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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2015

The Defeat of America: Presidential Power and the National Character by Commager, Henry Steele
Water, State and the City by Ioris, A.
Non-State Justice Institutions and the Law: Decision-Making at the Interface of Tradition, Religion and the State by
Mobile Commons, Migrant Digitalities and the Right to the City by Parsanoglou, D., Tsianos, V., Trimikliniotis, N.
Soft Power and Freedom Under the Coalition: State-Corporate Power and the Threat to Democracy by Bell, E.
The Ministry of Public Input: Integrating Citizen Views Into Political Leadership by Lees-Marshment, J.
Debates of Corruption and Integrity: Perspectives from Europe and the US by
The City in Urban Poverty by
Electing and Ejecting Party Leaders in Britain by Quinn, Thomas
The Presidential Republic by Blondel, J.
Neoliberal Hegemony and the Pink Tide in Latin America: Breaking Up with Tina? by Chodor, Tom
Regional Governance and Power in France: The Dynamics of Political Space by Pasquier, R.
Urban Problems (Routledge Revivals): An Applied Urban Analysis by Pacione, Michael
Accountability and Regulatory Governance: Audiences, Controls and Responsibilities in the Politics of Regulation by
Renewing Europe's Housing by
Digital Humanitarians: How Big Data Is Changing the Face of Humanitarian Response by Meier, Patrick
Transforming Cities: Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Regeneration in the Basque Country by
The Basque Experience: Constructing Sustainable Human Development by Ibarretxe Markuartu, Juan José
House Keys Not Handcuffs by Boden, Paul
Inside War by Armao, Fabio
Italians in Politics in America: Conversations with Italian-American Legislators of the State of New York by Cappelli, Ottorino
Resolving Controversy in the European Union by Thomson, Robert
Another Development: Participation, Empowerment and Well-Being in Rural India by Sarkar, Runa, Sinha, Anup
Battles of the New Republic: A Contemporary History of Nepal by Jha, Prashant
Majority Rule and Minority Rights by Commager, Henry Steele
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 6: Applied Geology for Major Engineering Projects by
The Politics of Information: Problem Definition and the Course of Public Policy in America by Baumgartner, Frank R., Jones, Bryan D.
The Politics of Information: Problem Definition and the Course of Public Policy in America by Baumgartner, Frank R.
Obama's Time: A History by Keller, Morton
What's Wrong In America? - Second Edition by Siccan, Arthur
Groundbreakers: How Obama's 2.2 Million Volunteers Transformed Campaigning in America by McKenna, Elizabeth
Government Against Itself: Public Union Power and Its Consequences by DiSalvo, Daniel
Digital Humanitarians: How Big Data Is Changing the Face of Humanitarian Response by Meier, Patrick
No Day in Court: Access to Justice and the Politics of Judicial Retrenchment by Staszak, Sarah
Just One Backyard: One Man's Search for Food Sustainability by Zahina-Ramos, John G.
Confederacy 101: Amazing Facts You Never Knew About America's Oldest Political Tradition by Seabrook, Lochlainn
East Asia's Changing Urban Landscape by World Bank
Memoirs of a Slow Learner by Coleman, Peter
Mexicano and Latino Politics and the Quest for Self-Determination: What Needs to Be Done by Navarro, Armando
Die Reform der Vergütung im öffentlichen Dienst. Verdrängung von eigener Motivation durch leistungsorientierte Bezahlung? by Callsen, Elisa
The President's Immigration Accountability Executive Action of November 20, 2014: Overview and Issues by Congressional Research Service
Changing Course in Latin America: Party Systems in the Neoliberal Era by Roberts, Kenneth M.
Planning the Great Metropolis: The 1929 regional plan of New York and its environs by Johnson, David A.
Grand Strategy in Theory and Practice by Martel, William C.
Changing Course in Latin America by Roberts, Kenneth M.
Grand Strategy in Theory and Practice by Martel, William C.
The Failure of Term Limits in Florida by Depalo, Kathryn A.
Falling in Love with America Again by Demint, Jim, The Heritage Foundation
Urban Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial and Post-Colonial Planning Cultures by Silva, Carlos Nunes
How Karl Marx Can Save American Capitalism by Dworkin, Ronald W.
Legislative Branch: FY2015 Appropriations by Congressional Research Service
Suburban Governance: A Global View by
Mexicano and Latino Politics and the Quest for Self-Determination: What Needs to Be Done by Navarro, Armando
A Finger in Lincoln's Brain: What Modern Science Reveals about Lincoln, His Assassination, and Its Aftermath by Abel, E.
Dwight Eisenhower and American Foreign Policy during the 1960s: An American Lion in Winter by Filipink, Richard M.
Gone Awry: The Collision of Property Rights, Environmentalism and the American Dream in the Smart Growth Quest to Stop Urban Spra by Troutman, Parke
Reconsidering Localism by
Reconsidering Localism by
Heteroglossic Asia: The Transformation of Urban Taiwan by Lin, Francis Chia-Hui
The American Republic by Brownson, O. a.
Lincoln and Liberty: Wisdom for the Ages by
Emergent Spatio-Temporal Dimensions of the City: Habitus and Urban Rhythms by Neuhaus, Fabian
Elements of Civil Government by Peterman, Alexander L.
Ambitious Intelligent Membrane Architecture: A High-Quality, Interactive and Adaptable Space Solution by Schmid, Fabian Christopher
Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China by Wu, Fulong
Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China by Wu, Fulong
Social Urbanism and the Politics of Violence: The Medellín Miracle by MacLean, K.
Urban Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial and Post-Colonial Planning Cultures by Silva, Carlos Nunes
Underdog Politics: The Minority Party in the U.S. House of Representatives by Green, Matthew N.
Risk and Interdependencies in Critical Infrastructures: A Guideline for Analysis by
Erfolgsfaktoren im Veränderungsmanagement. Die Seelsorgeeinheit im Bistum St. Gallen: Ein Beispiel by Kaesler, Jürgen
Public Services: A New Reform Agenda by
Italian Historical Rural Landscapes: Cultural Values for the Environment and Rural Development by
Anspruchsvolle intelligente Membranarchitektur als Lösung für einen geometrisch und funktionalen adaptiven Raum by Schmid, Fabian Christopher
Ideas with Consequences: The Federalist Society and the Conservative Counterrevolution by Hollis-Brusky, Amanda
Community Action and Planning: Contexts, Drivers and Outcomes by
Parliaments and Citizens by
Negotiating Cohesion, Inequality and Change: Uncomfortable Positions in Local Government by Jones, Hannah
The Urban Climate Challenge: Rethinking the Role of Cities in the Global Climate Regime by
The Great Reimagining: Public Art, Urban Space, and the Symbolic Landscapes of a 'New' Northern Ireland by Hocking, Bree T.
America's Last Chance To Rock & Roll: : An Essay on the State of Our Nation by Brinkman, Alvin, Jr.
Ethics and Integrity in British Politics: How Citizens Judge Their Politicians' Conduct and Why It Matters by Allen, Nicholas, Birch, Sarah
Non-State Justice Institutions and the Law: Decision-Making at the Interface of Tradition, Religion and the State by
Party in the Street by Rojas, Fabio, Heaney, Michael T.
Party in the Street by Rojas, Fabio, Heaney, Michael T.
Alien Removals and Returns: Overview and Trends by Congressional Research Service
Wie steuert die Politik in der Doppik? Eine Kommune stellt sich neu auf by Keller, Brigitte
The Triumph & Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson: The White House Years by Califano, Joseph a.
Free Market Environmentalism for the Next Generation by
Free Market Environmentalism for the Next Generation by
Just One Backyard: One Man's Search for Food Sustainability by Zahina-Ramos, John G.
Congressional Government by Wilson, Woodrow
Computational Approaches for Urban Environments by
Religion and Politics in the European Union: The Secular Canopy by Foret, Francois
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund: Programs and Policy Issues by Congressional Research Service
The Fathers of the Constitution by Farrand, Max
Discretionary Budget Authority by Subfunction: An Overview by Congressional Research Service
The Speeches of President Bill Clinton by Clinton, William Jefferson, Clinton, Bill
The Speeches of President George H. W. Bush by Bush, George H. W.
The Speeches of President Harry S. Truman by Truman, Harry S.
The Speeches of President John F. Kennedy by Kennedy, John F.
Comparative Civil Service Systems in the 21st Century by
Legal Services Corporation: Background and Funding by Congressional Research Service
Peace Talks in Colombia by Congressional Research Service
The Speeches of President Richard Nixon by Nixon, Richard M.
Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2016 by And Budget, Office of Management
Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas by
Floods in a Megacity: Geospatial Techniques in Assessing Hazards, Risk and Vulnerability by Dewan, Ashraf
Megacity Mobility Culture: How Cities Move on in a Diverse World by
Place-Based Conservation: Perspectives from the Social Sciences by
Strategic Retrenchment and Renewal in the American Experience by Feaver, Peter
Public Trust and Law Enforcement-A Brief Discussion for Policy Makers by Congressional Research Service
EPA and the Army Corps' Proposed Rule to Define "Waters of the United States" by Congressional Research Service
Legislative Actions to Repeal, Defund, or Delay the Affordable Care Act by Congressional Research Service
The Speeches of President Herbert Hoover by Hoover, Herbert
The Speeches of President Theodore Roosevelt by Roosevelt, Theodore
Public Planning: The Inter-Corporate Dimension by Friend, John, Power, J. M., Yewlett, C. J. L.
Governing Urban Regions Through Collaboration: A View from North America by Thibert, Joël
A Republic No More: Big Government and the Rise of American Political Corruption by Cost, Jay
Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (H.R. 3230; P.L. 113-146) by Congressional Research Service
Unaccompanied Children from Central America: Foreign Policy Considerations by Congressional Research Service
The Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation Expensing Allowances: Current Law and Issues for the 114th Congress by Congressional Research Service
The Palgrave Handbook of National Parliaments and the European Union by
Department of Housing and Urban Development: FY2015 Appropriations by Congressional Research Service
Congressional Government by Wilson, Woodrow
Child Welfare: An Overview of Federal Programs and Their Current Funding by Congressional Research Service
Opting Out of the European Union by Adler-Nissen, Rebecca
Representation and Inequality in Late Nineteenth-Century America by Argersinger, Peter H.
Planning and Conflict: Critical Perspectives on Contentious Urban Developments by
Food Safety Issues for the 114th Congress by Congressional Research Service
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes by
Has Obama Made the World a More Dangerous Place?: The Munk Debate on America Foreign Policy by Zakaria, Fareed, Stephens, Bret, Kagan, Robert
Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations by United States Air Force
Managing for Results: The Statutory Framework for Performance-Based Management and Accountability - Scholar's Choice Edition by
Managing for Results: Using the Results ACT to Address Mission Fragmentation and Program Overlap - Scholar's Choice Edition by
Managing for Results: Analytic Challenges in Measuring Performance - Scholar's Choice Edition by
Möglichkeiten zur Ex-Ante-Beurteilung und Steuerung kommunaler Kooperationen. Die Transaktionskostentheorie by Beermann, Dirk
Environmental and Animal Rights Extremism, Terrorism, and National Security by Posluszna, Elzbieta
Environmental Planning in Context by White, Iain
Environmental Planning in Context by White, Iain
Bringing Our Transit Infrastructure to a State of Good Repair by Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation
Planning and Conflict: Critical Perspectives on Contentious Urban Developments by
The Reagan Era: A History of the 1980s by Rossinow, Doug
International Law and Agreements: Their Effect upon U.S. Law by Congressional Research Service
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): FY2015 Appropriations by Congressional Research Service
Overview and Issues for Implementation of the Federal Cloud Computing Initiative: Implications for Federal Information Technology Reform Management by Congressional Research Service
Internet Governance and the Domain Name System: Issues for Congress by Congressional Research Service
One Idea, Many Plans: An American City Design Concept in Independent India by Vidyarthi, Sanjeev
One Idea, Many Plans: An American City Design Concept in Independent India by Vidyarthi, Sanjeev
The Arab-Israeli Conflict in American Political Culture by Rynhold, Jonathan
The Arab-Israeli Conflict in American Political Culture by Rynhold, Jonathan
Federalism on Trial: State Attorneys General and National Policymaking in Contemporary America by Nolette, Paul
Direct Democracy in the Baltic States: Institutions, Procedures and Practice in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by
Budgetary Supervision in China: An Institutional Perspective of Provincial People's Congress by Zhang, Shujian
Institutional Engineering and Political Accountability in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines by Ziegenhain, Patrick
Administrative Discretion in Action: A Narrative of Eminent Domain by Olejarski, Amanda M.
Individualism in the United States: A Transformation in American Political Thought by Walls, Stephanie M.
Individualism in the United States: A Transformation in American Political Thought by Walls, Stephanie M.
The Ministry of Public Input: Integrating Citizen Views Into Political Leadership by Lees-Marshment, J.
Soft Power and Freedom Under the Coalition: State-Corporate Power and the Threat to Democracy by Bell, E.
Promoting Community Change: Making It Happen in the Real World by Homan, Mark
Limits to Regional Integration by Dosenrode, Søren
Emerging Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in Urban E-Planning by
Sixteen for '16: A Progressive Agenda for a Better America​ by Babones, Salvatore J.
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol. VI: Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, November 1800-March 1807 by
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol XII: Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, January 1831-July 1835, with Addendum, June 1783-Janu by
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol. VIII: Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, March 1814-December 1819 by
City Limits: Why Australia's Cities Are Broken and How We Can Fix Them by Kelly, Jane-Frances, Donegan, Paul
The Nordic Countries and the European Union: Still the Other European Community? by
American Senate: An Insider's History by Baker, Richard A., MacNeil, Neil
Urban Violence in the Middle East: Changing Cityscapes in the Transformation from Empire to Nation State by
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol. VII: Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, April 1807-December 1813 by
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol. XI: Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, April 1827 - December 1830 by
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol. V: Selected Law Cases, 1784-1800 by
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol X: Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, January 1824-April 1827 by
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol. I: Correspondence and Papers, November 10, 1775-June 23, 1788, and Account Book, September 1783-June 1788 by
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol. III: Correspondence and Papers, January 1796-December 1798 by
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8: Preservation of Cultural Heritage by
Minority Policy: Rethinking Governance when Parliament Matters by Prosser, Brenton, Denniss, Richard
Rule of Nobody: Saving America from Dead Laws and Broken Government by Howard, Philip K.
Which European Union? by Fabbrini, Sergio
A Companion to the United States Constitution and Its Amendments by Vile, John R.
Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space by Ma, Laurence J. C., Wu, Fulong
The John Butchko Story: The true story of the man who ended the war in Vietnam by Butchko, John T.
Learning Transnational Learning by
State-centric to Contested Social Governance in Korea: Shifting Power by Kim, Hyuk-Rae
Debating the American State: Liberal Anxieties and the New Leviathan, 193-197 by Kornhauser, Anne M.
Ben-Gurion Against the Knesset by Goldberg, Giora
Urban Spaces in Japan: Cultural and Social Perspectives by
Law, Policy, and Practice on China's Periphery: Selective Adaptation and Institutional Capacity by Potter, Pitman B.
Small Town China: Rural Labour and Social Inclusion by Garcia, Beatriz Carrillo
Water, Civilization, and Power in Sudan by Verhoeven, Harry
Private Wealth and Public Revenue in Latin America by Fairfield, Tasha
Governments From Hell: Government Sponsored Oppression and Terror by Bingman, Charles
A Treatise upon the Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament by Erskine May, Thomas
Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force by Farley, Robert M.
After Hope and Change: The 2012 Elections and American Politics, Post 2014 Election Update by Ceaser, James W., Busch, Andrew E., Pitney, John J.
Sustainable Livelihood Approach: A Critique of Theory and Practice by McNamara, Nora, Morse, Stephen
Restoration of Coastal Dunes by
Changing America: With what if's by Amdahl, Timothy John
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