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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2014

National Policy in a Global Economy: How Government Can Improve Living Standards and Balance the Books by Budge, I., Birch, S.
New Labour Policy, Industrial Relations and the Trade Unions by Coulter, S.
Gender Equality Norms in Regional Governance: Transnational Dynamics in Europe, South America and Southern Africa by
On the Uses and Abuses of Political Apologies by Mihai, Mihaela, Thaler, Mathias
Internet Governance and the Global South: Demand for a New Framework by Bhuiyan, A.
Independence of the Scottish Mind: Elite Narratives, Public Spaces and the Making of a Modern Nation by Hassan, G.
British Foreign Policy and the National Interest: Identity, Strategy and Security by
Political Communication and Cognition by Lilleker, D.
Government Through Culture and the Contemporary French Right by Ahearne, J.
Making China Strong: The Role of Nationalism in Chinese Thinking on Democracy and Human Rights by Weatherley, R.
Secrets and Democracy: From Arcana Imperii to WikiLeaks by Quill, L.
Housing East Asia: Socioeconomic and Demographic Challenges by
Between Dissent and Power: The Transformation of Islamic Politics in the Middle East and Asia by
Media Systems and Communication Policies in Latin America by
The Politics of Immigration in Multi-Level States: Governance and Political Parties by
The Political Economy of an Emerging Global Power: In Search of the Brazil Dream by Kassum, J., Casanova, L.
Black Mayors, White Majorities: The Balancing Act of Racial Politics by Perry, Ravi K.
New City Spaces by Gehl, Jan
Local Agency and Peacebuilding: EU and International Engagement in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus and South Africa by Kappler, S.
One House: The Unicameral's Progressive Vision for Nebraska by Berens, Charlyne
Courts in Latin America by
The Municipalities of the Roman Empire by Reid, James S.
The Nationalization of American Political Parties, 1880-1896 by Klinghard, Daniel
Ruling by Statute by Saiegh, Sebastian M.
Bill Clinton: Building a Bridge to the New Millennium by Bennett, David H.
Social Democratic America by Kenworthy, Lane
A New Form of Government by Burnham Ph. D., T. Lee
Disaster Communications in a Changing Media World by Haddow, George, Haddow, Kim S.
Congress in Context by Currinder, Marian, Haskell, John, Grove, Sara
Applying an International Human Rights Framework to State Budget Allocations: Rights and Resources by Nolan, Aoife, Harvey, Colin, O'Connell, Rory
The First American Declaration of Independence?: The Disputed History of the Mecklenburg Declaration of May 20, 1775 by Syfert, Scott
The Politics of Coalition in Korea: Between Institutions and Culture by Kim, Youngmi
Climate Change and United States Forests by
Intersecting Interregionalism: Regions, Global Governance and the EU by
The Four Faces of the Republican Party and the Fight for the 2016 Presidential Nomination by Olsen, H., Olsen, Henry, Scala, Dante J.
No Labels: A Shared Vision for a Stronger America by No Labels Foundation
Authoritarian El Salvador: Politics and the Origins of the Military Regimes, 1880-1940 by Ching, Erik
Inside the New Mexico Senate: Boots, Suits, and Citizens by Feldman, Dede
Persian Service: The BBC and British Interests in Iran by Sreberny, Annabelle, Torfeh, Massoumeh
Making Progress in Housing: A Framework for Collaborative Research by McNelis, Sean
The Organization of Political Interest Groups: Designing advocacy by Halpin, Darren
American Public Opinion, Advocacy, and Policy in Congress by Burstein, Paul
American Public Opinion, Advocacy, and Policy in Congress by Burstein, Paul
The Europeanization of Workplace Pensions by Hennessy, Alexandra
Landmark Legislation 1774-2012: Major U.S. Acts and Treaties by Stathis, Stephen W.
United Arab Emirates Keys to Soil Taxonomy by Shahid, Shabbir A., Abdelfattah, Mahmoud A., Wilson, Michael A.
Arrested Developments: Combating Zombie Subdivisions and Other Excess Entitlements by Elliott, Don, Trentadue, Anna, Holway, Jim
Railtown: The Fight for the Los Angeles Metro Rail and the Future of the City by Elkind, Ethan N.
The Global Debt Crisis: Haunting U.S. and European Federalism by
Musings of Immortality: Each nation must choose between the status quo and a New World Order by Bodden, B. B., Bodden, E. F.
Housing East Asia: Socioeconomic and Demographic Challenges by
On Location: Heritage Cities and Sites by
Research Design and Proposal Writing in Spatial Science: Second Edition by Gatrell, Jay D., Bierly, Gregory D., Jensen, Ryan R.
America's Crumbling Infrastructure and How to Fix It by Congress of the United States, Joint Eco
Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration by Locke, John
Spatial Planning Systems and Practices in Europe: A Comparative Perspective on Continuity and Changes by
Act of Congress: How America's Essential Institution Works, and How It Doesn't by Kaiser, Robert G.
Hub Cities in the Knowledge Economy: Seaports, Airports, Brainports by Witlox, Frank, Derudder, Ben
Citizenville: How to Take the Town Square Digital and Reinvent Government by Newsom, Gavin
Democratizing Texas Politics: Race, Identity, and Mexican American Empowerment, 1945-2002 by Márquez, Benjamin
Judicial Review. Comparative Constitutional Law Essays, Lectures and Courses (1985-2011) by Brewer-Carias, Allan R.
Local Agency and Peacebuilding: EU and International Engagement in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus and South Africa by Kappler, S.
Effective Presidency: Lessons on Leadership from John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama by Hargrove, Erwin C.
In the Common Defense: National Security Law for Perilous Times by Baker, James E.
Constituency Representation in Congress by Miler, Kristina C.
War, the American State, and Politics since 1898 by Saldin, Robert P.
Presidency and Domestic Policy: Comparing Leadership Styles, FDR to Obama by Lammers, William W., Belt, Todd L., Genovese, Michael a.
Trouble in Goshen: Plain Folk, Roosevelt, Jesus, and Marx in the Great Depression South by Smith, Fred C.
The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela by
The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela by
This Republic: Illuminating Republican Government by Butts, Will
Political Ideologies and Political Parties in America by Noel, Hans
A Political Sociology of Transnational Europe by
The Age of Lincoln and the Art of American Power, 1848-1876 by Nester, William
New Public Management und Demokratie in Lateinamerika: Fallbeispiel Mexiko by Peetz, Peter
Local Tax Policy by Brunori, David
Resilience and Sustainability in Relation to Natural Disasters: A Challenge for Future Cities by
Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat by Holland, Max
From Public Service to Private Sector: Essential Questions to Consider as You Transition to Government Contractor by Saunders, Danielle O.
US Human Rights Conduct and International Legitimacy: The Constrained Hegemony of George W. Bush by Keating, V.
US Human Rights Conduct and International Legitimacy: The Constrained Hegemony of George W. Bush by Keating, V.
Regionale Energiewende: Akteure und Prozesse in Erneuerbare-Energie-Regionen by Müller, Kathrin
Top Ten US Political Scandals by Watkins, Gary
Spatial Planning Systems and Practices in Europe: A Comparative Perspective on Continuity and Changes by
By the Grace of God by Fogg, John
By the Grace of God by Fogg, John
Innovation - was ist das überhaupt?: Begriffe, Diskussion, Beispiele rund um Innovationsmanagement in Unternehmen by Fohmann, Peggy
Norddeutsche Ratsverfassung vs. Süddeutsche Ratsverfassung. Ein kritischer Vergleich by Hayer, Thomas
Stadtumbau in Leipzig seit der Wende by Sévin, Dominique
The Complete Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers by Madison, James, Jay, John, Henry, Patrick
Making China Strong: The Role of Nationalism in Chinese Thinking on Democracy and Human Rights by Weatherley, R.
Political Ideologies and Political Parties in America by Noel, Hans
Entstehung und Entwicklung des Dresdner Mikroelektronik-Clusters by Püschel, Silvio
Statebuilding from the Margins: Between Reconstruction and the New Deal by
Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution by Bush, Jeb, Bolick, Clint
Basic and Clinical Environmental Approaches in Landscape Planning by
The Mobilization of the United States in World War II: How the Government, Military and Industry Prepared for War by Cardozier, V. R.
God Bless America by Olsen, Eugene Foss
Common Sense For Today's America by McKeever, Jj
The Legislative Legacy of Edward M. Kennedy: Eleven Milestones in Pursuit of Social Justice, 1965-2007 by Horowitz, Craig A.
The Cavalier Presidency: Executive Power and Prerogative in Times of Crisis by DePlato, Justin P.
Imperialism and Social Classes by Schumpeter, Joseph Alois
AR2 Handbook for the Second American Revolution by Hebron, Lawrence Paul
Paying Attention to Foreign Affairs: How Public Opinion Affects Presidential Decision Making by Knecht, Thomas
Red Scare: Right-Wing Hysteria, Fifties Fanaticism, and Their Legacy in Texas by Carleton, Don
Conspiracy Theory in America by Dehaven-Smith, Lance
Policy Entrepreneurship and Elections in Japan: A Political Biogaphy of Ozawa Ichirō by Oka, Takashi
Party Politics and Decentralization in Japan and France: When the Opposition Governs by Nakano, Koichi
From Poverty to History Maker: An Autobiography by Holmes, Robert a.
The USA is Lesterland: The Nature of Congressional Corruption by Lessig, Lawrence
Authoritarian Government V. the Rule of Law. Lectures and Essays (1999-2014) on the Venezuelan Authoritarian Regime Established in Contempt of the Con by Brewer-Carias, Allan R.
Planning and Designing Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes by
The Battle for Europe: How an Elite Hijacked a Continent - and How we Can Take it Back by Fazi, Thomas
Talk Show Campaigns: Presidential Candidates on Daytime and Late Night Television by Parkin, Michael
Zukunftsfähige Siedlungsökosysteme: Planen, Umsetzen Und Betreiben Ein Anwenderhandbuch by
Earthquake Hazard Impact and Urban Planning by
Impacts of Large Dams: A Global Assessment by
Metals and Society: An Introduction to Economic Geology by Arndt, Nicholas, Ganino, Clément
Ventilating Cities: Air-Flow Criteria for Healthy and Comfortable Urban Living by Hiyama, Kyosuke, Kato, Shinsuke
Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 10th Urban Environment Symposium by
Perspectives on Presidential Leadership: An International View of the White House by
Why Place Matters: Geography, Identity, and Civic Life in Modern America by
Analyzing Intelligence: National Security Practitioners' Perspectives, Second Edition by
Civil Society and Democracy Promotion by
Analyzing Intelligence: National Security Practitioners' Perspectives, Second Edition by
Presidential Pork: White House Influence Over the Distribution of Federal Grants by Hudak, John
Contemporary Perspectives on Jane Jacobs: Reassessing the Impacts of an Urban Visionary by Schubert, Dirk
The Congressman Who Got Away with Murder by Brandt, Nat
The Presidency and Political Science: Paradigms of Presidential Power from the Founding to the Present: 2014: Paradigms of Presidential Power from the by Tatalovich, Raymond, Schier, Steven E.
The Presidency and Political Science: Paradigms of Presidential Power from the Founding to the Present: 2014: Paradigms of Presidential Power from the by Tatalovich, Raymond, Schier, Steven E.
Contours of African American Politics: Volume 3, Into the Future: The Demise of African American Politics? by
Dark Money, Super PACs, and the 2012 Election by Powell, Larry, Smith, Melissa M.
Marion Butler and American Populism by Hunt, James L.
The American Civil Liberties Union and the Making of Modern Liberalism, 1930-1960 by Kutulas, Judy
Sunflower Justice: A New History of the Kansas Supreme Court by Lee, R. Alton
Detroit: A Biography by Martelle, Scott
Carbon Sequestration in Urban Ecosystems by
New Public Management und Demokratie in Lateinamerika: Fallbeispiel Mexiko by Peetz, Peter
Logic and public administration. Towards a logic of administrative action by Matei, Ani, Leoveanu, Andy Constantin
Innovatives Wissensmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Weg zur Optimierung: Nicht mehr als 3 Klicks zur benötigten Information by Stroh, Samir
41: Inside the Presidency of George H. W. Bush by
Visualizing the Data City: Social Media as a Source of Knowledge for Urban Planning and Management by Simeone, Luca, Ciuccarelli, Paolo, Lupi, Giorgia
41 by
Mr. President by Rotea, Hermie
The American Kings: Growth in Presidential Power from George Washington to Barack Obama by Shinkoskey, Robert Kimball
The American Kings: Growth in Presidential Power from George Washington to Barack Obama by Shinkoskey, Robert Kimball
Pathways of Power: The Dynamics of National Policymaking by Beam, David R., Conlan, Timothy J., Posner, Paul L.
Referendums and Ethnic Conflict by Qvortrup, Matt
Miami Transformed: Rebuilding America One Neighborhood, One City at a Time by Diaz, Manny
Rethinking the Judicial Settlement of Reconstruction by Brandwein, Pamela
Taking Action on Internet Gambling: Federal Policymaking 1995-2011 by Mayer, Russell K.
Wall Street and FDR by Sutton, Antony C.
The Outing of President Obama and the Incorporation of Inequality and Socioeconomic Stagnation by Jimerson, Rufus O.
Smart Communities by Morse, Suzanne W.
Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2015 (Budget of the United States Government) by Office of Management and Budget
Chinese City and Regional Planning Systems by Yu, Li
Climate Change Vulnerability in Southern African Cities: Building Knowledge for Adaptation by
Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force by Farley, Robert M.
"Barack Obama" Operation by Kryzhanovsky, Mikhail
Secrets and Democracy: From Arcana Imperii to WikiLeaks by Quill, L.
Degrees of Inequality: How the Politics of Higher Education Sabotaged the American Dream by Mettler, Suzanne
Die Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung bei der Auswahl eines Atommüllendlagers unter Berücksichtigung des Standortauswahlgesetzes by Blum, Dennis-Sebastian
Georgia's Constitution and Government by Fleischmann, Arnold, Engstrom, Richard N., Howard, Robert M.
My Los Angeles: From Urban Restructuring to Regional Urbanization by Soja, Edward W.
My Los Angeles: From Urban Restructuring to Regional Urbanization by Soja, Edward W.
Against Austerity: How We Can Fix the Crisis They Made by Seymour, Richard
Globalized Water: A Question of Governance by
Traditional Wisdom and Modern Knowledge for the Earth's Future: Lectures Given at the Plenary Sessions of the International Geographical Union Kyoto R by
The Senate Syndrome: The Evolution of Procedural Warfare in the Modern U.S. Senate Volume 12 by Smith, Steven S.
Dutch Land-use Planning: The Principles and the Practice by Needham, Barrie
Delivering the People's Message: The Changing Politics of the Presidential Mandate by Azari, Julia R.
Design After Decline: How America Rebuilds Shrinking Cities by Ryan, Brent D.
Castles in the Sand: A City Planner in Abu Dhabi by Dempsey, Michael Cameron
Communities and Livelihood Strategies in Developing Countries by
Economic Report of the President, Transmitted to the Congress March 2014 Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisors by Council of Economic Advisers, Executive Office of the President
Rural Change in Australia: Population, Economy, Environment. by Rae Dufty-Jones and John Connell by Connell, John
America: Our Next Chapter: Tough Questions, Straight Answers by Hagel, Chuck, Kaminsky, Peter
M² Models and Methodologies for Community Engagement by
Regulating Prostitution in China: Gender and Local Statebuilding, 1900-1937 by Remick, Elizabeth J.
Evolution of Dam Policies: Evidence from the Big Hydropower States by
Resilient America: Electing Nixon in 1968, Channeling Dissent, and Dividing Government by Nelson, Michael
Thermal and Mineral Waters: Origin, Properties and Applications by
How Do Haiti's Presidential Term Limits Impact the Country's Long Term Stability? by Rousseau, Bobb Q.
Smart Cities for a Bright Sustainable Future - A Global Perspective by Levy, Sebastien, Shark, Alan R., Toporkoff, Sylviane
Host Cities and the Olympics: An Interactionist Approach by Hiller, Harry
Transforming Malaysia: Dominant and Competing Paradigms by
Our Inheritance In The Great Seal Of Manasseh, The United States Of America by Totten, Charles A. L.
The Anglican Episcopate And The American Colonies by Cross, Arthur Lyon
Jews In America: Or Probabilities That The Americans Are Of That Race by Thorowgood, Thomas
Speculation on the Stock and Produce Exchanges of the United States by Emery, Henry Crosby
The Administration of the American Revolutionary Army by Hatch, Louis Clinton Ed
Thomas Jefferson His Permanent Influence of American Institutions by Williams, John Sharp
American Rosae Crucis 1917: A Magazine of Life's Mysteries by Lewis, H. Spencer
The Anglican Episcopate and the American Colonies by Cross, Arthur Lyon
My Native Land the United States: Its Wonders, Its Beauties and Its People by Cox, James
Early American Craftsmen by Dyer, Walter A.
The Sulpicians in the United States by Herbermann, Charles G.
Annals of the American Revolution by Morse, Jedidiah
Masterpieces of American Eloquence by Christian Herald Selection
The Last American Frontier by Paxson, Frederic Logan
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