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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2016

Not the U.S. but the World Rejects Hillary/Obama: Executive Intelligence Review; Volume 43, Issue 46 by Larouche Jr, Lyndon H.
The Democratic Plan: Analysis and Diagnosis by March, Alan
Discourse Dynamics in Participatory Planning: Opening the Bureaucracy to Strangers by MacCallum, Diana
Sustainable Rural Systems: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Communities by
The Nordic Countries and the European Union: Still the Other European Community? by
The Politics of Genetically Modified Organisms in the United States and Europe by Clancy, Kelly A.
Bill Ratliff: A Profile of Courage and Leadership in American Politics by Sterken, Robert Edward
The Bureaucrat Kings: The Origins and Underpinnings of America's Bureaucratic State by Moreno, Paul
Responding to Climate Change in Asian Cities: Governance for a more resilient urban future by
Eisenhower at the Dawn of the Space Age: Sputnik, Rockets, and Helping Hands by Shanahan, Mark
Little Secret Big Dreams: Pink and Brown in The White House by Vela, Moe
Political Psychology: New Explorations by
Life in the Marble Palace: In Praise of Folly by Stearns, Honorable Clifford B.
Reconstructing Urban Economics: Towards a Political Economy of the Built Environment by Obeng-Odoom, Franklin
In the Public's Interest: Evictions, Citizenship, and Inequality in Contemporary Delhi by Bhan, Gautam
Urban Governance in Southern Europe by Albet, Abel
A Living Countryside?: The Politics of Sustainable Development in Rural Ireland by Varley, Tony
Regionalism Contested: Institution, Society and Governance by Halkier, Henrik
Reshaping Planning with Culture by Young, Greg
Maker City: A Practical Guide for Reinventing American Cities by Hirshberg, Peter, Dougherty, Dale, Kadanoff, Marcia
Smart Methods for Environmental Externalities: Urban Planning, Environmental Health and Hygiene in the Netherlands by Roo, Gert De, Visser, Jelger
Rural Change in Australia: Population, Economy, Environment. by Rae Dufty-Jones and John Connell by Connell, John
In the Public's Interest: Evictions, Citizenship, and Inequality in Contemporary Delhi by Bhan, Gautam
Life in the Marble Palace: In Praise of Folly by Stearns, Honorable Clifford B.
The Global Bully: How the United States Government Has Supported and Committed Acts of Terrorism from the Cold War to Today by Peterson, Craig, Jr.
Radical Social Change in the United States: Badiou's Apostle and the Post-Factual Moment by Swanger, Joanna
A City of One's Own: Blurring the Boundaries Between Private and Public by Body-Gendrot, Sophie, Carré, Jacques
Candidate Character Traits in Presidential Elections by Holian, David B., Prysby, Charles L.
Territorial Development and Action Research: Innovation Through Dialogue. by James Karlsen and Miren Larrea by Karlsen, James, Larrea, Miren
Democracy for Hire: A History of American Political Consulting by Johnson, Dennis W.
Natural Catastrophe: Climate Change and Neoliberal Governance by Elliott, Brian
Natural Catastrophe: Climate Change and Neoliberal Governance by Elliott, Brian
Global Cities and Climate Change: The Translocal Relations of Environmental Governance by Lee, Taedong
Stadt Im Spannungsfeld Von Kompaktheit, Effizienz Und Umweltqualität: Anwendungen Urbaner Metrik by
Second Home Tourism in Europe: Lifestyle Issues and Policy Responses by
International Exhibitions and Urbanism: The Zaragoza Expo 2008 Project by Monclús, Javier
Design, Meaning and Choice in Direct Democracy: The Influences of Petitioners and Voters by Reilly, Shauna
Selling EthniCity: Urban Cultural Politics in the Americas by
Neuroethics in Higher Education Policy by Baker, Dana Lee, Leonard, Brandon
The Social Process of Lobbying: Cooperation or Collusion? by Scott, John C.
Europeanization of Judicial Review by Corkin, Nicola Ch
The World's Cities in 2016 by
Split-Ticket Voting in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems: A Theoretical and Methodological Investigation by Plescia, Carolina
The 2016 America Presidential Debate: An Enlightened Practical Manual for Voters by Hakizimana, André
The 2016 America Presidential Debate: An Enlightened Practical Manual for Voters by Hakizimana, André
Business Improvement Districts in the United States: Private Government and Public Consequences by Unger, Abraham
Policies and Practices in Italian Welfare Housing: Turin, Up to the Current Neo-Liberal Approach and Social Innovation Practices by Caruso, Nadia
Bill Ratliff: A Profile of Courage and Leadership in American Politics by Sterken, Robert Edward
Nature and Cities: The Ecological Imperative in Urban Design and Planning by
The Intersection of Race and Gender in National Politics by Parham-Payne, Wanda
The Official History of the Cabinet Secretaries by Beesley, Ian
Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in Eastern Europe After the Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 by
Untrodden Ground: How Presidents Interpret the Constitution by Bruff, Harold H.
The Imaginative Institution: Planning and Governance in Madrid by Neuman, Michael
The Development and Antidevelopment Debate: Critical Reflections on the Philosophical Foundations by Rabbani, Martha Jalali
Urban Interstices: The Aesthetics and the Politics of the In-Between by Brighenti, Andrea Mubi
Integrity and Accountability in Government: Homeland Security and the Inspector General by Apaza, Carmen R.
News, Neoliberalism, and Miami's Fragmented Urban Space by Shumow, Moses, Gutsche, Robert E.
Beyond the End of History: Rejecting the Washington Consensus by Preston, Keith
The Obama Presidency and the Politics of Change by
Who Will Be the Next President?: A Guide to the U.S. Presidential Election System by Belenky, Alexander S.
We the People: Stories from the Community Rights Movement in the United States by Linzey, Thomas, Campbell, Anneke
Landschaftsästhetik Und Landschaftswandel by
New Urbanism: Life, Work, and Space in the New Downtown by Helbrecht, Ilse
Parallel Patterns of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth: Spatial Planning for Sustainable Development of City Regions and Rural Areas by Piro, Rocky
Mario Cuomo: Remembrances of a Remarkable Man by O'Shaughnessy, William
Learning and Mobilising for Community Development: A Radical Tradition of Community-Based Education and Training. Edited by Peter Westoby and Lynda Sh by Shevellar, Lynda
The Woman in the White House by Dudley, Darla Mae
Meet the Next President: Everything You Need to Know about the White House Candidates by Sammon, Bill
Urban Informalities: Reflections on the Formal and Informal by Waibel, Michael
The Paradoxes of Planning: A Psycho-Analytical Perspective by Westin, Sara
De-coding New Regionalism: Shifting Socio-political Contexts in Central Europe and Latin America by
Homes, Cities and Neighbourhoods: Planning and the Residential Landscapes of Modern Britain by Goodchild, Barry
Global Cities: A Short History by Clark, Greg
Official Power and Local Elites in the Roman Provinces by
Labor Forces and Landscape Management: Japanese Case Studies by
The American Political Pattern: Stability and Change, 1932-2016 by Shafer, Byron E.
Jurassic Pork: Old Earmarks Have Survived by Senator Jeff Flake
The American Political Pattern: Stability and Change, 1932-2016 by Shafer, Byron E.
The Housing Question: Tensions, Continuities, and Contingencies in the Modern City by Murphy, Edward, Hourani, Najib B.
Planning Cultures in Europe: Decoding Cultural Phenomena in Urban and Regional Planning by Othengrafen, Frank
Governing Under Constraint by
Futures Research and Environmental Sustainability: Theory and Method by Lein, James K.
Urban Morphology and Housing Market by Xiao, Yang
Sustainable Security: Rethinking American National Security Strategy by
American Individualism by Hoover, Herbert
Public Participation as a Tool for Integrating Local Knowledge Into Spatial Planning: Planning, Participation, and Knowledge by Berman, Tal
Governing the Fragmented Metropolis: Planning for Regional Sustainability by Rosan, Christina D.
Coastal Change, Ocean Conservation and Resilient Communities by
An Introduction to Political Geography by Short, John Rennie
Building and Restoring Civic Capacity: The Obama Administration's Federal-Local Partnership with Detriot (2011-2016) by The Executive Office of the President
Transformed: Reinventing Pittsburgh's Industrial Sites for a New Century, 1975-1995 by Stoddard, George Evan
Trump's Presidency 1.0 by Kh'an, A.
Financing Armed Conflict, Volume 1: Resourcing Us Military Interventions from the Revolution to the Civil War by Meagher, Thomas M.
The Reagan Era: A History of the 1980s by Rossinow, Doug
Unprecedented: The Election That Changed Everything by Lake, Thomas
Drones and Targeted Killing in the Middle East and Africa: An Appraisal of American Counterterrorism Policies by Rinehart, Christine Sixta
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Sustainable Communities and Urban Housing: A Comparative European Perspective by
Democratic Policymaking by Souva, Mark A., Barrilleaux, Charles, Reenock, Christopher
Nigeria, Africa, and the United States: Challenges of Governance, Development, and Security by Abegunrin, Olayiwola
Judicial Politics in Mexico: The Supreme Court and the Transition to Democracy by
The OBAMA Legacy by Ducheine, Mike
Racial and Ethnic Politics in American Suburbs by Frasure-Yokley, Lorrie
The Electoral College 4 Dummmies: Would it be better to simply count the popular vote? by Kelly, Brian W.
Bring the U.S. Into the New Paradigm: Executive Intelligence Review; Volume 43, Issue 50 by Larouche Jr, Lyndon H.
Lincoln's War: The Real Cause, the Real Winner, the Real Loser by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Lincoln's War: The Real Cause, the Real Winner, the Real Loser by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Women Officeholders and the Role Models Who Pioneered the Way by Owen, Karen
Governing Cities Through Regions: Canadian and European Perspectives by
The First Presidential Contest: 1796 and the Founding of American Democracy by Pasley, Jeffrey L.
United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book) 2016 by Senate
Judicial Elections in the 21st Century by
The Principle of the Separation of Powers: A Defense by Balázs, Zoltán
Florida's Minority Trailblazers: The Men and Women Who Changed the Face of Florida Government by MacManus, Susan
The Failure of Anarchism by Preston, Keith
The Banking Swindle: Money Creation and the State by Bolton, Kerry
Unshackled: The Dustbin of Donald Trump by Woods, Scott, Dellio, Phil
50 Years of Urban Planning in Singapore by
50 Years of Urban Planning in Singapore by
Quantum City by Arida, Ayssar
Civic Failure and Its Threat to Democracy: Operator Error by Rackaway, Chapman
The Urban Struggle for Economic, Environmental and Social Justice: Deepening Their Roots by Hutson, Malo André
The Complexity of Self Government: Politics from the Bottom Up by Lane, Ruth
The Complexity of Self Government: Politics from the Bottom Up by Lane, Ruth
Extreme Media and American Politics: In Defense of Extremity by Taylor, J. Benjamin
Theories of Local Immigration Policy by Filomeno, Felipe Amin
Parties, Agents and Electoral Culture in England, 1880-1910 by Rix, Kathryn
Democratic Transformations in Europe: Challenges and opportunities by
Ethnic Politics and State Power in Africa by Roessler, Philip
Ethnic Politics and State Power in Africa by Roessler, Philip
The Court of Justice of the European Union and the Politics of Law by Saurugger, Sabine, Terpan, Fabien
Community-Based Urban Development: Evolving Urban Paradigms in Singapore and Seoul by Kriznik, Blaz, Cho, Im Sik
Social Fragmentation and the Decline of American Democracy: The End of the Social Contract by Voth, Benjamin, Denton Jr, Robert E.
Beyond the End of History: Rejecting the Washington Consensus by Preston, Keith
The OBAMA Legacy by Ducheine, Mike
Foundations of Islamic Governance: A Southeast Asian Perspective by Malik, Maszlee
Collective Bargaining and the Battle of Ohio: The Defeat of Senate Bill 5 and the Struggle to Defend the Middle Class by McNay, J.
From Poverty, Inequality to Smart City: Proceedings of the National Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2015 by
The Presidential Appointee's Handbook by Deseve G. Edward Ed
Nachhaltige Verwaltungsreformen in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels durch Change Management by Anonymous
Blind Ambition: The White House Years by Dean, John W.
Presidential Debate Negotiation from 1960 to 1988: Setting the Stage for Prime-Time Clashes by Self, John W.
Urban Growth in Ethiopia, 1887-1974: From the Foundation of Finfinnee to the Demise of the First Imperial Era by Benti, Getahun
Economics of Planning Policies in China: Infrastructure, Location and Cities by Wu, Wen-Jie
War, Identity and the Liberal State: Everyday Experiences of the Geopolitical in the Armed Forces by Basham, Victoria
Us Assistance, Development, and Hierarchy in the Middle East: Aid for Allies by Zimmermann, Anne Mariel
The Rebellion of a Rogue-Raged Economist by Kahn, Sanford
中央与地方事权分配机制 --历史、现状及法&#2 by Huang, Tao
A City's Architecture: Aberdeen as 'Designed City' by Brogden, William Alvis
The Robust City by Hall, Tony
The Parliaments of Early Modern Europe: 1400 - 1700 by Graves, M. A. R.
The Local in Governance: Politics, Decentralization, and Environment by Singh, Satyajit
Fighting for Credibility: US Reputation and International Politics by Harvey, Frank P., Mitton, John
Special Advisers: Who They Are, What They Do and Why They Matter by Yong, Ben, Hazell, Robert
Presidential Relations with Congress by Conley, Richard S.
Build Up the People Destroyed by Bush and Obama: Executive Intelligence Review; Volume 43, Issue 53 by Larouche Jr, Lyndon H.
Presidential Relations with Congress by Conley, Richard S.
Demolition Means Progress: Flint, Michigan, and the Fate of the American Metropolis by Highsmith, Andrew R.
A Most Canadian Odyssey: Education Diplomacy and Federalism, 1844-1984 by Allison, John
A Most Canadian Odyssey: Education Diplomacy and Federalism, 1844-1984 by Allison, John