Reduce the Number and Size of Governments: Reduce Administrative Costs by Tom, The Twenty-First-Century Radical
Washington Information Directory by Press, Cq
In Defence of Politicians: Despite Themselves by Riddell, Peter
The Conscience of a Conservative by Goldwater, Barry
Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy: Volume I (1994 to 2005): From the Trenches of Democracy by Jeffs, Daniel B.
Raumplanung als wissenschaftliche Disziplin im Nationalsozialismus by Bongards, Martin Gerhard
Supreme Court Jurisprudence in Times of National Crisis, Terrorism, and War: A Historical Perspective by Garrison, Arthur H.
Groundwater in the Arab Middle East by Wagner, Wolfgang
Urban Reflections: Narratives of Place, Planning and Change by Tewdwr-Jones, Mark
Urban Reflections: Narratives of Place, Planning and Change by Tewdwr-Jones, Mark
Disabled People and Housing: Choices, Opportunities and Barriers by Hemingway, Laura
Disabled People and Housing: Choices, Opportunities and Barriers by Hemingway, Laura
Republicans on the Throne: A Personal Account of Ethiopia's Modernization and Painful Quest for Democracy by Gedamu, Tekalign
Portugal's Revolution: Ten Years on by Ferreira, Hugo Gil, Marshall, Michael W.
Undermining Local Democracy: Parallel Governance in Contemporary South India by Chandrashekhar, Lalita
Regulation Through Revelation: The Origin, Politics, and Impacts of the Toxics Release Inventory Program by Hamilton, James T.
Bolshevism In Turkestan, 1917-1927 by Park, Alexander G.
The 7 Keys To Unlocking The Secrets Of Your City's Budget by Zenk, Mary Jo
The Obama Presidency: Appraisals and Prospects by
Contending Approaches to the American Presidency by
The U.S. Senate: From Deliberation to Dysfunction by
Up in Smoke: From Legislation to Litigation in Tobacco Politics by Derthick, Martha A.
Full Body Scam: The Naked View of Current Airport Security by Brown, David H.
Regaining the Dream: How to Renew the Promise of Homeownership for America's Working Families by Quercia, Roberto G., Freeman, Allison, Ratcliffe, Janneke
Political Violence, Crises and Revolutions (Routledge Revivals): Theories and Research by Zimmermann, Ekkart
Development Beyond Politics: Aid, Activism and NGOs in Ghana by Yarrow, Thomas
Reflexion des Praktikums im Kulturverein by Neumayer, Catrin
The Communist Party Of Bulgaria: Origins And Development 1883-1936 by Rothschild, Joseph
Electronic Governance and Cross-Boundary Collaboration: Innovations and Advancing Tools by
Beijing Record: A Physical and Political History of Planning Modern Beijing by Wang, Jun
The Handy Presidents Answer Book by Hudson, David L.
Selling War in a Media Age: The Presidency and Public Opinion in the American Century by Frank, Andrew K., Osgood, Kenneth
Religion in America: A Political History by Lacorne, Denis
Robert Toombs: The Civil Wars of a United States Senator and Confederate General by Scroggins, Mark
Understanding the Constitution by Conserva, Henry
Studies in Temporal Urbanism: The Urbantick Experiment by
The Federal Reserve System: A History of the First 75 Years by Moore, Carl H.
The Development of a Bureaucratic Personality - Consequences for Organizational Learning by Winter, Markus
Juliette Low, Girl Scout: Childhood Of Famous Americans Series by Higgins, Helen Boyd
The Least Dangerous Branch: The Supreme Court At The Bar Of Politics by Bickel, Alexander Mordecai
Phantom Democracy: Corporate Interests and Political Power in America by Boggs, C.
In My Opinion by Reeves, David
Phantom Democracy: Corporate Interests and Political Power in America by Boggs, C.
What's Law Got to Do with It?: What Judges Do, Why They Do It, and What's at Stake by
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