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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2013

Policing Afghanistan: The Politics of the Lame Leviathan by Giustozzi, Antonio, Isaqzadeh, Mohammed
Dirty Cities: Towards a Political Economy of the Underground in Global Cities by
The Politics of Party Policy: From Members to Legislators by Gauja, A.
Britain and Germany Imagining the Future of Europe: National Identity, Mass Media and the Public Sphere by Novy, L.
Environmental Sustainability in Transatlantic Perspective: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Achilles, Manuela, Elzey, Dana
China's Hukou System: Markets, Migrants and Institutional Change by Young, Jason
Business and Climate Change Governance: South Africa in Comparative Perspective by
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in the Global South by Kshetri, N.
Business and Governance in South Africa: Racing to the Top? by
Controlling Comitology: Accountability in a Multi-Level System by Brandsma, G.
Political Reason: Morality and the Public Sphere by Fives, A.
Gender and Political Recruitment: Theorizing Institutional Change by Kenny, Meryl
Ruling, Resources and Religion in China: Managing the Multiethnic State in the 21st Century by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Local Politics and Contemporary Transformations in the Arab World: Governance Beyond the Center by
Local Leadership in Democratic Transition: Competing Paradigms in International Peacebuilding by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Policing for Peace in Northern Ireland: Change, Conflict and Community Confidence by Murphy, J.
Government Formation in Multi-Level Settings: Party Strategy and Institutional Constraints by Stefuriuc, I.
The Energy Security-Climate Nexus: Institutional Change in the UK and Beyond by Kuzemko, C.
Hybrid Governance in European Cities: Neighbourhood, Migration and Democracy by Jeffares, S., Skelcher, C., Sullivan, Helen
Rethinking the Public Sphere Through Transnationalizing Processes: Europe and Beyond by
New Challenges in Energy Security: The UK in a Multipolar World by
Federalism and Decentralization in European Health and Social Care by
Democratization and Civilian Control in Asia by Kuehn, D., Lorenz, P., Croissant, A.
Climate Change and Order: The End of Prosperity and Democracy by Levy, Stuart, Edmondson, Beth
Global City Challenges: Debating a Concept, Improving the Practice by Acuto, M., Steele, W.
European Union Civil Society Policy and Turkey: A Bridge Too Far? by Zihnioglu, O.
Functions, Methods and Concepts in Evaluation Research by Meyer, W., Stockmann, R.
New Technology, Organizational Change and Governance by
Governance Approaches to Mitigation of and Adaptation to Climate Change in Asia by
Civil Servants and Politics: A Delicate Balance by
Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government by Higgs, Robert
Blair's Community: Communitarian Thought and New Labour by Hale, Sarah
American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy, and Citizenship by Bessette, Joseph, Pitney, John
Warfare State: World War II Americans and the Age of Big Government by Sparrow, James T.
Parliamentary Dimensions of Regionalization and Globalization: The Role of Inter-Parliamentary Institutions by
Urban Landscapes: Environmental Networks and the Quality of Life by Sargolini, Massimo
Original Compromise: What the Constitution's Framers Were Really Thinking by Robertson, David Brian
Trapped In The Congo Drama by Ngoma, Raymond M.
Trapped In The Congo Drama by Ngoma, Raymond M.
African American Members of the United States Congress: 1870-2012 by Manning, Jennifer E., Shogan, Colleen J.
Women in the United States Congress: 1917-2012 by Shogan, Colleen J., Manning, Jennifer E.
Congressional Investigations of the Department of Justice, 1920-2012: History, Law, and Practice by Garvey, Todd, Dolan, Alissa M.
Introduction to the Federal Budget Process by Lynch, Megan Suzanne, Tollestrup, Jessica, Heniff, Jr. Bill
Land Subsidence Analysis in Urban Areas: The Bangkok Metropolitan Area Case Study by Wakshal, Eliyahu, Zeitoun, David G.
State-Centric to Contested Social Governance in Korea: Shifting Power by Kim, Hyuk-Rae
State Government Fiscal Stress and Federal Assistance by Dilger, Robert Jay
Presidential Reorganization Authority: History, Recent Initiatives, and Options for Congress by Hogue, Henry B.
Improper Payments and Recovery Audits: Legislation, Implementation, and Analysis by Levine, Meredith a., Hatch, Garrett
Party Leaders in the United States Congress, 1789-2012 by Heitshusen, Valerie
The Alexander H. Stephens Reader: Excerpts From the Works of a Confederate Founding Father by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Federal Benefits and the Same-Sex Partners of Federal Employees by Ginsberg, Wendy, Topoleski, John J.
Presidential Appointee Positions Requiring Senate Confirmation and Committees Handling Nominations by Mansfield, Jerry W., Davis, Christopher M.
Urban Ecology by
Behavior of Federal Judges: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Rational Choice by Landes, William M., Posner, Richard A., Epstein, Lee
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia by Seri, Andrea
Middle East Authoritarianisms: Governance, Contestation, and Regime Resilience in Syria and Iran by
Strategisches Management mit Kennzahlen und Bewertungstools in der öffentlichen Verwaltung Oberösterreichs by Schwarzl, Michael
Myanmar's Transition: Openings, Obstacles and Opportunities by
Designing the Urban Renaissance: Sustainable and Competitive Place Making in England by Vescovi, Francesco
Place-Based Conservation: Perspectives from the Social Sciences by
Harold E. Stassen: The Life and Perennial Candidacy of the Progressive Republican by Kirby, Alec, Rothmann, John F.
Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States: Volume I by Books, Applewood
Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design: Linking Theory and Practice for Sustainable Cities by
Megacity Mobility Culture: How Cities Move on in a Diverse World by
Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design: Linking Theory and Practice for Sustainable Cities by
General U.S. Grant's Writings (Complete and Unabridged Including His Personal Memoirs, State of the Union Address and Letters of Ulysses S. Grant to H by Grant, Ulysses S.
General U.S. Grant's Writings (Complete and Unabridged Including His Personal Memoirs, State of the Union Address and Letters of Ulysses S. Grant to H by Grant, Ulysses S.
Congress and the Politics of Problem Solving by Wilkerson, John D., Adler, E. Scott
Urban Design Ecologies: AD Reader by
The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022 by
Britain and the European Union by Geddes, Andrew
Legal Foundations of Environmental Planning: Textbook-Casebook and Materials on Environmental Law by Rose, Jerome G.
Keystone Books: Reflections on the Press, Politics, and the Making of Public Policy in Pennsylvania by Carocci, Vincent P.
Barack Obama: The Story by Maraniss, David
Political Parties in Palestine: Leadership and Thought by Bröning, M.
Political Parties in Palestine: Leadership and Thought by Bröning, M.
Barack Obama and the New America: The 2012 Election and the Changing Face of Politics by
The Transatlantic Divide: Foreign and Security Policies in the Atlantic Alliance from Kosovo to Iraq by
Secure Electronic Voting by Gritzalis, Dimitris A.
Black-Latino Relations in U.S. National Politics by Preuhs, Robert R., Hero, Rodney E.
Congress and the Politics of Problem Solving by Wilkerson, John, Adler, E. Scott
Black-Latino Relations in U.S. National Politics by Preuhs, Robert R., Hero, Rodney E.
The Great Inversion and the Future of the American City by Ehrenhalt, Alan
The U.S. Senate: Fundamentals of American Government by Robbins, Charles, Daschle, Thomas, Daschle, Tom
How Congress Works by Cq Press
The Politics of Exile by Dauphinee, Elizabeth
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall by Riordon, William L.
Disaster Government: National Emergencies, Continuity of Government and You by Tuohy, Brian
Problems Of Administration In Social Work by Atwater, Pierce
War And The Russian Government: The Central Government, And Municipal Government And The All Russian Union Of Towns by Gronsky, Paul P., Astrov, Nicholas J.
Juvenile Detention In The United States: Report Of A Field Survey Of The National Probation Association by Warner, Florence Mary
Why Is the Jew Persecuted Today: Library of Liberal Endeavor, V1, May, 1939 by Kaul, Leo
German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy 2010: Urban Regional Resilience: How Do Cities and Regions Deal with Change? by
Quality-Of-Life Community Indicators for Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management by
Minorities in Iran: Nationalism and Ethnicity After Khomeini by Elling, R.
Minorities in Iran: Nationalism and Ethnicity After Khomeini by Elling, R.
The Complete Book of Presidential Inaugural Speeches, 2013 Edition by Obama, Barack, Washington, George
Wie erfolgreich ist die Föderalismusreform II? by Bayramov, Badir
Megacities: Urban Form, Governance, and Sustainability by
History, Memory and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe: Memory Games by
Democratization and Civilian Control in Asia by Kuehn, D., Lorenz, P., Croissant, A.
Their Fair Share: Taxing the Rich in the Age of FDR by Thorndike, Joseph J.
Hostile Takeover by Kibbe, Matt
It's the Middle Class, Stupid! by Greenberg, Stan, Carville, James
Megapolitan America by Lang, Robert, Nelson, Arthur
Mixed Communities: Gentrification by Stealth? by
Interactive Policy Making, Metagovernance and Democracy by
Managing Disasters through Public-Private Partnerships by Abou-Bakr, Ami J.
The Japanese Administration of Guam, 1941-1944: A Study of Occupation and Integration Policies, with Japanese Oral Histories by Higuchi, Wakako
A Political Sociology of Transnational Europe by
DoD Industrial Security Regulation by Defense, Department Of
State of the Union Addresses of Thomas Jefferson: 1801-1808 by Jefferson, Thomas
DoD Defense Materiel Disposition Manual by Defense, Department Of
DoD 5220.22-R Industrial Security Regulation by Defense, Department Of
DoD Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Procedures (NARP) by Defense, Department Of
Green Urbanism in Asia: The Emerging Green Tigers by Newman, Peter, Matan, Anne
DoD Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Regulation by Defense, Department Of
Lincoln: The Screenplay by Kushner, Tony
Draft Management Recommendations for the African Burial Ground by Department of the Interior, U. S.
The Race for the White House from Reagan to Clinton: Reforming Old Systems, Building New Coalitions by Bennett, A.
The Progression of the American Presidency: Individuals, Empire, and Change by Twombly, J.
The Progression of the American Presidency: Individuals, Empire, and Change by Twombly, J.
The Race for the White House from Reagan to Clinton: Reforming Old Systems, Building New Coalitions by Bennett, A.
Die Finanzen Osterreichs Im XIX. Jahrhundert by Beer, Adolf
Restoration of Coastal Dunes by
Hybrid Governance in European Cities: Neighbourhood, Migration and Democracy by Jeffares, S., Skelcher, C., Sullivan, Helen
Public Policymaking in Hong Kong: Civic Engagement and State-Society Relations in a Semi-Democracy by Chan, Joseph C. W., Lee, Eliza W. Y., Chan, Elaine Y. M.
The Handbook of Community Safety Gender and Violence Prevention: Practical Planning Tools by Whitzman, Carolyn
Meyer London: A Biography of the Socialist New York Congressman, 1871-1926 by Goldberg, Gordon J.
Innovation, Human Capabilities, and Democracy: Towards an Enabling Welfare State by Miettinen, Reijo
The Sagamore Conference on Highways and Urban Development: Guidelines for Action by American Municipal Association
Supreme Arrogance: How the Supreme Court Ignored the Constitution and Wrecked America by Marrou, Chris
Essential American Principles: A User's Guide to American Political Documents by Pryor, R. Michael
Zwischennutzung von Brachen - Neue Perspektiven für die schrumpfende Stadt. Handlungsempfehlungen an die Akteure: Zwischennutzungen gezielt Fördern by Rosic, Nenad
Democratic Governance and Social Entrepreneurship: Civic Participation and the Future of Democracy by Horn, Denise M.
Congressional Membership and Appointment Authority to Advisory Commissions, Boards, and Groups (February 2013) by Glassman, Matthew Eric
Open Government (Routledge Revivals): A Study of the Prospects of Open Government Within the Limitations of the British Political System by
Leadership in the British Civil Service (Routledge Revivals): A study of Sir Percival Waterfield and the creation of the Civil Service Selection Board by Chapman, Richard A.
Der Staat als Zukunftsagentur: Gesellschaft und Herrschaftssysteme in nachhaltiger Entwicklung by Bolz, Hermann R.
The Petraeus Files: All the Photos, Chats, Poems, and Other Super-Secret Emails They Don't Want You to See by Travelstead, Ted
Songs and Secrets: South Africa from Liberation to Governance by Gilder, Barry
White House Burning: Our National Debt and Why It Matters to You by Johnson, Simon
The Alphabet Games "The Numinous Protocol" by Von Schondorf, Birgit
Paint the White House Black: Barack Obama and the Meaning of Race in America by Jeffries, Michael P.
Sustainable Built Environments by
Paint the White House Black: Barack Obama and the Meaning of Race in America by Jeffries, Michael P.
Civil Society and Participatory Governance: Municipal Councils and Social Housing Programs in Brazil by Donaghy, Maureen M.
Voices from the Federal Theatre [With DVD] by Schwartz, Bonnie Nelson, Bialowitz, Joseph
An Empire of Ideals: The Chimeric Imagination of Ronald Reagan by Garrison, Justin D.
Be American: Simple Study For Citizenship by Saden, George A.
Political Parties in Multi-Level Polities: The Nordic Countries Compared by Bergman, T., Aylott, Nicholas, Blomgren, Magnus
Urban Regeneration in the UK: Boom, Bust and Recovery by Jones, Phil, Evans, James
Some Great Idea: Good Neighbourhoods, Crazy Politics and the Invention of Toronto by Keenan, Edward
Shanghai Gone: Domicide and Defiance in a Chinese Megacity by Shao, Qin
Britain's First Labour Government by Shepherd, J., Laybourn, K.
Democracy and Prebendalism in Nigeria: Critical Interpretations by
Shanghai Gone: Domicide and Defiance in a Chinese Megacity by Shao, Qin
Getting It Done: A Guide for Government Executives by
Bürokratieabbau und Bürokratiekosten by Dudenhöffer, Michael
Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production in Architecture and Urbanism: Towards Hybrid Modes of Inquiry by
Die europäische Union und der deutsche Föderalismus: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der politischen Einflussnahme der Bundesländer am Beispiel Mecklenburg- by Grützmacher, Christoph
Planning Politics in Toronto: The Ontario Municipal Board and Urban Development by Moore, Aaron Alexander
Presidential Road Show: Public Leadership in an Era of Party Polarization and Media Fragmentation by Heith, Diane J.
China and Orientalism: Western Knowledge Production and the P.R.C. by Vukovich, Daniel
Presidential Road Show: Public Leadership in an Era of Party Polarization and Media Fragmentation by Heith, Diane J.
Leading the Localities: Executive Mayors in English Local Governance by Copus, Colin
Historical Dictionary of the Carter Era by Kaufman, Diane, Kaufman, Scott
China's Environmental Policy and Urban Development by Man, Joyce Yanyun
The Roots of Our Children's War: Identity and the War on Terrorism by Deardorff, Brad
Reining in the State: Civil Society and Congress in the Vietnam and Watergate Era by Scott, Katherine A.
Sustainable Livelihood Approach: A Critique of Theory and Practice by Morse, Stephen, McNamara, Nora
Organisation als Hilfe und Fluch: Herausforderung, Chance und Risiko zugleich by Schmidt, Alfons Maria
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
Why Aren't They There?: The Political Representation of Women, Ethnic Groups and Issue Positions in Legislatures by Ruedin, Didier
The Commerce Clause Under Marshall, Taney, and Waite by Frankfurter, Felix
Revolution Detroit: Strategies for Urban Reinvention by Gallagher, John
Rethinking Community Practice: Developing Transformative Neighbourhoods by Miller, Colin, Chanan, Gabriel
The Political Ecology of the Metropolis: Metropolitan Sources of Electoral Behaviour in Eleven Countries by
Whigs and Hunters by Thompson, E. P.
War Powers of the President: War Powers of the American Presidency, Derived from the Constitution and Statutes, and Their Historical Background by Odell, Talbot
Politics as a Profession for Business Men by Farley, James Aloysius
The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America by Spencer, Robert, Geller, Pamela
Agenda 21: Earth Summit: The United Nations Programme of Action from Rio by Nations, United
National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism by Goodman, Melvin A.
Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power by Maddow, Rachel
The Politics of Party Policy: From Members to Legislators by Gauja, A.
Two Presidents Are Better Than One: The Case for a Bipartisan Executive Branch by Orentlicher, David
American Politics: A Very Short Introduction by Valelly, Richard M.
Why Coolidge Matters: Leadership Lessons from Americaa's Most Underrated President by Johnson, Charles C.
Contemporary Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia: Structures, Institutions and Agency by
Obama and China's Rise: An Insider's Account of America's Asia Strategy by Bader, Jeffrey A.
Sidewalk Strategies: A Practical Guide For Organizers and Activists by Tramutola, Larry
Role of Home State Senators in the Selection of Lower Federal Court Judges by Rutkus, Denis Steven
Neighborhood and Life Chances: How Place Matters in Modern America by
Re-Evaluating Us Foreign Policy Towards Asia by
Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy - 2012 - The most important presidential election of our time by Jeffs, Daniel B.
The Civic Health Diagnostic Workbook by Overfelt, David, Read, Sarah J.
Yearbook of International Cooperation on Environment and Development 1999-2000 by Parmann, Georg, Thommessen, Oystein B., Bergesen, Helge Ole
The Car in 2035: Mobility Planning for the Near Future by
Floods in a Megacity: Geospatial Techniques in Assessing Hazards, Risk and Vulnerability by Dewan, Ashraf
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