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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2012

Transformation of the Indian Armed Forces 2025: Enhancing India's Defence by Lal (Retd), A. K.
Reorganising the Air Force for Future Operations by Ta Ncai Tami LP Palkalaik Ka Lakam
Russia and Its Near Neighbours by
Citizens' Initiatives in Europe: Procedures and Consequences of Agenda-Setting by Citizens by
Africa Toward 2030: Challenges for Development Policy by
Government Transparency: Impacts and Unintended Consequences by Erkkilä, T.
Territories of Citizenship by
Political Autonomy and Divided Societies: Imagining Democratic Alternatives in Complex Settings by Keating, Michael, Gagnon, Alain-G
Pluralism and the Idea of the Republic in France by Wright, Julian
European Disunion: Between Sovereignty and Solidarity by
Multi-Level Party Politics in Western Europe by Detterbeck, K.
Multinational Federalism: Problems and Prospects by Gagnon, Alain-G
The Withering of the Welfare State: Regression by
Comparing Devolved Governance by Birrell, D.
Executive Politics in Times of Crisis by
Political Communication in Direct Democratic Campaigns: Enlightening or Manipulating? by
Prime Ministers in Power: Political Leadership in Britain and Australia by Bennister, M.
Case Studies and Causal Inference: An Integrative Framework by Rohlfing, I.
Think-Tanks, Social Democracy and Social Policy by Pautz, H.
Waiting for Reform Under Putin and Medvedev by
Latin America After Neoliberalism: Developmental Regimes in Post-Crisis States by Wylde, C.
Politics, Judicial Review, and the Russian Constitutional Court by Thorson, s.
Stateless Nations: Western European Regional Nationalisms and the Old Nations by Friend, J.
Former Leaders in Modern Democracies: Political Sunsets by
Anti-Intellectual Presidency: The Decline of Presidential Rhetoric from George Washington to George W. Bush by Lim, Elvin
Take Back Your Government: A Citizen's Guide to Grassroots Change by Carroll, Morgan
Maryland Politics and Government: Democratic Dominance by Willis, John T., Smith, Herbert C.
Politics and Society in Saudi Arabia: The Crucial Years of Development, 1960-1982 by Yizraeli, Sarah
Power Shift: From Party Elites to Informed Citizens by Lyon, Vaughan
Corporate Governance Framework in Nigeria: An International Review by Akinpelu, Olusola A.
Corporate Governance Framework in Nigeria: An International Review by Akinpelu, Olusola A.
Power Shift: From Party Elites to Informed Citizens by Lyon, Vaughan
Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 10th Urban Environment Symposium by
Ventilating Cities: Air-Flow Criteria for Healthy and Comfortable Urban Living by Kato, Shinsuke, Hiyama, Kyosuke
The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan, 1811-2011 by
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
Transcending the Natural by Lawson, Bill R.
Transcending the Natural by Lawson, Bill R.
Contractual Communities in the Self-Organising City: Freedom, Creativity, Subsidiarity by Brunetta, Grazia, Moroni, Stefano
Metals and Society: An Introduction to Economic Geology by Arndt, Nicholas, Ganino, Clément
The Differentiated Countryside by Murdoch, Jonathan, Lowe, Philip, Marsden and, Terry
Unite the States! by McClure V., Bob
Political Conflict in America by Ware, A.
Political Conflict in America by Ware, A.
America's Walls by Forbes, Tom
America's Walls by Forbes, Tom
Oxford Handbook of Business and Government by
Becoming a Candidate: Political Ambition and the Decision to Run for Office by Lawless, Jennifer L.
Will Barak Obama Win 2012 Presidential Elections? by Schiller, Jon
Subsidiarity Governance: Theoretical and Empirical Models by
Executive Power in Theory and Practice by
Executive Power in Theory and Practice by
Subsidiarity Governance: Theoretical and Empirical Models by
Judicial Monarchs: Court Power and the Case for Restoring Popular Sovereignty in the United States by Watkins, William J.
Bangkok, May 2010: Perspectives on a Divided Thailand by
Carbanion Chemistry by Bates, R., Ogle, C. a.
Ressourcennutzung in Wirtschaftsräumen: Stoffstromanalysen Für Eine Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung by Bringezu, Stefan
Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power by Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Fighting Corruption in Public Services by World Book, Inc
Umweltgerechter Verkehr: Innovative Konzepte Für Den Stadt- Und Regionalverkehr by
Parent Bailout: The Bailout That Is Really Crippling America by Rainey Green, Charlotte
Presidential Power in Troubled Second Terms by Zacher, Alfred J.
The Involvement of State Governments in US Foreign Relations by McMillan, S.
The Involvement of State Governments in US Foreign Relations by McMillan, S.
Restore the Future: The Second American Revolution by Young, Donald H.
Restore the Future: The Second American Revolution by Young, Donald H.
Presidential Electors and the Electoral College: An Examination of Lobbying, Wavering Electors, and Campaigns for Faithless Votes by Alexander, Robert M.
Transformative Policy for Poor Women: A New Feminist Framework by Fernandez, Bina
Taking the Pulse of America: A Vanguard Baby Boomer Examines the American Scene by Street, Martin
Taking the Pulse of America: A Vanguard Baby Boomer Examines the American Scene by Street, Martin
10 Steps to Repair American Democracy by Hill, Steven
10 Steps to Repair American Democracy by Hill, Steven
Stadtmarketing Und Kommunales Audit: Chance Für Eine Ganzheitliche Stadtentwicklung by
Power in the Balance: Presidents, Parties, and Legislatures in Peru and Beyond by Levitt, Barry S.
The Red Book by
Ed Koch and the Rebuilding of New York City by Soffer, Jonathan
ICTs for Advancing Rural Communities and Human Development: Addressing the Digital Divide by
Online Research Methods in Urban and Planning Studies: Design and Outcomes by
Mixed Communities: Gentrification by Stealth? by
The Future of Sustainable Cities: Critical Reflections by
Trust in Black America: Race, Discrimination, and Politics by Nunnally, Shayla C.
Trust in Black America: Race, Discrimination, and Politics by Nunnally, Shayla C.
A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: For the Use of the Senate of the United States. by Jefferson, Thomas
A Manual of Parliamentary Practice. by Jefferson, Thomas
The Rejected Stone, Or, Insurrection vs. Resurrection in America. by Conway, Moncure Daniel
Impacts of Large Dams: A Global Assessment by
Urban and Regional Policy and its Effects: Building Resilient Regions by
Centrist Rhetoric: The Production of Political Transcendence in the Clinton Presidency by De Velasco, Antonio
The Transformation of Wall Street: A History of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Modern Corporate Finance by Seligman, Joel
America Under Fire: 3 Things America Must Do to Rebuild its Foundation by Romeo, Jim
Democracy in America (in Two Volumes) by Tocqueville, Alexis De
Der Prozess des Insourcings dargestellt an ausgewählten Problemfeldern im Bereich der Rehabilitation by Mischek, Stefan
Chancen und Risiken von ÖPP/PPP-Verfahren by Sachs, Fabian
Loyalism In New York During The American Revolution, Issues 37-39... by Flick, Alexander Clarence
Renewal in European Local Democracies: Puzzles, Dilemmas and Options by
Bernie Sanders' December, 2010 Filibuster on Corporate Greed: An Historic Speech by Sanders, Bernie
Regional Development in Northern Europe: Peripherality, Marginality and Border Issues by
Politics, Judicial Review, and the Russian Constitutional Court by Thorson, s.
Electing and Ejecting Party Leaders in Britain by Quinn, Thomas
Electing and Ejecting Party Leaders in Britain by Quinn, Thomas
The Withering of the Welfare State: Regression by
The Immigration Crucible: Transforming Race, Nation, and the Limits of the Law by Kretsedemas, Philip
The Immigration Crucible: Transforming Race, Nation, and the Limits of the Law by Kretsedemas, Philip
Starling of the White House by Starling, Edmund W.
Comparative Metropolitan Policy: Governing Beyond Local Boundaries in the Imagined Metropolis by Nelles, Jen
Speaking Green with a Southern Accent: Environmental Management and Innovation in the South by
A Rights based approach to Slum Rehabilitation and Housing: A Study in Mumbai by Singh, Binti
U.S.N.A. by Gordon F. Jones, Jones, Gordon Frank
Voter Turnout: Comparative Perspectives by Rolfe, Meredith
Natural Law and the Antislavery Constitutional Tradition by Dyer, Justin Buckley
The Resurgence of the Radical Right in France by Goodliffe, Gabriel
Democracy's Lawyer: Felix Grundy of the Old Southwest by Heller, J. Roderick
Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2013 (Budget of the United States Government) by Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget
Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2013 (Budget of the United States Government) by Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President
The City in the Experience Economy: Role and Transformation by
Uprising: How Wisconsin Renewed the Politics of Protest, from Madison to Wall Street by Nichols, John
Gender and Populism in Latin America: Passionate Politics by
A Sinhala Buddhist Reply to the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (Full Version Sinhalese Edition) by Ariyarathna, MR Palitha
An Anatomy of Sprawl: Planning and Politics in Britain by Phelps, Nicholas A.
An Anatomy of Sprawl: Planning and Politics in Britain by Phelps, Nicholas A.
Understanding Presidential Elections: The Constitution, Caucuses, Primaries, Electoral College, and More by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Planning Australia: An Overview of Urban and Regional Planning by Maginn, Paul, Thompson, Susan
Beyond Red and Blue: How Twelve Political Philosophies Shape American Debates by Wenz, Peter S.
The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups by Maisel, Louis Sandy, Berry, Jeffrey M.
Das Standard-Kosten-Modell by Kickinger, Katharina
Wettbewerbspositionierung der Landeshauptstadt München by Lenzinger, Christian
Memoir of the Proposed Territory of Arizona. by Mowry, Sylvester
Supreme Myths: Why the Supreme Court is Not a Court and its Justices are Not Judges by Segall, Eric
Does Local Government Matter?: How Urban Policies Shape Civic Engagement by Sharp, Elaine B.
A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: For the Use of the Senate of the United States. by Jefferson, Thomas
Gobiernos Generadores de Riqueza: La Administracion Publica del Futuro by S. Nchez, Mario Ra, Sanchez, Mario Raul Mijares
Gobiernos Generadores de Riqueza: La Administracion Publica del Futuro by S. Nchez, Mario Ra, Sanchez, Mario Raul Mijares
Law in the Making: A Comparative Survey by
Lasting Value: Open Space Planning and Preservation Successes by Pruetz, Rick
Transportation Systems Analysis: Models and Applications by Cascetta, Ennio
Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition by Kloppenberg, James T.
Colonial Discourse and Gender in U.S. Criminal Courts: Cultural Defenses and Prosecutions by Braunmühl, Caroline
The Chinese State in Transition: Processes and contests in local China by
The People's Courts by Shugerman, Jed Handelsman
International Relations and Non-Western Thought: Imperialism, Colonialism and Investigations of Global Modernity by
Insuring Security: Biopolitics, security and risk by Lobo-Guerrero, Luis
A City's Architecture: Aberdeen as 'Designed City' by Brogden, William Alvis
Supreme Decisions, Volume 1: Great Constitutional Cases and Their Impact, Volume One: To 1896 by Urofsky, Melvin I.
A Tale of Two Taxes: Property Tax Reform in Ontario by Slack, Enid, Tassonyi, Almos, Bird, Richard M.
Becoming China's Bitch and Nine More Catastrophes We Must Avoid Right Now: A Manifesto for the Radical Center by Kiernan, Peter D.
World-Regional Social Policy and Global Governance: New Research and Policy Agendas in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America by
Seven Trends that will Transform Local Government Through Technology by Shark, Alan R.
Democracy Deferred: Civic Leadership After 9/11 by Woods, D.
Democracy Deferred: Civic Leadership After 9/11 by Woods, D.
Manhattan Projects: The Rise and Fall of Urban Renewal in Cold War New York by Zipp, Samuel
Uncommon Sense: The Real American Manifesto by Murray, William James
The Democratic Dilemma of American Education: Out of Many, One? by Shober, Arnold
Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back by Yates, Michael D.
Gridlock: Why We're In It and How to Get Out by Edwards, Payne
Geographic Information Science and Public Participation by Ramasubramanian, Laxmi
Storming the State House: The Campaign That Liberated Alabama from 136 Years of Democrat Rule by Azbell, David, Hubbard, Mike
Reclaim American Liberty: Essays from the First Reclaim American Liberty Conference, 2010 by
Wisconsin Uprising by Yates, Michael D.
Urban Life in Post-Soviet Asia by
You Can Lead a Politician to Water, But You Can't: Ten Commandments for Texas Politics by Friedman, Kinky
Governing America: The Revival of Political History by Zelizer, Julian E.
Die Vergabeverfahren der Berliner Verwaltung by Klug, Marcus
Won't Get Fooled Again: A Voter's Guide to Seeing Through the Lies, Getting Past the Propaganda, and Choosing the BEST LEADERS by Boyett, Joseph
Managing Development in a Globalized World: Concepts, Processes, Institutions by Zafarullah, Habib, Huque, Ahmed Shafiqul
Rush to Judgment: George W. Bush, the War on Terror, and His Critics by Knott, Stephen F.
How Women Represent Women: Political Parties, Gender, and Representation in the State Legislatures by Osborn, Tracy L.
Sustainable Low-Carbon City Development in China by
The Founding Fathers by Meister, Charles W.
The Best Job in Politics: Exploring How Governors Succeed as Policy Leaders by Rosenthal, Alan
Challenges to Religious Liberty in the Twenty-First Century by
Wall Street Occupied: From The Next Generation of Leaders Collection by Dyer, Omar Lomant, Thefannj
Urban Planning for Dummies by Yin, Jordan
Citizens' Initiatives in Europe: Procedures and Consequences of Agenda-Setting by Citizens by
Think-Tanks, Social Democracy and Social Policy by Pautz, H.
Finanzierung touristischer Maßnahmen durch eine Kursteuer: Vergleich anhand verschiedener Kommunen by Dick, Miriam
The Unfinished Transition to Democracy in Latin America by Calleros-Alarcón, Juan Carlos
Community Quality-Of-Life Indicators: Best Cases IV by
German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy 2009: New Disparities in Spatial Development in Europe by
New Directions in Regional Economic Development by
Enhancing the City.: New Perspectives for Tourism and Leisure by
Community Quality-Of-Life Indicators: Best Cases III by
Geospatial Techniques in Urban Hazard and Disaster Analysis by
Good Morning Uncle Sam by Miles, Andrew
Close Elections and Political Succession in the African Union by Dundas, Carl W.
The Supreme Court A to Z by Jost, Kenneth W.
Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat by Holland, Max
Citizen, Customer, Partner: Engaging the Public in Public Management by Thomas, John Clayton
The Fiscal Case against Statehood: Accounting for Statehood in New Mexico and Arizona by Moussalli, Stephanie D.
Desert Visions and the Making of Phoenix, 1860-2009 by Vandermeer, Philip
Urban Development in the Muslim World by
Cultural Competency for Public Administrators by Norman-Major, Kristen A., Gooden, Susan T.
The Turkish Revolution, 1960-1961: Aspects Of Military Politics by Weiker, Walter Fritz
Systems Analysis in Urban Policy-Making and Planning by Batty, Michael, Hutchinson, Bruce
The Politics of Inequality: A Political History of the Idea of Economic Inequality in America by Thompson, Michael
Prime Ministers in Power: Political Leadership in Britain and Australia by Bennister, M.
Showdown at the 1964 Democratic Convention: Lyndon Johnson, Mississippi and Civil Rights by Skipper, John C.
Die Finanzen Österreichs im XIX. Jahrhundert by Beer, Adolf
The Future of Cities and Regions: Simulation, Scenario and Visioning, Governance and Scale by
Parliamentary Control and Government Accountability in South Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka by Rahman, Taiabur
Resources, Governance and Civil Conflict by
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