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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2019

Idaho Politics and Government: Culture Clash and Conflicting Values in the Gem State by Licalzi, Jasper M.
Evidence Based Policing: An Introduction by
Kritisk by / Critical City by
Contractual Politics and the Institutionalization of Bureaucratic Influence by Parker, Glenn R., Parker, Suzanne L.
Cities Under Austerity: Restructuring the Us Metropolis by
Agrourbanism: Tools for Governance and Planning of Agrarian Landscape by
Film and the American Presidency by
The Ancestry of Regional Spatial Planning: A Planner's Look at History by Wassenhoven, Louis C.
Dividing the State: Legitimacy, Secession and the Doctrine of Oppression by Groarke, Paul
The Democratic Party of Japan in Power: Challenges and Failures by
Legislative, Advocacy, Communication, and Media Training and Publications: TheCapitol.Net's Catalog by Thecapitolnet
The Government-Industrial Complex: The True Size of the Federal Government, 1984-2018 by Light, Paul C.
Distant Justice by Clark, Phil
Distant Justice by Clark, Phil
The Space between Us by Enos, Ryan D.
Eisenhower and American Public Opinion on China by Oliva, Mara
The Evolution and Preservation of the Old City of Lhasa by Li, Qing
Risk and the Security-Development Nexus: The Policies of the Us, the UK and Canada by McConnon, Eamonn
Presidential Agenda: Sources of Executive Influence in Congress by Larocca, Roger T.
Location Covering Models: History, Applications and Advancements by Murray, Alan, Church, Richard L.
Useful Assets: The Trump Family, the Russians and Eurasian Organized Crime by Williams, Robert C.
New Cities and Community Extensions in Egypt and the Middle East: Visions and Challenges by
Gridded Worlds: An Urban Anthology by
Citizenship Agendas in and beyond the Nation-State by
Fire and Fury by Wolff, Michael
The Truths We Hold: An American Journey (Large Print Edition) by Harris, Kamala
How Democracies Die by Ziblatt, Daniel, Levitsky, Steven
It's Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America by Johnston, David Cay
GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning and Management: A Global Perspective by
Administrative Burden: Policymaking by Other Means by Herd, Pamela, Moynihan, Donald P.
Changing Spatial Elements in Chinese Socio-Economic Five-Year Plan: From Project Layout to Spatial Planning by Wang, Lei
Urban Planning and Development in China and Other East Asian Countries by Zhang, Guanzeng, Wang, Lan
Brexit, President Trump, and the Changing Geopolitics of Eastern Europe by Tudoroiu, Theodor
The Politics of Economic Regulation in Nigeria by Anakwue, Amaechi
Los Angeles: California by Rawls, Lea
Congress: The First Branch by Theriault, Sean M., Edwards, Mickey
Smart Sustainable Cities of the Future: The Untapped Potential of Big Data Analytics and Context-Aware Computing for Advancing Sustainability by Bibri, Simon Elias
Advances in Diagnosis and Management of Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions: Current and Future Trends by
Donald Trump's Hidden Agenda for America: Institutionalizing Bigotry, Dismantling Democracy: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Trump Admini by Haas, Michael
City-Hubs: Sustainable and Efficient Urban Transport Interchanges by
Organized Crime, Fear and Peacebuilding in Mexico by Meschoulam, Mauricio
Geographies of Disruption: Place Making for Innovation in the Age of Knowledge Economy by Inkinen, Tommi, Yigitcanlar, Tan
Sectoral Plans and Pilot Projects for Sustainable Development: Sierra Calderona Strategic Plan, Spain by Galan, Juanjo
Feedback Control Theory for Dynamic Traffic Assignment by Kachroo, Pushkin, Özbay, Kaan M. a.
Rural Areas Between Regional Needs and Global Challenges: Transformation in Rural Space by
Urban Drought: Emerging Water Challenges in Asia by
Land Subsidence Induced by the Engineering-Environmental Effect by Cui, Zhen-Dong
Richard M. Nixon and European Integration: A Reappraisal by Nguyen, Hang Thi Thuy, Siracusa, Joseph M.
Race and the Obama Administration: Substance, Symbols, and Hope by Gillespie, Andra
Race and the Obama Administration: Substance, Symbols, and Hope by Gillespie, Andra
Cities, Railways, Modernities: London, Paris, and the Nineteenth Century by López Galviz, Carlos
Donald Trump and the Know-Nothing Movement: Understanding the 2016 Us Election by Volle, Jeffrey J.
Urban and Regional Planning in Turkey by
Practical Panarchy for Adaptive Water Governance: Linking Law to Social-Ecological Resilience by
New Money in Rural Areas: Land Investment in Europe and Its Place Impacts by Juntti, Meri, Gallent, Nick, Hamiduddin, Iqbal
Taking Back the Boulevard: Art, Activism, and Gentrification in Los Angeles by Lin, Jan
Urban Planning in the Global South: Conflicting Rationalities in Contested Urban Space by de Satgé, Richard, Watson, Vanessa
Law, Engineering, and the American Right-Of-Way: Imagining a More Just Street by Prytherch, David
Climate Politics and the Impact of Think Tanks: Scientific Expertise in Germany and the Us by Ruser, Alexander
The Dream Revisited: Contemporary Debates about Housing, Segregation, and Opportunity by
Advancing Equity Planning Now by
Harrison, American Democracy Now, 2019, 6e, (AP Ed), Student Edition by Harris, Jean Wahl, Deardorff, Michelle D., Harrison, Brigid Callahan
The Gabriels: Election Year in the Life of One Family by Nelson, Richard
The Dream Revisited: Contemporary Debates about Housing, Segregation, and Opportunity by
Taking Back the Boulevard: Art, Activism, and Gentrification in Los Angeles by Lin, Jan
Fire and Stone: The Making of the University of North Carolina Under Presidents Edward Kidder Graham and Harry Woodburn Chase by Covington, Howard E.
Cancer Policy: Pharmaceutical Safety by
A Commentary and Review of Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws, Prepared For Press From the Original Manuscript in the Hands of the Publisher (1811): To Whic by Destutt De Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude
Managing Capital Resources for Central City Revitalization by
Landscape Lab: Drawing, Perception and Design for the Next Landscape Models by Filippucci, Marco, Bianconi, Fabio
Pragmatic Justifications for the Sustainable City: Acting in the common place by Holden, Meg
Online Urbanization: Online Services in China's Rural Transformation by Zi, Li
Governing HIV in China: Commercial Sex, Homosexuality and Rural-to-Urban Migration by Jeffreys, Elaine, Su, Gang
Whose Tradition?: Discourses on the Built Environment by
Emerging Practices in Intergovernmental Functional Assignment by Ferrazzi, Gabriele, Rohdewohld, Rainer
The Struggle over Human Rights: The Non-Aligned Movement, Jimmy Carter, and Neoliberalism by Hercus, Courtney
The Abe Administration and the Rise of the Prime Ministerial Executive by George Mulgan, Aurelia
How Autocrats Compete: Parties, Patrons, and Unfair Elections in Africa by Morse, Yonatan L.
The Foundations of American Jewish Liberalism by Wald, Kenneth D.
Why Representation Matters by Chauchard, Simon
Inspectors and Enforcement at the Front Line of Government by
Computer Vision and Audition in Urban Analysis Using the Remorph Framework by Shahbazi, Samaneh, Nabian, Nashid, Nematollahi, Mohammad Ali
High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Nixon Impeachment- Roadmap for the Next One by Fields, Howard
Eastern Mediterranean Port Cities: A Study of Mersin, Turkey--From Antiquity to Modernity by
North American Strategic Defense in the 21st Century:: Security and Sovereignty in an Uncertain World by
War as Performance: Conflicts in Iraq and Political Theatricality by Mantoan, Lindsey
Gold, God, Guns & Goofballs: A Collection of Essays on America by Douglas, Dwight C.
The Administration of Justice in Assam (1826-1874) by Borthakur, Achyut Kumar
Trump: The First Two Years by Nelson, Michael
Representation, Recognition and Respect in World Politics: The Case of Iran-Us Relations by Duncombe, Constance
Moms in Chief: The Rhetoric of Republican Motherhood and the Spouses of Presidential Nominees, 1992-2016 by Vigil, Tammy R.
Local Politics and National Policy: Multi-level Conflicts in Japan and Beyond by Hijino, Ken Victor Leonard
Democratizing Public Governance in Developing Nations: With Special Reference to Africa by
Political Mobility of Chinese Regional Leaders: Performance, Preference, Promotion by Qiao, Liang
Travaux sur l'Algérie by de Tocqueville, Alexis
America's Founding Documents by
Die Digitalisierung des deutschen Staates und seiner Verwaltung. Ein Vergleich mit Estlands E-Government Strategie by Haasen, Christian
Race, Justice and American Intellectual Traditions by Rosenbaum, Stuart
Trump and Political Philosophy: Leadership, Statesmanship, and Tyranny by
Ageing and the Built Environment in Singapore by
Urban Visions: From Planning Culture to Landscape Urbanism by
Sustainability and Resilience Planning for Local Governments: The Quadruple Bottom Line Strategy by Alibasic, Haris
The Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, and the Great Recession by Kumkar, Nils C.
Data Science for Transport: A Self-Study Guide with Computer Exercises by Fox, Charles
The Horizontal Metropolis Between Urbanism and Urbanization by
Essays Reflecting the Art of Political and Social Analysis by Davidson, Lawrence
Why Paramilitary Operations Fail by Krishnan, Armin
Looking Back on President Barack Obama's Legacy: Hope and Change by
Evanston Wyoming Volume 1: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
Evanston Wyoming Volume 2: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
Evanston Wyoming Volume 3: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
Evanston Wyoming Volume 4: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
Evanston Wyoming Volume 5: Boom-Bust-Politics by Ottley, Dennis J.
A Vindication of Politics: On the Common Good and Human Flourishing by Wright, Matthew D.
The Plots Against the President: FDR, A Nation in Crisis, and the Rise of the American Right by Denton, Sally
Writing a Research Paper in Political Science: A Practical Guide to Inquiry, Structure, and Methods by Baglione, Lisa A.
Parliaments in Time: The Evolution of Legislative Democracy in Western Europe, 1866-2015 by Koß, Michael
Unmasking the Administrative State: The Crisis of American Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Marini, John
Unrigging American Elections: Reform Past and Prologue by Tran, Dari Sylvester
Geospatial Challenges in the 21st Century by
Metropolitan Governance in Asia and the Pacific Rim: Borders, Challenges, Futures by
Seeking a Better Urban Future by Cheong, Koon Hean
Seeking a Better Urban Future by Cheong, Koon Hean
Ecological Networks and Territorial Systems of Ecological Stability by Diviaková, Andrea, Izakovičová, Zita, Miklós, László
Canada-Us Relations: Sovereignty or Shared Institutions? by
Demokratie-Monitoring Baden-Württemberg 2016/2017: Studien Zu Demokratie Und Partizipation by
The Trump Presidency: From Campaign Trail to World Stage by
Contemporary Nigerian Politics: Competition in a Time of Transition and Terror by Levan, A. Carl
Buying Audiences: Clientelism and Electoral Campaigns When Parties Are Weak by Muñoz, Paula
Fundamentals of Sustainable Urban Renewal in Small and Mid-Sized Towns by Friedman, Avi
American Power & Liberal Order: A Conservative Internationalist Grand Strategy by Miller, Paul D.
Villages in Cities: Community Land Ownership and Cooperative Housing in Milton Parc and Beyond by Hawley, Joshua
Great Power Conduct and Credibility in World Politics by Smolnikov, Sergey
Retail Crime: International Evidence and Prevention by
Democratic Acceptance of Spatial Planning Policy Measures by Pleger, Lyn Ellen
Suicide by Democracy: An Obituary for America and the World 2nd Edition by Starks, Michael
Masters of the Structural Aesthetic by Thomas, Derek
Why Presidential Speech Locations Matter: Analyzing Speechmaking from Truman to Obama by O'Brien, Shannon Bow
Policy State: An American Predicament by Skowronek, Stephen, Orren, Karen
Spatial Planning in the Big Data Revolution by
Villages in Cities: Community Land Ownership and Cooperative Housing in Milton Parc and Beyond by Hawley, Joshua
Landscape Paradigms and Post-Urban Spaces: A Journey Through the Regions of Landscape by Pasini, Roberto
Free Speech and False Speech: Political Deception and Its Legal Limits (or Lack Thereof) by Spicer, Robert N.
Trump and Political Philosophy: Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Civic Virtue by
The Forest and the City: The Cultural Landscape of Urban Woodland by Konijnendijk, Cecil C.
The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design: Perspectives, Practices and Applications by
From the Editor 2018: Pacific Daily Times Editorials by Steele, Jesse
Breaking Point: The Future of Australian Cities by Seamer, Peter
Urban Sustainability Transitions by
Deliberative Democracy by G, Palanithurai
The World Disorder: Us Hegemony, Proxy Wars, Terrorism and Humanitarian Catastrophes by Moniz Bandeira, Luiz Alberto
Landside Airside: Why Airports Are the Way They Are by Marquez, Victor
Public Administration in the 21st Century: A Global South Perspective by Basu, Rumki
Public Administration in the 21st Century: A Global South Perspective by Basu, Rumki
After the Flight 93 Election: The Vote That Saved America and What We Still Have to Lose by Anton, Michael
Trump's America: The Truth about Our Nation's Great Comeback by Gingrich, Newt
The Company They Keep: How Partisan Divisions Came to the Supreme Court by Baum, Lawrence, Devins, Neal
Chronology: A Collection of 50 Short Essays Within the Timeline of American history. by America's Best History
The Constitutional Doctrines of Justice Harlan (1915) by Clark, Floyd Barzilia
Freeway Traffic Modelling and Control by Siri, Silvia, Ferrara, Antonella, Sacone, Simona
History of American Political Thought by
Presidents Versus Federalism in the National Legislative Process: The Argentine Senate in Comparative Perspective by Kikuchi, Hirokazu
After the Collapse of America: The Democratic Republic of America by Vass, Laurie Thomas
Rhetoric and the Global Turn in Higher Education by Minnix, Christopher
Urban Resilience for Risk and Adaptation Governance: Theory and Practice by
Defying the Odds: The 2016 Elections and American Politics, Post 2018 Election Update by Ceaser, James W., Busch, Andrew E.
Ecological Wisdom: Theory and Practice by
Shortest Way Home: One Mayor's Challenge and a Model for America's Future by Buttigieg, Pete
The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump by Jarrett, Gregg
Rural India Perspective 2017 by
Strategic Planning in Local Communities: A Cross-National Study of 7 Countries by
Impeachment-A Political Sword by Barker, Scott S.
Cities as Spatial and Social Networks by
Urban Social Sustainability: Theory, Policy and Practice by
Applied Political Theory and Canadian Politics by
When Democracy Trumps Populism: European and Latin American Lessons for the United States by
Realism and Democracy: American Foreign Policy After the Arab Spring by Abrams, Elliott
Legislative Hardball by Green, Matthew
Cultural Backlash by Inglehart, Ronald, Norris, Pippa
Community Power and Empowerment by Christens, Brian D.
Cultural Backlash by Norris, Pippa, Inglehart, Ronald
Green City Planning and Practices in Asian Cities: Sustainable Development and Smart Growth in Urban Environments by
2018: Moving at the Speed of Trump: President Trump's Second Year in Statistics by Simon, J. Preta
A Legacy of Honor: The Congressional Papers of Lee. H. Hamilton by Cruikshank, Kate
In the Words of Our Founders: ...and other Historians, Philosophers, and Statesmen by Tullius
In the Words of Our Founders: ...and other Historians, Philosophers, and Statesmen by Tullius
Kadashan Speaks: The Law of Nature and Nature's God, Our lives, our liberties, our Pursuit of Happiness by Kadashan
Why the Green New Deal Is a Bad Deal for America by Capages, Martin, Jr.
Diversity, Conformity, and Conscience in Contemporary America by
Social Science and National Security Policy: Deterrence, Coercion, and Modernization Theories by Klinger, Janeen M.
Industrial and Urban Growth Policies at the Sub-National, National, and Global Levels by
The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke; Volume VIII by Burke, Edmund
Urban Shrinkage, Industrial Renewal and Automotive Plants by Shetty, Sujata, Luescher, Andreas
American Government 2e by Krutz, Glen
Shaped by the State: Toward a New Political History of the Twentieth Century by
Rwanda After Genocide by Williamson Sinalo, Caroline
Staatlichkeit Aus Zivilgesellschaftlicher Perspektive: Eine Untersuchung Ausgewählter Beiträge Zu Den Bürgerschaftlichen Diskursen Der 1990er Und 2000 by Albrecht, Peter-Georg
The Free Exercise of Religion in America: Its Original Constitutional Meaning by West, Ellis M.
The Tariff Commission: Its History, Activities and Organization by Bernhardt, Joshua
Capitol Hill's Criminal Underground: The Most Thorough Exploration of Government Corruption Ever Put in Writing by Lawless, Richard
See More