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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2016

Priced Out: Stuyvesant Town and the Loss of Middle-Class Neighborhoods by Glass, Michael R., Woldoff, Rachael A., Morrison, Lisa M.
Priced Out: Stuyvesant Town and the Loss of Middle-Class Neighborhoods by Morrison, Lisa M., Glass, Michael R., Woldoff, Rachael A.
Where We Want to Live by Gravel, Ryan
The Islamic State: How Viable Is It? by Einav, Omer, Schweitzer, Yoram
Urban Sustainability: Policy and PRAXIS by
The Multinational Takedown of America: As a Prelude to Barack Obama's Desire to Have Been the Next Secretary-General of the United Nations by Patterson, Gary R.
Conspiracy Theory and American Foreign Policy by Aistrope, Tim
Presidents and Their Pens: The Story of White House Speechwriters by Humes, James C.
Donald Trump Uncensored by LeBlanc, Tricia
Predicting the Presidency: The Potential of Persuasive Leadership by Edwards III, George C.
Predicting the Presidency: The Potential of Persuasive Leadership by Edwards III, George C.
The Politics of Resentment: Rural Consciousness in Wisconsin and the Rise of Scott Walker by Cramer, Katherine J.
The Politics of Resentment: Rural Consciousness in Wisconsin and the Rise of Scott Walker by Cramer, Katherine J.
Strategic Planning and Decision-Making for Public and Non-Profit Organizations by Valcik, Nicolas A.
Political Parties, Parliaments and Legislative Speechmaking by Bäck, H., Debus, M.
Prototype for a Fair and Efficient Democratic Government by Wille, Stefan
The Political Battle of the Sexes: Exploring the Sources of Gender Gaps in Policy Preferences by Caughell, Leslie A.
Puerto Rico: Information on How Statehood Would Potentially Affect Selected Federal Programs and Revenue Sources by United States Government Accountability
The Chicago Conspiracy Trial and the Press by Sharman, Nick
Nation Building: Volume IV: The Pathway - The Collage by Olds, Mark Carven
Growing Urban Economies: Innovation, Creativity, and Governance in Canadian City-Regions by
Upside Down: How We Can Avoid Becoming the United States of China by Meyer, Dan
Upside Down: How We Can Avoid Becoming the United States of China by Meyer, Dan
The Great Wall of US: Government Stealing From Small Business. Run For Your Life - Get Your Blindfold Off by Cooper, Joseph N.
Triumphs and Tragedies of Ninth Delhi by Jagmohan, Jagmohan
The Political Visionary by Thomas, Andre
Starve The Beast!: Reining in an Out-of-Control Government by Dougherty, Dave
The Short Guide to Community Development by Gilchrist, Alison, Taylor, Marilyn
Daschle vs. Thune: Anatomy of a High-Plains Senate Race by Lauck, Jon K.
City-Hubs: Sustainable and Efficient Urban Transport Interchanges by
Foxes Have Holes: Christian Reflections on Britain's Housing Needs by
Presidential Power: Theories and Dilemmas by Burke, John P.
Deeply Divided: Racial Politics and Social Movements in Postwar America by McAdam, Doug, Kloos, Karina
Rescuing thr Economy from the Great Recession by The White House
An Analysis of the President's 2017 Budget by Congressional Budget Office
Winning Elections in the 21st Century by Simpson, Dick, O'Shaughnessy, Betty
Public Budgeting in African Nations: Fiscal Analysis in Development Management by
Governing with Words by Gillion, Daniel Q.
Politicising Europe by
Post-Racial or Most-Racial?: Race and Politics in the Obama Era by Tesler, Michael
Winning Elections in the 21st Century by O'Shaughnessy, Betty, Simpson, Dick
Governing with Words by Gillion, Daniel Q.
Government at Work: Policymaking in the Twenty-First-Century Congress by
A Government 9-1-1: A New Breath of Freedom by McKee Jr, William James
It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism by Ornstein, Norman J., Mann, Thomas E.
Lords to Bureaucrats: A history of Sussex Town Halls and their local benefactors. by Levine, Stephen
Meritocracy and the University: Selective Admission in England and the United States by Zimdars, Anna Mountford
Grundlagen empirischer Forschung. Korrelationskoeffizient, Rangkorrelationskoeffizient, Nullhypothese, Varianzanalyse und Konfidenzintervall: Lösungsa by Hirsch, Mathias
Understanding Public Administration by Vries, Michiel S. De
Understanding Public Administration by Vries, Michiel S. De
The Best Kept Secrets in Government by Vice President Al Gore
Space, Planning and Everyday Contestations in Delhi by
The 1964 Republican Convention: Barry Goldwater and the Beginning of the Conservative Movement by Skipper, John C.
FOIA Is Broken: A Report by U. S. House of Representatives Committee
Backrooms and Beyond: Partisan Advisers and the Politics of Policy Work in Canada by Craft, Jonathan
Reliability and Risk: The Challenge of Managing Interconnected Infrastructures by Schulman, Paul, Roe, Emery
Political Representation: Roles, representatives and the represented by
The Article V Amendatory Constitutional Convention: Keeping the Republic in the Twenty-First Century by Brennan, Thomas E.
Eisenhower: The Public Relations President by Parry, Pam
Judicial Review of Elections in Asia by
No Place Like Home: Wealth, Community and the Politics of Homeownership by McCabe, Brian J.
The Racket: A Rogue Reporter Vs the American Elite by Kennard, Matt
Thoughts On Parliamentary Reform (annotated) by Mill, John Stuart
On Behalf of the President: Presidential Spouses and White House Communications Strategy Today by Wright, Lauren
Congress, Presidents, and American Politics: Fifty Years of Writings and Reflections by Hamilton, Lee H.
Planning the Capitalist City: The Colonial Era to the 1920s by Foglesong, Richard E.
Making Multicandidate Elections More Democratic by Merrill, Samuel
Industry Influence in Federal Regulatory Agencies by Quirk, Paul J.
Presidential Spending Power by Fisher, Louis
Federal Policymaking and the Poor: National Goals, Local Choices, and Distributional Outcomes by Rich, Michael J.
The Reform of FBI Intelligence Operations by Elliff, John T.
The Philosopher in the City: The Moral Dimensions of Urban Politics by Arkes, Hadley
Reagan and the States by Nathan, Richard P., Doolittle, Fred C.
Jewish Identity and the Jdl by Dolgin, Janet L.
The Liberals and J. Edgar Hoover: Rise and Fall of a Domestic Intelligence State by Keller, William W.
Organizing for Defense: The American Military Establishment in the 20th Century by Hammond, Paul y.
Political Opposition and Local Politics in Japan by
Staffing for Foreign Affairs: Personnel Systems for the 1980s and 1990s by Bacchus, William I.
The Office of Management and Budget and the Presidency, 1921-1979 by Berman, Larry
The Politics of Regional Policy in Japan: Localities Incorporated? by Samuels, Richard J.
The Eclipse of Community: An Interpretation of American Studies by Stein, Maurice Robert
America Challenged by Douglas, William Orville
The Civil Works Administration, 1933-1934: The Business of Emergency Employment in the New Deal by Schwartz, Bonnie Fox
The Modern American Vice Presidency: The Transformation of a Political Institution by Goldstein, Joel Kramer
New England State Politics by Lockard, Duane
Foreign Policy and the Bureaucratic Process: The State Department's Country Director System by Bacchus, William I.
Taming the Bureaucracy: Muscles, Prayers, and Other Strategies by Gormley, William T.
Presidents, Bureaucrats and Foreign Policy: The Politics of Organizational Reform by Destler
What Drives Third World City Growth? by Kelley, Allen C., Burley, Nancy
Post-Industrial Cities: Politics and Planning in New York, Paris, and London by Savitch, H. V.
Political Process and Foreign Policy: The Making of the Japanese Peace by Cohen, Bernard Cecil
The National Interest and the Human Interest: An Analysis of U.S. Foreign Policy by Johansen, Robert C.
The New Deal and States: Federalism in Transition by Patterson, James T.
The History of Parliamentary Behavior by
National Leadership and Foreign Policy: A Case Study in the Mobilization of Public Support by Rosenau, James N.
The Lincoln Persuasion: Remaking American Liberalism by Greenstone, J. David
Jefferson's Parliamentary Writings: Parliamentary Pocket-Book and a Manual of Parliamentary Practice. Second Series by
Lies, Incorporated: The World of Post-Truth Politics by Media Matters for America, Rabin-Havt, Ari
Ending Spiritual Warfare in America: To Help Fulfill God's Promise in our Land by Bush, Bro Tracy E.
Carbon Footprint and Urban Planning: Incorporating Methodologies to Assess the Influence of the Urban Master Plan on the Carbon Footprint of the City by Álvarez Fernández, Roberto, Zubelzu, Sergio
Urban Disaster Resilience: New Dimensions from International Practice in the Built Environment by
Sport in the City: The Role of Sport in Economic and Social Regeneration by
Informal Order and the State in Afghanistan by Murtazashvili, Jennifer Brick
American Constitutionalism, Marriage, and the Family: Obergefell v. Hodges and U.S. v. Windsor in Context by
South Africa - The Present as History: From Mrs Ples to Mandela and Marikana by Bond, Patrick, Saul, John S.
Two Days in Superior Court One by Reisner, Phillip D.
Two Days in Superior Court One by Reisner, Phillip D.
Democracy in America by Tocqueville, Alexis De, Reeve, Henry
L'État moderne et ses fonctions by Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul
La Réforme municipale en France by Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul
Competent National Authorities Under the International Drug Control Treaties: 2015 by
Understanding Community: Politics, Policy and Practice by Somerville, Peter
Campaigning for President in America, 1788â "2016 by Roberts, Robert, Sulfaro, Valerie, Hammond, Scott
Campaigning for President in America, 1788-2016 by Roberts, Robert, Sulfaro, Valerie, Hammond, Scott
Triumphs and Tragedies of the Modern Presidency: Case Studies in Presidential Leadership by
Understanding Community: Politics, Policy and Practice by Somerville, Peter
Congressional Research Report: April 2016 by Penny Hill Press
Perspectives in Metropolitan Research I: Self-Induced Shocks: Mega-Projects and Urban Development by
National Insecurity: American Leadership in an Age of Fear by Rothkopf, David
Government Gone Wild: How D.C. Politicians Are Taking You for a Ride -- And What You Can Do about It by Tate, Kristin
Drug War American Style: The Internationalization of Failed Policy and its Alternatives by
Turkey in a Reconnecting Eurasia: Foreign Economic and Security Interests by Cevikoz, Unal
The European Union in a Reconnecting Eurasia: Foreign Economic and Security Interests by Laruelle, Marlene
Iran in a Reconnecting Eurasia: Foreign Economic and Security Interests by Milani, Mohsen
The Polarized Congress: The Post-Traditional Procedure of Its Current Struggles by Tiefer, Charles
Statism II: Solemnly Warn Them by
Immigrant Exclusion and Insecurity in Africa by Adida, Claire L.
The Making of a New Rural Order in South China by McDermott, Joseph P.
Yorùbá Elites and Ethnic Politics in Nigeria by Adebanwi, Wale
The Political Economy of the American Frontier by Murtazashvili, Ilia
Globalization, Agriculture and Food in the Caribbean: Climate Change, Gender and Geography by
Extreme Weather, Health, and Communities: Interdisciplinary Engagement Strategies by
A Responsive Technocracy?: EU Politicisation and the Consumer Policies of the European Commission by Rauh, Christian
Lords to Bureaucrats: A history of Sussex town halls and their local benefactors by Levine, Stephen
Infrastructure Delivery Planning: An Effective Practice Approach by Morphet, Janice
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke by Burke, Edmund
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke by Burke, Edmund
Story of the Session of the California Legislature of 1913 by Hichborn, Franklin
Infrastructure Delivery Planning: An Effective Practice Approach by Morphet, Janice
Community Action and Planning: Contexts, Drivers and Outcomes by
We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money by Kleinbard, Edward D.
Strategic Planning and Decision-Making for Public and Non-Profit Organizations by Valcik, Nicolas A.
The Great Republic by Blanton, John D.
Retreat and Its Consequences: American Foreign Policy and the Problem of World Order by Lieber, Robert J.
The Wrongs of the Right: Language, Race, and the Republican Party in the Age of Obama by Hughey, Matthew W., Parks, Gregory S.
Conflict and Compromise: Politics and Planning in Guelph, 2000 to 2015 by Dahms, Fred
The Context of Legislating: Constraints on the Legislative Process in the United States by Jenkins, Shannon
Optimal Trajectory Planning and Train Scheduling for Urban Rail Transit Systems by Wang, Yihui, Ning, Bin, Van Den Boom, Ton
Retreat and Its Consequences: American Foreign Policy and the Problem of World Order by Lieber, Robert J.
Women on the Run by Hayes, Danny, Lawless, Jennifer L.
When States Come Out by Ayoub, Phillip M.
Women on the Run by Lawless, Jennifer L., Hayes, Danny
The Quartet: Orchestrating the Second American Revolution, 1783-1789 by Ellis, Joseph J.
The Politics of Migration in Italy: Perspectives on Local Debates and Party Competition by Castelli Gattinara, Pietro
Getting from Here to There? Power, Politics and Urban Sustainability in North America by Yanarella, Ernest J., Lancaster, Robert W.
L'Eloquence parlementaire en France avant 1789 by Aubertin, Charles
The Political Ethics of Public Service by Vogelsang-Coombs, Vera
The Works Of The Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Volume 13 by Burke, Edmund
The Works Of The Right Honourable Edmund Burke, 2: A New Edition by Burke, Edmund
The Religious Right and the Talibanization of America by Raja, Masood Ashraf
The Development of the Commercial Policies of the United States by Cushing, John Pearsons
Insuring Life: Value, Security and Risk by Lobo-Guerrero, Luis
Libertarianism in a Nutshell by Hardy, Joshua, Barksdale, Aaron
Confederate Cabinet Departments and Secretaries by Peterson, Dennis L.
A Guide to Stop Fear and Prevent Problems at the RNC by Bush, Tracy E.
Catalonia: A New Independent State in Europe?: A Debate on Secession within the European Union by
After Obama by Singh, Robert
After Obama by Singh, Robert
Urban and Regional Planning Education: Learning for India by
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Volume 7 by Burke, Edmund, Willis, William
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Volume 6 by Raffety, Frank Walter, Burke, Edmund, Willis, William
India in a Reconnecting Eurasia: Foreign Economic and Security Interests by Sachdeva, Gulshan
Secrets and Leaks: The Dilemma of State Secrecy by Sagar, Rahul
The Presidents and the Constitution: A Living History by
Community and Sustainable Development: Participation in the future by
The Chicago Conspiracy Trial and the Press by Sharman, Nick
Something is very wrong with the government by Moriarty, Dean
Turn Left To Power: A Road Map For Labour by Blair-Robinson, Malcolm
Strategy: A Guide To Policing the African American Community by Herring, Maulin Chris
The Failure of Governance in Bell, California: Big-Time Corruption in a Small Town by Reilly, Thom
Latinas in American Politics: Changing and Embracing Political Tradition by
Race, Class, and Gentrification in Brooklyn: A View from the Street by Krase, Jerome, DeSena, Judith N.
The $25 Wreck of the Robert J. Walker by Gentile, Gary
Dangerous Doctrine: How Obama's Grand Strategy Weakened America by Kaufman, Robert G.
National Identity and the Conflict at Oka: Native Belonging and Myths of Postcolonial Nationhood in Canada by Kalant, Amelia
Beijing Urban Memory: Historic Buildings and Historic Areas, Central Axes and City Walls by Wang, Fang
The Politics of Emotions, Candidates, and Choices by Yates, Heather E.
Urban Resilience by Lee, Peter, Coaffee, Jon
Urban Resilience by Coaffee, Jon, Lee, Peter
The Gospel and Philosophy: Six Lectures Preached in Trinity Chapel, New York by Dix, Morgan
Legislative Drafter's Deskbook: A Practical Guide by Dorsey, Tobias A.
Defectors and the Liberal Party 1910-2010: A Study of Inter-Party Relationships by Wyburn-Powell, Alun
Politicising Europe by
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (Nispom) by Department of Defense
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (Nispom) by Department of Defense
New Beginning in Us-Muslim Relations: President Obama and the Arab Awakening by LILLI, Eugenio
Dod's Parliamentary Companion, Volume 76 by Dod, Charles Roger, Dod, Robert Phipps
Dod's Parliamentary Companion, Volume 24 by Dod, Robert Phipps, Dod, Charles Roger
Dod's Parliamentary Companion, Volume 50 by Dod, Robert Phipps, Dod, Charles Roger
Story of the Session of the California Legislature of 1911 by Hichborn, Franklin
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